HERITAGE HIGH FACULTY BULLETIN Week of February 11, 2013 Baltimore City Public School System Andres Alonso, Ed. D. Chief Executive Officer 200 East North Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Heritage High School 2801 St. Lo Drive Baltimore, Maryland 21213 Stephanie Farmer, Principal 410-396-6636 410.467.5560 Fax sfarmer@bcps.K12.md.us www.baltimorecityschools.org/425 The MISSION of Heritage High School is to offer an educational program that provides students with literacy skills; math and science principles; and knowledge of technology applications, literature, and history that prepares them to pursue a college education or to enter the work force fully prepared for whatever path they choose. VISION We envision Heritage High School as a learning community in which: All students are provided with educational and technical experiences through diversified instruction to prepare them for post-secondary college or career training experiences. All students are provided with experiences to facilitate their growth into useful productive citizens. CALM GOALS = SUCCESS at HERITAGE HIGH What do we look at for student success @ What must students do? Heritage High School? Non-negotiable commitments Be cooperative, responsible, and adhere to all rules. C= Culture Be here and on time every day. A= Attendance Be literate and prepared for college and work L= Literacy Be able to apply math skills in real-world applications M = Math It's all about educating our students............ We will continue instructional walk-throughs this week. If you do not receive feedback within 48 hours please contact Ms. Farmer. This week our focus will be: All of the Teach Key Actions S.A.F.E week Socratic Seminar Important Dates: February 11-9th Grade Class Meeting (1st period) February 13th-Mandatory PD for all Special Educators, 5th period February 13- Homeroom schedule Extension added to 5th Period (POSTPONED) February 13-Paid PD on Using the TSS Discussion Board to Foster Student-to Student Interactions (Wireless Presentation Laser Pointer demonstrated during this session) February 20-Mandatory PD on classroom management, planning periods February 20-Honor Roll Assembly (Honor Roll Students Only) February 21-Parent/Teacher Conferences (5:00-7:00) February 21-Budget Review (5:30) February 25-Mandatory Socratic Seminar PD, planning periods February 26-Paid PD on Using Bloom’s Taxonomy (teachers attending this PD session will have use of a Baltimore City Wireless Presentation Laser Pointer for the rest of the school year) February 27-Paid PD on Using the TSS Discussion Board to Promote Socratic Seminar (Wireless Presentation Laser Pointer demonstrated during this session) School Performance Index (SPI): Congratulations to Heritage High School for receiving a 2 on SPI. The SPI is the measuring index to evaluate schools. The index is based on growth. It is on scale 1 to 5, one being the highest. The SPI will be the new measuring tool instead of AYP. Let’s keep this accomplishment in mind throughout the year in order to move forward. Updates: TEACHING, EMPOWERING, LEADING & LEARNING (TELL)-School-based staff across the state are encouraged to participate in the 2013 TELL survey. This initiative of Governor O’Malley is designed to provide the state, school districts, and schools data on the positive teaching and learning conditions necessary for increasing student achievement and teacher retention. There is information in your mailbox to discuss how to complete the survey. INTENT FORMS/BUDGET FORMS- Please com plete your intent and budget forms by close of business on Monday. The forms were sent to you via e-mail on Feb. 7, 2013.Completing this information will assist in the planning for next school year. Staff Member of the Month Congratulations to Mrs. Banks for being named Staff Member of the Month! Mrs. Banks will be able to park in the Staff Member of the Month parking spot for the rest of February. Please do not park in the spot. We will have a new nomination at the end of February. A new Staff Member of the Month will be named March 4th. Praise and Polish There is a Praise and Polish Box in the teachers’ lounge. Please use the box to celebrate or make suggestions. Reminders PRICELESS GOWN PROJECT-The Priceless Gown Project will take place on Saturday, March 2, 2013 at the Inner Harbor Marriott where hundreds of high school girls can receive FREE prom gowns. The time is from 9am to 2pm at the Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards located at 110 South Eutaw Street Baltimore, MD 21201. Note: Doors open at 9am: Arrive early Limited Quantities First Come First Served OPMS- Observations are here! Please make sure you send your pre-conference information for observations. This should be completed in OPMS. PROFESSIONAL DEVELPOMENT IDEAS- We are still seeking ideas for the professional development sessions that will be held June 9-11. If you have any ideas, please submit the suggestions to Ms. Dexter-Thornton or Ms. Myrick. FEEDBACK- There will be certain walk-throughs that will not be accompanied with feedback. Members of the ILT may conduct walk-throughs that are temperature checks. TABLETS- We have a new tablet chart! The cart can be requested through Ms. DexterThornton. MANDATORY TRAINING: All Baltimore City Public Schools employees are required to complete an on-line anti-discrimination course offered by Workplace Answers. The course is an interactive webinar and contains many challenging and interesting real-life workplace scenarios. You must complete the course within the next 30 days. Each employee was e-mailed are personalized link. If you have any questions regarding the training please e-mail directly to: EEOTraining@bcps.k12.md.us. PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES- Heritage will host its parent-teacher conference on February 21st. Details regarding the conference are forthcoming. JOB OPPORTUNITY-Baltimore City Teaching Residency (BCTR) is currently seeking launch skills instructors and teacher development coaches for its 2013 Summer Pre-service Training (PST). During PST, residents’ time will be comprised off BCTR’s primary components: Field Experience, Coaching Sessions, Skill-building Cycles and Peer Collaborative Planning Groups. Residents will gain content through these four components; all aimed at promoting mastery of the fast start launch skills. BCTR is seeking candidates who have, in addition to strong critical thinking and communication skills and a results-oriented approach, at least two years of teaching experience in underperforming schools and previous experience developing and leading teachers' professional development. The positions will require a part-time commitment from March to mid-June and will be full-time from mid-June to mid-August. More detailed descriptions of the positions are attached, including application deadlines and instructions for applying. Please contact Emma Donley at emma.donley@tntp.org if you have any questions. Application deadline: Friday, February 15, 2013. EMERGENCY LESSON PLANS- please make sure updated class lists are in your emergency lesson plans. ATTENDANCE- It is imperative teachers take accurate and timely attendance. Recorded attendance is legal documentation. We have had two key incidents this week and because of teachers did not take accurate attendance. There could be severe repercussions. Taking accurate and timely attendance is a part of professional responsibilities. The discrepancies that have been noted are unacceptable. The CST members have been attempting to drop student services for our no-shows but it has been to no avail because students have been marked present who are no-shows. In addition, a lawyer came from information and identified inaccuracies in attendance. Staff members who are not in compliance with submitting attendance will receive a Letter of Concern or a Letter of Reprimand. Kudos: Thank you to Ms. Barger for submitting ideas for professional development on June 911th. Coming Soon: CTE Month Activities Course Selection Procedures for 2013-2014 The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.