The Problem of Social Order

The Problem of Social Order
The problem of social order
Why doesn’t our world resemble The
Road Warrior?
Why is social life mostly so predictable?
Why do people
Look out for one another?
Conform to social rules?
Make and obey laws?
Make investments in future ventures?
Social order in insect societies
Worker ants sacrifice their lives on behalf of
the colony
Ant supercolonies
Workers of one North African species of ants face
virtual suicide in foraging for food
In Europe, an Argentine species covers 6000 km;
comprises millions of nests, billions of individual
Mechanism: high degree of genetic
relatedness, combined with chemical
signaling of this relatedness
Explanation: inclusive fitness
Among social insects, sisters share 75% of
their genes
Among most animals, sisters only share 50% of
their genes
Helps explain mother-child bond in
human society
Cannot account for cooperation among
non-related individuals
Two components of social order
Order as coordination
Disorder as lack of coordination
Order as cooperation
Disorder as lack of cooperation
Social order, cont’d
Predictability allows people to develop
stable expectations, which in turn enable
them to coordinate.
EG driving
EG the value of money
Disorder from lack of
Financial crises
Examples of coordination
Everyone drives on the right and passes on
the left
Availability of consumer goods
Food in the stores
People do things that benefit others,
not just themselves
EG NPR donations, volunteer work
EG Refrain from taking other’s property,
refrain from polluting
Disorder from lack of
Montegrano, Southern Italy, ca. 1950, pop =
3400 (Banfield. 1958. The Moral Basis of a Backward Society)
There is only one voluntary association
No organized charities
Churches do not carry out welfare or charitable activities
a clubroom where 25 upper class men play cards
Hardly anyone puts money on the collection plate at
People don’t understand the concept of publicspiritedness – says that no one in town is public-spirited
Montegrano: political activity
is feeble
Political parties are weak
People are too individualistic to care about
mobilizing others for any collective purpose
Political cynicism is extreme
Montegrano: collective needs
are unmet
Because there is so little collective
action, most collective needs are unmet
in Montegrano
‘Amoral familism’
Still characteristic of Southern Italy, as
compared with Northern Italy
R. Putnam, Making Democracy Work
Example of cooperative order
New York, and the entire U.S., in the
wake of the events of September 11th
Volunteers flooded Ground Zero
NY businesses gave free food to rescuers
and victims
Celebrities raised money for the victims in
a huge telethon
What makes cooperation difficult
to attain?
People are social
They need others to be happy and healthy
People are also individual
Cooperation, cont’d
So, there is tension between the
interests of the individual and the
interests of the group
The problem of social order is a key
issue in the social sciences and in public
In order to create the world we want,
we need to have social order
Social order includes two components:
Coordination (predictability)
Cooperation (overcoming individual selfinterest)
In this course, we will discuss five
theoretical solutions to the problem of
social order