TRAINEE WORKBOOK Atlas 5.0 for Microsoft Dynamics AX Introduction reporting system. Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Welcome................................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 About this course .................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2.1 Course description ................................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2.2 Audience .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2.3 Objectives ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 1.2.4 Pre-requisites .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.3 Classroom Training ............................................................................................................................................... 6 1.4 Training Materials ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Atlas reporting system overview ................................................................................................ 9 2.1 Outline..................................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.3 Walk-through: Log-in and the Atlas Ribbon ................................................................................................. 10 2.3.1 Scenario ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 2.3.2 Logging into the Atlas client .............................................................................................................................................. 10 2.3.3 Understanding the Atlas Ribbon ....................................................................................................................................... 12 2.3.4 Log-out .................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 2.3.5 Lab Exercises ..........................................................................................................................................................................15 2.4 Key points ..............................................................................................................................................................17 2.5 Quick interaction ................................................................................................................................................. 18 Working with task panes ............................................................................................................19 3.1 Outline................................................................................................................................................................... 19 3.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................................................................. 19 3.3 Walk-through: Task panes ................................................................................................................................ 20 3.3.1 Scenario ................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 3.3.2 Common characteristics ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 3.3.3 Selecting a data source ...................................................................................................................................................... 22 3.3.4 Filter expressions .................................................................................................................................................................. 24 3.3.5 Output options ..................................................................................................................................................................... 25 3.3.6 Context information ............................................................................................................................................................ 25 3.3.7 Inserting the query into your document ......................................................................................................................... 26 3.3.8 Lab Exercises ......................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Managing data sources ..............................................................................................................31 4.1 Outline................................................................................................................................................................... 31 4.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................................................................. 31 4.3 Walk-through: Managing a data source list .................................................................................................. 32 4.3.1 Scenario ................................................................................................................................................................................. 32 4.3.2 Opening the Data source designer .................................................................................................................................. 32 i Introduction 4.3.3 Creating a new data source list ........................................................................................................................................ 33 4.3.4 Adding tables........................................................................................................................................................................ 33 4.3.5 Saving the data source list ................................................................................................................................................. 37 4.4 5 4.4.1 Outline ................................................................................................................................................................................... 39 4.4.2 Tables ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 39 4.4.3 AOT Views ............................................................................................................................................................................ 39 4.5 Key points ............................................................................................................................................................. 40 4.6 Quick interaction ................................................................................................................................................. 42 Free-format functions ................................................................................................................ 43 5.1 Outline................................................................................................................................................................... 43 5.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................................................................. 43 5.3 Walk-through: Free-format functions............................................................................................................. 44 5.3.1 Scenario ................................................................................................................................................................................. 44 5.3.2 Use Column function to fill in the customer name ...................................................................................................... 44 5.3.3 Use Balance function to get the sales revenue per customer per period .................................................................. 46 5.3.4 Use Lookup to provide a list of currencies ...................................................................................................................... 48 5.3.5 Using the Lookup feature to change currency ............................................................................................................... 49 5.4 Outline ....................................................................................................................................................................................51 5.4.2 Uses for the Balance function .............................................................................................................................................51 5.4.3 Lab. Exercises ........................................................................................................................................................................ 52 Column function ................................................................................................................................................. 54 5.5.1 Outline ................................................................................................................................................................................... 54 5.5.2 Uses for the Column function ........................................................................................................................................... 54 5.5.3 Lab. Exercises ........................................................................................................................................................................ 55 5.6 Lookup function .................................................................................................................................................. 59 5.6.1 Outline ................................................................................................................................................................................... 59 5.6.2 Uses for the Lookup function ............................................................................................................................................. 59 5.6.3 Lab Exercises ......................................................................................................................................................................... 60 5.7 Key points ............................................................................................................................................................. 62 5.8 Quick interaction ................................................................................................................................................. 63 Structured reporting functions ................................................................................................. 64 6.1 Outline................................................................................................................................................................... 64 6.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................................................................. 64 6.3 List .......................................................................................................................................................................... 65 6.3.1 Outline ................................................................................................................................................................................... 65 6.3.2 Uses ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 65 6.3.3 Walk-through: List report ................................................................................................................................................... 66 6.3.4 Lab Exercises ......................................................................................................................................................................... 70 6.4 ii Balance function .................................................................................................................................................. 51 5.4.1 5.5 6 Understanding Tables and AOT Views ........................................................................................................... 39 Summary............................................................................................................................................................... 74 Introduction 6.4.1 Outline ................................................................................................................................................................................... 74 6.4.2 Uses ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 74 6.4.3 Walk-through: Sales order invoice summary ................................................................................................................. 75 6.4.4 Lab Exercises ......................................................................................................................................................................... 78 6.5 7 Outline ................................................................................................................................................................................... 82 6.5.2 Uses ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 82 6.5.3 Walk-through: Customer sales by period ....................................................................................................................... 83 6.5.4 Lab Exercises ......................................................................................................................................................................... 87 6.6 Key points ............................................................................................................................................................. 90 6.7 Quick interaction ................................................................................................................................................. 91 Saving and re-using query definitions .................................................................................... 92 7.1 Outline................................................................................................................................................................... 92 7.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................................................................. 92 7.3 Walk-through: Saving and re-using queries ................................................................................................. 93 7.3.1 Scenario ................................................................................................................................................................................. 93 7.3.2 Create and save a summary report ................................................................................................................................. 93 7.3.3 Re-using the sales summary report ................................................................................................................................. 94 7.3.4 Copying and adjusting an existing query to accept on-sheet filters .......................................................................... 95 7.4 8 Matrix..................................................................................................................................................................... 82 6.5.1 Saving and re-using queries ............................................................................................................................. 97 7.4.1 Outline ................................................................................................................................................................................... 97 7.4.2 Uses ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 97 7.4.3 Steps to saving a query ...................................................................................................................................................... 97 7.4.4 Lab Exercises ......................................................................................................................................................................... 99 7.5 Key points ............................................................................................................................................................ 101 7.6 Quick interaction ............................................................................................................................................... 102 Drill-down................................................................................................................................... 103 8.1 Outline................................................................................................................................................................. 103 8.2 Objectives ........................................................................................................................................................... 