Syllabus #4: Population Ecology APES Unit #4 READING: Friedland and Relyea, Environmental Science for AP 14th Chapters. 6 & 7 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Chapter 6: Population and Community Ecology: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. List the levels of complexity in the natural world. Contrast the ways in which density-dependent and density-independent factors affect population size. Explain growth models, reproductive strategies, survivorship curves, and metapopulations. Describe species interactions and the roles of keystone species. Discuss the process of ecological succession. Explain how latitude, time, area, and distance affect the species richness of a community. Important Terms and Concepts Chp. 6 Population Community Population density Population distribution Carrying capacity Density-dependent factors Growth rate Intrinsic growth rate Logistic growth model S-shaped K-selected species R-selected species Metapopulation Community ecology Predation Pathogens Symbiotic Competitive exclusion principle Secondary succession Pioneer species predator-mediated competition Population ecology Sex ratio Limiting resource Exponential growth model Overshoot Survivorship curves Competition Mutualism Keystone species Ecological succession Theory of island biogeography Population size Age structure Density-independent factors J-shaped Die-off Corridors Resource partitioning Commensalism Ecosystem engineers Primary succession Chapter 7: The Human Population 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe the potential limits to human population growth. Describe important aspects of global and national population growth using demographic terminology and tools. Evaluate the social, economic, and environmental factors that have contributed to decreasing growth rates in many countries. Analyze relationships among changes in population size, economic development, and resource. Explain how people have attempted to harmonize economic development with sustainable development. Important Terms and Concepts Chp. 7 Demography developed countries Developing countries theory of demographic transition Immigration emigration Child mortality IPAT equation Age structure diagram urban area Replacement level fertility (RLF) population momentum life expectancy infant mortality crude birth rate population pyramid Gross domestic product (GDP) demographers family planning affluence crude death rate total fertility rate (TFR) SKILLS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Making observations and generating hypothesis’ Experimental components and how to write them. Chart and graph making. Following procedure and equipment use. UNIT SCHEDULE: 4 weeks Lecture/Discussion: Go Over Unit #3 Test / Chp. 6 –Levels of organization, Wednesday 10/23 Classwork: Start Borneo Exercise (order events) Movie: Population Overload Lecture/Discussion: Read Borneo Story / Chp. 6 – Factors Regulate Pop. Abundance and Distribution (slides 1-6) Thursday 10/25 Movie: Web Link on wiki – Population Ecology watch 1 & 2 Lab Activity: Start Random Sampling Lab Homework: Finish Random Sampling Lab / Study for Quiz Chp. 6 (pgs. 150-161) Lecture/Discussion: Chp. 6 - Density dependent and independent factors Lab Activity: Mark and Recapture Friday 10/26 Homework: Finish Mark and Recapture Lab / Study for Quiz Chp. 6 (pgs. 150-161) Movie: Web Link on wiki – Population Ecology watch 3 & 4 Classwork: Start Population Problems (due 10/29) Monday 10/28 Homework: Study for Quiz Chp. 6 (pgs. 150-161) Lecture/Discussion: Chp. 6 – Reproductive Strategies, K and R Selected Species, Survivorship Curves (3 types) Tuesday 10/29 Movie: Web Link on wiki – Population Ecology watch #5 Classwork: r & K selected activity / Continue Population Problems Quiz: Chp. 6 (pgs. 150-161) Homework: Finish Population Problems Lecture/Discussion: Chp. 6 – Competition, Predation, Mutualism, Wednesday 10/30 Commensalism, Keystone species / Turn in Population Problems Classwork: Relationship/Biome WS (due 10/31) Homework: Finish Relationship/Biome WS Classwork: Relationship/Biome WS (due 10/31) Thursday 10/31 Homework: Start Population Math (due 11/2) / Study for Quiz Chp. 6 (pgs. 161-172) Movie: Symbiotic Relationships Homework: / Study for Quiz Chp. 6 (pgs. 161-172) Friday 11/1 Lecture/Discussion: Chp. 6 - Succession Lab Activity: Floristic Relay Game - Succession Monday 11/4 Lab Activity: Floristic Relay Game - Succession Tuesday 11/5 Homework: Study for Quiz Chp. 6 (pgs. 161-172)/Finish Population Math Wednesday 11/6 Classwork: Turn in Population Math/Finish Succession Game Quiz: Chp. 6 (pgs. 161-172) Movie: on Wiki: Visualizing 7 billion / Miniature World Lecture/Discussion: Turn in Succession Game / Chp. 7 – Exponential Growth and Carrying Capacity, Population change, birth and death rates, fertility, total Thursday 11/7 fertility rate Movie: Start Population Paradox Homework: Lecture/Discussion: Chp. 7 – Factors affecting birth and death rates Friday 11/8 Movie: Finish Population Paradox (Turn in) Field Trip: Napa River Biological Reserve. Movie: China Revs Up Tuesday 11/12 Lab Activity: Start Age Structure Pyramid (population pyramid) – Did not get to do re: time Homework: IPAT Equation? – Book Wednesday 11/13 Lab Activity: Finish Age Structure Pyramid (population pyramid) Homework: Study for Quiz Chp. 7 (pgs. 180-188) / Cemetery Demography Lecture/Discussion: Turn in Cemetery Demography / Pop. Paradox Thursday 11/14 Quiz Chp. 7 (pgs. 180-188) Lab Activity: Demographic Transition Graph Homework: Human Population Dynamics (due Thursday 11/8) Lecture/Discussion: Chp. 7 – China and India (Family Planning) Friday 11/15 Gov. Intervention (1 Child Policy) Lab Activity: Population Pyramids WS Homework: Study for Unit #4 Essay Test Test: Unit #4 Essay Test Homework: Study for Unit #4 MC Test Discussion: Go Over Unit #4 Essay Test Test: Unit #4 MC Test