English Home Learning Monitor Class Name of teacher Date set Duration Home Learning activity set Stretch and challenge SOW reference: what area of the scheme that the H/L is related to Of Mice and Men – English Language Unit 3, Section A Date due 10q/en2 Emma Good 16th April 2013 1 hour To revise all revision notes from the 6 weeks of learning on ‘Of Mice and Men’ in preparation for the controlled assessment planning lesson. You should ensure that you highlight key quotations you will use in your essay and decide on at least 3 focus characters for your controlled assessment focus on POWER. We will be preparing a planning grid and mind-map in the lesson on the 18th April. 11q/en3 Emma Good 17th April 2013 1 hour 11r/en1 Emma Good 16th April 2013 1 hour 13E/En1 Emma Good 15th April 2013 2 hours Task: Read through the following article and answer the question below taken from the Unit 1 Exam Paper: Life Saving with Class – Rory Stamp (Question 1 Inference Focus). Task: Read through the following article and answer the question below taken from the Unit 1 Exam Paper: Life Saving with Class – Rory Stamp (Question 1 Inference Focus). Study the 17th Century: the Metaphysical poets. Aim to read the following poems and complete an AO1-4 analysis of: A Valediction: Forbidden Mourning by Donne, To my dear and loving husband by Bradstreet and The Exequy by King. To determine how the theme of power for each character you chose can be related to: Other themes Other characters Language Structure Context Symbolism Steinbeck’s point of view Remember: sophisticated and impressive interpretations lead to a Band 5 – A*/A. Task: Highlight your response and label/annotate where you think you have demonstrated the following Band 4 Criteria. Unit 1, Section B – 40% Exam 24th April 2013 Task: Highlight your response and label/annotate where you think you have demonstrated the following Band 4 Criteria. Unit 1, Section B – 40% Exam 23rd April 2013 Band 4 (A Grade) Criteria: AO1 - Articulate creative, informed and relevant responses to literary texts, using appropriate terminology and concepts, and coherent, accurate written expression. 7.5% AO2 - Demonstrate detailed critical Unit 3 English Literature – closed book examination – 30% of total A Level 22nd April 2013 Could Heads of Faculty and Department please ensure that this information is submitted by the end of business each Friday. 18th April 2013 English Home Learning Monitor 8Q En1 Pauline Bruno 16th April 2013 1-2 hours 10 Qen1 Pauline Bruno 18th April 2013 2hours 11Q en4 Pauline Bruno 1 hour 12E En1 Pauline Bruno 18th April 2013 17th April 1-2hours Using the template to write a text and reply to someone using all the techniques you have learnt this week. Annotate with all the features used. Select at least three quotes for each of your charaters for the Assessment. Analyse these using the table in your books. Revise all the work completed for assessment. Completed a detailed S.P.E.I.E.S style plan on the GCSE example question. The poetry of resistance: read and study the poem Hell is Round the Corner by Tricky. Complete a full AO1 – 4 analysis considering the events and experiences; the rhyme, rhythm and repetition; comparisons between this and other poems you have already studied – resistance poetry and the theme of violence; the urban struggle for cultural and racial understanding in analyzing the ways in which structure, form, and language shape meanings in literary texts. 7.5% AO3 - Explore connections and comparisons between different literary texts, informed by interpretations of other readers. 7.5% AO4 - Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received. 7.5% Select at least two features and write two EPEEs. Explain the effect of this feature on your use of language. Write your analysis into detailied EPEEs against the Band 5 critiera. Write a reposne and annotate in the Band 4 critiera. Annotate your work with Band 4 criteria and provide yourself with a target using the mark scheme’s language. Could Heads of Faculty and Department please ensure that this information is submitted by the end of business each Friday. Mulit Modal Unit 23rd April 2013 Of Mice and Men – English Language Unit 3, Section A 23rd April Unit 1, Section B – 40% Exam Exam preparation 24th April 24th April English Home Learning Monitor acceptance 7RAR Agnieszka Ciepiela 15th April 15 -25 minutes To memorise key terms. Extension: N/A to this set of homework. Method of checking: a short test on 23rd April. Spoken Language 7RAR Agnieszka Ciepiela 18th April 45 minutes To develop/improve reading comprehension skills. Extension: To improve/develop general reading comprehension skills. A reading