Access to Play and Literacy

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Michigan’s Assistive
Technology Resource
The overall purpose of MATR is to provide information
services, support materials, technical assistance, and training
to local and intermediate school districts in Michigan to
increase their capacity to address the assistive technology
(AT) needs of students with disabilities.
MATR’s Web site is:
Services to schools are FREE and include:
Support to IEP team members during the process of
considering AT.
Equipment loan program to schools for trials of AT.
Software loan library for parents and school personnel.
Training/inservice—inservice workshops, intensive
trainings, and development of training materials.
This document was produced and distributed through an IDEA Mandated Activities Project
for Michigan’s Assistive Technology Resource awarded by the Michigan Department of
Education. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of
the Michigan Department of Education, the Michigan State Board of Education, or the U.S.
Department of Education, and no endorsement is inferred. This document is in the public
domain and may be copied for further distribution when proper credit is given. For further
information or inquiries about this project, contact the Michigan Department of Education,
Office of Special Education and Early Intervention Services, P.O. Box 30008, Lansing,
Michigan 48909.
The Michigan Department of Education complies with all Federal laws and regulations prohibiting
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Compliance with Title IX
What Title IX is: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is the landmark federal law that bans sex
discrimination in schools, whether it is in curricular, extra-curricular, or athletic activities.
Title IX states: “No person in the U.S. shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, or denied the
benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal aid.”
The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of
1972, as amended, 20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq. (Title IX), and its implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. Part 106,
which prohibits discrimination based on sex. The MDE, as a recipient of federal financial assistance from the
United States Department of Education (USDOE), is subject to the provisions of Title IX. MDE does not
discriminate based on gender in employment or in any educational program or activity that it operates.
The designated individual at the Michigan Department of Education for inquiries and complaints regarding Title IX
Ms. Roberta E. Stanley, Director
Office of Administrative Law and Federal Relations
Michigan Department of Education
Hannah Building
608 West Allegan
P.O. Box 30008
Lansing, Michigan 48909
Phone: 517.335.0436
1023 South U.S. 27
St. Johns, MI 48879
Phone: 800.274.7426
Fax: 989.224.0330
Assistive Technology
Access to
Play and Literacy
•Define assistive technology
•Identify indicators of appropriate assistive technology
consideration and documentation
•Gain awareness of assistive technology continuum and
tools as it relates to early childhood
•Discuss available local, state and, national resources
What Is
Assistive Technology?
IDEA ‘97 & Assistive Technology
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IDEA ‘97 (Public Law 105-17) mandates the
provision of assistive technology and offers clear
definitions of assistive technology devices and
Legal Definition
Assistive Technology Device
Any item, piece of equipment or product system,
whether acquired commercially off the shelf,
modified, or customized—that is used to
increase, maintain, or improve the functional
capabilities of children with disabilities. (Section
Legal Definition
Assistive Technology Service
(a) Evaluation of the needs of a child with a disability, including a functional
evaluation of the child in the child’s customary environment;
(b) Purchasing, leasing, or otherwise providing for the acquisition of assistive
technology devices by children with disabilities;
(c) Selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting, applying, retaining,
repairing, or replacing assistive technology devices;
(d) Coordinating and use of other therapies, interventions, or services with
assistive technology devices, such as those associated with existing education
and rehabilitation plans and programs;
(e) Training or technical assistance for a child with a disability or, if appropriate,
that child’s family; and
(f) Training or technical assistance for professionals (including individuals or
rehabilitation services), employers, or other individuals who provide services to
employ, or are otherwise substantially involved in the major life functions of
children with disabilities. (Section 300.6)
Idea Facts
IDEA ’97, Part B (Children and Youth age 3 and older)
requires IEP teams to consider the assistive technology
needs of students during the development of an IEP.
IDEA ’97, Part C (Infants and Toddlers Up to Age 3)
“The individualized family service plan shall… contain…a
statement of specific early intervention services
necessary to meet the unique needs of the infant or
toddler and the family…” The term ‘early intervention
services’ means developmental services
that…include…assistive technology devices and assistive
technology services…”.
