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Refer to reference [25]
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Question 1.A (PPT and Report)
981654 梁凱翔
Question 1.B (PPT and Report)
991633 雲雋閎
Question 1.C (PPT and Report - SW)
991762 陳保盛
Question 1.C (PPT and Report - OT)
981768 羅超湧
Question 1.D (PPT and Report - DS)
981613 姜益浩
Question 1.D (PPT and Report - EIS)
981770 鄭銘傑
Question 1.D (PPT and Report - IPP)
981655 謝昌殷
Question 1.D (PPT and Report - SAAS)
981610 林明昊
Question 1.D (PPT and Report - PAAS)
981669 張哲賢
Question 1.E (PPT and Report)
981769 李俊祥
Question 1-A)
Describe its
981654 梁凱翔
Taken from reference [1]
Vocabulary Translation
 Cloud
= the internet
 Cloud
= a type of Internet-based computing
= computing by sharing resources
Refer to reference [1]
Vendor or
Research Institute
A style of computing where scalable and elastic IT-enabled capabilities are
provided as a service to external customers using Internet technologies
Cloud computing can be considered a highly elastic and extensible
computing center that provides users with applications they require and billed
according to the amount of resources used.
Cloud computing is a computing network platform with on-demand IT
capabilities that can be requested, supplied, delivered and consumed over
the Internet.
Cloud computing = All the required application software and resources are
stored on the Internet and can be accessed through the browser on any
Cloud computing can be considered a style of computing. The computing
resources are dynamic, easily scalable, virtualized and are often provided
over the Internet. The user does not need to understand the details of the
"Cloud" infrastructure, does not need to be equipped with the relevant
professional knowledge and does not need to have direct control either.
Taken from reference [2]
Definition by NIST
a working Definition in everywhere
U.S National Institute of Standards and
 Cloud computing is a model for enabling
convenient, on-demand network access to a shared
pool of configurable computing resources (e.g.,
networks, servers, storage, applications, and
services) that can be rapidly provisioned and
released with minimal management effort or
service provider interaction.
Refer to reference [3]
Five Essential Cloud
1.On-demand self-service
-Consumers can use cloud services according to their own
demand conditions, do not need to interact with the cloud
2.Broad network access
-Use of the Internet is everywhere, that cloud computing
services are readily accessible on the network, and the userside regardless of size, can use the network services through
a standard mechanism.
Refer to reference [4]
Five Essential Cloud
3.Resource pooling– Location independence
Resources compiled allowed the cloud providers through
multi-tenancy mode service consumers, according to
consumer requirements, to assign or reassign physical and
virtual resources.
In the concept of location independence, consumers often do
not know exactly all the resources location is only possible
to grasp the national, state or regional data centers and other
large-scale sites.
Which resources include storage, processing, memory,
network bandwidth, and virtual machines.
Refer to reference [4]
Five Essential Cloud
4.Rapid elasticity
- Cloud computing will respond to the demand for
flexible and rapid adjustment of resource size. For
consumers, the vendor provides this ability seems to be
unlimited and can be purchased at any time and in any
Refer to reference [4]
Five Essential Cloud
5.Measured service
- Measurements in computing services, cloud services
at all levels to control and supervision by the cloud
provider, which for billing, access control, resource
optimization, capacity planning and other work is quite
important to ensure that resources are used can be
monitored, controlled and reported. It provides
transparent service information for suppliers and
Refer to reference [4]
Cloud computing
 Distributed
Splitting huge computation process into numerous
smaller subroutines
Handed over to multiple servers consisting of a large
system, through search and operational analysis, then the
results back to the end users
Refer to reference [5]
Cloud computing
technology (Continue)
IT Infrastructure.
It's like one massive virtual server of the many
computer systems linked together in a large resource
base, providing IT services
As cloud computing using "virtual" resources and
therefore not subject to restrictions on the computer
remotely or locally
Refer to reference [5]
Question 1-B)
Provide its possible
architectures and
991633 雲雋閎
Provide its possible
architectures and designs
Cloud Deployment Models
Cloud Service Models
Refer to reference [3]
4 Cloud Deployment Models
• Private cloud
– enterprise owned or leased
• Community cloud
– shared infrastructure for specific community
• Public cloud
– Sold to the public, mega-scale infrastructure
• Hybrid cloud
– composition of two or more clouds
Refer to reference [3]
Private Cloud
the phrase used to describe a cloud computing
platform that is implemented within the
corporate firewall, under the control of the IT
designed to offer the same features and benefits of
public cloud systems, but removes a number of
objections to the cloud computing model including
control over enterprise and customer data, worries
about security, and issues connected to
regulatory compliance.
