MKT 320 SYLLABUS 1 of 7 8/26/2008 11:32 AM Class MKT 320 Principles in Marketing Meeting time & Room 2:00 - 3:15 Tuesday-Thursday Bryan 212 3:30 - 4:45 Tuesday-Thursday Bryan 128 Professor Harper Roehm Office 376 Bryan Building Office Hours Tuesday & Thursday 12:30PM - 2:00PM, and by appointment. E-mail All emails should contain a SUBJECT line that identifies which class and section (time of class) and group if necessary. Note: if you do not get a response in two days please re-send your message. Phone Whenever you do not need to meet, or you can not meet, in person use e-mail when possible. If you do use the phone, my Office Number is 336-334-4538. When leaving a voicemail, include a phone number that has automated answering (e.g., answering machine or voice mail). Also, speak slowly and clearly. Make sure to identify yourself (including last name), your class, meeting time and your phone number. Please repeat your phone number. Web Site BADM Assistant Lynn Southard, (336) 334-5694 and Glenda Lloyd, (336) 334-5691 Mailing Address Attn: Harper Roehm Business Administration 366 Bryan Building Greensboro, NC 27408 Texts 1) Principles of Marketing, ed. 12, Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, Person Prentice Hall (ISBN: 0-13-239002-7). Text Book Web Site 2) The Marketing Game!, 3rd edition, Charlotte Mason and William Perreault Jr., McGraw-Hill Irwin, 0-256-13988-1 as part 0-07-251380-2). (The book should include a CD for The Marketing Game!). MKT 320 SYLLABUS 2 of 7 8/26/2008 11:32 AM NOTE: Some students might find it beneficial to have a general communications textbook like the one from MGT 309. The purpose of this book is to serve as a more in-depth reference. This is an optional book. Role of textbooks: The text book serves as a reference, providing terminology, theories, models and frameworks that are commonly accepted in marketing. Thus, in this course it will be necessary for you to have some knowledge of the language and system of concepts inherent to Internet marketing. The Kotler and Armstrong book provides a good introduction of marketing. We may not talk about the certain information contained a textbook reading unless you have specific questions about it. We will spend much our time in the classroom applying the text’s concepts to problem-solving. I welcome any questions, so feel free to participate. The Marketing Game book provides all of the information to perform the marketing simulation. Course Learning Objectives In every business class, we have learning objectives. These indicate what you should be learning from each course. At the end of the semester, you will be asked to evaluate how well this class met the learning objectives. In addition to the learning objectives below, you will find that there are specific learning objectives for each class. Learning objectives for the Course: Acquire and evaluate marketing research. Additionally, utilize marketing research in the marketing planning process. This objective will be measured by performance on in-class assignments, exams and your performance on the The Marketing Game (TMG) group work and assignment 3,4 and 5. 1. Employ the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning to develop and/or analyze marketing strategies in terms of achieving company and consumer goals, considering competition. This objective will be measured by performance class assignments, exams and performance on the TMG group work. 2. Understand the 4P's; product, price, promotion and place strategies, and the relationship with positioning and branding. This objective will be measured by performance on exams and your performance on TMG group work, 3. Communicate in both written and oral form about marketing strategy. This objective will be measured by performance class assignments, exams and your performance on the TMG Final Report. Oral communication is measured in terms class participation by the professor and small group participation evaluated by peers (i.e., group peer evaluations). 4. Course Requirements Class Assignments: The due dates for these assignments are included in the class schedule web page. Also, the value of these assignments are below in the Grade Break Down section. There will be a variety of assignments in the course: Assignments: These are assignments due at the beginning of class and will be graded based on promptness, completeness and professionalism. Professionalism includes grammar, writing style, spelling and format. If you are going to miss a class, I require the assignment by the beginning of class. I do not accept emailed assignments unless stated in the specific assignment. In-class Activities: MKT 320 SYLLABUS 3 of 7 8/26/2008 11:32 AM The due dates for these assignments are due at the end of class. Some will be individual and many will be group. Quizzes: At the beginning of many of the classes there will be a short quiz. The quiz will have