103 8.3 Walk-through: Drill-down ............................................................................................................................... 104 8.3.1 Scenario ............................................................................................................................................................................... 104 8.3.2 Opening the Drill-down viewer and general features ................................................................................................ 104 8.3.3 Add or remove columns ................................................................................................................................................... 106 8.3.4 Sorting ................................................................................................................................................................................. 107 8.3.5 Grouping the transactions ............................................................................................................................................... 107 8.3.6 Drill-through ....................................................................................................................................................................... 108 8.3.7 Copy and paste options ................................................................................................................................................... 108 8.4 Using drill-down ................................................................................................................................................. 110 8.4.1 Outline ................................................................................................................................................................................. 110 8.4.2 Uses ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 110 8.4.3 Steps to using the drill-down window ........................................................................................................................... 110 8.4.4 Lab Exercises ........................................................................................................................................................................ 111 iii Introduction iv 8.5 Key points ............................................................................................................................................................ 113 8.6 Quick interaction ................................................................................................................................................ 114 1 Introduction 1.1 Welcome Training is a vital component of retaining the value of your Atlas investment. Our training keeps you up-to-date on your solution and helps you develop the skills necessary for you to fully maximize the value of your investment. Whether you choose to undertake Classroom Training, or download our Training Materials, there’s a type of training to meet your needs. 1.2 About this course This course provides you with a general introduction to the Atlas reporting system. This introduction includes: 1.2.1 Course description This tutor-led course provides students with the knowledge to use the standard reporting functions of the Atlas reporting system. The course focuses on all the main reporting functions and demonstrates each in isolation and in context. The course also includes how to get started; logging in, the Atlas ribbon and the task panes. This is the first course in the Atlas 5.0 curriculum and will serve as an entry point for other Atlas 5.0 courses. 1.2.2 Audience This course is intended for all students who wish to learn about the Atlas reporting system and what it can do for them. It is expected that students have a good understanding of Microsoft Excel and its basic features. 1.2.3 Objectives The objective of this course is to provide you with the ability to: Log in and logout of Atlas Understand and navigate the Atlas ribbon and task panes Use the data source tabs and filter tabs for all reporting functions Understand and how to use free-format functions: o Balance o Column o Lookup Understand and how to use structured reporting functions: o List o Summary o Matrix Save and recall saved queries Work with and use the drill-down viewer 5 Introduction 1.2.4 Pre-requisites Students must be familiar with Microsoft Dynamics AX in particular they must know how to use the Find and Filter command syntax. They must also have a good knowledge of the basic features of Microsoft Excel. 1.3 Classroom Training Classroom Training provides serious, in-depth learning through hands-on interaction. From demonstrations to presentations to classroom activities, you’ll receive hands-on experience with instruction from our experts. 1.4 Training Materials Training Materials allow you to learn at your own pace, on your own time with information-packed training manuals. We offer a variety of training manuals and user guides, each rich with tips, tricks, and insights you can refer to again and again: Atlas Training Workbooks are very detailed training manuals, designed from a training perspective. These manuals include advanced topics as well as training objectives, exercises and interactions. Look for a complete list of manuals available from your partner or via the website: Before you begin please check that you have the following: You must have a copy of Dynamics AX 2012 installed and working on the CEU company. Or, A copy of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 installed in a VPC with the demonstration company CEU installed. Or, Atlas 5.0 installed with connections to the appropriate Microsoft Dynamics AX installation. (If you are using the VPC with an Atlas differential installed, then this should already be working) An Atlas client icon on the desktop, configured to point to the training system Atlas 5.0 training workbooks installed AX2012 LAB - Refresh report AX2012 LAB - Working with task panes AX2012 LAB - Balance Contoso Seattle AX2012 LAB - Balance sales by customer and period AX2012 LAB - Column customer name AX2012 LAB - Column customer name and address AX2012 LAB - Lookup customer sales by quarter AX2012 LAB - List retail customers AX2012 LAB - List invoices AX2012 LAB - Summary customer sales AX2012 LAB - Summary item sales 6 Introduction AX2012 LAB - Matrix customer sales by month AX2012 LAB - Saved queries balance AX2012 LAB - Drill-down from summary Atlas 5.0 completed training workbooks: AX2012 COMPLETE LAB - Refresh report AX2012 COMPLETE LAB - Working with task panes AX2012 COMPLETE LAB - Balance Contoso Seattle AX2012 COMPLETE LAB - Balance sales by customer and period AX2012 COMPLETE LAB - Column customer name AX2012 COMPLETE LAB - Column customer name and address AX2012 COMPLETE LAB - Lookup customer sales by quarter AX2012 COMPLETE LAB - List retail customers AX2012 COMPLETE LAB - List invoices AX2012 COMPLETE LAB - Summary customer sales AX2012 COMPLETE LAB - Summary item sales AX2012 COMPLETE LAB - Matrix customer sales by month AX2012 COMPLETE LAB - Saved queries balance AX2012 COMPLETE LAB - Drill-down from summary Atlas 5.0 instructor walkthrough workbooks: AX2012 WALKTHROUGH 3.3.1 - Working with task panes AX2012 WALKTHROUGH 5.3.1 - List invoices by customer and period AX2012 WALKTHROUGH 6.3.1 - List invoices by customer and period AX2012 WALKTHROUGH 6.4.1 - Summary invoiced sales orders by period AX2012 WALKTHROUGH 6.5.1 - Matrix customer and currency sales AX2012 WALKTHROUGH 8.3.1 - Drill-down from summary Upload data source file and templates: AX2012 Training Reporting.AtlasDataSources AX2012 Sample Cust.AtlasDataSources Accounts receivable balance.Atlas4Balance (saved query) 7 Introduction 8 2 Atlas reporting system overview 2.1 Outline The purpose of this chapter is to get you started with the Atlas reporting system. This will involve understanding how to log into the system, the Atlas ribbon bar and the task panes it uses to build its reporting functions. This section also introduces the concept of the designer and context modes of operation. 2.2 Objectives At the completion of this chapter, you will be able to: Log-in and log out of the Atlas client Understand which Microsoft Dynamics AX configuration you will connect to Understand the Atlas Ribbon as it applies to the reporting system Understand the two modes of operation; Designer and Context 9 Atlas reporting system overview 2.3 Walk-through: Log-in and the Atlas Ribbon 2.3.1 Scenario The sales team, have been given access to Atlas. Before you let them take advantage of its features you think it prudent to give them an overview of the product; in terms of how to log in and what they can expect to see on the Ribbon bar. The elements you will explore include: The log-in form and connection information Understand the Atlas Ribbon bar Logging out 2.3.2 Logging into the Atlas client Entering your credentials The Atlas client is the gateway to integrating your Microsoft Office System with Microsoft Dynamics AX. It is the means by which you can log in and it is also used to determine which Microsoft Dynamics AX configuration(s) you will connect to. It can be started automatically upon startup or you can start it from your desktop on demand. Command line options are available so that you can put icons on your desktop to connect to the different configurations you might have. Figure 1 Atlas client login form 1 1. In the Domain\Username entry box type your network user account name. This is the one you will use to connect to your intranet 2. In the Password entry box, type the password associated with your domain user name 3. Optionally, tick to select Remember me. This will save the name you entered at step 1. 4. Optionally, tick to select Remember my password. This will be remembered the next time you log-in 5. Optionally, tick to automatically attempt a login at the time your workstation starts 1 6. Optionally, tick Show this form at startup if you want to be presented with form every time your workstation starts Assumes you have successfully logged in using you supplied credentials and you tick the remember me options from 1 and 2 above. 10 Atlas reporting system overview What Connections will be used? The Connection tab allows you to manage and select a configuration. A configuration is a set of connections that your Atlas Client can access when you log in. Each connection establishes a link between the Atlas Client and a corresponding Atlas Server. It is the Atlas Server which in turn, connects to your Microsoft Dynamics AX AOS. To see which configuration you are to connecting with: 1. Click the Configuration tab. This details a number of characteristics of the currently selected configuration: Figure 2 Configuration settings. These are settings for the Atlas Server 2. Use the drop-down list of Active configurations to choose the set of connections (Servers) you want to use Note: the saved and shared query locations. These are the folders into which saved queries are saved If make any changes here, click Save. If not, select the Login tab and then: Click the Login button. This will attempt a login and will pre-load information about the data sources you have in your data source list. A successful login will be show Online in the Atlas Client: 11 Atlas reporting system overview Figure 3 Online Note: You can close the login form once log-in is successful. The Atlas Client is running in your system’s task tray and can be seen as an icon therein: The Atlas Client is the first icon from the left. To get access to the Atlas Client subsequently, use the right-click option to reveal a menu, one of which opens the log-in form. 2.3.3 Understanding the Atlas Ribbon Outline You cannot see the Atlas Ribbon until you open one of the supported Microsoft Office System applications.2 The ribbon will appear as a tab in that application’s ribbon: 1. Open Microsoft Excel 2. Atlas 5.0 will appear in the ribbon, click the Atlas 5.0 tab to reveal the buttons on the ribbon: Figure 4 The Atlas Ribbon. The groups Reporting and Report options are components of the reporting system Below is a summary of the Ribbon’s elements: Drill-down The drill-down button is enabled when the currently selected Atlas reporting object supports the drill-down feature. For example, the Balance function. 2 Excel, Word, Powerpoint or Outlook 12 Atlas reporting system overview Refresh menu The Refresh button and associated menu is used to support the action of refreshing reports. There are options to control how structured reports are refreshed and there are commands to recalculate free-format functions and commands to control on demand refresh of structured reports. The Automatic and Manual calculation options are used to control how refresh of structured reports are handled when a document is opened. Additionally, you change the session date. This is used when you wish to control date interval codes from within Atlas. Advanced functions include the flushing of cached objects. These are typically used when you use Atlas on different Microsoft Dynamics AX configurations. Edit Data connection is used when a workbook was built using different connection information. Designer and context task pane modes The Atlas task panes can operate in one of two modes: Context and Designer. By default, the system starts in Context mode. In Context mode, any Context drill-out definitions linked to an Atlas object are executed in a special task pane: The context information task pane. These are mini reports associated with host Atlas reporting object. In designer mode, the task pane is used to build the Atlas reporting object. The navigation pane is used to show the location of Atlas reporting objects in the active Microsoft Office document. Free-format menu The free-format menu is used to insert free-format Atlas formula functions into your document. The functions are: Balance, Column and Lookup. These are described in detail later. 13 Atlas reporting system overview Structured reporting menu The Structured menu is used to insert table functions into your document. The functions are: List, Summary, Matrix and Pivot table. List, Summary and Matrix are described in detail later. Extended reporting This menu includes additional reporting functions like Label, Rank and Cache. Label is used to return a Microsoft Dynamics AX label value, Rank allows you to return a ranked value from a data source, Cache is used to return a data set which other Atlas functions can use as a surrogate for a table data source. Query menu The Query menu is used when you want to build use and save a reporting function without inserting it into the current document. 2.3.4 Log-out Log-out is done from the log-in form: 1. Open the Atlas client from the system task tray. Do this by using the right-click menu 2. Select Open Atlas Client 3. Click Logout or Logout and close Atlas The Logout and close Atlas will stop the Atlas Client in the task tray. 14 Atlas reporting system overview 2.3.5 1. Lab Exercises Log into Atlas and open Excel. Open the Refresh menu and change the date range to 01/01/07..31/12/07. (Use AX2012 LAB – Refresh report.xlsx) Challenge yourself! 1. Open the Atlas client and login 2. Open the lab workbook and change the date accordingly 3. Press enter to refresh the report Need a little help? 1. From your desktop, open the Atlas Client 2. Right-click the Atlas icon in the task tray 3. Enter your user name 4. Enter your password 5. Click login 6. Open Microsoft Excel 7. Open the workbook AX2012 LAB – Refresh report.xlsx 8. Open the Refresh menu from the Atlas Ribbon Bar. This is opened when you click on Refresh in the Report options group 9. Select cell K2 10. Change the date to 01/01/07..31/12/07 11. Select Refresh 12. Click the Apply button The report will refresh and sales in the period will be shown along with margins. Figure 5 Customer sales with margins 15 Atlas reporting system overview 2. You understand that there is a drill-down feature available; you can use this to investigate the invoices posted for a selected customer. Challenge yourself! 