Megan Marshall CA Essay Planning Sheet! Complete this worksheet by the beginning of class on Wednesday (September 9), and submit it to your rampages blog. 1) Summarize your specific instance of lying. Why did you select this instance? What about it captures your attention? (50-100 words) Diet sodas are deceptive in a way that despite the name on the label, they actually tend to be no better for one’s health than the regular sodas. Those looking for healthier drink alternatives should search a little further into the nutrition facts than just the name. This instance is relevant as obesity is a consistently rising issue and it captured my attention because easy health tips are always interesting. Dovey, Dana. "Regular vs. Diet Soda: Is One Worse For You Than The Other?" Medical Daily. N.p., 28 Oct. 2014. Web. 2) Write your framing question. How does this question apply to the primary text you selected and the course theme (lying)? Why are you interested in answering this question? (150-200 words) How do social sexual norms lead to lying? All forms of media whether it be social, print, or television glamourize sex and stimulate drives. This question is relevant to society today as many researchers work towards bettering further generations and diminishing harmful lies. The selected primary text relates to this question in a way that it shows there are numerous factors involved with today’s adolescent sexual activity which could lead to a rise of lying in relationships or in everyday life. 3) Which shared reading (“Natural Born Liars,” “Do Police Interrogations Produce False Confessions?,” or “Lying in Everyday Life”) are you going to use in your essay? “Lying in Everyday Life” Cite the source according to APA or MLA standards. DePaulo, Bella M., Susan E. Kirkendol, Jennifer A. Epstein, Deborah A. Kashy, and Melissa M. Wyer. "Einstein in Everyday Life." The Science News-Letter 70.5 (1927): 979-95. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. American Psychological Association. Web. Write a summary of the text. Make sure that your summary states the main claim and the reasons given to support it. Refer to A Writer’s Reference for instructions on writing a good summary. (75-125 words) In “Lying in Everyday Life,” lies were sorted between “self-centered” or “other-oriented” and the gender in which who told or received the lies, the success of the lie, how often lies were told on a daily basis, and other measured factors. Scholars whom collected and measured their research data found that college students, men slightly more than women, lied more-so and succeeded than the community as a whole. List keywords that capture why you think the source is important for your research. “function” “biological phenomenon” “evolutionary” Identify at least two brief quotes from the reading. Thoroughly explain each quote, and then articulate why you think it will help you formulate a reasonable response to your question. Be as precise as possible. (275 words) 1) “Our theoretical orientation to the study of lying in everyday life was drawn from perspectives on identity, self-presentation, and impression management from sociology linguistics, and social psychology.” Lying derives from the nurture aspect of the nature versus nurture debate. Average parents teach their children from a young age that lying is wrong even though they will eventually learn the circumstances and the different outcomes that may accompany a lie. 2) “If we are correct in assuming that lies are a fact of social life, then we should find that they are of only minor cognitive or emotional significance.” This quote portrays an understanding that lying is normal or habitual and should not be given much criticism. This is a false assumption because there is a plethora of types or forms which lying takes place. In concession, not all white lies or deceptive behavior are emotionally significant; however, lying has held a negative connotation amongst society since mankind and it is logical for it to remain this way. Santa Claus is merely a big societal lie in a way, but in efforts to support the lie the economy benefits and would largely suffer without it’s stimulation at Christmas time. Copy and paste the claim of the piece from the source. Then state the claim in your own words. “I therefore define lying as any form of behavior the function of which is to provide others with false information or to deprive them of true information.” Lying and deception is such a broad concept, it is to be understood as anything going around the truth; meaning, even if it lacks any bit of truth the instance could be described as a lie. 4) Substantive Source (provide link or .pdf) Cite the source according to APA or MLA standards. "Anna Duggar Blames Herself for Josh Duggar's Sex Issues." YouTube. The Lip, 21 Aug. 2015. Web. Write a summary of the text. Make sure that your summary states the main claim and the reasons given to support it. Refer to A Writer’s Reference for instructions