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Unit 2 Practice
Match the Organ to its body cavity:
________(most of) pancreas
________ (most of ) liver
________ appendix
________ (most of) stomach
E) All quadrants
________ intestines
F) Midline structure
For Each term below, write the corresponding body region:
1) Head __________________________
2) Neck_________________________________
3) Buttocks _______________________
4) Inner elbow _________________________
5) Back of knee _____________________
6) Chest ________________________________
7) Skull _______________________________
8) Arm _________________________________
9) John is having difficulty hearing soft voices, he may have troubles with this
10) After bending under the desk to pick up your pencil you sit up too quickly and
hit the back of this region of the head:
Match the term to its definition:
A) Away from the surface
B) Closer to the point of attachment to the body
C) Caudal
D) Ventral
E) To the side
F) Towards the middle
G) Lying face down
H) Located further away from point of attachment to the body
I) Lying face up
J) The back side
Unit 2 Practice
Define the following combining forms:
1. ili/o______________________________________ 2. Gastr/o __________________________________
3. inguin/o_________________________________
4. Lumb/o__________________________________
Use your knowledge of prefixes and roots to define:
1. Hypochondriac2. Epigastric3. AnteroposteriorShort Answer: Describe the conditions under which using a CXR would be
appropriate. Give an example. What tissues do you expect to show up the best, and
what color would they be?
If I wanted to get a picture of an internal organ like the lungs (in detail) what
method could I use? Why?
* Be able to label the 4 quadrants, 9 abdominal regions, body regions and planes
(see quizlet or your handouts for more practice there)