Refer to reference [3]
Community Cloud
Community Cloud is a multi-tenant infrastructure that is shared among
several organizations from a specific group with common computing
concerns. Such concerns might be related to regulatory compliance,
such as audit requirements, or may be related to performance
requirements, such as hosting applications that require a quick response
Refer to reference [3]
Public Cloud
 Public
Cloud means that in the internet will be open
to service user and it may be free or low cost cheap,
but it has data confidentiality and security concerns
when you put your data on the public cloud.
Refer to reference [3]
Hybrid Cloud
 A composition
of at least one private cloud and at least one
public cloud.
 Typically
offered in one of two ways:
a vendor has a private cloud and forms a partnership with a public
cloud provider
a public cloud provider forms a partnership with a vendor that
provides private cloud platforms.
Refer to reference [3]
3 Cloud Service Models
• Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS)
– Use provider’s applications over a network
• Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS)
– Deploy customer-created applications to a cloud
• Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
– Rent processing, storage, network capacity, and
other fundamental computing resources
Refer to reference [3]
Service Model Architectures
Taken from reference [3]
Question 1-C)
Its possible strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities
and threats?
Strengths &
991762 陳保盛
Strengths &
 Typically
internal characteristics of your business
that give it an advantage over your competitors.
 Typically
internal characteristics of your business
that place you at a disadvantage to your
Refer to reference [31]
Strengths example
Reduce run time and response time
Minimize infrastructure risk
Increased pace of innovation
Enables scalability with resizable compute capacity
Lower cost of entry new markets
Using the multi servers CPU to process a task
Computer capacity is flexible to adjust with customer
Breakthrough the boundaries of the carrier.
OS browser example: Firefox, Chrome
Refer to reference [31]
Weaknesses example
 Performance
Unable to work when internet breakdown
 Data
Information security leak
Private data is on server around the world
 Need
depend on connection speed
private server to ensure security
High assets cost
 Time
cost and Compatibility
Refer to reference [31]
Opportunities &
981768 羅超湧
Data Mobility
Most of the people can work without go to
company if the reliability and security of cloud
computing improved strongly in the future.
Agility and flexibility
Smaller firms are nimble and thus more easily
able to move to the cloud and take advantage
of cloud computing many cost-saving benefits.
Refer to reference [6] ,[32],[33],[34]
 Growth
in cloud services
Cloud services will continue to grow with
increasing competition from both
established players and new entrants. Some
observers estimate that the cloud market
will top $270 billion in 2020 with SaaS
offering more growth opportunities than
any other segment
Refer to reference [6] ,[32],[33],[34]
Mashups represent another opportunity in cloud computing. In
web development, a mashup is a web page or application
that combines data or functionality from two or more external
sources to create a new service in originally unintended ways.
An example of a mashup is the use of cartographic data to
add location information to real estate data, thereby creating
a new and distinct Web service that was not originally
provided by either source. The new type of mashup that we
are beginning to see combines different cloud computing
services and integrates them into a single service or
application. Amazon's GrepTheWeb is a good example for
cloud computing service compositions within the domain of a
single provider.
Refer to reference [6] ,[32],[33],[34]
Data Protection
European Union (EU) law states that
organizations can only transfer data outside
the EU if that country’s data protection laws
are adequate (to European standards).
With cloud computing, you don’t know where
in the world your data is held even though you
are still liable for it.
Refer to reference [6] &[32]
If a privacy breach occurs due to a fault of the
cloud vendor, is there any liability coverage policy
taken up by the vendor? The scope of breach of
privacy has widened considerably over the years
in the field of cyber insurance. Some insurance
carriers offer coverage even for breach of minor
information and the customer is compensated on
behalf of the cloud vendor.
Refer to reference [6] &[32]
Security breaches
Though all cloud vendors try their best to fend off
hackers, no security setting can be assumed to be
foolproof. If the data centre gets hacked, can you
move against the vendor for claiming lost profits?