–IDEA 1997 (20 U.S.C.) 1400§ 636,632
Explore ways to support
a child’s independence and
participation in play.
Team Approach
Multiple perspectives from a number of
disciplines will ensure that the needs of the
child are addressed and supports are provided
across all environments.
The use of a process and framework can
assist teams in considering a child’s assistive
technology needs.
The Student, Environments, Tasks, and
Tools (SETT) is one example of a
framework that assists teams in
the consideration process.
SETT, Zabala, Joy, (1996)
Student Environment Tasks Tools
Joy Zabala
Student: Describe the child in detail and include how a
disability affects his or her ability to participate.
Environment: Describe all environments in which the
child participates and the supports available.
Task: Identify the specific tasks and activities that
the child needs to participate in.
Tools: Consider a wide range of strategies to support
and extend the abilities of the child.
SETT Framework Joy Zabala
Identify tasks in the child's daily routine
and explore solutions required to increase
independence and participation in these
natural environments.
Daycare setting
Hospital or doctor’s office
Also include:
• Child’s ability to transition between
• Child’s ability to choose and begin new
activities independently.
• Child’s ability to independently access
play materials and participate in clean up.
• Opportunities for social interaction.
How does assistive technology support
a child’s independence and
participation in play?
•Stabilize or increase ability to manipulate and
interact with toys or books.
•Provide seating or positioning support for play and
peer interaction.
•Increase participation in self care activities.
•Increase communication.
•Increase a child's ability to move.
•Accommodate sensory limitations such as visual or
Additional benefits of
assistive technology
• Supports active participation which
reinforces and improves learning.
• Access provides a sense of control and
impact on the environment (cause and
• Access provides opportunities for success
and independence which increase self
• Supports increase opportunity to interact
with peers.
• Supports allow the child and family to
explore the child’s strengths and to play and
interact together.
Toys and play materials
are a child’s tools for learning
Toys can become an obstacle
to learning for children with
R.H. Bradley (1985)
How children play…
General Supports
• Encourage independence, provide support and
adaptations as needed.
• Encourage and model cooperative play
• Explore toys and modifications that support
the child’s sensory preferences and current
• Accept different levels of participation.
• Provide supports to facilitate developmental
• Model use of toys and play materials.
Explore a continuum of strategies
and tools to support a child's
participation in play
Continuum for adapting play
•Adapt commercially available toys.
•Make your own toys and supports with
recycled or inexpensive materials.
•Explore toys with universal design features.
These toys are designed to allow flexibility
and easy access.
•Explore toys designed to address specialized
Adaptations and Modifications
Position, stabilize and mobilize the child, using:
•Non skid rug material to prevent sliding on a chair.
•Pillows, rolled towels, or foam wedges to provide
positioning support for floor activities.
•Beanbag chairs or inflatable furniture.
•Booster chair used as a floor sitter.
•Laundry baskets or boxes.
•Boppy, Bumbo, or other commercial infant sitter.
•Explore options for independent mobility
Adaptations and Modifications
Keep toys within reach and stabilize
•Use non-skid rug material on a table top to prevent
•Secure toy or materials to a base - plywood, clip
board, 3 ring binder, slant board, carpet, lap trays,
boxes, cookie sheet, carpet square.
•Secure toys to a base with Velcro, cable ties, C
clamps, magnetic strips, hot glue, suction cups,
•Use Velcro bracelet to attach small toys.
•Suspend toys or attach toys from ceiling, tray or
table with links or elastic webbing.
Adaptations and Modifications
Keep toys within reach and stabilize
•Keep rolling toys like balls, battery powered toys,
cars from rolling too far by confining with a hoola
hoop, cafeteria trays, shallow box lids.
•Trays can also be used for table top activities to
keep toys within reach .