1. Select cell E12 2. Right-click and choose Select -> Table row 3. Open drill-down form Need a little help? 1. Select cell E12 2. Right-click and choose Select -> Table row 3. From the Atlas ribbon, click the drill-down button to reveal the transactions that make up the sales balance. Figure 6 The highlighted row is the basis of the drill-down Here is an example of the drill-down form: Figure 7 Sales invoice for customer 3007 Contoso Retail Boston 16 Atlas reporting system overview 2.4 Key points This section introduced Atlas. In particular you learned about: Logging in The Ribbon bar and the features that pertain to the Atlas reporting system Modes of operation Other lessons learned include: Open the Atlas client to log-in. The Atlas client can be started when your computer is started or it can be started on demand from an icon your desktop The Atlas client connects to an Atlas server. The definition of this connection is held in a configuration which can be selected from the log-in form There can be more than one active connection allowing you to use information from multiple systems It is the Atlas server that connects to your Microsoft Dynamics AX AOS via the business connector Use your network user name and password to log-in to Atlas On occasion you will need to include your network domain name; this is normal when you connect to an Atlas web service The Atlas client runs as a windows task tray application When connected the Atlas client status will change to show “Online” and the icon in the task tray will change from grey to be that of the Atlas logo. You can close the login form at any stage after log-in, the program will still run in the task tray Open the task tray application to manage your connection at any stage. Use this to logout of Atlas for example Atlas appears as a Ribbon tab in your Microsoft Office System applications The ribbon bar functions will be greyed-out if you have not logged into Atlas. Use the Refresh ribbon option to activate the ribbon if you log in subsequently The Atlas reporting system functions can be found in the Report options and Reporting groups of the Atlas ribbon bar Main functions of the reporting system are represented by the large buttons on the Atlas ribbon. Menus beneath each of these, reveal other, available functions Atlas operates in two modes; designer and context. Context is a runtime mode and allows you to use the task panes to present lists and summaries related or otherwise to the reporting function in the document. 17 Atlas reporting system overview 2.5 Quick interaction Take a moment to write down the three key points you have learned: 1. 2. 3. 18 3 Working with task panes 3.1 Outline All functions in the Atlas reporting system are built and delivered through a task pane experience. These task panes exhibit common characteristics which include: Data source selection Filters Output options Context information 3.2 Objectives At the completion of this chapter, you will be able to: Understand how to use the common characteristics of the reporting system task panes Understand how to select, maintain and create data source lists Understand how to select, save and share filters for an Atlas query Understand what is meant by output options for each function Understand the use of the context information tab 19 Working with task panes 3.3 Walk-through: Task panes 3.3.1 Scenario Because the functions of the Atlas reporting system are delivered using task panes, it is important to understand their structure and characteristics. With this in mind, you intend to demonstrate these to your students from the Sales team. The following list represents your agenda: Overall structure and characteristics Data source list Filters Output options Context information Open workbook AX2012 WALKTHROUGH 3.3.1 - Working with task panes.xlsx. 3.3.2 Common characteristics Open up the Balance task pane as follows: 1. Open a new workbook 2. Select cell E4 3. From the Ribbon bar, on the Atlas tab, in the Reporting group click the Balance button Each task pane has the following characteristics: 20 Working with task panes Function title bar showing version number Tab menu bar Currently selected tab Filter expressions Function specific output options Context tab for drillout queries Save task pane settings as a query Insert query into the document Figure 8 Task pane based on the Balance function Each task pane in the reporting system exhibits the following characteristics: Data source selection tab in which you can choose the connection and the primary reporting table for the Atlas reporting object A Filters tab which is used to apply constraints to the data returned by the Atlas reporting object An Output tab; which is specific to the Atlas reporting function, describes the result of the reporting object A Context information tab which allows you to assign up to five Atlas queries to this reporting object. These are executed and displayed in a task pane whenever this Atlas reporting object is selected and Atlas is operating in a runtime mode. Control buttons. These allow you to Insert the Atlas reporting object into the current document, save the settings of the task pane using the Save As… button allowing you to reuse the query in a different document at a later date. Cancel abandons the task pane. 21 Working with task panes 3.3.3 Selecting a data source General Atlas service selection Sheet reference selector for Atlas service Search box Currently selected table This tab is used to select the primary reporting table for the query. 1. Open the Data sources tab if not already open 2. Tick to select the table you wish to report from. E.g. Customer transactions Once selected, the other tabs in the task pane reflect the chosen reporting table. Other options available include: Selecting a saved query associated with the selected the table. Use Table -> Open… menu to choose an alternative data source list Use Table -> Designer… menu to add / remove tables (See section 4) You can browse a table from this tab. Selecting a saved query Click to expand the table node to show related saved queries: 22 1. Click to expand the reporting table node in the data source list 2. Tick to select the saved query 3. Click Insert to run the query and display it in the open document Working with task panes Figure 9 Customer balance saved query selected and ready to insert Opening another data source list Data source lists contain a collection of primary reporting tables and are stored as files on disk. You can have as many data source list files as you see fit. To open a list other than the current list, simply: 1. Click to open the File menu option at the top of the tab 2. Click to select the Open… 3. When the file dialog appears, navigate to the folder that contains the data source files 4. Click to select the appropriate file 5. Click Open Figure 10 Data source files Browsing a table The records within a table can be viewed from the data source tab: 1. Tick to select the Customer transactions data source or any other you wish to browse 2. Right-click and choose Browse from the menu This reveals the drill-down form with a list of un-filtered transactions therein. You can adjust the contents of this form as you would with the drill-down viewer. 23 Working with task panes 3.3.4 Filter expressions General This tab is used to apply filter expressions to the selected data source. These can be simple or complex and can include fields from other, related tables. By default the auto-report fields are displayed, although you can add or subtract others: Filter tab menu Add / Remove fields Saved filter selector Reveal Save as menu Filter fields Criteria entry box Field name Criteria source selection button Range entry box Help text Figure 11 Annotated filter tab Filters must be expressed in a manner that is compatible with those used in Microsoft Dynamics AX. They can be described in various ways, including: Literal values (Typed directly into the filter criteria column of the Filters tab) By reference to a single cell in the document By reference to a range of cells in the document By reference to a named range Table lookup Document custom properties Choosing a filter from the sheet Using the Customer transactions data source, choose a filter from the document as follows: 1. Ensure the Filters tab is open 2. Click to select the Customer account row 3. Right-click and select the Pick option 4. Navigate to cell D4 and click OK The worksheet will look as follows: 24 Working with task panes Figure 12 D4 contains the customer account codes that filter this function 3.3.5 Output options It is this tab that varies by function. Use this tab to specify the output you want. Normally it is a case of selecting the fields you wish to have displayed in the output. Figure 13 An example output pane from the balance function In the example of the customer transactions: 1. Open the Output: Balance tab 2. Tick to select the Amount field 3.3.6 Context information This tab is used to link other queries to be run and viewed when the report has been built. Change modes to context and each report linked using this tab will executed and displayed in the context task pane. You can also assign an alternative drill-down path; this will run whenever the drill-down button on the ribbon bar is selected. 25 Working with task panes 3.3.7 Inserting the query into your document When you have completed all the settings you need in the task pane, save or insert into the document: 1. Click Insert to execute and display the results of the Atlas query, OR 2. Click Save as… to open the saved settings window 3. Enter a Template title 4. Enter a Description 5. Tick to select whether the template is Shared 6. Click OK Here is an example of the result: 26 3.3.8 1. Lab Exercises To ensure that you have the training data source list on your system, you decide to load this in preparation for the training course. The data source list is called “AX2012 Training Reporting.AtlasDataSources”. Challenge yourself! 1. Open a new workbook 2. Select a reporting function 3. Open the AX2012 Training Reporting data source file Need a little help? 1. Open a new workbook 2. Open the Balance function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar 3. Open the data sources tab if not already open 4. Select the Tables menu option 5. Choose Open… 6. Select from the dialog the AX2012 Training Reporting.AtlasDataSources 7. Click the Open button 27 Working with task panes 2. You want to demonstrate the ability to open an alternative data source. Choose any reporting function to reveal the data sources tab page. Then use the Open function to select the “Customer” data source. Challenge yourself! 1. Open a new workbook 2. Select a reporting function 3. Open the Customer data source file Need a little help? 1. Open a new workbook 2. Open the Balance function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar 3. Open the data sources tab if not already open 4. Select the Tables menu option 5. Choose Open… 6. Select from the dialog the Customer.AtlasDataSources 7. Click the Open button Here is an example of the data source list when the customer data source is selected: Figure 14 Customer data source list 28 Working with task panes 3. To demonstrate using task panes, you have built a workbook that incorporates some simple inputs. Use (AX2012 LAB – Working with task panes.xlsx). This workbook is designed to display the accounts receivable balances for a selected customer account(s) and for a customer group(s). Challenge yourself! 1. Select cell E5 2. Open the Balance function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar. This is the first button in the Reporting group 3. Tick to select the Customer transactions entry 4. On the Filters tab, select the Customer account row and pick the accounts in cell D5 5. Click Insert 6. Select cell E7 7. Using the open Balance function task pane, tick to select the Customer transactions entry 8. Add Fields and link to the customer table. Choose group and pick the group 30 from cell D7 9. Click Insert Need a little help? 1. Select cell E5 2. Open the Balance function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar. This is the first button in the Reporting group 3. Tick to select the Customer transactions node 4. Open the Filters tab 5. Click to select the Customer account row 6. Right-click and select the Pick option 7. Navigate to cell D5 and click OK 8. Click insert 9. Select cell E7 10. Using the open the Balance function task pane, select the Filters tab 11. Click the Fields button to open the field selection window 12. Click to select the green plus adjacent to the Customer account entry 13. Click to expand the Customers entry 14. Tick to select the Customer group in the list of fields 15. Click OK 16. Click to select the Customer group row that is now in the grid 17. Use right-click and choose the named range =CustGroup 18. Click insert Here is an example of the workbook: 29 Working with task panes Figure 15 Transactions balances based on account and group 30 4 Managing data sources 4.1 Outline Data source lists are a collection of reporting tables from your Microsoft Dynamics AX. Stored as files on disk, you can have as many data source list files as you see fit. Normally, these lists will contain reporting tables sufficient to meet you or your user’s needs. This section discusses: Creating a new data source list using the designer Adjusting an existing data source list Saving and closing the designer Tables and Views as data sources 4.2 Objectives At the completion of this chapter, you will be able to: Understand how to create and maintain a data source list Understand how to find and select reporting tables Understand data source list categories Understand how to save data source lists 31 Managing data sources 4.3 Walk-through: Managing a data source list 4.3.1 Scenario You have found that the example data source list includes too many tables for your needs and have decided that you want to create a list that contains only those tables you think you will need. Included in your new list of data sources will be the following tables: Customers (CustTable) Global address book (DirPartyTable) Customers (CustTableCube)3 Customer groups (CustGroup) Customer transactions (CustTrans) To do this you will: Open the data source designer Create a new list Add tables to the list Saving the new list 4.3.2 Opening the Data source designer Open the data source designer form from the Data sources tab of any reporting function. E.g. Balance. Do this by using the Designer option from the Tables menu: Figure 16 Opening the Designer form 3 1. Open a new Workbook 2. Select any reporting function from the Atlas ribbon 3. Open the Data source tab 4. Click to select the Tables menu option 5. Choose the Designer… menu option This is an AOT View 32 Managing data sources The Designer form appears as follows: Figure 17 Data source designer for the current designer This, by default, shows the contents of the current, active list. 4.3.3 Creating a new data source list To create an empty data source list: 1. Click File to open a menu of choices 2. Click to select New Figure 18 Empty data source list 4.3.4 Adding tables General You can add tables directly into the data source list or you can search for the tables using the add table task pane. The former method means that you must know the name of the table as it is known in the AOT. 33 Managing data sources Adding a table directly You can add tables to the list of tables directly. Use the row containing the plus symbol to do this: 1. Click to select the Name entry in the first record of the data sources list 2. Type CustTable for the customers table and press the tab key 3. Optionally enter a label for the table and 4. Press the enter key add this table to the data source list Figure 19 Customer table added 34 5. Click to select the Name entry in the first record of the data sources list 6. Type CustTrans for the customers transactions table and press the tab key 7. Optionally enter a description for the table in the Label field 8. Press the enter key add this table to the data source list Managing data sources Figure 20 Customers and customer transaction tables in the data source list Adding a table using the search method Using this method, you can search for the table(s) you want to include. You can include a partial name or the full name of the table in the search; the more accurate the name the narrower the search results returned. Here, the customer group is being search for: 1. Click the Add Table tab on the task pane Figure 21 Add Table task pane revealed 2. Click to select the Search entry box 3. Type customer group in the search entry box 4. Press the enter key 35 Managing data sources Figure 22 Search results for customer group 1. Tick to select CustGroup 2. Click Apply 3. Click to select the Search entry box 4. Type address book in the search entry box 5. Press the enter key 6. Tick to select DirPartyTable 7. Click Apply 8. Click to select the Search entry box 9. Type Customers in the search entry box 10. Press the enter key 11. Tick to select CustTableCube (Customers) 12. Click Apply All ticked entries are copied across to the data source list: 36 Managing data sources Figure 23 Complete data source list Removing tables from the list You can remove data sources from the list: 1. Click to select the row in the data source list containing the table to be removed 2. Right-click select Delete 4.3.5 Saving the data source list Once you have finished editing the data source list, you can save it to a folder on your file system: 1. Click File to open a menu of choices 2. Click to select Save as… 3. When the file dialogue box appears, navigate to the folder into which this file will be saved and then enter a file name, e.g. Sample data source list: 4. Click Save 5. Close the Designer by File -> Exit The host task pane is changed to show the new data source list: 37 Managing data sources Figure 24 Sample data source list in the reporting task pane 38 4.4 Understanding Tables and AOT Views 4.4.1 Outline In previous versions of Atlas the data sources were pre-defined and limited to specific Dynamics AX modules. This release of Atlas goes beyond these pre-defined modules and can now use any table in Microsoft Dynamics AX’s AOT. Furthermore, you can also define views; these views allow you to join more than one table and choose which fields to include; in effect creating a new table in its own right. 