Refer to reference [6] &[32]
Intellectual property rights
Is yours or your organisation’s data protected
under the intellectual property laws of the
country in which the data centre is located?
What are your means for redress if these rights
are infringed?
Refer to reference [6] &[32]
Trade secrets
How secure are your trade secrets? Your data
stored in the ‘cloud’ may have trade secrets
or privileged information which must be
protected, especially if under, for example a
lawyer-client relationship. How secure will
such information be in hands of the cloud
vendor? Or consider a reverse situation. If you
leak out a trade secret of another
organisation, how far will your cloud storage
provider go to protect your data when they
have been summoned to the court with all
your stored data, access logs, etc.
Refer to reference [6] &[32]
Question 1-D)
Explain its possible applications
in various IT related areas (e.g.,
in terms of data storage,
enterprise information systems,
information processing power,
software as a service, platform
as a service, etc.) and their
possible vendors – Give at least
5 examples. (OR Explain its
possible applications in various
domains such in IT, mobile
phone, medical, homeappliances, public services, etc.)
981613 姜益浩
Refer to reference [26]
History of Data Storage(DS)
 In
1987’s , three professional engineer(David
Patterson, Garth Gibson and Randy Kat) of
UC Berkeley Berkeley announce a paper
which topic’s is『A Case for Redundant
Arrays of Inexpensive Disk-RAID』,
 Since 1990’s , business storage technique
basically separate to two part , SAN (Storage
Area Network) and NAS NAS(Network
Attached Storage)
Refer to reference [7]
History of Data Storage(DS)
 Since
1990’s , business storage technique
basically separate to two part , SAN and
NAS ,but after cloud computing come out ,
business storage technique had come to
another divide.
Refer to reference [7]
Three kinds of DaaS cloud
storage service
 Design
for SAN and NAS, it through the internet
or local area network, it use disk sector service or
file system service.
 Design for database application, this kind of cloud
storage service offer operation like database and it
emphasize database has great expandable
extension, but this kind of service usually needs
particular interface.
 Object cloud storage service, this kind of storage
service will take every data as a object and give
them a Uniform Resource Identifier, it can access
by web interface or API.
Refer to reference [7]
 A file
hosting service operated
 Offers cloud storage, file synchronization, and
client software
 Can accessible through a website and mobile
phone applications.
 Support to Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux,
Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS and web browsers,
as well as unofficial ports to Symbian, Windows
Phone and MeeGo.
Refer to reference [8]
981770 鄭銘傑
Enterprise Information
Refer to reference [9]
What is Enterprise
Information System?
 An
enterprise information system is generally any kind
of computing system that is of enterprise class.
 This
means typically offering high quality of service,
dealing with large volumes of data and capable of
supporting some large organization ("an
Refer to reference [9]
Enterprise Information
System (Continue)
To provide a technology platform that enables
organizations to integrate and coordinate
their business processes.
To provides a single system that is central to the
organization and that ensures information can be
shared across all functional levels and
management hierarchies.
To create a standard data structure and are invaluable in
eliminating the problem of information fragmentation
caused by multiple information systems within an
Refer to reference [9]
Refer to reference [29]
Cloud Enterprise Resource
 Cloud
ERP is an approach to enterprise resource
planning (ERP) that makes use of cloud
computing platforms and services to provide a
business with more flexible business process
Refer to reference [10]
 Enterprise
Resource Planning is an industry term
for the broad set of activities that helps a business
manage the important parts of its business such as
purchasing and inventory management.
 ERP applications can also include modules for
the finance and human capital
management aspects of a business.
Refer to reference [10]
to scale and grow: Lowers businesses’
total costs and flat-fee prices
 Freedom from IT constraints: Offers high-level
security and privacy, easy accessibility and
 Freedom from lock-in: With your data in the
cloud, you can move it at any time
 Freedom to innovate: Offers continuous new
features and functions
 Freedom
Refer to reference [11]
981655 謝昌殷
Information Processing
Refer to reference [12]
Information processing refers to the
manipulation of digitized information by
computers and other digital electronic equipment,
known collectively as information technology (IT).
Whenever data needs to be transferred or
operated upon in some way, this is referred to as
information processing.