approximately 3 to 10 very short answer questions. The quizzes begin precisely at the start of class and last approximately 3 to 4 minutes. Once the quizzes are collected there will be no late quizzes taken or turned-in. There will be no make-up quizzes. The students must in present at the beginning of class to take the quiz. The questions will be based on the subject matter of the current class and possibly previous class(es). The questions will be provided in advance of the class. The 4 lowest quizzes will be dropped. The Marketing Game (TMG) Outcome: TMG is a marketing simulation game. It is a group assignment that involves analyzing marketing data and developing a marketing strategy. Each group turns in their marketing strategies and the marketing simulation software determines the results of all of the each group's strategy. There are six strategy decisions each group makes. The group's graded on their performance in terms of total net contribution earned, as well as their strategy which is reported in a group paper the Marketing Game Final Report. The Marketing Game Final Report: Groups will be responsible for describing the strategy behind their decisions using the proper marketing concepts and terms. Details on this assignment will be provided during the semester. Group Peer Evaluations: The group Peer Evaluation is an extremely important tool to manage your group experience. For many groups, all members participate equally. In those cases, the peer evaluation will be the same percentage as that your group earned from all of the group activities. If, however, you have well performing members, you can indicate that by providing that indvidual(s) with high peer evaluations. The peer evaluation can also be used in those unfortunate situations, when a member(s) are not performing to expectations. In such cases, you should communicate to those individuals that their peer evaluation will be negatively affected unless there are improvements. This often times can remedy the situation. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT CASES OF EXTREME NEGLECT OF GROUP RESPONSIBILITIES CAN RESULT IN EARNING A ZERO FOR ALL GROUP WORK. You will be provided the peer evaluation form and instructions of how to complete the form and how peer evaluations are calculated. EXAMS: Generally there are no make-up exams except in the case of serious emergencies. When a student faces such an emergency the student must contact me as soon as possible and must provide evidence of the emergency which includes verification of the time and date as well as a contact number of an individual that can confirm the emergency. Note, I do not want to know personal and/or sensitive information. If you have any questions, please contact me immediately. Exam 1: It will take one class period and will be have a variety of question formats. See class schedule web page for date. A study guide and exam instructions will be provided during the semester. MKT 320 SYLLABUS 4 of 7 8/26/2008 11:32 AM Exam ll: It will take one class period and is NOT intended to be comprehensive. There will be have a variety of question formats. See class schedule web page for date. A study quide and exam instructions will be provided during the semester. Final Exam: It will take one final exam period and is comprehensive. It scheduled during finals week. You can find your assigned date and time of final by looking at the class schedule web page (scroll down to the bottom of the page). A study quide and exam instructions will be provided during the semester. There are no make-ups for final examinations, so check your schedule in terms of travel plans at the beginning of the semester. Students with more than two examinations within 24 hours may apply to the University Registrar's Office, 180 Mossman Building, for permission to change their exam schedules. The usual policy is to change the middle examination in a sequence of three. All requests for changes in examinations must be filed with the University Registrar's Office, 180 Mossman, by 5:00 P.M. December 9th, 2008. This is the stated policy of the registrar. If the final for this class is selected by the registrar to be rescheduled you have to provide the documentation from the registrar and done so by the designated deadlines. If you have any questions about your exam schedule, here is a copy of the official schedule the registrar has posted Fall 08 Academic & Final Schedule. Participation: There is a participation grade because of the integrative and participative nature of this class. For a student who does not participate but has acted professionally, the student's participation grade will be equal to the student's percentage earned from the student's performance on all the other class activities, assignments and exams. This means your participation grade will not hurt or help your final percentage in the class. In the case a student has be very