4.4.2 Tables All tables in the data dictionary of Microsoft Dynamics AX AOT can be used by Atlas. This means that each function is now able to apply filters and return data to Microsoft Excel from any table. All that is required is for you to decide which tables you wish to include as the basis of your report. Examples of these tables include: Customer transactions, Cutomers and the Project table. 4.4.3 AOT Views AOT Views allow you to define custom views of your Microsoft Dynamics AX data; typically, these span more than one table and have the effect of flattening out complex relationships between tables, making the view appear as a table in its own right. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is shipped with several sample views, an example of which is CustTableCube. This view joins many of the tables in the global address book with the customer table allowing you to easily include, names and addresses for your customers into a report. In the following you can the fields in this particular View: 39 4.5 Key points This section introduced the task pane interface of the Atlas reporting system. In particular you learned that the reporting system functions exhibit a common set of characteristics: Data source list Filters Output options Context information All reporting functions are designed using the task pane interface and contextual information is also delivered through task panes. The following was also learned: Data source tab of the task pane is used to select the primary reporting table. By simply ticking makes the data source the current data source for the reporting function. Elements in the Data sources list (Tables and AOT Views) can be categorized so that the list can be grouped in a m You can browse the records in a data source and you can browse any saved query that might use that data source as it primary reporting table You can use the Data source designer to add and remove tables and AOT Views from the list. Use this to apply categories to allow grouping of the list Search features are available so you can easily find tables and AOT Views in your list Filters are defined in the Filters tab page. Filters apply a constraint to the records used by the reporting function By default the fields upon which you can apply a filter is limited to the auto-report group. You can add and subtract fields to the filter fields list by using the Fields button Filter expressions use the same notation as that used by Microsoft Dynamics AX You can source filter expressions from: o Within the task pane as a literal value, o A lookup function for a selected field; this will allow you to include ranges from Microsoft Dynamics AX into your filter o The document surface; such as a cell in Excel or content control or shape in Word or Powerpoint respectively o Custom document properties Consider using named ranges when the filter expression is sourced from the document surface itself, this makes the query portable Fields from linked or main tables can be added to the filter field list and form part of the filter. For example, Customer group added as a filter field to the customer invoice journal fields Filters can be saved and recalled for future use. You can also share these saved filters with other users. Use this when the filter is: o Complicated and needs some skill to define correctly o Is used frequently by many reporting functions o Links many tables so saves time 40 Managing data sources Output options are specific to the reporting function and define what is presented by the function to the user Context information is used by the Atlas reporting system to provide runtime “context” to the resolved function. For example, a Balance function might show the sales for a particular period of time, but a context report linked to that Balance function might display the items sold for that given time period You can define up to five context reports per reporting function. This means for each function used in your document, you can assign up to five additional context views Context information is also used to identify an alternative drill-down path to the one used when you click the drill-down button. By default this is a transaction list based on the constraints applied by the filter expression. Use this feature to nominate a different report to use 41 Managing data sources 4.6 Quick interaction Take a moment to write down the three key points you have learned: 1. 2. 3. 42 5 Free-format functions 5.1 Outline The formula based functions are used to return a value; numeric or text, into a cell or content control in your document. This powerful feature allows you to easily build complex, free-format style reports that meet your personal reporting needs as well as those needed for your organization. Using Microsoft Excel’s re-calculation methods, the values in the cells that contain these functions will be refreshed with the latest information. Furthermore, any dependent formula functions will automatically refresh as the source cells change. Once built, these functions operate like any other formula functions found in Microsoft Excel. 5.2 Objectives At the end of this chapter, you will be able to: Identify the three free-format functions of: o Balance o Column o Lookup Understand how each of these three free-format functions are built and used Understand how you can combine the functions to build sophisticated reports Understand how to edit reports that use these functions Understand how to use these functions with other Atlas functions 43 Free-format functions 5.3 Walk-through: Free-format functions 5.3.1 Scenario You have been asked to deliver a report that shows the total sales figures for all customers by group. The report will need to be filtered by currency, to allow you to differentiate by selected sales currency: Use Column function to fill in the names for each customer group Use Balance function to get a revenue balance figure for each customer and for the selected date interval Use the lookup function to provide a list of alternative date intervals Use WALKTHROUGH 4.3.1 – Selected Customer Sales.xlsx 5.3.2 Use Column function to fill in the customer name Use the Column function to retrieve the name for each customer account. The name is sourced from the customer table found in your data source list: Figure 25 Blank customer group sales report 44 1. Select cell E7 2. From the Ribbon bar, on the Atlas tab, in the Reporting group click the Free-format drop down menu beneath the Balance button 3. Select Column from the list shown 4. Tick to select the Customer groups table in the data source list 5. Select Filters and click to select the Customer group row of the grid 6. Use right-click and from the menu choose Pick 7. When the Customer group range selection box appears, navigate to cell D7 and click OK to select it 8. Change the reference from $D$7 to $D7 9. Select Output and ensure that only the Name field is ticked Free-format functions Figure 26 Ensure only the Description is selected for this exercise 10. Click Insert. The report now appears as follows: Figure 27 Column formula is put in cell E7 that returns the name of customer 1101 11. Double-click the cell handle at the bottom right of the cell pointer to copy the formula to each row in the report: 45 Free-format functions Figure 28 A completed list of group descriptions Note: Now that these names are in place, they do not need to be recalculated again, simply copy and paste these cells as values. 5.3.3 Use Balance function to get the sales revenue per customer per period The sales column uses the Balance function. The function will return the sales balance figure from the invoice table for a date interval defined in cell D4. 1. Select cell F7 2. From the Ribbon bar, on the Atlas tab, in the Reporting group click the Balance button 3. Tick to select the Customer invoice journal in the data source list 4. Select Filters 5. Click the Fields button 6. When the field list selection box appears, tick to expand the Available fields node and tick to select Group. 7. Click OK 8. Click to select the Group row in the grid 9. Right-click and from the menu choose Pick 10. When the Customer group range selection box appears, navigate to cell D7 and click OK to select it 11. Change the reference from $D$7 to $D7 12. Select the Currency row in the grid 13. Right-click and from the menu choose Pick 14. When the Currency range selection box appears, navigate to cell D4 and click OK to select it 15. Select Output 16. Un-tick Cash discount and then find and tick the field Sales sub-total amount 46 Free-format functions Figure 29 Selecting the amount column for the balance function 17. Click Insert. The report now appears as follows: 18. Double-click the cell handle at the bottom right of the cell pointer to copy the formula to each row in the report: 47 Free-format functions Figure 30 Sales figures copied down. Sales in US Dollars 5.3.4 Use Lookup to provide a list of currencies Finally, apply a currency selection through the Lookup function: 1. Select cell D4 2. From the Ribbon bar, on the Atlas tab, in the Reporting group click the Free-format drop down menu beneath the Balance button 3. Select Lookup from the list shown 4. Tick to select the Currency table in the data source list 5. Select Output 6. Click on the Report columns (Currency) node of the field list 7. Click the Add/Remove Fields button 8. When the field list selection box appears, un-tick all but the Currency code and Name entries. 9. Click OK 10. Click Insert 48 Free-format functions Figure 31 List only the code and name in the lookup. Return the first found and only the code After insert the report looks as follows: Figure 32 Report ready to use 5.3.5 Using the Lookup feature to change currency Do this as follows: 1. From the Atlas Ribbon bar, in the Report options group, change the mode from Designer mode to Standard. 2. Click in cell D4. This reveals a list of currencies in the context task pane: 49 Free-format functions Figure 33 A list of currencies with the first record selected 3. In the Search entry box, type EUR and tick to select it The report now appears as follows: 50 Free-format functions 5.4 Balance function 5.4.1 Outline Use Balance when you want to return an amount into a cell in your document. Balance is used in all reports that need an amount from Microsoft Dynamics AX. After resolving any parameters from your document, each Balance function generates a query against your Microsoft Dynamics AX. The results from these requests is returned to your document and displayed. The Balance function is a cornerstone of many reports built using Atlas. 5.4.2 Uses for the Balance function Balance function is not often used in isolation. It is used in conjunction with other Atlas functions to form a report. Typically you will find many Balance functions; each accepting slightly different input, are used in building an Atlas report. You can also use the Balance function in the following instances: Where you want to SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE a single numeric field from a data source Where you want to apply simple mathematics to two or more numeric fields from a data source. Only the SUM operation is allowed Where you want to return a single, numeric amount from Microsoft Dynamics AX based on none, one or more filter expressions Where you want the amount figure to change dynamically as filter inputs from other cells change Where the format of your report does not change in structure, each time the report is run Where you want to have the ability to drill-down on the amount to explore more detail Where you want to do an ad hoc inquiry to quickly resolve simple or complicated questions Where you want to include a number in conjunction with the structured reporting functions of Atlas; such as list or summary. For example, for a list of projects use the balance function as a managed column (See List reporting). Example report structures include, summary reports, balance sheets, forms, status report, income statements, cash flows 51 Free-format functions 5.4.3 1. Lab. Exercises You have been asked to provide a full year sales figure for the customer Contoso Seattle and their retail store. You can do this quickly in an Excel spreadsheet using the Balance function as a means to give you this number. (Use AX2012 LAB – Balance Contoso Seattle.xlsx) Challenge yourself! 1. Select cell E8 2. Open the Balance task pane 3. Choose Customer invoice journal 4. Set the customer and date filters accordingly 5. Select the Sales subtotal amount only Need a little help? 1. Select cell E8 2. Open the Balance function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar. This is the first button in the Reporting group 3. Tick to select the table Customer invoice journal 4. Open the filters tab 5. Click to select the Customer account row and in the range entry box, type 3002 6. Click to select the Date row in the range entry box, type 01/07/07..30/06/08 7. Open the Output tab 8. Un-tick the Cash discount in the include fields node 9. In the available fields list, search and find the Sales subtotal amount field. Select by ticking 10. Click insert Here is an example of a completed workbook: 52 Free-format functions 2. The quick ad hoc function you just created served its purpose well. To answer similar questions about other stores you decide to adjust the report to include on-sheet selections for customer and date range. (Use AX2012 LAB – Balance sales by customer and period.xlsx) Challenge yourself! 