Uncertainty Slides for SAB

Predictability Issues in Aircraft
Analysis, Design, and Certification
Chris L. Pettit, Ph.D., P.E.
Multidisciplinary Technologies Center
Air Vehicles Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory
JHU Predictability Workshop, November 13-14, 2003
About This Presentation …
• Organizers’ goal: “Synthesize a template for quantitative
processes related to predictability and UQ”
• My goals as moderator: Define context and highlight key
questions to motivate group discussion
– Describe prediction problems being confronted in (military)
aircraft design and certification, including:
» Nonlinear, multidisciplinary, and multi-scale problems
» Prediction difficulties that limit the performance and health of
current systems and the development of future systems
– Promote discussion and feedback on key topics:
» Definitions of predictability and predictability-aware models
» How to assess predictability and what to do with it
• Error vs. uncertainty
• Roles of testing during various phases of design and life cycle
• Role of predictability assessment in aircraft systems engineering and
decision-making (What is the risk associated with low predictability?)
» Current impediments to predictability
» Benefits of higher predictability (e.g., cost, performance, safety)
About This Presentation (cont) …
• I’ll try to avoid injecting unnecessary bias into what often are
controversial philosophical issues
– I hope to learn more from you than you will from me
• But, I will assume …
– We want to measure our ability to model complex systems
– We are uncertain about all processes
» Models are not reality
» Natural and man-made physical systems are never deterministic
– Assessing predictability requires uncertainty quantification (UQ)
– Each model has a limited range of validity
» Model validation ultimately depends on UQ and model usage
– Predictability  Model Validity
» Is the reverse true?
– Physics-based models promote predictability assessment
» Error estimators, safer extrapolation, etc.
– Context does matter: military aircraft prediction is part of the
DoD acquisition process  Models should help to assess
system-level risks!
Some tough prediction problems
designers and analysts are facing …
Prediction-Critical Disciplines for
Current and Future Aircraft Systems
These are disciplines that lead to severe performance
restrictions, high required margins, and re-designs
Extreme environments (e.g., thermoacoustic loads)
Nonlinear aeroelasticity
Flow control and mixing
Signature reduction
– Radar cross-section (RCS)
– Thermal
• Structural integrity
– Fatigue, fracture, corrosion, delamination, battle damage, etc.
– Strongly dependent on other disciplines and usage for loads
– Sensitivity to manufacturing tolerances
• Structural instability
• Others??? (e.g., dynamics of UAV swarms, human behavior)
Common Complicating Factors in
Prediction-critical phenomena commonly involve …
… complex processes that span multiple spatial and
temporal scales  At which scales can we be
… nonlinear processes
… multidisciplinary interactions
… relatively high epistemic and aleatory uncertainty
… low observability in experiments and tests
… sensitivity to BCs and ICs
Each of these factors …
… complicates our attempts to predict
… impedes our efforts to assess predictability
Current and Expected Practical
Prediction Challenges (1/3)
• Low acceptance of predictive
– Especially for safety-critical and
multi-scale phenomena
– Model validation is a low priority
– Risk assessment is not trusted
• Accelerated testing requires
– More dependable predictions
– Less subjective risk estimation
– Model and test integration
• Nonlinear systems can be very
sensitive to variability in system’s
properties, loads, and BC’s
– Bifurcations
– Hard to model in complex
Current and Expected Practical
Prediction Challenges (2/3)
• Non-robust optima in aeroelastic
tailoring and laminar flow wings
– Manufacturing variability
– Off-design conditions
• Non-traditional design concepts, and
highly variable or extreme operating
– Little historical basis for assessing
loads and sensitivities
– Difficult to estimate risks of new
technology or design concepts (e.g.,
TRL assessment)
– Untapped potential because of the
low predictability???
» Are dated safety reqs holding back
existing and new technologies?