Refer to reference [12]
Definition (Continue)
Through information processing, computers
summarize and/or transform data to make it
meaningful and understandable results and to
turn it into information.
Refer to reference [13]
Simple Example
printing a text file, an information
processor works to translate and format the
digital information for printed form.
Refer to reference [13]
IPP’s Advantages
1. Tasks can be completed faster because
computers work at amazing speed.
2. Computers can process large amounts of data
and generate error-free results, provided that the
data is entered correctly
3. Lower operating costs, greater information
Refer to reference [14]
Cloud Combination
Healthcare Information
Refer to reference [15]
Traditional Method
Without IPP.
 Healthcare
providers still depend on a
combination of outdated manual processes and
internal fax infrastructures to manage patientrelated information
 Manual
handling of paper-based medical
information increases the possibility that
sensitive patient information will be
Refer to reference [15]
Current Method With IPP.
 Comprises
a series of highly scalable cloudbased solutions that accommodate peak inbound
and outbound fax volumes
 Maintains the highest level of compliance
standards to support the delivery of secure fax
 Eliminating the information security risks
associated with cloud-based internal fax
Refer to reference [15]
981610 林明昊
as a service
Refer to reference [27]
What is SaaS?
 Whole
name is Software as a service
 sometimes
referred to as "on-demand software" supplied
by ”Independent software vendor” (ISVs) or
"Application-Service-Providers" (ASPs)
 The
company put the software on their server, customer
can use the application service according their own
demand and the cost will depend on how long you use
the software.
Refer to reference [17,18]
Before SaaS?
 In
the past, we usually need to buy 3-year license.
And acquire another 5-year maintenance contract.
So we need to take the risk of deploying failure or
wrong estimate. Now we can get the service of the
company on the internet by the monthly payment.
We rent the software with the company which
providing SaaS instead of buying it. We will no
need to maintain the software. For many small
business, SaaS is the best way to get advanced
Refer to reference [17,18]
of SaaS
 Configuration
and customization
- Customization by user define.
 Accelerated
feature delivery
- Updated more frequently than traditional
Refer to reference [17]
of SaaS
Open integration protocols
- The ubiquity of SaaS applications and other
Internet services and the standardization of
their API technology has spawned
development of mashups
Collaborative and Social functionality
- many SaaS applications offer features that let
its users collaborate and share information
Refer to reference [17]
Possible Vendor
Vender :中華電信客戶分公司
Service introduce :
Help small and medium sized enterprises can
have CRM system by rent. It reduces cost,
time and human resource. Quickly import.
Improve the efficiency of the sales process
Refer to reference [16]
Service feature
You can apply for he service quickly through monthly rent and you will
have sales, marketing and service three complete module functions.
User interface is clear at a glance. You can log in through the internet
anytime and do not need buy extra computer hardware or install extra
Enterprises can adjust operational process according their demand makes
it more easy to use
All the data are stored at a standard IDC room and 24-hour monitoring.
Use data encryption mechanisms and multiple information security to
ensure that your data is absolutely no danger of leakage.
Refer to reference [16]
981669 張哲賢
Platform as a Service
Refer to reference [28]
What is Platform as a Service ?
 With
Platform as a services(PaaS), developers can
build web applications without installing any tools
on their computer and then deploy those
applications without any specialized systems
administration skills.
Refer to reference [19]
What Makes PaaS Different?
Multi-tenant development tool
traditional development tools are single user - a cloud-based studio
must support multiple users, each with multiple active projects.
Simplicity on differentiating
PaaS allows resources to be focused on value add development effort
by removing the need for most non-differentiating project tasks
associated such as provisioning and managing environments.
Refer to reference [19]
What Makes PaaS Different?
Automation to eliminate repetitive tasks
PaaS platforms make aggressive use of automation to
eliminate repetitive tasks that add no value, instead
allowing developers to focus on high-value differentiating
Integration with web services and databases
PaaS offerings to create compositions of multiple web
services, sometimes called "mashups“.
Support for keeping the user/relationships (if multiple
users)/device context and profile through the mashup
across web services, databases and networks.