1. In cells D4 and D5 type 3002 and 01/07/06..30/06/08 respectively 2. Select cell E8 3. Open the Balance task pane 4. Choose Customer invoice journal 5. Set the customer and date filters accordingly 6. Select the Sales subtotal amount only as the output amount Need a little help? 1. Select cell D4 and type 3002 2. Select cell D5 and type 01/07/07..30/06/08 3. Select cell E8 4. Open the Balance function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar. This is the first button in the Reporting group 5. Tick to select the table Customer invoice journal 6. Open the filters tab 7. Click to select the Customer account row 8. Use the pick button and choose cell D4 9. Click to select the Date row 10. Use the pick button and choose cell D5 11. Open the Output tab 12. Un-tick the Cash discount in the include fields node 13. In the available fields list, search and find the Sales subtotal amount field. Select by ticking 14. Click insert Here is an example of a completed workbook: Tip Change the date or the date interval and the function in E8 will recalculate automatically. You can enter multiple customer codes and dates if necessary 53 Free-format functions 5.5 Column function 5.5.1 Outline This is used primarily to return a non-numeric field, multiple fields or a label associated with a code. The code is usually an account code, customer code, vendor code or a dimension name but can be any attribute from any table in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Use Column function if you do not wish to re-type the description of a code each time it is changed in the spreadsheet. Column will only find the first record matching any filter expressions you provide. As Column is implemented as a function, it is refreshed on demand or whenever the cell containing the code changes 5.5.2 Uses for the Column function Column function is not often used in isolation. It is used in conjunction with other Atlas functions to form a report. Use the Column function in the following instances: 54 Where you want to provide a name or description for a code in a report Where you want to include the text from a number of fields into one cell. For example to build a customer address Where you want to return a label for a given field that might be included in one of your reports Where you want the description or name of a code to change dynamically as filter inputs from other cells change Where you want to provide a link between two sets of data sources. For example, during upload of free-text invoices you will need to link the lines to a posted header record. This can be done by showing the RecordID of the header Where you want to include a name or description in conjunction with the structured reporting functions of Atlas; such as list or summary. For example, for a list of ledger transactions use the Column function as a managed column (See List reporting) to return the vendor or customer name to which the transaction relates When you need to make a structured report more readable Free-format functions 5.5.3 1. Lab. Exercises Adding names and relevant descriptions to a simple query or report often helps its acceptance; especially if you need to distribute it to others in your organization. You have discovered that the Column function can help with report readability and you are trying the function out to see what it can do. By way of a simple example, use customer code 3002 and return their name. (Use AX2012 LAB – Column customer name.xlsx) Challenge yourself! 1. Select cell E4 2. Open the Column task pane 3. Choose Customers (CustTableCube) as a data source 4. Set the customer filter accordingly 5. Select the Name as output field 6. Click Insert Need a little help? 1. Select cell E4 2. Open the Column function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar. This is opened from the drop-down menu that is revealed when you click on Free-format in the Reporting group 3. Tick to select the table Customers (CustTableCube) 4. Open the filters tab 5. Click to select the Customer account row 6. Use the pick button and choose cell D4 7. Open the Output tab 8. Click the Erase button4 to remove the AccountNum as the output field 9. Click the Fields button 10. Click to expand the Available Fields node 11. Tick to Show System Names 12. Ensure that the Name (Name) field is ticked 13. Click OK 14. In the Available fields list, right-click Name and choose Field Data(%Name) from the menu 15. Click insert Here is an example of a completed workbook: 4 Erse button appears in the toolbar of the sentence editor: 55 Free-format functions 2. Experimenting further, you want to build a multi-field column formula that incorporates text and other fields, such as an address. You want the address to appear like the following: Format Sample based on customer 3002 Address: Address: Street 123 Silver Road City, State Post code Seattle WA 98104 Since you are working with customer 3002, you are going to use this as the basis of your second test. (Use AX2012 LAB – Column customer name and address.xlsx) Challenge yourself! 1. Select cell E6 2. Open the Column task pane 3. Choose Customers (CustTableCube) as a data source 4. Set the customer filter accordingly 5. In the expression edit box type Address: press enter and then select from available fields the appropriate fields to suit the above format 6. Click Insert Need a little help? 56 1. Select cell E7 2. Open the Column function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar. This is opened from the drop-down menu that is revealed when you click on Free-format in the Reporting group 3. Tick to select the table Customers (CustTableCube) 4. Open the filters tab 5. Click to select the Customer account row 6. Use the pick button and choose cell D4 7. Open the Output tab 8. Click the Erase button to remove the AccountNum as the output field 9. Click the Fields button Free-format functions 10. Click to expand the Available Fields node 11. Tick to select City, Street, Zip/Postal code and state fields 12. Click OK 13. In the expression edit box type Address: and press enter 14. In the Available fields list, right-click Street and choose Field Data(%Street) from the menu. Type “,” and then press enter 15. Using the right-click menu, add City, State and Post code in the same fashion. Use the spacebar for readability: 16. Click Insert Here is an example of a completed workbook: 57 Free-format functions Figure 34 The address changes as the input in D4 changes. You can include field labels in the concatenation Tip: Change the value in D4 to change the name and address column functions. If you choose an expression in D4 that will result in multiple records, then only the first is used in the Column function. 58 Free-format functions 5.6 Lookup function 5.6.1 Outline This is used primarily to return a non-numeric code or multiple non-numeric codes from a user defined list or summary report. The report is viewed in a lookup task pane visible when you switch from designer to context mode. It usually shows a list of codes and descriptions; such as customer codes and names, vendor codes and names, item codes and names etc. Typically, the code that is selected and returned to the workbook is used in conjunction with other Atlas functions such as Balance and Column as input. You can use this function to show a list or summary report from any table and you can choose to return any attribute that makes sense to the report or query you are building. Use Lookup function if you wish to give the report user a list of alternative, valid inputs from which they can choose. Linked functions will recalculate dynamically when the selection is made. The Lookup can be implemented as a function, it is refreshed on demand or whenever the cell containing the input to the function changes. In addition, you make the Lookup a placeholder defined by a named range; in this case a formula function is not inserted, instead Atlas manages the Lookup list whenever it detects you are in that named range, allowing you to get a value from anywhere in that range. For example, when you are using Atlas to upload a journal you might use the Lookup to interrogate Microsoft Dynamics AX to return a Project, Category, Account or Dimension value. 5.6.2 Uses for the Lookup function The Lookup function is not used in isolation. It is used in conjunction with other Atlas functions to form a report. Use the Column function in the following instances: Where you want a user to select one or more codes from a list of valid alternatives Where you want the output of another report to provide the user with an action list. For example, open customer balances for customer group 10 Where you want to provide a dynamic lookup that changes when values in other cells, acting as inputs, change Where you want to get a valid value for a cell in a list or range of cells. E.g. valid account code in a journal upload. 59 Free-format functions 5.6.3 1. Lab Exercises You have learned that you can use the Lookup function to provide a list from which a user can choose one or more values. When chosen, the value is used by the report and all linked reports will refresh. In this example you want to let the user choose from a list of customers. Use (AX2012 LAB – Lookup customer sales by quarter.xlsx) Challenge yourself! 1. Select cell D4 2. Open the Lookup task pane 3. Choose Customers (CustTableCube) as a data source 4. Open the Style : Lookup tab 5. From the report columns node, choose Add/Remove fields and limit the fields to be name and code 6. Set the return field to be customer account 7. Click Insert (The first account code is inserted into the selected cell) 8. Change to Standard mode and open the Lookup task pane Need a little help? 60 1. Select cell D4 2. Open the Lookup function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar. This is opened from the drop-down menu that is revealed when you click on Free-format in the Reporting group 3. Tick to select the table Customers (CustTableCube) 4. Open the Style : Lookup tab 5. Click the Report Columns node 6. Click Add/Remove Fields 7. Un-tick all but the Customer account and expand the Available fields node and tick to select the Name field and then click OK 8. Click insert 9. Change mode from Designer to Standard Free-format functions The function inserts the first code of the customer list into the workbook and a list of the customers is then displayed in a task pane. Tick to select any entry in the list this then updates the results in the workbook: Figure 35 You can use the task pane to select the appropriate customer from the list Tip: If your Lookup function accepts input for filters from values in other cells on the sheet, then as these change so does the list it shows 61 Free-format functions 5.7 Key points This section introduced the three main free-format functions: Balance Column Lookup In addition to introducing these three functions, it showed how these functions can be used in conjunction to build sophisticated and dynamic reports. Other lessons learned include: 62 Balance function is used to return aggregated numeric amounts. Aggregation can be SUM, COUNT or AVERAGE Balance function supports simple column mathematics; notably, field a + field b Column function is used to return a non-numeric field. Typically it is used to provide names and descriptions for codes used elsewhere in your workbook Column function can concatenate fields, user provided text and labels together to form sentence like structures. An example of concatenation is an address that includes Street name, City, State and Post code. Lookup function is used to return a value from a list or summary report. The list or summary being displayed in a task pane. This means you can provide a user with a list from which they can select valid alternatives Use lookup function in conjunction with other functions like Balance and Column. It provides the input to the latter Lookup functions can be chained together so that the output from one Lookup function provides the input to another Free-format functions can be copied, edited and moved like any other function in Microsoft Excel Use named ranges and cell referencing to optimize the speed in which it takes you to build a report Free-format functions 5.8 Quick interaction Take a moment to write down the three key points you have learned: 1. 2. 3. 63 6 Structured reporting functions 6.1 Outline Structured reporting functions are used when you want to present lists, summaries or cross tabulated (matrix) information from Microsoft Dynamics AX. These functions use the Microsoft Office table object as the presentation container, and as such, will inherit and respect the formatting capabilities it has to offer. You can combine these functions with other Atlas functions to build sophisticated reports. Structured reports can be refreshed dynamically; assuming that one or more of the report’s filters is linked to the contents of a cell or they can be refreshed from the Atlas ribbon bar on demand. Summary and matrix style functions off drill-down capabilities by default, List style reports do not unless a specific drill-down source is included in the context information. Structured reporting functions also make use of the managed column feature. This allows you to incorporate other Atlas (such as Balance or Column) or Excel functions into the report. When the report is refreshed then these managed columns, including their contents, are treated as if they were part of the Structured report definition itself. 6.2 Objectives At the end of this chapter, you will be able to: Understand how to build a basic List, Summary or Matrix report Understand how to apply formatting and styles Understand the refresh options available to the Structured reporting functions Understand how you can combine the Structured reporting functions with other functions to build sophisticated reports using managed columns Understand how to include columns from other, linked tables Understand how to edit reports that use these functions 64 Structured reporting functions 6.3 List 6.3.1 Outline The List function is used to return a non-aggregated series of records from a data source into a Microsoft Office table. The table will be formatted according to the defaults you set in your Microsoft Office installation. Once the table is generated, you can adjust the format and other options to suit. When the report is refreshed, these adjusted settings are remembered and applied to the re-generated list. You can link the main data source for the list report with other; associated data sources so that the resulting table contains information from multiple sources. For example, by linking in the customer table to customer transactions table, you can include the customer name with transactional detail. List reports can be grouped into sections with totals per section and overall. List reports can include, user defined, managed columns. These act as place-holders into which you can put another cell function. These cell functions can be Microsoft Excel standard functions or freeformat Atlas functions. When the List report is refreshed, these place-holders are respected and their contents “managed” according to whether the list expands or contracts. The number of records returned can be restricted, a feature that allows you to show last five or first 10 records for example. List reports can be refreshed from the Atlas ribbon bar or can be refreshed when a cell that provides input to the List function changes. For example, if a List function is linked to a Lookup function. 6.3.2 Uses Use the List function when you want to: Present a list of main table or transaction records Use the output from a list as input to a journal or table upload Used in conjunction with other reporting functions as a component of another report Uses to provide raw, un-summarized data to another function or system 65 Structured reporting functions 6.3.3 Walk-through: List report Scenario You have been asked to produce a report; that shows a list of invoices for a range of customers and for a range of dates. The report will allow the user to choose a range of dates and will allow them to choose the customer too. Columns for the report include: Customer account, the invoice number, invoice date, currency, sales amount, invoice amount, ledger voucher for each listed invoice. In addition you will need to show the customer name. To do this, you will need to: Choose cells to enter a customer account or range of customer accounts and to enter a date or range of dates Produce a list report based on the customer invoices that accepts, as filter input, customer account and date range Edit the report and link to customers to get the customer name Use AX2012 WALKTHROUGH 5.3.1 – List invoices by customer and period.xlsx Input cells for customer and date ranges Once the workbook is open: 1. Select cell D4 2. Enter 3002 to represent a range of accounts 3. Select cell D5 4. Enter 01/07/07..30/06/08 to represent a range of dates Figure 36 Account and date ranges entered Build a simple list report using customer and date as filter inputs The list report will paste an Excel table into the worksheet at an insertion point you choose. The columns of the report are dictated by the fields you choose using the task pane: 66 1. Select cell D7 2. From the Ribbon bar, on the Atlas tab, in the Reporting group click the Structured drop down menu beneath the Summary button 3. Select List from the menu shown 4. Tick to select the Customer invoice journal in the data source list Structured reporting functions 5. Select Filters and click to select the Customer account row in the grid 6. Use right-click and from the menu choose Pick 7. When the Customer account range selection box appears, navigate to cell D4 and click OK to select it 8. Select the Date row in the grid 9. Use right-click and from the menu choose Pick 10. When the Date range selection box appears, navigate to cell D5 and click OK to select it Figure 37 Filter tab, showing account and date as criteria sourced from the worksheet 11. Select Style : List 12. Click to select the Report Columns (Customer invoice journal) node 13. Click the Add/Remove fields button 14. When the Add or modify report columns task pane appears, un-tick the columns Invoice account and Sales order 15. Expand the Available fields node and navigate the list it shows until you find The sales subtotal amount, in the accounting currency. Tick to select this field 16. Click OK to copy your selections into the list task pane Figure 38 Column selection 17. Click Voucher and press the green down arrow button until the column is the last in the list 18. Un-tick the Report Total field of Invoice amount 67 Structured reporting functions 19. Click Insert 20. Select cell D8 21. From the Ribbon bar select Table tools : Design 22. Choose table style : Light 3 The report will appear as follows: Figure 39 Completed list with a new table style Editing the report to include the customer name You have been asked to include the name from the customer table in this report from the invoice transaction. 