Current and Expected Practical
Prediction Challenges (3/3)
• Designer materials and non-traditional structures
– Prediction of properties across length scales
– Ensuring adequate performance in non-ideal conditions
– Avoiding unintended failure modes
• Multi-functional structures and systems integration
– Structurally integrated (i.e., load-bearing) antennas
– Distributed control surfaces and shape control
» Optimization of control laws in multiple flight regimes
» Load redistribution for non-aerodynamic or non-structural
purposes (e.g., antenna pointing or RCS management)?
– Integrated vehicle health management (IVHM) systems
» Data fusion and model-based sensor placement optimization
» On-line modification of control laws for loads management
» Design of self-healing materials
– Airframe-propulsion integration in hypersonic vehicles
– System-level performance metrics
» Defining trade-offs given multiple energy flow paths
» Multiple performance modes requires multidisciplinary models
Predictability in the context of aircraft
design and certification …
How the Tough Problems Affect
Processes and Frameworks
• Current aircraft systems already stress design and
certification methods to (or beyond?) their practical limits
– Unique design concepts suggest increased importance of
nonlinear multidisciplinary physics clearly beyond capability
of current design tools and certification processes
• Physical and computational complexity of nonlinear
multidisciplinary models obscures the propagation of
uncertainty through networks of models
– Difficult to dependably assess sensitivities and risks w/o a
clear UQ process that is consistently implemented
• For airframes: This has resulted in a process-centric
approach to risk management instead of a knowledgecentric approach
– This is untenable for future Air Force needs
Multidisciplinary Problems
• Very hard to predict and validate
– Multi-scale, nonlinear physics
» The “correct” uncertainty model often depends on
physics modeling choices and measurement
• e.g., stress FE models vs. dynamics FE models
– Highly variable operating environments, loads,
and material properties
– Complicated and expensive tests
• Crucial to the success and safety of highperformance military aircraft
 Computational multidisciplinary analyses are
always suspect, as is any resulting risk
Predictability in Systems Engineering (SE)
• Prediction must be performed and assessed in the context of
systems engineering
– Purpose of SE: manage system-level risks from cradle to grave
– Risk results from uncertainty and error
– Risk management demands good data and good predictions
 Risk management requires predictability assessment
• SE entails a risk allocation or flow-down from program level
to system, sub-system, and component levels
– Usually implicit and qualitative for complex systems
• This flow-down parallels a similarly implicit flow-down of
uncertainty in multidisciplinary design problems
– Modeling and data-gathering decisions automatically allocate
uncertainty and error to constituent analyses
– Uncertainty and error budgets are never described explicitly
and are extremely difficult to quantify
 Predictability assessment ultimately needs UQ
Uncertainty Flow-Down
1. How much uncertainty can be tolerated in the top-level
prediction of a multidisciplinary process?
2. How much uncertainty can be attributed to each subdiscipline in the network of models that comprise the
multidisciplinary analysis?
Must address epistemic and aleatory sources
3. How much uncertainty can be tolerated in each subdiscipline analysis?
How do the modeled physics amplify input uncertainty?
4. What test, computer, and training resources must be
invested to assess and control the uncertainty in each
Do these work for error flow-down also?
Do these really help in assessing predictability?
Prediction and InformationManagement Tools
• Design and test cycles of military aircraft now exceed 20
– Many airframe designers now work on only a few new aircraft
programs during their entire career
– Opportunities to gain practical experience are extremely
– Can no longer depend on “old-timers” as the primary
storehouses of corporate knowledge
» Retirements and overwhelming demands on their time
» Even they may not have insight into non-traditional problems
» Worse yet: They can be “nay-sayers”
– Analyses used to support design decisions may be obsolete
by the time the aircraft is certified
– DoD Acquisition Reform: Mandated evolutionary acquisition
and spiral development processes institute definite needs for
more complete knowledge to support future upgrades
• How can prediction frameworks be structured to overcome
these difficulties???