participative, the student's participation grade will be positively affected. Conversely, if a student has not acted professionally, their participation grade will be negatively affected. Participation is measured in terms of consistently relevant (combination of quality and quantity) contributions to class discussions. This can include asking questions. Additionally, there will be discussion questions for a majority of the class meetings. These questions relate to the topic of that day's lecture including any current event assigned. Groups might be assigned to certain questions for specific class and the individuals in these groups will be responsible for answering the assigned discussion questions as well as follow-up questions. I suggest the group work together on answering these questions. It should be noted, however, that although the questions are assigned to a group, ONLY the individual selected by the professor to answer a specific question or follow-up question is evaluated on their answer. In other words, the group is not evaluated as a whole on an individual group member's answer. Attendance of, and behavior in, class meetings follows those standards of a professionally run meeting: Be on time consistently. Absenteeism and/or lateness will impact your participation grade MKT 320 SYLLABUS 5 of 7 8/26/2008 11:32 AM Preparation during class is expected. No phones, irrelevant reading material, or conversations. Laptops, PC's in the lab, PDA's etc. should be properly used. Not meeting any of these standards will result in significant lost of participation points. If you miss a class I do NOT want to be notified by email. It's not that I don't care, it is the difficulty in managing all of the emails during a semester. If you miss a class it is your responsibility to manage the situation. Therefore, you are responsible for any information and/or material from a missed class. In the cases when you know in advance of potential MULTIPLE time conflicts, resulting in absences, late arrivals and/or early departures, you should consider taking the course another time because this situation would result in significant loss in participation and the possible removal from the class. Protect yourself from being dropped from the course by coming to every class the first two weeks. Due to the high demand for this class, any absence from any class the first two weeks could result in a student being dropped from the class to make room for students interested in adding the course. No student will be able to add this course if they have missed a class in the first two weeks. The professor reserves the right to drop a student if at any time during the semester a student has missed more than 25% of the classes. Grading policy Completed Assignments: All assignments, besides in-class assignments, are due at the beginning of class -- NO EXCEPTIONS - unless I state otherwise. No papers are excepted late. Assignments are always graded for grammar, spelling, organization, completeness and overall professionalism. Unless stated in the assignment, I DO NOT accept emailed assignments. All assignments are to be typed and stapled. The due dates for these assignments are included in the syllabus schedule section below. There will be a variety of assignments in the course: All information submitted, including computer disks and attached files to emails, should be labeled (see below): LAST Name, FIRST name Assignment name or number (e.g., Intro Class Assignment) Group ID (if a group assignment) MKT320 F07 Class 12:30 or 2:00 Professor Roehm Pledge "name(s)"* *All work submitted should include the word "Pledged" followed by the student's signature or typed name in the case of computer files. This is in accordance to the MKT 320 Honor Code. Note: Files saved on the disks or sent via email attachment should have the label same information. FAILURE TO MEET THESE INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN LOSS OF UP TO 5 PERCENT ON AN ASSIGNMENT. MKT 320 SYLLABUS 6 of 7 8/26/2008 11:32 AM NOTE: SAVE ELECTRONIC BACKUP COPIES OF YOUR ASSIGNMENTS. WITH GROUP PROJECTS MAKE SURE ALL OF YOUR GROUP MEMBERS HAVE ELECTRONIC FILES OF ALL ASSIGNMENTS. Marketing 320 Honor Code Marketing 320 Honor Code: Students are expected to know and abide by the Marketing 320 Honor Code in all matters pertaining to this course. Violations of the Code will be pursued in accordance with the Code. All written work submitted should include the word "Pledged" followed by the student's signature, which indicates that the work has been prepared in accordance with the Honor Code and in accordance with any other specific instructions relevant to that Assignment. This pledge will also indicate that the student has not used information (oral or written), materials (including cases and/or marketing simulations), or briefs prepared by or given by current or former students in my classes or students in