Click here for minutes - Town of Fort Winnebago

October 3, 2011
Citizens Present: Tom Tennyson, Dennis Dedalk, Wayne Smith, Robert Portsen, Bethann Lesnch, Sheryl Robinson, Sherry
Schehr, Richee Stewart, Rick Conley, Debbie Conley, Chris Bourdbau, Janell Pearson, Kurt Dey, Mary Walker, Jean Arnce,
Joan Maxwell, William Maxwell, Geraldine H Slager, Sherword L. Slager, Clark Cupery, Mary Cupery, Robert Boulkes, Ken
I. Chairman Schroeder called the regular monthly board meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 pm.
II. Bruce moved, seconded by Ron to approve the Agenda changing the order of new business to cover the Fox River Bridge
first and Wagon Wheel second. Motion carried.
III. Roll Call: William Schroeder, Ron Kraft, Bruce Walker, Delmont Molden, Kris Conway.
IV. Open Meeting Law compliance check: Meeting agenda was posted in three locations in the township and Fort BP on
September 27, 2011, and the meeting notice was published in the Portage Register Government Meeting Column.
V. Ron moved, seconded by Bruce, to approve the September 1, 2011 Town Board Meeting Minutes as printed. Motion
VI. Ron moved, seconded by Bruce, to accept the Treasurer’s Report as prepared. Motion carried.
VII. Old Business
a) Plan Commission – No activity
b) Bruce moved, seconded by Ron to adopt the Fire Calls and Bill Procedure Ordinance Number 10/03/2011, with the
change paragraph Month 5 from “Board by be placed…” to “Board by being placed…”. Motion carried.
VIII. New Business
a) Kurt Dye gave an update on the replacement of the Fox River Bridge on Clark Road. The bridge is scheduled to be
replaced in late 2013 or 2014. County is performing annual inspections and monitors high water level events to insure
the bridge passes safety inspections. The project will take 18 months after the contract is signed. Once construction
begins it could take 3 to 4 months to complete.
b) A group of neighbors of the Wagon Wheel described issues they have experienced this summer regarding noise levels
of music on Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. Other neighbors of the Wagon Wheel indicated they had no
issue with the Wagon Wheel. Sherriff Deputy Wayne Smith discussed the Columbia County Noise Ordinance. Deputy
Smith explained that Sherriff Deputies work to mediate the issue between the two parties to determine the best
solution to the issue. Chairman Schroder indicated the Township has heard the neighbor’s concerns and will be
looking into addressing the issue.
c) Bruce moved, seconded by Ron to allow Robert Harris make 4 monthly payments for $102.15 from October 2011 to
January 2012 to pay his fire bill in full. If payments are not made in this four (4) month period the balance will be sent
to Columbia County Small Claims Court for collection. Motion carried.
IX. Citizen Input - No comments
X. Communications
a) Ron provided a report on the Columbia County Highway Department Town/County Work Program meeting September
21, 2011.
XI. Bruce moved, seconded by Ron, to pay the monthly bills as listed. Motion carried.
XII. Upcoming Meetings and Events
Regular Monthly Board Meeting, Monday, November 7, 2011 at 7:30 pm
The Board will be meeting at the Fort Winnebago School on Monday, October 17, 2011 at 7 pm to set the budget for 2012.
XIII. Ron moved, seconded by Bruce to adjourn the Meeting at 9:16 pm. Motion carried.
Kris Conway, Clerk