Closing Remarks about Aircraft
• Predictability must be assessed in terms of which
questions are being answered by the model
• Prediction-critical aircraft phenomena share many
complicating characteristics
• Ability to be predictive and to assess predictability is
fundamental to future military aircraft systems and
acquisition processes
• UQ and error estimation are fundamental to predictability
• Predictability depends as much on the practical details of
modeling and testing process (e.g., best practices, ability
to measure key data) as it does on theory
What’s next?
Breakout Group Plan of Action
• I will present several suggested topics of discussion
– Summarize first, then cover each separately in detail
• Each topic addresses some of the concerns I’ve discussed
• Try to step through the topics one-by-one for group
• We have little time
– Please try to confine your remarks to the question at hand
– I encourage open discussion, but I will press ahead if we do not
move through the topics quickly enough. Please don’t be
insulted if I abruptly terminate a portion of the discussion.
• Remember: Our ultimate goal is to begin developing a
template for aircraft predictability assessment in the context
of uncertainty and error
Suggested Topics of Discussion
Suggested Topics of Discussion
• What is the working definition of predictability in the context of
aircraft analysis, design, and certification?
• What is the current state of UQ and predictability awareness
for aircraft?
• How can aircraft predictability be assessed objectively?
• What are the dominant modeling, testing, and validation
challenges that impede aircraft predictability?
• What content must a “predictability-aware” model of a
complex aircraft system offer?
• What “new things” could be accomplished in aircraft analysis if
predictability were substantially improved?
Topic #1
What is the working definition of predictability in the
context of aircraft analysis, design, and
1. Does it differ substantially between the Critical
Disciplines cited earlier?
2. Do we need to clarify the relationship between
predictability, model validity, error estimation,
and UQ?
3. “I can’t define what it means to be predictive, but
I know it when I see it.”
Topic #2
What is the current state of UQ and predictability
awareness for aircraft?
1. Does it differ substantially between the Critical
2. Research vs. practice?
3. Do decision-makers place sufficient priority on
predictability assessment?
Topic #3 (1/2)
How can predictability be assessed objectively?
1. What are the appropriate metrics? Is model validity truly a
2. What is the role of experimental evidence in understanding,
measuring, and controlling predictability?
3. How is uncertainty related to error estimation?
a. Numerical error vs. statistical error?
b. Is a “converged” deterministic grid automatically good for UQ?
4. How should the error and uncertainty budgets be
decomposed to clarify predictability assessment?
5. Global vs. local measures of predictability?
a. Throughout the design parameter space?
b. Throughout the spatio-temporal extent of a given design and its
6. Scaling issues in comparing tests and models?
a. Will the common scale factors (Re, Fr, etc.) remain the most
important as non-traditional designs are developed? Note: This
is already an issue for aeroelastic wind-tunnel models.
Topic #3 (2/2)
7. Are acceptable confidence measures available
for error estimates?
a. What is their nature (e.g., fuzzy vs. subjective
b. Is there agreement on how to combine componentand discipline-level error estimates to obtain systemlevel error estimates?
c. How should these be communicated to decisionmakers?
Topic #4 (1/2)
What are the dominant modeling, testing, and validation
challenges that impede aircraft predictability?
1. Where in the prediction chain do the limitations enter?
a. Availability of accurate input data and its variability? (e.g.,
constitutive properties, geometry, etc.)
b. A priori knowledge of input errors/uncertainty and their
c. Math models? Could include unresolved physics …
d. Algorithmic implementation of math models? This could include
discipline coupling.
e. Numerical sensitivity (grid and time step, convergence criteria, etc.)
f. Short-term vs. long-term accuracy? Dependable error estimators?
g. Post-processing and interpretation? Model validation and
integration with testing? Availability of dependable test data?
h. Can we trade some full-scale tests for more coupon and component
tests to improve UQ and error estimation?
i. How are the challenges shaped by the push to reduce test
resources and streamline certification decision-making?
Topic #4 (2/2)
2. Which important measurements cannot be made
with current capabilities?
a. Are these limitations controlled by physics,
technology, cost, resource prioritization, or something
b. How can validation plans be adjusted to mitigate
these limitations?