on writing a good summary. (75-125 words) Viewers of the current media are most likely under the assumption that Josh Duggar was driven to act on his mistakes due to his young and curious fifteen year-old mind. Even at this age, Josh was on his way towards entering adulthood and was more than likely aware that his actions were illegal and wrong especially towards his younger sisters whom he is expected to protect. It only logical that since Duggar was so easily forgiven for his first foolish molestation offense that he would join the “Ashley Madison” community as a married man, a website where cheating spouses connect. As a father his priorities have not been in the right place as he had been paying large sums of money and time to meet up with the girls who posted advertisements on the site. Duggar is guilty of conforming to Christian norms in a way that he claimed to have been pure leading up until his wedding day and is an advocate towards youth about loyalty which is very hypocritical. List keywords that capture why you think the source is important for your research. “hypocrite” “protect” “conform” Identify at least two brief quotes from the reading. Thoroughly explain each quote, and then articulate why you think it will help you formulate a reasonable response to your question. Be as precise as possible. (275 words) 1) “What if she (Anna Duggar) is just saying [Duggar’s affair] is her fault for the future’s sake to make more television shows, to have a good image, or to stay relevant because more scandals will keep them relevant.” … “she is giving birth in a dress, I (talk show anchor) think she is capable of forgiving him” Anna Duggar has also demonstrated how she has conformed to Christian norms in a way that she has “forgiven” her spouse after his breaking of their sacred marriage vows which are usually grounds for divorce. She claims to work towards spiritual growth and overcoming life hardships from this situation which is an unusual approach. Since majority of 19 Kids and Counting viewers did not agree with their lifestyle and values to begin with, it could be that this is just another quality about the family that is unusual. As the show continued, Anna began to act more as Josh’s mother, Michelle. Anna acquired Michelle’s same qualities and implemented their family values into her own, such as talking softly, naming all of the children beginning with the same first letter, faith or relationship values, and homeschooling the children. After having noticed this, viewers easily begin to question the family’s motives. Is she going against social norms to make for entertaining “reality” television, or has Anna actually adapted to their way of life? 2) “The point is there are sweet innocent women [and men] at home thinking they have this perfect husband [or wife] when in reality he [or she] is banging the next married woman [or man] two doors down.” Looks can often be deceiving. Josh Duggar will look one straight in the eyes when making promises such as wedding vows or conducting an interview which explains his distinct body language while lying. The victims being lied to are not being treated fairly; however, it was Anna’s choice to forgive Josh so if she wants to live that way then she should be able to without others’ sympathy or input because morality is subjective. The fact that the Duggar family has chosen to take this situation as one that makes them “stronger” according to the media could have America see it from two different point of views. First one being the glamour aspect where America looks up to their ability to forgive and strength or the other point of view being that viewers see them as sick or delusional individuals. Copy and paste the claim of the piece from the source. Then state the claim in your own words. “The hypocrisy here is incredible… In fairness, he (Duggar) came out and said ‘I have been very hypocritical’ but it is hard to sympathize for someone on a site like [Ashley Madison].” Josh admitted to a public apology for his hypocrisy for having not known what he now knows and what it has done to his image; however, he needs to publicly apologize specifically for the detriment of his victims including his sisters and wife. He should not receive any sympathy for his life of constant poor choices and deceitfulness. 5) Scholarly Source (provide pdf) 1018.full.pdf Cite the source according to APA or MLA standards. Brown, Jane D., PhD, MD, Kelly Ladin L'Engle, PhD, MPH, Carol J. Pardun, Phd, MA, Guang Guo, PhD, Kristin Kenneavy, MHD, and Christine Jackson, PhD, MA. "Sexy Media Matter: Exposure to Sexual Content in Music, Movies, Television, and Magazines Predicts Black and White Adolescents' Sexual Behavior." Vol. 117. Chapel Hill, NC: American Academy of Pediatrics, n.d. 1018-027. Ser. 4. Sexy Media Matter: Exposure to Sexual Content in Music, Movies, Television, and Magazines Predicts Black and White Adolescents' Sexual Behavior. 