Special Education Department Norwood District High School How

Special Education Department
Norwood District High School
How our Department Works!!
Resource Room (The PLC)
In collaboration with the classroom
teachers, the Resource Room offers an
alternative work location for students
to access after the daily lesson.
Students with an IEP may, with teacher
approval, access this quiet setting for
independent work, individual or small
group instruction, computers, and the
use of assistive technology.
Daily visits to the Resource Room
typically range between 30-40
Resource Teachers
Each student with an IEP is assigned a
Resource Teacher who is responsible for
being an in-school advocate and resource
to the individual, his/her
parents/guardians, and classroom
Resource Teachers monitor student
success and provide support to allow
students to succeed within the regular
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to
contact the Resource Teacher to discuss
concerns as students make adjustments to
the expectations of the secondary school
The Special Education Resource Teachers
will assist classroom teachers with
resources, strategies, and
Learning and Life Skills Classes
Norwood has 1 LLSP classroom
that provides programs for
students with developmental
challenges. This class provides
opportunities within the school's
regular program, while focusing
on academic, life and personal
functioning skills, in order to
maximize independence.
Key Dates throughout the Year
September October
December - January
SEA equipment
distribution and
Exam preparation
Updating of IEP’s.
accommodations are
Students continue to be
arranged based on
encouraged to develop
ministry regulations
self-advocacy skills and
that indicate students
prepare to use individual
may access
accommodations for
accommodations that
are listed on the IEP.
IEP will be sent
Individual student
meetings as
EQAO Math support and
School Staff regularly
makes themselves
available for students at
lunch and afterschool to
help prepare for exams
Planning and
preparation for the
April - June
Annual Reviews
Parents will receive
letters in the mail if
their son or
daughter is due to
have an In School
Identification and
Review Annual
Meetings will take
place at Norwood
Members of the School DHS during the
Literacy Department
months of April and
regularly make
May (or earlier in
themselves available
the year if needed)
for students
throughout the school
day based on the
School Literacy
Strategy. Preparing
students for the OSSLT
is something the staff
at NDHS work hard at
doing and take pride in
our excellent results.
Exam preparation
EQAO Math support and
Students continue to be
encouraged to develop
self-advocacy skills and
prepare to use
accommodations for
School Staff regularly
makes themselves
available for students at
lunch and afterschool to
help prepare for exams
Information Items:
Individual Education Plans:
Annual Review Meetings:
The IEP completion date in at the end of 30 school
days and IEPs are sent home with students by that
Teachers have on line access to the previous
year’s IEP at home and at school prior to the first
day of classes
Once you have completed your review of this
year's IEP, please sign the Parent/ Student
Consultation and Staff Review form and return it
to the school
IEPs will be sent home several times during each
school year: by the end of October and with
semester-end report cards in February and July
IEP are working documents therefore
Updates/changes can be made at any time
depending on the individual needs of each student.
Annual review meetings take place each year at
the school for students who are due to have a
Parents will be contacted with a meeting date and
will be provided with the choice to attend the
Identification and Placement will be the focus of
the meeting
Transition IPRC and Annual Review meetings for
students moving from grade 8 to grade 9 will
occur in January each year and parental
attendance is encouraged
Transition IPRC and Annual Review meetings for all
students with an IEP that are in a position to
graduate by the end of June each year and
parental attendance is encouraged
If you would like to meet with us at any time during
the school year, please feel free to call the
department and set up an appointment
Department Teaching Staff
Jim McMillan
Lead Teacher of Special Education, Guidance, Cooperative Education, and Technological Education Departments
(705) 639-5332 ext: 235
Christine Wessel
Special Education Resource Teacher
(705) 639-5332 ext: 211
Shawn Pascoe
Special Education Resource Teacher
(705) 639-5332 ext: 403
Diane Graham
Learning and Life Skills Teacher
(705) 639-5332 ext: 208
Diane_graham@kprdsb.ca ext. 208
Ann Gontier
Special Education Educational
(705) 639-5332
Leslie Clifford
Special Education Educational
(705) 639-5332
Deb Rogers
Special Education Educational
(705) 639-5332
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
The Special Education Advisory Committee is a legislated standing committee of the Board. The community representatives are
nominated by their association and their appointment is approved by the Board. It is the role of the Special Education Advisory
Committee to report and make recommendations to the Board regarding any matter effecting the establishment and development of
special education programs and services for exceptional students.
The Kawartha Pine Ridge SEAC endeavours to:
create an environment of quality education and equity, while promoting community awareness of the special needs of
foster understanding and trust to improve family and school communication
review and respond to provincial legislation as it affects students with special needs
ensure that the Board is able to make informed decisions as they relate to students with special needs
SEAC members are:
mandated to report and make recommendations to the Board regarding any matter affecting the establishment and
development of special education programs and services for exceptional students
available to receive phone calls from families and staff who are seeking information and resources related to specific
available to provide support to families in procedural matters
willing to attend meetings at the school as an advocate or liaison at the request of either the family or the school
attending workshops and monthly SEAC meetings to keep up-to-date with the Board and Ministry of Education and Training
attending conferences and staying in constant contact with associations to maintain knowledge of current trends/research
in their areas of expertise
available to share information and act as a resource to both school staff and families
endeavouring to promote understanding of all students with special needs
The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board invites all parents and interested members of the public to attend Special
Education Advisory Committee meetings.
Please contact the Board Office at 877-741-4577, extension 2174, or a committee member for information or confirmation of
attendance if you plan to attend.