Refer to reference [19]
Business benefits for PaaS
Cost savings
pay only for what user use. Businesses don’t need to worry
about the large capital cost incurred, saving investment on
computing, storage, middleware and internetworking
Shortened application delivery
PaaS supports and amplifies the benefits of agile software development
methodologies. When used in combination with an agile development
methodology PaaS can help significantly reduce the time to value of
software application projects.
Increased environmental adaptability
PaaS reduces environmental complexity and therefore enables
businesses to more rapidly adapt their applications and IT services to
respond to changing market conditions and organizational needs.
Refer to reference [20]
Possible Vendor
Windows Azure
 is Microsoft's platform as a service. Windows
Azure can be used to build a web application that
runs and stores its data in Microsoft datacenters.
Refer to reference [21]
Websites allows developers to build sites using ASP.NET, PHP,
or Node.js and can be deployed using FTP, Git, or Team Foundation
Virtual machines let developers migrate applications and
infrastructure without changing existing code, and can run
both Windows Server and Linux virtual machines.
Cloud services - is used to create scalable applications and services.
Supports multi-tier scenarios and automated deployments.
Refer to reference [21]
 Data
management - SQL Database, formerly known as SQL
Azure Database, works to create, scale and extend applications
into the cloud using Microsoft SQL Server technology.
Integrates with Active Directory and Microsoft System
Center and Hadoop.
3 types of storage services
 Queue:
FIFO services
 Tables: structure data application and management
 BLOB Storage : file, picture, video
Refer to reference [21]
Question 1-E)
Assume that you are a team of
IT staffs and your team is
assigned to provide a cost and
benefit evaluation for any of the
cloud applications listed in (d).
981769 李俊祥
Cost and Benefit evaluation
 Dropbox
(Data Storage in the cloud )
 Cloud ERP System
 CRM (中華電信) (Software as a Service)
 SQL Azure (Platform as a Service)
 Healthcare Information Processing
 "One
place for all your stuff, wherever you are."
 Dropbox
Home for all your photos, docs, videos, and files
Automatically show up on all your computers,
phones and even the website
can access your stuff from anywhere.
Refer to reference [22]
Benefit of Dropbox
 Be
Dropbox works hard to make sure that all your stuff is the
same wherever you happen to be. Start a doc from a computer
at school or work, make edits from your phone on the way
home, then add finishing touches from a tablet in your living
With apps available for all your computers, phones,
and tablets, you can show off videos, automatically upload
photos, or open documents from anywhere.
Refer to reference [22]
Benefit of Dropbox
Simple sharing
Dropbox makes sharing easy. Invite your friends, family, and teammates
to any folder in your Dropbox, and it'll be as if you saved that folder
straight to their computer.
You can send people links to specific files, photos, and folders in your
Dropbox, too. This makes Dropbox perfect for team projects, sharing
party photos with friends, or recording your band's debut album.
Always safe
Even if your computer has a meltdown or your phone goes for a swim,
your stuff is always safe in Dropbox and can be restored in a snap.
Dropbox is like a time machine that lets you undo mistakes and even
undelete files you accidentally trash.
Refer to reference [22]
Package 1
Refer to reference [22]
Package 2
Package 3
Refer to reference [22,23,24]
Package 1
Package 2
Package 3
Network cable installation
Server (VPS-Lite方案)
Reduces hardware and
operating cost
Reduces energy cost
Enables control,
customization, and security
Increases speed of
Fee of Dropbox (per year)
[1] Source: Wikipedia
[2] Source:IBM; IDC; Forrester; Google;
Gartner; IEK (2010/01)
[3] Source:Mell and Grance (2009), Effectively and
Securely Using the Cloud Computing Paradigm
[4] Source:
[5] Source:
[ 6] Source:
[ 7] Source:
[ 8] Source:
[ 9] Source:
[ 10] Source:
[ 11] Source:
[ 12] Source:
[ 13] Source:
[ 14] Source:
[ 15] Source:
[ 16] Source:
[ 17] Source:
[ 18] Source:
[ 19] Source:
[ 20] Source:
[ 21] Source:
[ 22] Source:
[ 23] Source:
[ 24] Source:
[ 25] Source:
[ 26] Source:
[ 27] Source:
[ 28] Source:
[ 29] Source:
[30] Source :
[31] Source :
[32] Source :
[33] Source :
[34] Source :