1 Apr. 2006. Web Write a summary of the text. Make sure that your summary states the main claim and the reasons given to support it. Refer to A Writer’s Reference for instructions on writing a good summary. (75-125 words) As lying is a learned behavior and researchers are working towards finding its’ source and motives in order to provide people proper understanding about how to limit harmful lies and deceit such as adultery or theft. List keywords that capture why you think the source is important for your research. “racial differences” “media” “adolescents” “sexual behavior” “parental communication” Identify at least two brief quotes from the reading. Thoroughly explain each quote, and then articulate why you think it will help you formulate a reasonable response to your question. Be as precise as possible. (275 words) 1) “…other factors that were more predictive, including parental disapproval of teen sex and perceived permissive peer sexual norms.” Adolescents are having to lie to their parents about their sexual activity and since they are getting away with it by fully engaging, this activity could lead to habitual harmful lying leading into their adult life. 2) “It took many studies over a number of years to establish that violence in the media increased children’s violent behavior and to begin initiatives to reduce harmful effects.” There is much research to be done about lying as to why humans engage and are subconsciously aware that it is so prevalent in everyday interaction, yet comfortable with the knowledge. Copy and paste the claim of the piece from the source. Then state the claim in your own words. “Research concluded that exposure to sexual content accelerates white adolescents’ sexual activity and increases their risk of engaging in early sexual intercourse. Black teens appear more influenced by perceptions of their expectations and their friends’ sexual behavior than by what they see and hear in the media.” The selected white and black adolescent subjects suggests the influence of sexual media based on race, age, gender, socioeconomic status, puberty status, and parent education. The research drawn concluded that intercourse was markedly higher amongst black adolescents than white. The motives or influences glamourizing sexuality are leading to a rise of adolescent intercourse which create false socio-sexual norms and eventually lying as an adult. 6) Synthesis Matrix Seeing how various sources fit together is challenging. The synthesis matrix is designed to establish how your sources converse with one another to help you have a robust understanding of how they weigh in on your question. You will design a matrix using the four sources (1 shared reading, 1 substantive source, 1 scholarly source, and 1 popular secondary source or primary text) you will use in your Critical Analysis Essay. This will illustrate the main ideas/topics of your sources in relation to your question: what they specifically assert regarding it. Fill out the template at the bottom of this assignment (page 2). Line up your four sources in the left hand column of the grid and then write your two or three categories across the top column. Your categories should be important aspects of the topic of your paper. Example: If I were writing about a particular song, I might generate the following categories as important aspects of why it is my favorite: tempo, lyrics, & syncopation. Note: The point here is to weave together the commonalities between your sources—what do all your sources say about each category. Be thorough with what each source has to say regarding the categories. You must write the information in the grid using complete thoughts/sentences. Use direct quotes from your sources, making sure to provide in-text citations. Additionally, you must provide nuanced and clear explanations of what each quote reveals about its category. Framing Question: How do social-sexual norms lead to lying? Category #1 Category #2 Category #3 Lying for personal gain Lying to protect another (If applicable) The soda companies are deceiving consumers to lure them to faithfully buy their product. Their reason for deception is not to protect anyone other than their selves to support their profit motives. Typically a detrimental type of lie. Usually the politically correct approach when one feels the need to react by lying or deciveing. Source 1 “Diet Soda vs. Regular Soda: Is one better for you?” Dana Dovey Source 2 “Lying in Everyday Life: Bella M. DePaulo Source 3 “Anna Duggar Blames herself for Josh Duggar Sex Isues” Josh lied to the media and his wife solely for personal gain. He was trying to protect his wife’s feelings at first by going behind her back to engage in sexual activity with women he had met on the internet. YouTube The Lip Source 4 “Sexy Media Matter…” Jane D. Brown Adolescents are lying to their parents to fulfill personal curiosity or pleasure. One can assume that the teens engaging in sexual activity could lie to their partners or future partners about their sexual history.