king george public school january 2016




Mission Statement

King George Public School exists to provide facilities and an atmosphere in which each student may develop his or her potential to the maximum in specific areas of intellectual, physical, social, emotional and moral behaviour. King George Public School is dedicated to partnership with parents and all members of our community who contribute to the education of the child.


Admin Assistant



School Council Chair


Mrs. Jodi Whetung

Mrs. Catherine Graham

Mr. Peter Mangold

Mr. Wayne Bonner

Ms. Rose Kitney

Mrs. Mary Lynch-Taylor

(First Nation Trustee)

Zoe McLean

Mr. Rusty Hick







Principal = s Message

I would like to say thank you to everyone for the wonderful holiday wishes and kind words as we left for holidays. The gifts (especially the beautiful homemade painting I received from two boys!), cards (especially the home made ones!) and kind words are greatly appreciated. As always, time with my family was just what I needed to re-energize! This Christmas we were all extra excited at my house when my daughter announced that there would be another grandchild to add to the shopping list next year! I hope everyone’s time over the break included some quality family time too.

I would also like to thank all of the volunteers who helped with our Festive Lunch on December

18 th

. Our meatless spaghetti, vegetables and cookies were wonderful! Without the support of

School Council and parent volunteers wonderful, community building events such as this could not happen!

Mrs. Whetung


If your child has an allergy that staff should be aware of, please give me a call or send me a note so we can be sure to have an appropriate plan in place.

Please remember - we are a Peanut Free and Tree Nut Free School!

Bullying and Conflict

A bully is someone who…hurts people AGAIN AND AGAIN

When someone behaves aggressively towards another person and this behaviour continues over time, it is bullying. Bullies are persistent. They learn to use power and aggression to hurt or control others. Those hurt by bullying become more and more powerless in the relationship, often finding themselves trapped in the bully’s pattern of behaviour. Bullied children and teens often think, “I don’t know how to make it stop. I’ve tried everything.”

Adults may not be aware that they have become bystanders, too, if they don’t step in to address the bullying. It is up to adults in our schools and communities to teach children and teens how to connect with others in positive, healthy and respectful ways. The KPR School Code of Conduct illustrates this well. It states:

 “Everyone has the right to be safe and to feel safe, welcome and included at school.

 Safety is everyone’s responsibility.

Everyone in our school community is responsible for promoting safe, caring relationships that respect human dignity. Everyone is responsible for preventing harm.

Students, staff, volunteers, parents and guardians have additional responsibilities unique to their roles.”

If you have concerns that your child or teen is being bullied, please tell us, as soon as possible.

Please speak with the teacher, principal or vice-principal, or use our online Report Bullying weblink to let us know, at

From the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board

Outside Clothing

Cold weather is here and it is our expectation that students go out for each of the breaks during the day. Please make sure you are tucking some mittens, a hat and warm outer clothing in your child’s bag. It is always a good idea to put a change of clothing in a ziplock bag in their knapsack too; you never know when they might need a quick change of clothing.

Morning Announcements

I would like to ask parents who are arriving with their children during our announcement time (approximately 9:20-9:25) to please stop in the hallway and listen.

We are asking students to stand for the National Anthem and remain standing to listen to the announcements. Having adults model the importance of announcement time and respectful behavior during announcements would be very helpful for our students. Thank you.

School Council

Please join us at the next School Council meeting on Tuesday January 12th,

6:30-8:00 in the Staff Room. School Council is a great place to keep updated about what is happening at the school and help shape many of the activities that take place at our school. You do not have to be a voting member or on a committee to attend meetings.

If you would like to attend the next School Council Meeting and require child care please let us know ahead of time by contacting the Office.

Jimmy The Break Dancer

King George staff are very excited to be hosting four sessions for each class in January with Jimmy

The Break Dancer. Jimmy is a break dancing instructor who does an amazing job working in schools with students! Students come away from their time with Jimmy excited and invigorated.

Jimmy charges $2.00 per student for each session. We are asking each student for $4.00

(payment can be made on…See Below) towards the sessions. We would also like to thank School Council (and parents who support fund-raising ventures!) for helping with the remaining cost.

SchoolCash On-line

Attention all Parent/Guardians:

King George has been rated #1 in parent/guardian participation for School Cash

Online but we need more help! All schools that are involved in Phase 1 in introducing School Cash Online have been given a challenge. The first school to hit 65% participation wins $500.00 for their school to go towards prizes of our choosing. Here’s the challenge: The first homeroom to have the most parents/guardian sign up and use school cash online will win an IPad mini.

Remember for safety and efficiency reasons SchoolCash Online IS the preferred method of payment!

Sign up now, either by clicking on the SchoolCash Online link on our website or by visiting http:/

Let’s stay #1!!...all school payments will be moving to on-line payments in the future, let’s get ahead of the trend!

Kindergarten Registration

We are now accepting registration forms for Junior Kindergarten students for September. If you have a child and would like a registration package please contact Mrs. Graham or drop by the office to pick one up. Registration packages are also available on the KPR website.