1. Select cell D8 2. Click to open the designer task pane for the list report Figure 40 Yellow button at the bottom right opens the task pane for the mode 68 3. Navigate to the Style : List tab 4. Click to select the Report Columns (Customer invoice journal) node Structured reporting functions 5. Click the Add/Remove fields button 6. Expand the Available fields 7. Tick to select the Invoicing name field 8. Click OK copy your selections into the list task pane 9. Select the Name field and press the green up arrow button to move the field to a position directly beneath the Customer account field 10. Click Update The report is refreshed and the column for name is shown in the column next to the account code: Figure 41 This report has had additional formatting applied; alignment, number formats and column widths 69 Structured reporting functions 6.3.4 1. Lab Exercises You have been asked to provide a list of retail customers that will be used as the basis of a mailing list. Since you have decided to use Atlas, you are going to use the List function. The columns you need to include are: Account, name, Street, city, state and zip/postal code. (Use AX2012 LAB – List retail customers.xlsx) Challenge yourself! 1. Use your mouse to select cell D6 2. Use the List function to present a list of customers (CustTableCube) for the retail customers group. Ensure you pick the required columns only 3. Change format of the table to style : Light 3 Need a little help? 1. Select cell D6 2. Open the List function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar. This is opened from the drop-down menu that is revealed when you click on Structured in the Reporting group 3. Tick to select the table Customers (CustTableCube) 4. Open the Filter tab 5. Click Fields button 6. Expand the Available fields node 7. Tick to select Customer group 8. Click OK 9. Click to select the Customer group row 10. Enter 30 into the entry box 11. Open the Style : List tab 12. Click the Report Columns (Customers) node 13. Click Add/Remove Fields 14. Un-tick the Currency field 15. Expand the Available fields node 16. Tick to select the Name, City, State, Street and ZIP/Postal code fields 17. Click OK 18. Click insert Here is an example of a completed workbook: 70 Structured reporting functions Do a little more! You can change the table format to suit your preferred style. Simply, open the Table design tab on the Excel Ribbon bar. Choose Table Style Light 3 as an example. 71 Structured reporting functions 2. Create a new list that shows invoices for a range of dates and selected customer accounts. These ranges will be sourced from the workbook. You will need to include the following columns: Customer account, Name, Date, Invoice id, Voucher, Currency and Invoice amount. (Use AX2012 LAB – List invoices.xlsx). Challenge yourself! 1. Choose two cells to enter both a customer code and a date range 2. Select cell D7 3. Open the List task pane, select Customer invoice journal and filter by account and date. Then include columns described above 4. Click Insert Need a little help? 72 1. Select cell D4 2. Type in 3002 3. Select cell D5 4. Type in 01/07/07...31/10/07 5. Open the List function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar. This is opened from the drop-down menu that is revealed when you click on Structured in the Reporting group 6. Tick to select the table Customer invoice journal 7. Open the Filter tab and click to select the Customer account row in the grid 8. Use right-click and from the menu choose Pick 9. When the Customer account range selection box appears, navigate to cell D4 and click OK to select it 10. Click to select the Date row in the grid 11. Use right-click and from the menu choose Pick 12. When the Date range selection box appears, navigate to cell D5 and click OK to select it 13. Open the Style : List tab 14. Click the Report Columns (Customer invoice journal) node 15. Click Add/Remove Fields 16. Un-tick the Invoice account and Sales order fields 17. Click to expand the Available fields list 18. Find and then click to select Invoice name field 19. Click OK. Use the green arrow keys to move the invoice name to appear beneath the customer account. The field list now appears as follows: Structured reporting functions Figure 42 Field list prior to insert 20. Click insert 21. Select cell D7 22. Open the Table tools, design tab on the Ribbon bar. Choose table style Light 3. The report appears as follows: Figure 43 Invoice list based on cell inputs. Changing any input cell will cause the report to refreshed 73 Structured reporting functions 6.4 Summary 6.4.1 Outline The Summary function is used to return an aggregated series of records from a data source into a Microsoft Office table. The table will be formatted according to the defaults you set in your Microsoft Office installation. Once the table is generated, you can adjust the format and other options to suit. When the report is refreshed, these adjusted settings are remembered and applied to the re-generated Summary. You can link the main data source for the Summary report with other; associated data sources so that the resulting table contains information from multiple sources. For example, by linking in the customer table to customer transactions table, you can include the customer name with the summarized balances. Summary reports can be grouped into sections with totals per section and overall. For example, customer balances within customer group. Summary reports can include, user defined, managed columns. These act as place-holders into which you can put another cell function. These cell functions can be Microsoft Excel standard functions or free-format Atlas functions. When the Summary report is refreshed, these placeholders are respected and their contents “managed” according to whether the Summary expands or contracts. For example, if your Summary report shows customer balances you also include a column formula to return the credit limit so that you can assess whether they are above or below their credit limit. The number of records returned can be restricted, a feature that allows you to show the top 10 debtors for example. Summary reports can be refreshed from the Atlas ribbon bar or can be refreshed when a cell that provides input to the Summary function changes. For example, if a Summary function is linked to a Lookup function. 6.4.2 Uses Use the Summary function when you want to: 74 Present a summary of records from a transaction record table Present a ranked list of records, for example to show top 10 customers or bottom 10 selling items Provide a report that can be manipulated to form the basis of an upload. For example, a report to show hours booked last week by employee and project, which can then be adjusted to include this week’s time ready for upload into the hours journal Use the report in conjunction with other summary reports as a building block of another report Structured reporting functions 6.4.3 Walk-through: Sales order invoice summary Scenario You have been asked to produce a report; that shows a list of invoiced sales orders for a range of customers and for a range of dates. The report will allow the user to choose a range of dates and will allow them to choose the customer too. Columns for the report include: Sales order number, name on the invoice (invoicing name) and sales amount. To do this, you will need to: Choose cells to enter a customer account or range of customer accounts and to enter a date or range of dates Produce a summary report based on the customer invoices that accepts, as filter input, customer account and date range Use AX2012 WALKTHROUGH 6.4.1 – Summary invoiced sales orders by period.xlsx Enter input filters Once the workbook is open: 1. Select cell D4 2. Enter 3002 to represent a range of accounts 3. Select cell D5 4. Enter 01/07/07..31/07/07 to represent a range of dates Build the Summary report The list report will paste an Excel table into the worksheet at an insertion point you choose. The columns of the report are dictated by the fields you choose using the task pane: 1. Select cell D7 2. From the Ribbon bar, on the Atlas tab, in the Reporting group click the Summary button 3. Tick to select the Customer invoice journal in the data source list 4. Select Filters and click to select the Customer account row in the grid 5. Use right-click and from the menu choose Pick 6. When the Customer account range selection box appears, navigate to cell D4 and click OK to select it 7. Select the Date row in the grid 8. Use right-click and from the menu choose Pick 9. When the Date range selection box appears, navigate to cell D5 and click OK to select it 75 Structured reporting functions Figure 44 Filter tab, showing account and date as criteria sourced from the worksheet 10. Select Style : Summary 11. Click to select the Report Columns (Customer invoice journal) node 12. Click the Add/Remove fields button 13. When the Add or modify report columns task pane appears, un-tick all but the Sales order field 14. Expand the Available fields node and navigate the list until you find The sales subtotal amount, in the accounting currency. Tick to select this field 15. Navigate further until you find Invoicing name. Tick to select this field 16. Click OK to copy your selections into the list task pane Figure 45 Column selection 17. Click Insert 76 Structured reporting functions Figure 46 Invoiced sales order summary 18. Select cell D8 19. From the Ribbon bar select Table tools : Design 20. Choose table style : Light 3 The report will appear as follows: Figure 47 Formatted summary report The transactions summarized by this report are highlighted below: 77 Structured reporting functions 6.4.4 1. Lab Exercises The list reports you created, above, gave you details of each invoice transaction posted into the system. The Summary report function, you have discovered, allows you to summarize these transactions. Armed with this knowledge, you decide to use this feature to attempt a customer sales analysis report; which will show sales figures for a set of customers for a given range of dates. The report will accept a date range as an input filter and will include as columns the customer account, their name and a summary of sales for that customer. (Use AX2012 LAB – Summary customer sales.xlsx) Challenge yourself! 1. Use your mouse to select cell D4 2. Enter date range. E.g. 01/07/07..30/06/08 3. Select cell D6 4. Use the Summary function to present a list of customers and their sales balance. Ensure you pick the required columns only 5. Change format of the table to style : Light 3 Need a little help? 1. Select cell D4 2. Enter date range. E.g. 01/07/07..30/06/08 3. Select cell D6 4. Open the Summary function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar. This is opened by clicking the Summary button in the Reporting group 5. Tick to select the table Customer invoice journal 6. Open the Filter tab 7. Click to select the Date row 8. Use right-click and from the menu choose Pick 9. When the Date range selection box appears, navigate to cell D4 and click OK to select it 10. Open the Style : Summary tab 11. Click the Report Columns (Customer invoice journal) node 12. Click Add/Remove Fields 13. Un-tick all but the Customer account field 14. Expand the Available fields node 15. Tick to select The sales subtotal amount, in the accounting currency field 16. Tick to select the Invoicing name field 17. Click OK 18. Click insert 19. Select cell D7 and then choose Style, Light 3 from the Table tools ribbon. Adjust number format for the sales balance to be currency and left align the customer account The resulting report appears as follows: 78 Structured reporting functions Figure 48 Customer invoice summary for a given range of dates Do a little more! Change the dates so that only July is shown. Then, repeat to show just the 1st through to the 7th of July 79 Structured reporting functions 2. The sales team like your summary report and want another report that shows sales by item for a given period. In addition to sales amount they want to see quantity sold too. Using the Summary function, build a report that includes item code, item name, sales quantity and line amount. (Use AX2012 LAB – Summary Item sales.xlsx) Challenge yourself! 1. Use your mouse to select cell D4 2. Enter date range. E.g. 01/07/07..30/06/08 3. Select cell D6 4. Use the Summary function to present a list of items and their quantity and sales balance. Ensure you pick the required columns only and that you select the customer invoice line table 5. Change format of the table to style : Light 3 Need a little help? 1. Select cell D4 2. Enter date range. E.g. 01/07/07..30/06/08 3. Select cell D6 4. Open the Summary function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar. This is opened by clicking the Summary button in the Reporting group 5. Tick to select the table Customer invoice lines 6. Open the Filter tab 7. Click the Fields button 8. Expand the Available fields node 9. Search for the Date field and click to select it 10. Click OK to close the field selection window 11. Click to select the Date row 12. Use right-click and from the menu choose Pick 13. When the Date range selection box appears, navigate to cell D4 and click OK to select it 14. Click to select the item row and in the range entry box type: ?* 15. Open the Style : Summary tab 16. Click the Report Columns (Customer invoice lines) node 17. Click Add/Remove Fields 18. Un-tick all but the Item and Quantity fields: 19. Expand the Available fields node 20. Tick to select the Amount in default currency field 21. Tick to select the Description field 22. Click Apply 80 Structured reporting functions Figure 49 Column selection window is reset and the two selections made are included 23. Click OK 24. Click insert 25. Select cell D7 and then choose Style, Light 3 from the Table tools ribbon. Adjust number format for the sales balance to be currency and left align the customer account Here is an example of how the report might appear: Figure 50 Item sales summary for a given range of dates Do a little more! Change the dates so that only July is shown. Then, repeat to show just the 1 st through to the 7th of July 81 Structured reporting functions 6.5 Matrix 6.5.1 Outline The Matrix function is similar in nature to the Summary function described above. It is used to return aggregated records from a data source into a Microsoft Office table with the results then tabulated, based upon a selected column. For example, Date. The table will be formatted according to the defaults you set in your Microsoft Office installation. Once the table is generated, you can adjust the format and other options to suit. When the report is refreshed, these adjusted settings are remembered and applied to the re-generated Matrix. You can link the main data source for the Matrix report with other; associated data sources so that the resulting table contains information from multiple sources. For example, by linking in the customer table to customer transactions table, you can include the customer name with transactional detail. Matrix reports can be grouped into sections with totals per section and overall. Matrix reports can include, user defined, managed columns. These act as place-holders into which you can put another cell function. These cell functions can be Microsoft Excel standard functions or free-format Atlas functions. When the Matrix report is refreshed, these place-holders are respected and their contents “managed” according to whether the list expands or contracts. The number of records returned can be restricted, a feature that allows you to show last five or first 10 records for example. Matrix reports can be refreshed from the Atlas ribbon bar or can be refreshed when a cell that provides input to the Matrix function changes. For example, if a Matrix function is linked to a Lookup function. 