Adaptations and Modifications
Communication supports to enhance play and
participation in early literacy activities
•Create activity choice boards with symbols or
pictures to encourage initiation of play and making
•Create topic-oriented communication boards to
encourage participation, turn taking and social
•Use single or sequential message communication
devices to allow opportunity to request help or
follow directions.
Adaptations and Modifications
Communication supports to enhance play and
participation in early literacy activities
The following examples can be found at
Pre-Kindergarten Exceptional Student Education Program
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Home > Resources > Teacher Resource Room
Adaptations and Modifications
Communication supports to enhance play and
participation in early literacy activities
Adaptations and Modifications
Improve ability to hold and manipulate
•Enlarge handles or writing utensils with wooden
dowels, foam hair curlers, pipe insulation, film
canister, tennis or plastic golf ball.
Adaptations and Modifications
Improve ability to hold and manipulate
•Create handles using wood dowels or knobs,
large hair bands, scotch tape “flaps,” sturdy page
tabs, thread spools, plastic shower curtain hooks.
•Attach Velcro to the palm of a mitten or glove.
Adaptations and Modifications
Improve ability to hold and manipulate
•Battery operated toys that are activated with a
single switch promote independent interaction
with toys and develop the concept of cause and
Adaptations and Modifications
Improve ability to see toys, highlight, and
enlarge materials
•Enlarge game boards using poster board and laminate.
•Define/outline boundaries or pictures using yarn,
string, colored tape, puffy fabric paint, colored
markers, Wikki Stix (books, toys with buttons,
•Photo copy and enlarge game pieces and laminate or
attach to cardboard.
•Visually simplify play materials, use black or white
backgrounds around toys, or cover “busy areas” with
tape or paper.
Adaptations and Modifications
Access to books
Physically adapt a book:
•Make page fluffers for books with foam
scraps, chip clips, or hot glue “dots”.
•Adapt the format: laminate, enlarge, or insert
a binder.
•Adapt text—reduce size or simplify, add
Adaptations and Modifications
Access to books
Adaptations and Modifications
Access to books
•Stabilize books-carpet squares, adapted book
holders, or lap trays.
Adaptations and Modifications
Access to books
•Use story-specific symbols, pictures, or objects to
allow the child to retell or answer questions about
the story.
•Use a recorded version of the story to be shared
with peers or listen alone with headphones.
•Use commercially available books on tape or CDs,
which can be controlled by the child by using a
single-switch-adapted cassette or CD player to
start and stop the story.
Adaptations and Modifications
Access to books
•Record sounds or repeated lines in stories using a
single-switch message device to allow participation
in the reading of the story.
•Use a sequencing digital voice message device to
“tell the story.”
Adaptations and Modifications
Access to books
•Create your own stories using “talking photo
albums” available from a variety of sources.
•The Book Worm by AbleNet and the Book
Talker by Enabling Devices allows you to create
talking books with alternate access options.
Photo Credit:Ablenet
Book Talker
Photo Credit:Enabling Devices
Adaptations and Modifications
Access to books
•Create talking single-switch or mouse-click
access stories using Microsoft PowerPoint.
•ACE Centre tutorial-
Adaptations and Modifications
Access to books
•Create your own books using a multimedia authoring
program (Intellipics, Clicker4, My Own Bookshelf,
•Look for commercially available multimedia story
books for your computer (Living Books from
Broderbund, UKanDo Little Books from Don Johnston,
or Mightybooks).
• Look for free books available to play and view online
Resources and References
MATR (Michigan’s Assistive Technology Resource)
Let's Play! Projects
Fisher Price special needs
Dragonfly Toys
Books Made Easy! By Pati King-Debaun
Creative Communicating—801-645-7737
Boston Public Schools Access Technology CenterRecipe for Adapting Books
NCIP National Center to Improve Practice in Special
Lakeshore Learning Materials—800 421-5354
Linda Burkhart
AAC Intervention
Joy Zabala, Assistive Technology Consultant
Assistive Technology – A LIFE TOOL!