other classes. Please do not get into trouble by violating the Honor Code. If you find yourself behind or in a difficult situation, please come see me. When in doubt about whether something is or is not a violation please see me. Grade Curve This is the grade curve used in this class. A+ 97 to 100 A 92 to 96.99 A- 90 to 91.99 B+ 88 to 89.99 B 82 to 87.99 B- 80 to 81.99 C+ 78 to 79.99 C 70 to 77.99 D 60 to 69.99 F Below 60 Grade Break-down INDIVIDUAL WORK: Class assignments 7.5 Inclass activities 7.5 Quizzes 7.5 Exam l 12.5 Exam II 12.5 Final Exam (cumulative) 25 Participation 5 GROUP WORK: TMG Results (Group) 7.5 TMG Final Report (Group) 7.5 Group Peer Evaluation (Group) 7.5 MKT 320 SYLLABUS 7 of 7 8/26/2008 11:32 AM TOTAL POINTS- 100 SCHEDULE This Web site will be updated each week with lecture notes and other class material. You should check the syllabus before each class. Any changes in this schedule will be announced in class and posted on the web site. If you notice any problems with the Web site please contact. MKT 320 SCHEDULE 1 of 8 8/26/2008 11:33 AM SCHEDULE This Web site will be updated each week with lecture notes and other class material. You should check the schedule before each class. Any changes in this schedule will be announced in class and posted on the web site. If you notice any problems with the Web site please contact me. CLASS 1 - Tuesday AUG 26: Professor Notes on lecture 1 Assignments & Due Dates Topics: 1. Overview of Syllabus 2. Introduction to Marketing 3. Creating Value: -Consumer -Company -Employee Due: nothing Assigned: Assignment 01: How to use the course Web site DUE CLASS 3 Read: nothing CLASS 2 - Thursday AUG 28: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics: Creating Value Example: eToys print ad eToys TV ad eToys ad insert: page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 Creating value for a consumer segment Answer Questions about course Web site Intro to the The Marketing Game (TMG) Marketing Challenge Intro to Marketing (Con't) Marketing Planning Process Due: nothing Assigned: Assignment 02: Complete Student Information sheet DUE CLASS 3 1. Assn 3: How to gather secondary information (Online Data Bases & Internet Portals) DUE CLASS 4 2. Read: 1. Kotler&Armstrong (K&A),Chapter 1 2. The Marketing Game(TMG), Chapter 1 3. Today's current events Monday September 1, Labor Day MKT 320 SCHEDULE 2 of 8 8/26/2008 11:33 AM CLASS 3 - Tuesday SEP 2 Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Intro to Marketing : Marketing Planning Process Marketing plan Current Event: Portfolio Management Starbuck's Financials Current Event: Implementation, Evaluation & Control(Energizer Bunny) Sprint - Customers are not always right Due: Assignment 01: How to use the course Web site 1. Assignment 02: Complete Student Information sheet 2. Read: 1. K&A, Chapter 2 2. Today's current events Assigned: na CLASS 4 - Thursday SEP 4: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Marketing Research & Information Marketing Plan & Planning Process Marketing Game & BB&T Marketing Challenge Portfolio Management Starbuck's Financials Current Event: Implementation, Evaluation & Control (Energizer Bunny) Due: Assn 3: How to gather secondary information (Online Data Bases & Internet Portals) DUE CLASS 4 Assigned: Assn 4: Environmental Analysis DUE CLASS 6 Read: 1. K & A, Chapter 3 2. Today's current events CLASS 5 - Tuesday SEP 9: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Marketing Research & Information Group In-class situation analysis Kleenex Gap's marketing research - Paralysis via Analysis? Assn 4: Environmental Analysis Due: na Assigned: na Read: K&A, Chapter 4 CLASS 6 - Thursday SEP 11: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE Group Inclass Assignment Harley Davidson New Target Market India Beer Culture Swedish view of America Sub-culture.htm Saladworks Due: Assn 4: Environmental Analysis Assigned:ASSN 5: SWOT Due Class 7 Read: Read K & A, chapter 5 MKT 320 SCHEDULE 3 of 8 8/26/2008 11:33 AM inclass Situation Analysis CLASS 7 - Tuesday SEP 16: Assignments & Due Dates: EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE MARKETING RESEARCH: Consumer Value revisited Due: ASSN 5 Read:K & A, chapter 7 and page 210 TMG, Chapter 2 Skim: K & A, chapter 4 (Revisit) CLASS 8 - Thursday SEP 18: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics MARKETING RESEARCH: Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning (STP) Due: na Read: N/A Skim: K&A, Chapter 7 Assigned: Assn 6 CLASS 9 - Tuesday SEP 23: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Exam I EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE Due: EXAM DAY CLASS 10 - Thursday SEP 25: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Review Exam I Due: Inclass activity: exam review TRIPLE POINTS Read: TMG, Chapter 3 K&A chapter 8 CLASS 11 - Tuesday SEP 30: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning (STP) MARKETING RESEARCH CON'T Due: Assn 6 - now due 2/21 Skim: K&A, Chapter 7&8 Read: TMG, Chapter 4 CLASS 12 - Thursday OCT 2: Assignments & Due Dates: MKT 320 SCHEDULE 4 of 8 8/26/2008 11:33 AM Topics Marketing Mix (4Ps): Product Basics Due: TBA Skim: K&A, Chapter 8 Read: K&A, Chapter 9 Read 267-74 Monday October 6, Founders Day CLASS 13 - Tuesday OCT 7: Product Lecture Price Lecture Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Marketing Mix (4Ps): Pricing Basics Due: Nothing Assigned: N/A Read: K&A, Chapter 10 (p. 282-93) & 11 (p. 306-12) CLASS 14 - Thursday OCT 9: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Marketing Mix (4Ps): Place Basics Due: Assn 8 now do later Read: K&A, Chapter 12(p.332-46) & 13 (p. 364-80) CLASS 15 - Tuesday OCT 14: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Marketing Mix (4Ps): Promotions Basics Due: nothing Read: 1. K&A, Chapter 14(p. 396-412), 15(p.426-441), & 16 (p.452-68) CLASS 16 - Thursday OCT 16: NO LECTURE - EXAM DAY Assignments & Due Dates: Exam II Exam ll Study Guide Due:nothing NO CLASS Tuesday October 21 FALL BREAK CLASS 17 - Thursday OCT 23: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics ATTENDANCE MANDATORY - INCLASS EXERCISE - THE MARKETING GAME Due: nothing Skim: TMG, Chapters 1-4 MKT 320 SCHEDULE 5 of 8 8/26/2008 11:33 AM TRIPLE PARTICIPATION POINTS. Review Exam II Start working on The Marketing Game GROUPS SHOULD MEET BRIEFLY TO ORGANIZE CLASS 18 - Tuesday OCT 28: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Work on Marketing Game decision 1 TMG Information Details on submitting decisions THREE FILES TO EMAIL (file names): 1. Planif.TMG (TMG software creates) 2. Decision Explanation 3. Decision Form Due: UPCOMING - TMG Decision 1 Tuesday Nov 4th 10 pm. Skim: TMG chapters 1 - 4 Could also review chapter 6 and Appendix A and/or the tutorial on The Marketing Game disk. CLASS 19 - Thursday OCT 30: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Marketing Mix (4Ps): Promotions Advanced Work day Due: UPCOMING - TMG Decision 1 Tuesday Nov 4th 10 pm. Read: K&A, Chapter 14 (p.412-20), 15 (p.441-46), & 16 (p.468-75) CLASS 20 - Tuesday NOV 4: LECTURE SLIDES FROM CLASS 19 Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Discuss Decision 1 Mix (4Ps): Promotions Advanced PromotionsDroppingBookAdsinNewspapers AmericanIdolAdvertising NeilsenRatingsStudentsLivingAwayfrom home Due: TMG Decision 1 Tuesday Nov 4th 10 pm. Skim: K&A, Chapter 14 (p.412-20), 15 (p.441-46), & 16 (p.468-75) CLASS 21- Thursday NOV 6: Assignments & Due Dates: MKT 320 SCHEDULE 6 of 8 8/26/2008 11:33 AM Topics Marketing Mix (4Ps): Place Advanced Due: UPCOMING - TMG Decision 2 Tuesday Nov 11th by 10 pm Read: K&A chapter 12 (p.346-60) & 13 (p. 385-92) CLASS 22 -Tuesday NOV 11: Use slides from class 21 Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Marketing Mix (4Ps): Place Advanced Due: TMG Decision 2 Tuesday Nov 11th by 10 pm 1. UPCOMING - TMG Decision 3 Saturday Nov 14th th by 8pm 2. Skim: K&A chapter 12 (p.346-60) & 13 (p. 385-92) CLASS 23 - Thursday NOV 13: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Marketing Mix (4Ps): Price Advanced Due: UPCOMING TMG Decision 4 Wednesday Nov 19th by 8pm Read: K&A chapter 10 (p.293-02) & 11(p.312-28) CLASS 24 - Tuesday NOV 18: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Marketing Mix (4Ps): Price Advanced Due: UPCOMING - TMG Decision 5 Friday Nov 21st by 8pm Skim: K&A chapter 10 (p.293-302) & 11(p.312-28) CLASS 25 - Thursday NOV 20: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Marketing Mix (4Ps): Product Advanced Nokia - Product & Marketing strategy RJR Nabisco Due: UPCOMING - TMG Decision 5 Friday Nov 21st by 8pm 1. UPCOMING - TMG Decision 6 Monday Nov 25th by 10 pm 2. Read: K&A chapter 9 (p.267-78) Skim: K&A chapter 8 MKT 320 SCHEDULE 7 of 8 8/26/2008 11:33 AM CLASS 26 - Tuesday NOV 25: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics INCLASS GROUP WORK - WORTH 3 assignment POINTS Final EXAM Guide Marketing Mix (4Ps): Product Advanced Due: Inclass product Skim: K&A chapter 8 & 9 (p.267-78) NO CLASS Tuesday November 27 Thanksgiving break CLASS 27 - Tuesday DEC 2: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics INCLASS GROUP WORK - WORTH 3 assignment POINTS Marketing Challenge Information Group Peer Evaluation (Group) Due: INCLASS GROUP WORK WORTH POINTS Read: nothing CLASS 28 - Thursday DEC 4: Assignments & Due Dates: Topics Discuss Ethics Ethics Scenario Class Wrap-up Group Peer Evaluation (Group) ARE DUE TODAY Final EXAM Guide Due:TBA Read: K&A, Chapter 20 REVIEW EXAM DAY: Friday, Dec 5th, 2008STUDENTS CAN REVIEW YOUR EXAMS FROM FROM 11 to 3 BRYAN 360 READING DAY: Wednesday, Dec 9th, 2008 FINAL EXAM Date and TimeFinal Exam Instructions 2:00 Class (MKT 320.01): Friday Dec 12th 3:30 to 6:30 Bryan 212 3:30 Class (MKT 320.02): Thursday Dec 11th 3:30 to 6:30 Bryan 128 MKT 320 SCHEDULE 8 of 8 8/26/2008 11:33 AM