HERITAGE HIGH FACULTY BULLETIN Week of March 4, 2013 Baltimore City Public School System Andres Alonso, Ed. D. Chief Executive Officer 200 East North Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Heritage High School 2801 St. Lo Drive Baltimore, Maryland 21213 Stephanie Farmer, Principal 410-396-6636 410.467.5560 Fax sfarmer@bcps.K12.md.us www.baltimorecityschools.org/425 The MISSION of Heritage High School is to offer an educational program that provides students with literacy skills; math and science principles; and knowledge of technology applications, literature, and history that prepares them to pursue a college education or to enter the work force fully prepared for whatever path they choose. VISION We envision Heritage High School as a learning community in which: All students are provided with educational and technical experiences through diversified instruction to prepare them for post-secondary college or career training experiences. All students are provided with experiences to facilitate their growth into useful productive citizens. CALM GOALS = SUCCESS at HERITAGE HIGH What do we look at for student success @ What must students do? Heritage High School? Non-negotiable commitments Be cooperative, responsible, and adhere to all rules. C= Culture Be here and on time every day. A= Attendance Be literate and prepared for college and work L= Literacy Be able to apply math skills in real-world applications M = Math It's all about educating our students............ We will continue instructional walk-throughs this week. If you do not receive feedback within 48 hours please contact Ms. Farmer. This week our focus will be: All of the Teach Key Actions Co-teaching Socratic Seminar Important Dates: March 4- Faculty Meeting March 5-Renee McCrae Assembly-Arts Integration March 11-Department Meetings March 14th-Guest Speaker series at Notre Dame University “Black Language in White Space” March 21-Final Exams are Due (Please adhere to assessment guidelines.) School Performance Index (SPI): Congratulations to Heritage High School for receiving a 2 on SPI. The SPI is the measuring index to evaluate schools. The index is based on growth. It is on scale 1 to 5, one being the highest. The SPI will be the new measuring tool instead of AYP. Let’s keep this accomplishment in mind throughout the year in order to move forward. Updates: SOCRATIC SEMINAR- - Resources for the Socratic Seminar CPL will be uploaded to our discussion board on Fridays. Please look forward to wonderful resources and discussion posted by your colleagues BRIDGE FIELDTRIPS- It is that time of year again where we start Bridge Field Trip Days to assist Seniors in completing as many possible projects as possible. Bridge Field Trip Days will start on Weds, March 6th and run every Weds until Weds, May 8th. TEACHING, EMPOWERING, LEADING & LEARNING (TELL)-School-based staff across the state are encouraged to participate in the 2013 TELL survey. This initiative of Governor O’Malley is designed to provide the state, school districts, and schools data on the positive teaching and learning conditions necessary for increasing student achievement and teacher retention. There is information in your mailbox to discuss how to complete the survey. COMPLETE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! FORMAL OBSERVATIONS- Teachers who have not yet indicated the class period that they want to be observed to send that request by email to Ms. Farmer by close of business on Friday, March 1. Each teacher has already been assigned a date. All formal observations must be completed by April 1. (PAST DUE) CITY SCHOOLS CLIMATE SURVEY- City Schools wants to know what is and isn’t working well at your school. Please take a few minutes to tell us what you think by filling out the anonymous, confidential survey sent via e-mail. Once many staff members, parents/guardians, and students at your school have returned their school surveys, school and district leaders will receive a summary of the responses—which they will share with school communities, and use to identify successes to build on and challenges to address. STUDENT CONTACT INFORMATION-The office B104 is trying to update any information that is incorrect in SMS. If any staff members have any updated phone numbers or addresses could they please e-mail or contact Mr. Burke, Ms. Harris or Ms. Wilson. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. ATTENDANCE COMPETITION-Heritage has entered the attendance competition. The high school that shows the greatest improvement in 9th-grade attendance between March 1 and April 12 will win a party at Peerce’s Landing, a $1,000 grant and gear from Under Armour. Assessment Guidelines: These guidelines relate to the construction of all unit tests, mid-year exams, and final exams. Please note that one unit exam and your final exam(s) is due for submission and review by the Assessment Committee on March 21, 2013. There should be a balance of selected response questions and prompts that require short written answers (no more than one paragraph) and/or essays (between three to five paragraphs). The goal should be approximately 2/3 selected response items and 1/3 prompts requiring written responses. For selected response items, none of the possible answers should be obviously incorrect. Two of the items should be distracters. The writing prompts should clearly require students to ground their responses with evidence, either from a text included on the assessment or from knowledge or skills developed in the unit or course. The writing prompts should include a rubric consistent with rubrics that have been used in the unit or course to assess student writing. All assessment items should be aligned with objectives/standards for the unit or course. The goal is that most, if not all, assessment items will require students to use higher level thinking skills (interpretation, application, analysis, synthesis, and/or evaluation). If true/false items are included, they should be phrased as a short answer writing prompt requiring students to explain why they feel the statement is true or false. There should be no fill-in-the-blank items. Staff Member of the Month: Congratulations to Mrs. Banks for being named Staff Member of the Month! Mrs. Banks will be able to park in the Staff Member of the Month parking spot for the rest of February. Please do not park in the spot. We will have a new nomination at the end of January. A new Staff Member of the Month will be named March 4th. Praise and Polish There is a Praise and Polish Box in the teachers’ lounge. Please use the box to celebrate or make suggestions. Reminders SPEAKER’S SERIES-Notre Dame University is offering a speaking series. The first session is called “Black Language in White Public Space”. The session will take place on March 14th at 7pm. Registration is required at events.ndm.edu. NEW STUDENTS- We work with an extremely transient population. The school is not required to notify teachers when students are newly enrolled in your class. In most cases, we do send notifications of schedule changes but for new students they are sent with a new schedule. Teachers can request new student information from the Registrar, Ms. Harris. CHANGE OF CLASSES: As we work together to provide a safe and effective school culture, we are asking that all teachers and available staff members to step into the hallway and invite students into the classroom. CELL PHONES- According to Baltimore City Public Schools, cell phones are not permitted in schools. Students should not be allowed to charge his/her cell phones in classrooms. ASSEMBLY-Arranged by Ms. Barger, on March 5th we will have performance/slam poetry artist, Rene McRae, treating our students to a performance. The 9th and 10th graders will participate in the assembly from 12:30 -1:30 and our 11th and 12th graders will participate from 1:50-2:50. ASSEMBLY COVERAGE-A schedule will be coming via e-mail with responsible parties to cover assemblies. PARCC ASSESSMENT: In 2014-2015 the students will be required to take a new assessment to meet graduation requirements. This assessment is based on the Common Core standards. For more information on the assessment explore this link: o http://www.parcconline.org/parcc-assessment-design TAKING LEAVE: Substitutes are reserved for teachers who are missing an entire day of school. Substitutes are not available for small amounts of time. Please try to make all appointments, if possible outside of the school day. Noting that this is not always possible please be mindful that if you need to leave briefly during the day or in emergencies for appointments will need to find coverage for his or her classes. Otherwise, teachers taking doctor’s appointments or other appointments will have to take a half day. When leaving, teachers should sign in and out in the staff leave log in A-100. OMPS- Observations are here! Please make sure you send your pre-conference information for observations. This should be completed in OMPS. ATTENDANCE- It is imperative teachers take accurate and timely attendance. Recorded attendance is legal documentation. We have had two key incidents this week and because of teachers did not take accurate attendance. There could be severe repercussions. Taking accurate and timely attendance is a part of professional responsibilities. The discrepancies that have been noted are unacceptable. The CST members have been attempting to drop student services for our no-shows but it has been to no avail because students have been marked present who are no-shows. In addition, a lawyer came from information and identified inaccuracies in attendance. Staff members who are not in compliance with submitting attendance will receive a Letter of Concern or a Letter of Reprimand. Coming Soon: Teacher Schedules for School Year 2013-2014 PTG Guidelines March Professional Development Calendar Student Climate/Teacher Survey School-Based Option Ballot KUDOS Congratulations to our Chess Club. We are tied for 1st Place in the City. Congratulations to the Girls’ Varsity Basketball Team for making it to the second round of the State Playoffs. It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. Frederick Douglass