3. Given that aircraft normally admit some testing
throughout the design process, how should these
test resources be allocated to estimate model errors
and uncertainty?
4. Other impediments to predictability assessment not
mentioned yet???
Topic #5
What content must a “predictability-aware” model of a complex
system offer?
1. How does this depend on the purpose of the model?
a. Who will use it? When? Why?
2. How can information and high-fidelity analysis frameworks be
structured to promote predictability?
a. Which types of prediction difficulties are best addressed through
process structuring and control?
b. How can frameworks be used to promote communication
between analysts and test personnel in estimating predictability?
3. Should the model carry supporting data in parallel to support
predictability assessment?
4. What about enforced recording of modeling assumptions and
5. Multiple spatial and temporal scales?
Topic #6
What “new things” could be accomplished in aircraft analysis
if predictability were substantially improved?
1. How is aircraft performance predictability-limited?
2. Reduce required margins and safety factors?
a. How much of a safety factor is allocated to cover modeling
errors and missing info vs. inherent variability?
3. Is a system-level risk or uncertainty budget a practical
a. Can it be allocated rationally to components or modeling
b. Should predictability goals be tied to different stages in the
design and certification process?
c. Can predictability become a trade-off variable in the systems
engineering process? Is this a function of the size of the
production run?
Anything else?
Backup Slides
Impediments to Reliable Risk
Analysis of MD Aircraft Problems
• System-level risks generally involve incommensurate
types of ignorance whose relative importance is
problem-dependent and discipline-dependent
• No universally accepted way to measure and combine
these types of ignorance consistently
• Industry mindset often prefers wrong answers that come
quickly to better answers that take longer
– Design process is perceived as a time and resource sink
that must be tolerated in order to generate revenue
• Certification processes automatically biased toward the
technological status quo
– Potentially delays transition of beneficial new structures
and materials technologies
The Role of Processes and
• We need a comprehensive approach to storing
models, traditional analysis results, UQ results, and
any other info used to support design and
certification decisions (e.g., expert opinions)
– Must facilitate guided access for “future
generations” to support:
» Future expansions of operational capabilities
» Life-extension programs
» Insight into the sources and solutions of unexpected
– Should also promote informative modeling and
analysis practice (including UQ) by requesting
» Key inputs and outputs, including their uncertain aspects
» Documentation of modeling decisions
Our Perspective
• UQ-based analyses are needed to help reveal unexpected
failure modes and to assess their risk
– We already do a reasonable job of preventing most wellknown structural failure modes in traditional designs
– Could be critical for non-traditional designs
• UQ-centric processes promote maximum payoff from
models and tests at all scales (e.g., coupon-level to fullscale)
– Motivation behind test-planning should be transformed to
emphasize model validation in addition to (or instead of?)
certification criteria
• This will require substantial modification of traditional R&D
and program funding profiles
– Allocate additional funds during conceptual and preliminary
design stages to support additional data gathering and
analysis activities  Need to fill the pool of knowledge as
early as possible!
What Should Our Goals Be?
• USAF needs to increase reliance on multidisciplinary
analysis earlier in the design process
– Detect genuinely avoidable problems before full-scale ground
and flight tests
– Achieve operational capabilities and efficiencies by enabling
access to portions of the design space that are precluded by
current certification requirements and precautionary biases
• Ideal outcome: Dependable quantification of technical and
performance risk early on lead to
– Informed assessment of competing technologies
– Accelerated insertion of new material, manufacturing, and
assembly processes
– Proactive prevention of problems instead of compromise fixes
after problems are uncovered during testing
Systems Engineering Concepts
• System*: An integrated composite of people,
products, and processes that provide a capability
or satisfy a stated need or objective
• Systems Engineering (SE)*: An interdisciplinary
engineering management process that evolves
and verifies an integrated, life-cycle balanced set
of system solutions that satisfy customer needs
• Our premise: The goal of SE is to make informed
decisions that efficiently mitigate risks while
meeting goals
– Every goal induces risk!
