LP PWPT 2.24

Hacer Ahora
Jueves, el 24 de febrero
1. List three activities you would do on a vacation at
the beach.
2. List three activities you would do on a vacation in
the mountains.
3. Write the time shown on each clock in Spanish.
Recognize and identify vocabulary related to travel,
vacation destinations, and means of transportation in
Spanish in order to sort vocabulary into appropriate
categories and create a story about a vacation based on
various pictures.
Use a map to locate the capitals of Spanish speaking
countries in Central America and the Caribbean.
Ask and respond to the questions “¿Dónde quieres ir?
¿Cómo prefieres viajar? ¿Cómo te gusta viajar? “ in order
to conduct interviews and write a paragraph about a
partner’s travel preferences in Spanish.
Repaso de vocabulario: Word Sort
Work in groups of four to sort the words you will
receive in your envelope into appropriate
The categories are written on colored cards; words
to be sorted are written on white cards.
La ciudad de Guatemala
San Salvador
San Jose
La ciudad de Panama
Los amigos van
a la playa.
Pasan el fin de semana en la
Toman el sol.
Elena toma fotos con su
cámara digital.
Los amigos aluilan (rentan)
un barquito.
Carlos esquia en el agua.
Hay una cancha de
voleibol en la playa.
Un jugador lanza
el balón.
Otro jugador del
equipo contrario
lo devuelve.
Toman el telesilla.
Toman el telesilla para
subir la montaña.
Hugo tiene miedo.
No quiere bajar la pista
Prefiere las pistas para
Julio y su amiga patinan
sobre el hielo
Cuentos orginales
Work in your groups of four to prepare a story
about a vacation based on the pictures you will
You should use vocabulary from our new unit, but of
course, you can use any additional vocabulary you
may need.
You do NOT need to write out your story, but
everyone in your group should be prepared to tell
at least one part of it.
Your story should be in a logical order. Make sure it
has a clear beginning, middle and end.
Entrevistas: Preferencias de vacaciones
Copy the following chart on a piece of paper in your folder. Then ask
each question to your partner and write their response. You should each
have an opportunity to ask and answer each question. Be prepared to
share out the information from your interview.
?Donde quieres ir?
?Como prefieres viajar?
?Cuales actividades te gusta hacer cuando viajas?
?Cuales cosas necesitas cuando viajas?
Escribe: Las vacaciones ideales
Using the information from your interview, write a paragraph
in Spanish explaining your partner’s travel preferences. Your
paragraph must be at least five sentences in Spanish.
Just as when you write in English, your paragraph should be
well organized, have a clear topic sentence and a concluding
You may use the following sentence structures to write your
paragraph, but feel free to add others. You can use them in
whichever order you feel is logical.
(Nombre de tu compañero/a) quiere viajar a (lugar)
 (Nombre de tu compañero/a) le gusta viajar en (transportación)
 (Nombre de tu compañero/a) no le gusta viajar en (transportación)
 Durante las vacaciones, le gusta (actividades)
 Para viajar a (lugar), (Nombre de tu compañero/a) necesita (cosas)
Recognize and identify vocabulary related to travel,
vacation destinations, and means of transportation in
Spanish in order to sort vocabulary into appropriate
categories and create a story about a vacation based on
various pictures.
Use a map to locate the capitals of Spanish speaking
countries in Central America and the Caribbean.
Ask and respond to the questions “¿Dónde quieres ir?
¿Cómo prefieres viajar? ¿Cómo te gusta viajar? “ in order
to conduct interviews and write a paragraph about a
partner’s travel preferences in Spanish.
Hoja de trabajo: Answer the questions based on the
advertisement for a skiing vacation in Spanish.
Evaluaciones Diarias
Give yourself ONE point for each criteria you met during class.
____ OT1 (On Time)
____ IW (Completed Individual Work)
____ GW (Made meaningful contributions to group work)
____ SS (Spoke Spanish before resorting to English)
____ OT2 (Stayed on Task)
Total: _____/5
Boleto de salida
Responde a las preguntas siguientes en frases
completas en español.
?Dónde quieres ir?
¿Cómo prefieres viajar?
¿Cómo te gusta viajar?