Spanish I Video Project - Me gusta…

Spanish Video Project - Me gusta…
Due date : Fri., Oct. 5
For this assignment you will work in pairs and produce a me gusta project.
This presentation should be no more than 5 minutes long. It should include 3 likes and 3
dislikes (per person), at least one thing that interests you and one thing thing bores you
(per person), vocabulary that indicates how much or how little you like the activities (me
gusta mucho, no me gusta nada), and statements about yourself and your partner using at
least 3 adjectives each. (ex: Soy sociable, Ella es reservada). Please introduce yourself in
This project will be worth 30 points. It will be graded on the required elements,
creativity/ originality, use of language (grammar and vocabulary), pronunciation, and clarity
and total presentation.
Please use the vocabulary from the chapter vocabulary and what you already know. You
should be able to do this activity with out a dictionary.
Project options: You can choose one of the options below for the format of
your project:
Video: Record a skit-like presentation outside of school. Use creativity in your
presentation. You have a lot of options here.
o Your video must be playable on a PC laptop. Preferably emailed to
me via a safe, secure and private site
If you burn it on a disc, it MUST be a DVD.
**** Keep video school appropriate, including anything on the tape after your presentation.
Inappropriate material could result in a failing grade and/or a disciplinary action.****
 Poster or power point: Make a poster with pictures or clip art and text
that fit all the activities according to your script. Present your poster orally to the
class. You may use note cards as reminders, but DON’T just read them. Be well
rehearsed, please.
Project Check list:
All projects must fulfill these requirements:
 Must be 100% in Spanish
 Include 3 likes per person
 Include 3 dislikes per person
 Include Introductions and descriptions
 Include 1 interest and 1 thing that bores you
o No longer than 5 minutes
o This packet fully completed
Project Steps: Fill out this page completely, thank you
1. Pick a partner.
Our group members are: __________________________________
2. Arrange a meeting time and place outside of class to complete the project:
3. Decide on a type of project: We are doing a ____________ presentation
4. Compose a script (use the script page)
5. Gather graphics (plan out video shots, take pictures, find clip art)
6. Rehearse lines and actions before filming – or – put poster together
7. Record and edit video - or – rehearse live presentation until it is smooth with
good pronunciation
8. Turn it in!
Write your me gusta statements here:
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________________
Write your no me gusta statements here:
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________________
Write your me interesa statements here:
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
Write your me aburre statements here:
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
Use these to help you compose a script.
Project Script
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