Risks results from uncertainty!
 UQ should be part of SE
* Systems Engineering Handbook, DAU Press, 2000.
Uncertainty and Systems
Engineering for Aeroelasticity
Perceived Modeling Capabilities
Determinism and Reductionism
Institutional Inertia
Certification Criteria
Analytical Confidence (?)
Acceptable Risk (subjective)
Mostly Empirical
User Requirements
Schedule and Cost
Uncertainty Budget
Physics Model
Requirements Flow-down
 Aeroelasticity Model
 Discipline Models
(aero, structures, etc.)
 Input Data
Airframe Certification (1/2)
• Certification: The end result of a structured process for
identifying and managing risk from conception to regular
• Current processes:
– Little reliance on analysis for risk assessment
– Fail to promote interaction between tests and analyses
– Inadequate for future materials, technologies, and design
• Result? Structures certified through safety-factor design
and expensive “building block” tests
– Additional $$$$$ spent to certify repairs (e.g., fatigue hot
spots) and operational modifications (e.g., aeroelastic stability
with new external stores)
– Even certified airframes still have many unexpected problems
– How can we learn tomorrow what we’re not learning today???
Airframe Certification (2/2)
• ASIP: USAF certification process for structural integrity
– Reasonably successful but several shortcomings
» Time-consuming and manpower intensive
» Dependent on historical database
» Risk assessment is too qualitative and subjective
• USAF striving to increase reliance on analysis in airframe
certification through
Higher-fidelity modeling earlier in design process
Uncertainty quantification (UQ) for risk analysis
Verification and validation of models
Streamlining and expanding knowledge generation and management
• Why?
– Increase safety and likelihood of achieving performance goals
– Save time and money by reducing or eliminating some tests and
accelerating iterative design processes
– Avoid costly changes late in design cycle
• Will these benefits actually be realized? TBD …
Prediction and InformationManagement Tools (2/2)
• Need tools that actively promote the gathering and
retrieval of relevant information
– Knowledge-bases for capturing and accessing …
» Conceptual design support info (e.g., historical requirements
and capabilities)
» Concept maps and influence diagrams for system-level
– Product-centric, object-oriented design environments that
capture the methods operating on each product
» Could include enforced documentation of modeling decisions
• Also need tools that support consistent and rational data
fusion, inference, risk assessment, and decision-making
– Automated best practices and guided model-checking
– Measures of confidence associated with expert opinions
– Consistent model validation processes
2-DOF Airfoil LCO: Problem Description
• Subcritical Hopf
pitch spring
– k3 < 0  destabilizing
• MCS on a(t = 0), k3, k5
3 a 0
PDF: u=6.5
Stable LCO Branch
Peak Pitch Angle
– 4,000 realizations at
each reduced velocity
• Incompressible, unsteady
aero (Jones’
f spring(a ) = k1a  k3a 3  k5a 5
Unstable Branch
Stable Branch
Baseline (mean)
k3 = -3.0; k5 = 20.0
k3 = -3.9; k5 = 14.0
k3 = -2.1; k5 = 26.0
a (rad)
Reduced Velocity
Current Issues in Uncertainty
Quantification for Airframes
Context for Identifying Research
Analysis is a tool to support decision making in design
and certification, which is a process of managing risk
while trying to achieve performance goals
There are many kinds of risk: safety,
performance, cost, and schedule
Research justified on scientific grounds
must also recognize non-technical priorities
Overview of Challenges
• Technical Challenges
– Probably familiar to most researchers
• Non-Technical Challenges
– Often a result of “institutional issues”
– Non-technical because they can’t be resolved by
technical advancement alone
» Not always exclusive of technology because established
design and certification practice often reflect assumed
technical capabilities
• Our Focus: Areas in which targeted research can
lead to success given available computing and
testing methods
– No “Unobtainium” allowed!
