AtlasMapping - Ursuline Educational Services

Atlas Curriculum Mapping
Moving Toward an Integrated Curriculum
Subjects Taught
Curriculum Mapping at School
What is Curriculum Mapping?
 Curriculum Mapping uses electronic means to input, track,
and collect/analyze data on curriculum. It increases
possibilities for long-range planning, short-term preparation
and clear communication.
 It challenges users to move away from reliance on
curriculum committees, binders and hard copies of
 These programs may allow users to record essential
questions, goals, objectives, assessments, and/or daily
Purpose of Curriculum Mapping
 Allows stakeholders in school to:
 Meet and exceed standards
 Align horizontally and vertically
 Record what is happening in real time
 Collect data about instruction as it relates to
student learning
 Reflect on and use the data in order to become
better educators
 Occasional “transition” or collaborative meetings
between teams, grades or schools are ineffective in
developing 21st century curriculum. Curriculum mapping
should be done in real time.
 We must look through 2 lenses when developing
curriculum. A zoom lens will focus on this year’s
curriculum for each grade. A wide-angle will look at the
K-12 perspective. Horizontal and vertical alignment are
needed for truly successful curriculum development.
Examples of Software and Webbased Programs
 Rubicon Atlas
 Curriculum Framer
 Curriculum Mapper
 SharePoint (Microsoft)
 TODCM Open Source
Curriculum Mapping Project
 Performance Plus – Curriculum
Sacred Heart Academy –
Rubicon Atlas
 Sacred Heart Schools consists of a high school, grade
school, preschool, and school for the arts
 Sacred Heart Model School was the first of the four
schools to use Atlas and it was introduced at SHA 3
years ago
 First steps in the process: Unit calendars for all courses
to increase comfort level with mapping
 Current steps: Development of unit and daily plans for
all courses (goals, objectives, learning activities,
assessments, etc)
 Future steps: Teacher and group editing to find gaps,
overlap and areas for integration.
Proposed Process for Curriculum
 Stage 1: Preparing for Curriculum Mapping
 Stage 2: Launching Mapping Initiative
 Stage 3: Sustaining and Integrating
 Stage 4: Mapping into the Future
Stage 1: Preparing for
Curriculum Mapping
 Research: Mapping
program must meet the
needs of school /district.
Data collection and
 Development: Teachers
should be comfortable
with macro and micro
planning as it applies to
their instruction.
Unit Calendars (year
long Plans)
Unit Plans
Daily Lesson Plans
Teachers should be
educated on the “how”
but also the “why”.
Stage 2: Launching the Mapping
 Calendar based maps allow for easy reference to real
 Begin with “draft” method that is refined after
instruction, or “diary” method which requires disciplined
reflection on a daily basis.
 There should be a comfortable and consistent format
across the map.
 SHA’s Launch: Unit Calendar, Unit plan, Daily plan
Stage 3: Sustaining and
Integrating…Next Steps
 Teachers as editors
Teachers edit own maps
Teachers edit maps of
others in department or
Edit to find repetition,
gaps, best practices and
 Mixed Group Reviews
Gain objectivity from
groups outside of
instructional grade level,
department or team.
Review to identify gaps,
repetition, areas for
integration and
disconnect between
outcomes and
“Red flagging” not
Stage 4: Mapping into the Future
With observations in-hand…
 Faculty can sift through data and find areas for
 Faculty can determine points that will require long-term
research and development. Ex: Introduction of
interdisciplinary work for 10th graders would require
examination and change in school structure over a
period of time.
 Faculty continues ACTIVE and CONTINUOUS review.
Beyond the Basics
 We can collect data on:
 Best practices
 Variety of meaningful assessment methods
 Mastery of goals and objectives
 Consistency between teachers of the same course and
alignment between teachers of connected courses, both
vertically and horizontally
 We can look outside of our school:
 Provides opportunities for global collaboration and
Tips and Suggestions
 Spend time on R & D
before implementing.
 Make sure faculty
understands the WHY.
 Grade level should be
used to help guide
format and collaborative
 Technology and
collaboration take time
to learn, so small-step
implementation is
Sources of Information
 Rubicon Atlas training tools
 YouTube videos
 Wikipedia
 Curriculum 21 edited by Heidi Hayes Jacobs
 Mapping the Big Picture: Integrating Curriculum and
Assessment K-12 by Heidi Hayes Jacobs