Implementation Feasibility Checklist

Atlas 14 Feasibility Considerations for Highways and Roads
The Atlas 14 Precipitation data is the recommended source for the precipitation that will occur over the life of the project.
This form can to be used to document situations where use of Atlas 14 precipitation data for hydraulic design is not
feasible. This is not an exhaustive list. Incorporation of Atlas 14 data may still be feasible even if one or more of these
conditions exist. Use best engineering judgment for the final determination. This form will not exempt use of Atlas 14
data if permitting authorities require its use. If updated hydrology is not used a qualitative risk assessment of critical
areas (e.g. low points, major discharge locations) should be done to identify and mitigate areas of concern. MnDOT
projects let after June 30, 2014 should use the Atlas 14 precipitation data.
Project Number:
Project Description:
Potential reasons why use of Atlas 14 is not feasible:
☐Impacts to EIS/EA
☐FEMA requirements
☐Status of permits
Design – availability of staff, funding, and/or time to update design
☐Status of hydraulic design
☐Status of plan preparation
☐Miss letting date
☐Multi-year project
☐Contracts already underway (consultant, design-build) where a change in hydrology would require a change order
☐Right of way (unable to obtain in time)
Flood Potential
☐Flood risk to adjacent properties
☐System is resilient to increases in discharge
☐Other: ______________________________________________________________
Document justification when not using Atlas 14:
Print Name
Revised 8/5/2013