6.5.2 Uses Matrix reports are used when you want to: 82 Tabulate a summary of records from a transaction record table by a particular column Provide a report that can be manipulated to form the basis of an upload. For example, a report to show a forecast; which can then be adjusted to include actual figures and budgeted figures ready for upload to form a re-forecast budget Use the report in conjunction with other summary reports as a building block of another report Structured reporting functions 6.5.3 Walk-through: Customer sales by period Scenario You have been asked to produce a report that tabulates customer sales against currency to show. You know this information is contained on the customer invoice table so you decide to base your report on this and use a Matrix style to present the information. You want to add some flexibility to the report by including a date filter. Accordingly, there are three steps in building this report: Allow entry of a date specification Build the report Format the resulting output Use AX2012 WALKTHROUGH 6.5.1 – Matrix customer sales and currency.xlsx Allow for entry of a date Once the workbook is open: 1. Select cell D5 2. Enter 01/07/07..30/06/08 to represent a range of accounts 3. Select cell D7 Build the matrix report Structured reports paste an Excel table into the worksheet at an insertion point you choose. The columns of the report are dictated by the fields you choose using the task pane: 1. From the Ribbon bar, on the Atlas tab, in the Reporting group click the Structured drop down menu beneath the Summary button 2. Select Matrix from the menu shown 3. Tick to select the Customer invoice journal in the data source list 4. Select the Date row in the grid 5. Use right-click and from the menu choose Pick 6. When the Date range selection box appears, navigate to cell D5 and click OK to select it 83 Structured reporting functions Figure 51 Date filter applied 1. Select Style : Matrix 2. Click to select the Report Columns (Customer invoice journal) node 3. Click the Add/Remove fields button 4. When the Add or modify report columns task pane appears, un-tick the columns Invoice account, Date, Tax invoice, Voucher, Invoice amount 5. Expand the Available fields node and navigate the list until you find The sales subtotal amount in the accounting currency. Tick to select this field 6. Navigate further until you find Invoicing name. Tick to select this field 7. Click OK to copy your selections into the list task pane Figure 52 Basic field list prior to column basis selection 84 8. Click to select the Currency column 9. Right-click and choose Add Column basis Structured reporting functions Figure 53 Currency shown as the column basis 10. Click Insert Report as a follows: Figure 54 Customer and currency sales matrix Apply suitable formatting Apply formatting to suit: 1. Select cell D8 2. From the Ribbon bar select Table tools : Design 3. Choose table style : Light 3 The report will appear as follows: 85 Structured reporting functions Figure 55 Formatted matrix style report 86 Structured reporting functions 6.5.4 1. Lab Exercises The sales team, have been using the Customer sales summary report and in order to get monthly sales figures they have been changing the date range and then re-keying those figures to give a period break-down. You realize this is labour intensive, and want to show them an alternative report format that shows the summary tabulated by invoice date. (Use AX2012 LAB – Matrix customer sales by month.xlsx) Challenge yourself! 1. Use your mouse to select cell D4 2. Enter date range. E.g. 01/07/07..30/06/08 3. Select cell D6 4. Use the Matrix function to tabulate a list of customers and their sales balance. Ensure you pick the date column and that it is set as the column basis 5. Use the properties of the Column basis (Invoice date) to show the amounts by month 6. Change format of the table to style : Light 3 Need a little help? 1. Select cell D4 2. Enter date range. E.g. 01/07/07..30/06/08 3. Select cell D6 4. Open the Matrix function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar. This is opened from the drop-down menu that is revealed when you click on Structured in the Reporting group 5. Tick to select the table Customer invoice journal 6. Open the Filter tab 7. Click to select the Date row 8. Use right-click and from the menu choose Pick 9. When the Date range selection box appears, navigate to cell D4 and click OK to select it 10. Open the Style : Matrix tab 11. Click the Report Columns (Customer invoice journal) node 12. Click Add/Remove Fields 13. Un-tick all but the Customer account and date fields 14. Expand the Available fields node 15. Tick to select The sales subtotal in the accounting currency field 16. Tick to select the Invoicing name field 17. Click OK 87 Structured reporting functions Figure 56 This Matrix report will use the date as the column basis 18. Click to Select the Date column 19. Right-click and choose Add Column basis Figure 57 Invoice date is the column basis 20. Click to select the newly added column basis 21. Right-click and choose Properties 22. In the Group by period drop-down box, select Month 23. In the date format drop-down box, select (by way of example): December 88 Structured reporting functions 24. Click Apply and close the form using the Red cross at the top right 25. Click Insert 26. Select cell D7 and then choose Style, Light 3 from the Table tools ribbon. Adjust the alignment for the customer account to left and expand or contract columns as necessary Here is what the report may appear like: 89 Structured reporting functions 6.6 Key points This section introduced the three main structured reporting functions: List Summary Matrix Other lessons learned include: 90 Structured reports use the Microsoft Office table object for presentation Structured reports include features that allow you to define custom or managed columns. These columns act like placeholders and can contain other Atlas functions or Excel functions Report titles can be adjusted to suit other labels and are resolved into the user’s ;anguage at time of refresh All formatting work is carried out after the report is presented and is per the Table tools design options. This includes: o Style selection o Number formats o Alignment Refresh is available on demand from the Atlas Ribbon bar Automatic refresh is available whenever the workbook is set to automatic calculation and a filter field drawn from the workbook is changed Columns from a report can be sourced from the primary data source for the report or can be sourced from linked, main tables. For example, Customer transactions to the customer table Numeric columns can be totaled. Different operations can be performed, these include: o Sum o Count Structured reporting functions 6.7 Quick interaction Take a moment to write down the three key points you have learned: 1. 2. 3. 91 7 Saving and re-using query definitions 7.1 Outline You can save and re-use both free-format and structured report queries. You can save these queries as private; for use by yourself only or as shared; to be used by others who have access to a common folder. (This is nominated as such at time of installation). You can save a query when you are building it for use in the current document, or you can use the Saved query menu; which allows you to build a saved query without inserting it into the current document. Because saved queries are stored as discrete files on your computer, you can move, copy and share these files like any other. Examples of such might be a Balance function that displays the year-to-date revenue for a project or a list of customers for a given customer group. 7.2 Objectives At the end of this chapter, you will be able to: Understand how to save a query when inserting a new report function Understand how to save a query by editing a report function Understand how to use the Saved query menu and save a query using it Understand how to open and use a saved query Understand how to open and use a saved query that requires filters Remove and rename saved query names Using a saved query outside of Microsoft Excel 92 Saving and re-using query definitions 7.3 Walk-through: Saving and re-using queries 7.3.1 Scenario The sales team would like you to develop a saved query that can be used to give sales figures for their wholesale customers. You decide to write a report that shows a summary by customer for that particular group. To give yourself some flexibility, you decide to create a similar report, but without the wholesale customer filter. This latter report you will keep for your own use. To do this, you will need to: Create a Summary query from the Saved query menu. This will return the year’s sales figures, in local currency, for all customers in group 10. Save it as “FY 2008 Wholesale customer sales summary” Test the function in a new workbook Copy this Summary function and change it to accept an on-sheet filter as input for the customer group. Save this as “FY 2008 Customer group sales summary” Test this function in a new workbook. 7.3.2 Create and save a summary report Create the Summary report to support the balance function. This time use the Saved query menu to start the process: 1. Open a new workbook 2. From the Ribbon bar, on the Atlas tab, in the Reporting group click the Query button and then choose the Summary menu option 3. Tick to select the Customer invoice journal from the data source list 4. Select Filters tab 5. Click the Fields button 6. Click to expand the green plus next to the Customer account field 7. Expand the Available fields node beneath the Customers node 8. Tick to select the Customer group field 9. Click OK 10. Click to select the Date row in the range entry box, type 01/07/07..30/06/08 11. Click to select the Customer group row in the range entry box, type 10 12. Select the Style : Summary tab 13. Click the Report Columns (Customer invoice journal) node 14. Click Add/Remove Fields 15. Un-tick all but the Customer account field 93 Saving and re-using query definitions 16. Expand the Available fields node 17. Tick to select the The sales subtotal in the accounting currency field 18. Tick to select the Invoicing name field 19. Click OK 20. Select the Save as… button at the bottom of the task pane 24. In the File name entry box type: FY2008 Wholesale customer sales summary 25. In the Title entry box type: FY2008 Wholesale customer sales 26. In the Description box: Wholesale customer sales figures for the full year 2008 27. Click OK 7.3.3 Re-using the sales summary report Having created the query, test it before publishing it to the shared folders for others to use: 1. Open a new workbook 2. Select cell B2 3. From the Ribbon bar, on the Atlas tab, in the Reporting group click the Summary button 4. Expand the Customer invoice journal node to reveal the Saved queries 5. Tick to select the FY2008 Wholesale customer sales summary query 6. Click Insert The Summary function is executed and the sales figure inserted into the new document: 94 Saving and re-using query definitions Figure 58 Summary of sales to wholesalers 7.3.4 Copying and adjusting an existing query to accept on-sheet filters You can open an existing saved query, adjust it and save it as a completely new saved query. In this case, the saved query “FY2008 Wholesale customer sales summary” will be used as the basis. 1. Open a new workbook 2. From the Ribbon bar, on the Atlas tab, in the Reporting group click the Query button and then choose the Summary menu option 3. Tick to expand the Customer invoice journal from the data source list 4. Tick to select the FY2008 Wholesale customer sales summary query 5. Select Filters tab 6. Click to select the Customer group row 7. Right-click and choose =CustGroup from the menu 8. Select the Save as… button at the bottom of the task pane 9. In the File name entry box type: FY2008 Customer group sales summary 10. In the Title entry box type: FY2008 selected customer group sales 11. In the Description box: Customer group sales figures for the full year 2008 12. Click OK 13. Close the task pane and select cell B2 14. Enter 30 to represent a the retail customer group 15. In the Named range entry box, type CustGroup 16. Select cell C4 17. Open the Summary function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar. This is opened by clicking the Summary button in the Reporting group 18. Tick to expand the Customer invoice journal from the data source list 95 Saving and re-using query definitions 19. Tick to select the FY2008 Customer group sales summary query 20. Click Insert The resulting report respects the customer group input. Provided you use a named range for the customer group it will work in any Excel workbook. In Microsoft Word, use a similarly named content control. Figure 59 The value in the CustGroup named range is input to the saved query 96 Saving and re-using query definitions 7.4 Saving and re-using queries 7.4.1 Outline Saving of a query, whether Free-format or Structured, can be done in one of two ways: 1. When building and inserting a function into a document 2. Through the Saved query menu, which allows you build a function and save it without inserting into the document All reporting functions have a Save function. Saved queries are held as files on your file system. If you include on-sheet selections, ensure that you use the named range feature as this makes the saved query more portable than if you use specific sheet references. Note: If using named ranges, then these must still exist in the host document before the saved query can be used. Saved queries can be made available for shared use or can be for your own use as private queries. Shared saved queries are saved in a common network folder. You can move saved queries between these folders as you see fit. You can copy, rename and delete saved queries as necessary. Because the Saved query is held as a file on your file system, you can easily distribute them. 7.4.2 Uses Saved queries are used when: You want to re-use a particular report definition as a component in different reports or documents You want to provide a pre-defined parameters to for another user who has a runtime license only You want to mask the complexities, and therefore potential errors, of building a particular query from an end user You frequently are asked to provide a figure and the presentation format of which might vary. For example, you may include a saved query in answer to an email You want to make a particular report portable in your organization. 7.4.3 Steps to saving a query Follow this outline to save a query: When inserting or editing an existing function 1. From within the function’s task pane, select Save as… to reveal the save form 2. Enter a name for the saved query 3. Enter an extended description 4. Tick to save the query as shared, else it is saved for private use only When using the Query builder menu 1. Open the Query builder menu and select the reporting function for which you are saving a query 2. Build the query using the task pane as normal 3. Use Save as… or Save (If over-writing an existing query) to reveal the save form 97 Saving and re-using query definitions 98 4. Enter a name for the saved query 5. Enter an extended description 6. Tick to save the query as shared, else it is saved for private use only Saving and re-using query definitions 7.4.4 1. Lab Exercises You have created two Balance functions: 1) All sales for the year 2008 and 2) all sales for the year 2007. You want to make these available for people in the sales team so that they can use these figures in whichever format they choose; whether that is Word, Outlook, Excel or Powerpoint. You know these functions are in one of your workbooks (AX2012 LAB – Saved Balance queries.xlsx), open this file with a view to creating two saved queries to suit and then publishing these, for the sales team. Challenge yourself! 