Aerodynamic Uncertainties (1/2)
• Typical modeling issues won’t go away, but should they be
re-prioritized for stochastic considerations?
– Domain discretization and approximation of BC’s: How much
“precision” is justified given aleatory uncertainties?
– Simulation vs. design
» What is “appropriate” level of fidelity or complexity?
» Where and how to insert uncertainty models?
– Sensitivity to IC’s
» Structure? Flow?
• Importance of non-stationary or extreme gust loads?
– Many assumptions commonly made to work around
uncertainty in atmospheric turbulence
» von Karman spectrum and gust length scale are imposed
– Nonlinear instabilities sensitive to level of disturbance
– Extreme gust events are not captured
Aerodynamic Uncertainties (2/2)
• Stochastic CFD for computational aeroelasticity
– Model problem currently under study: 2 DOF airfoil
with polynomial chaos for response
» Modeled aero only (Jones approximation)
» Uncertain: ka, kh, IC’s (a0)
– Which problems would require or benefit from this?
» Subcritical bifurcations  bimodal response pdf
• Bifurcation sensitive to parametric uncertainty
• Second-moment reliability methods not very “reliable” here
• Need to know the nature of the bifurcation just to define what constitutes
– Integration with reduced-order solvers?
– Institutional issues or roadblocks?
» Training of analysts?
» Integration with existing design tools and processes?
Structural and Other Issues
• Structural damping models
– Perhaps a key factor in observed limit-cycles, but poorly
• Which issues don’t we consider now but need to if
certification required quantitative risk estimates of
aeroelastic stability and performance?
– More off-design conditions?
– Representation of variable fuel and stores loads?
– Uncertainty in composite lay-ups for aeroelastic tailoring?
» Maybe not for low drag, but what about for embedded sensors
(e.g., Sensorcraft)
• Certain people don’t want to know about the uncertainties
• Opportunities?
– Active aeroelastic wing = built-in risk mitigation???
Certification Philosophy (1/3)
• Cert needs to be recognized by all as a structured dialogue
that includes:
– Designers and analysts
– Test and manufacturing personnel
– Cert Officials and users
• This dialogue establishes perceived levels of acceptable risk
for a given aircraft program
– Safety and performance
– Cost and schedule
– Political
• Cert officials haven’t declared how to use UQ to support cert
Certification Philosophy (2/3)
Trade-off studies suggest much potential for UQ here
Issues that impede use of risk analysis for airframes:
Current analysis and manufacturing capabilities
Availability of statistically significant input data
Background and mindset of decision makers
Legal and societal perception of quantified risk
Cost and time of design and cert process is high but “known”
Safety factors implicitly cover many sources of uncertainty
Parametric uncertainty, model errors, non-safety concerns (e.g.,
serviceability and performance), and “unknown unknowns”
How to allocate these in quantitative risk design criteria?
Certification Philosophy (3/3)
• Proposed innovative designs offer many unknowns w.r.t.
current certification procedures
– Identification of critical failure modes
– Required testing to ensure safety in these modes
– Required safety factors for UAV’s … no pilot to protect
• Not yet clear if a “risk-informed” approach would be adequate
for airframes
– ~ Probabilistic safety factors (similar to LRFD in CE)
– Airframe failure modes can be harder to identify a priori than
those of civil structures
– Hard to integrate new analysis methods and account for
reduced risk associated with validated models
» Hard to test airframes, but much easier than testing buildings!
Other Considerations
• Education and Training
– Aerospace engineers get little training in probability and none in
formal risk analysis
» Undergrad curriculum does poor job of discussing practical failure
modes and processes
– Management often uninitiated also  hard sell!
– Widespread high-fidelity analysis will require more
sophistication of designers/analysts
• Cost
– Potential cost savings of risk-based cert hard to estimate
– Inadequacies of current cert process often not evident until
after long-term operation
» Perhaps the true cost of current design and cert processes should
be recalculated to include downstream consequences