1. Select cell E7 2. Open the Balance function from the Atlas ribbon bar 3. Click the Saves as… button 4. Enter a name, description and make the query shared 5. Select cell E8 6. Repeat steps 2 through 4 Need a little help? 1. Select cell E7 2. Open the Balance function from the Atlas Ribbon Bar. This is opened from the Reporting group 3. Click the Save as… button to reveal the Save form 4. In the File name, type FY 2007 ALL SALES 5. In the Description, type “Sales for 2007 in local currency from the sales ledger” 6. Tick to select Shared 7. Click OK 8. Select cell E8 9. Click the Save as… button to reveal the Save form 10. In the File name, type FY 2008 ALL SALES 11. In the Description, type “Sales for 2008 in local currency from the sales ledger” 12. Tick to select Shared 13. Click OK Here is an example of the saved queries found beneath the customer invoices journal node on the data source list after you have done this: 99 Saving and re-using query definitions 2. A sales manager has employed a part-time employee, whose role it is to provide transactional analysis of sales invoices for any particular customer. You have been asked to provide a report that can be used in Word, Excel or Outlook. Currently, sales invoices for 2008 are of interest. The report will need to include: Customer account, Invoice name, Invoice date, Voucher, Currency and Invoice amount. Challenge yourself! 1. Open a new workbook 2. Open the Query menu from the Atlas ribbon bar and choose List 3. Select Customer invoice journal in Data sources. 4. For filters, set the Date range to be 01/07/07..30/06/08 and set Customer account to be a named range equal to its extended data type 5. Select Style : List and choose appropriate columns 6. Save the query as “FY 2008 Selected customer invoices” and choose a description to suit 7. Make the query shared Need a little help? 1. Open a new workbook 2. Open the List function from the Query menu found in the Reporting group of the Atlas Ribbon bar 3. Tick to select the table Customer invoice journal 4. Open the Filter tab and click to select the Customer account row in the grid 5. Use right-click and from the menu choose =OrderAccount 6. Click to select the Date row in the grid 7. Type into the range entry box 01/07/07..30/06/08 8. Open the Style : List tab 9. Click the Report Columns (Customers) node 10. Click Add/Remove Fields 11. Un-tick the Invoice account and Sales order fields 12. Click to expand the Available fields list 13. Find and then click to select Invoice name field 14. Click the Save as… button to reveal the Save form 15. In the File name, type FY 2008 SCI SPECIAL 16. In the Description, type “Selected customer sales for 2008 in local currency” 17. Click OK 18. Close the task pane 19. Open a new workbook 20. Select cell D4 and give this cell a named range of OrderAccount and enter 3002 in that cell 21. Select cell D7 22. Open the List function from the Structured reporting menu in the Reporting group of the Atlas ribbon 23. Click to expand the Customer invoice journal node 24. Tick FY 2008 SCI SPECIAL 25. Click Insert 100 Saving and re-using query definitions 7.5 Key points This section introduced the concept of saved queries and how they can be re-used. Other lessons learned include: Saved queries are available for all reporting functions; Free-format and Structured Saved queries can be shared amongst a group of users or made available as private queries for personal use Commonly used where the presentation of the results might not be limited to one particular Microsoft Office application. For example, current year-to-date sales for customer group 10 are frequently under examination. The values for this query may need to be included in management report and emails. A saved query to support and to produce these figures is ideal Saved queries allow subject matter experts to create and distribute definitions that are reliable and accurate. This masks the complexities of creation from the eventual users of these queries Saved queries can accept on-sheet inputs. Best practice suggest the designer incorporate named ranges rather that actual sheet references; the latter tying the saved query to a document type Formatting of the query is not saved with the query; meaning each time it is used, the formats need to be re-applied All saved queries are stored on your file system as a text file All queries can be moved, copied, deleted and renamed Right-click menu available to move files between shared and private folders When building saved queries, save as private and test before publishing as a shared saved query 101 Saving and re-using query definitions 7.6 Quick interaction Take a moment to write down the three key points you have learned: 1. 2. 3. 102 8 Drill-down 8.1 Outline Drill-down is delivered through a special form called the drill-down viewer. It is opened from a button on the Atlas ribbon bar. Drill-down is available by default on all of the reporting system functions except List, Column and Lookup functions. It can be used to explore the underlying transactions that are included in the host reporting function. Whilst not the subject of this training program, you can associate an alternative drill-down query with any reporting system function; including the functions that by default do not support the drill-down button. By default the drill-down option shows the auto-report fields of the host data source. You can add and subtract fields whilst in drill-down and you can adjust the original filter criteria. Each record shown can be expanded further, depending upon whether extra drill-paths have been associated with fields in the drill-down viewer. For example, if the drill-down form includes a Voucher, then you can drill-through to the transactions that constitute the set of transactions of that voucher. Transactions can be grouped and sorted according to the fields in the drill-down. Furthermore, you can apply different amount sub-totals on numeric fields. The contents of the drill-down viewer can be exported to a new Excel workbook, Word document or to the clipboard. In addition, the transactions can be pasted to any open document of these two types. The contents of the drill-down viewer can be refreshed on demand. 8.2 Objectives At the end of this chapter, you will be able to: Understand how to open the drill-down viewer and know which functions it applies to Understand how the host report or query governs what is displayed in the viewer Understand how to add additional fields to the drill-down view Understand how to group transactions based on one or more fields in the view Understand how to refresh the drill-down viewing window Understand how to export the transactions to Word or Excel or to the Windows Clipboard Understand how to drill-through to voucher transactions 103 Drill-down 8.3 Walk-through: Drill-down 8.3.1 Scenario You have been asked to demonstrate, to a member of the sales team, how the drill-down features of Atlas can be used. You have found a Matrix report that is simple to understand and explain, use this to demonstrate all the features you wish to show your trainee. You intend to demonstrate: Drill-down to all transactions Drill-down to all transactions for a row Drill-down to all transactions for a cell Add and remove columns Sort the list of transactions Add groups to the list Drill-through to linked queries Copy and paste options The matrix report you have chosen to use is Retail customer sales by period (AX2012 WALKTHROUGH 8.3.1 – Drill-down from Summary.xlsx): 8.3.2 Opening the Drill-down viewer and general features To open the drill-down viewer, all you need to do is to click to select the host reporting function and then click the Drill-down button on the Atlas ribbon bar: 1. Open the workbook 2. Select cell D10 3. Open the Atlas ribbon bar and click the Drill-down button The viewer appears as follows: 104 Drill-down Figure 60 Seattle (3002) store drill down What is shown? By default, the fields contained within the auto-report group for the primary data source (Customer invoice journal in this example) are displayed a page at a time. The number of records per page is 20, a figure which can be adjusted on-the-fly and which is then remembered as a default for subsequent use. Use the left and right spinner buttons to move forward a page or move back a page: Show / Hide Ribbon bar To make more room for transaction detail, you can hide the ribbon bar: 1. Right-click the drill-down viewer ribbon to reveal a menu 2. Select Minimize the Ribbon Figure 61 Ribbon bar minimized 105 Drill-down To restore the Ribbon bar: 1. Right-click Home tab 2. Un-tick Minimize ribbon bar Closing the viewer Simply use the normal form closing button at the top right of the form or use the Close button on the ribbon bar. 8.3.3 Add or remove columns By default, the transactions shown are represented by the auto-report columns from the primary data source in the report. You can add or subtract columns to this by using features contained within the drill-down viewer. 1. Select cell D10 2. Open the Atlas ribbon bar and click the Drill-down button 3. Click the Modify button in the ribbon bar 4. Click to select the Report columns tab in the modification task pane Figure 62 Report columns tab selected, which reveals a field selection list 5. Un-tick the Invoice account, Currency and Invoice amount fields 6. Click to expand the Available fields node 7. Navigate to find the Invoice city field and tick to select it 8. Click Update 9. Click the Auto-hide button 10. Click into the transaction grid 106 Drill-down Figure 63 Drill-down viewer with added Invoice city 8.3.4 Sorting All columns in the drill down can be sorted by simply clicking the column heading. Click once to sort ascending; click again to sort descending. 8.3.5 Grouping the transactions You can group transactions based upon existing fields in the transaction list: 1. Click to expand the grouping panel button bar 2. Drag and drop the field(s) you wish from the list into the group by section: 107 Drill-down Figure 64 Group transactions by Currency. You can have multiple levels of grouping 3. Click to hide the grouping panel by using the button bar What is shown is a grouped list, with a heading record for each group. Use the + or the – symbols to expand or contract each. 8.3.6 Drill-through Whenever you highlight a row, if there any linked queries, then these are shown as tabs in the drilldown viewer. Typically, if the drill-down includes a Voucher field, then the associated drill-through query will be included as a tab. 8.3.7 Copy and paste options You can copy the contents of the drill-down viewer to one of three destinations: An open or new Excel workbook, an open or new Word document or to the Windows clipboard. Copy and paste to Excel 1. Select cell D9 2. Open the Atlas ribbon bar and click the Drill-down button 3. Click the Excel button on the ribbon bar to reveal a menu of destinations 4. Click to select New Workbook After doing this, the transactions from the viewer are pasted into a new Excel workbook: 108 Drill-down Copy and paste to Word 1. Select cell G16 2. Open the Atlas ribbon bar and click the Drill-down button 3. Click the Word button on the ribbon bar to reveal a menu of destinations 4. Click to select New Document After doing this, the transactions from the viewer are pasted into a new Excel workbook: Copy to clipboard This simply puts the transactions into the Windows clipboard. You can use Paste (Ctrl+V) to paste these into any suitable application. 109 Drill-down 8.4 Using drill-down 8.4.1 Outline Drill-down is available for the following reporting functions: Balance Summary Matrix Drill-down on Balance shows transactions for that cell; for Summary and Matrix, you can show transactions for a cell (as per Balance) or you can see transactions for a row or all transactions. 8.4.2 Uses Use drill-down when you want to: Discover the underlying transactions that make up a figure in a report Analyze further the transactions that underlie a report When you want to use the drill-through features 8.4.3 Steps to using the drill-down window Simply choose a reporting object and click the drill-down viewer button on the Atlas ribbon bar. 110 Drill-down 8.4.4 Lab Exercises 1. The sales manager for Wholesale customers wants you to verify a few transactions from the retail summary report. They want you to discover invoice has the highest value in the period 1/7/07 to 31/12/07. You decide you can answer this by simply using the drill-down feature and sorting by amount. (Use AX2012 LAB – Drill-down from Summary.xlsx) Challenge yourself! 1. Select cell E5 2. Enter a date range 01/07/07..31/12/07 3. Select cell D17 4. Open the Drill-down function from the Atlas ribbon bar 5. Apply a record limit of 9999 6. Sort descending the Sales amount column Need a little help? 1. Select cell E5 2. Enter a date range 01/07/07..31/12/07 3. Select cell D17 4. Open the Drill-down function from the Atlas ribbon bar 5. Click to select the records per page limit entry 6. Change the value 9999 and click Apply. Verify the amount at the bottom of the Sales column is the same as the report total 7. Click the column heading “Sales” once to sort ascending and again to sort the column descending Here is an example of what you might see: Figure 65 Invoice 101058 to Contoso Boston has a value of $168,660 111 Drill-down 2. The sales manager also wants to know what sales orders were invoiced in the October quarter of 2007/08 for their customer in Los Angeles. (Use AX2012 LAB – Drill-down from Summary.xlsx) Challenge yourself! 1. Select cell D11 2. Open the Drill-down function from the Atlas ribbon bar 3. How many invoices? Need a little help? 1. Select cell d11 2. Open the Drill-down function from the Atlas ribbon bar 3. Click to Sigma 4. Tick to select Count 5. Click to select the OK tick at the bottom right of the menu button adjacent to The sales subtotal column to reveal a menu of options Here is an example of what you might see: Figure 66 There are 15 invoices on this account 112 Drill-down 8.5 Key points Drill down is a mechanism to view the underlying transactions presented by a reporting function. Drill down is available through the drill-down button found on the Atlas ribbon bar and is active for all but List, Column and Lookup reporting functions. Other lessons learned about the drill-down feature are as follows: Transactions are shown using the drill-down viewer; this is a form that floats over the surface of your host Microsoft Office document By default, the transactions shown are from the primary data source of the host reporting function. An alternative drill-down path can be defined for the function, using the context information tab. Note: Using this technique you can include a drill-down option for those functions that by default do not support it. The number of records returned by the viewer is subject to a page limit in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. Adjust this to suit Fields used in the drill-down viewer are derived from the auto-lookup report group. You can add and remove fields from the primary data source and from linked main tables too Additional drill-through capabilities are allowed provided the fields shown are linked to other Atlas reporting functions. For example, if a drill-down includes the voucher field, you can drillthrough to the voucher transactions from the drill-down viewer. The drill-through being shown as an extra tab Note: This feature is not restricted to just Voucher, you can assign a report to any field to achieve the same effect. The transactions in the list can be grouped and sorted. Grouping is achieved by exposing a grouping panel, which allows you to drag-and-drop fields to represent the grouping you need The contents of the drill-down viewer can be copied to: o The windows clipboard o A new or open Microsoft Excel workbook o A new or open Microsoft Word document Sub-totals can assume: o Average o Count o Maximum and minimum o Sum Drill-down viewer can be refreshed independently of the host reporting function 113 Drill-down 8.6 Quick interaction Take a moment to write down the three key points you have learned: 1. 2. 3. 114 Drill-down COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright © 2011, Globe Software Pty Ltd, All rights reserved. TRADEMARKS Dynamics AX, IntelliMorph, and X++ have been registered as or are under registration as trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Office System 2010, Microsoft Office System 2007, Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. SOFTWARE RELEASE This documentation accompanies Atlas version 5.0.3000 or higher and which is suitable for Microsoft Dynamics AX V4.0 SP2, Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 and Dynamics AX 2012 or higher and Microsoft Office 2007 or higher. PUBLICATION DATE 31/01/2012 READER COMMENTS Any comments or suggestions regarding this publication are welcomed and should be addressed to the attention of: 115 Drill-down 116