comprehensio n task is set every week. It is an additional and compulsory homework set for every student in 7RAR. Details: http://www.engl ishforeveryone.o rg/PDFs/Level_6 _Passage_6.pdf - rest of the class http://www.engl ishforeveryone.o rg/PDFs/Level_6 _Passage_7.pdf - Mahmood Turkman http://www.engl ishforeveryone.o rg/PDFs/Level_1 _Passage_7.pdf Asmaa Mohamed Could Heads of Faculty and Department please ensure that this information is submitted by the end of business each Friday. English Home Learning Monitor http://www.engl ishforeveryone.o rg/PDFs/Level_1 _Passage_8.pdf Fatma Busneina , Ahmed Sharif http://www.engl ishforeveryone.o rg/PDFs/Level_2 _Passage_1.pdf -Zane Ahmed 8NOG Ndidi Ogunna 15th April, 2013 30 minutes To revise the spoken language techniques from year 7. Go on the internet and find the meaning of these spoken language techniques: Filler, accent, dialect, idiolect, standard English, elision and paralinguistic features. Print out any informal text and have a look to spot out some of these techniques. Annotate the spoken language techniques that you can find in the text and describe situations people can use them. Mulit Modal Unit 8HJO Donna Power Tuesday 16th April 1 hour To create your own text message conversation using the key terms. Annotate the key terms. Write a paragraph explaining how the text is different to spoken language and why the features are used in the text Multi Modal Unit 9qen1 Donna Power Tuesday 16th April 1 hour Annotate a selection of quotations from the opening of Act 1; analyse the devices used in the quotations and how they introduce the writer’s key themes and Write two EPEE paragraphs using your annotated quotations and self assess against the AF6 criteria. Inspector Calls Could Heads of Faculty and Department please ensure that this information is submitted by the end of business each Friday. English Home Learning Monitor ideas in the play 10qEn4 Donna Power Friday 19th April 1 hour Complete the plan for the OMAM controlled assessment. Write a mock response to the essay questions exploring the theme of power in the novel. Annotate their essay identifying where they have met band 4 criteria (self assessment) Of Mice and Men 11qEn2 Donna Power Thursday 18th April 1 hour Complete an exam response to Question 1 of Unit 1 exam. Self assess their work identifying how they have met the band 4 mark scheme. Unit 1 Exam Revision 12 GCSE resit Donna Power Thursday 18th April Complete an exam response to Question 1 of Unit 1 exam. Self assess their work identifying how they have met the band 4 mark scheme. Unit 1 Exam Revision 7q/En2 Heather Jones Friday 19th April 1 hour 8HMO Heather Jones Friday 19th April 1 hour Write a reflection on your own spoken language using the key terminology. Explain these differences in language exist Spoken Language Unit. Multi-Modal Texts 9q/En3 Heather Jones Wednesday 17th April 1 hour Can you research and different plays he has written and what the context of those plays is? An Inspector Calls 10q/En3 Heather Jones Friday 19th April 1 hour Create a spoken language dictionary and learn the spellings and meanings for Thursday. Write out a text conversation, label with multi-modal terms and then write a paragraph explaining the differences between spoken language and multi modal language. Create a facebook page for J.B Priestly. You must include ideas about his social/political beliefs as well as research information about his background and career. Write three practice petal paragraphs in preparation for the assessment. Of Mice and men 11q/ En5 Heather Jones Thursday 18th April 1 hour Write a paragraph evaluating who is the most powerful/powerless character and why. Write a shorter section B answer advising young people how they can stay out of trouble. 1 hour Write a blog persuading young people that they should not participate in the London Riots (section b response) Could Heads of Faculty and Department please ensure that this information is submitted by the end of business each Friday. Unit 1 Exam Revision English Home Learning Monitor 7MCH Helen Moriarty 17th April 2013 1 hour Complete ‘My Language Use At home’ worksheet. Complete the diagram, provide specific examples and write an EPEE/PEE paragraph analysing your use of language at home. Extension: Ask your parent to fill in the same grid and compare your findings. Use the discourse markers to help frame your answer Spoken Language Unit. Extension: Argue for or against the attitudes expressed in the article. Multi Modal Unit Select at least two features and write two EPEEs. Explain the effect of this feature on your use of language. AF5: Explain and comment on writers’ use of language, including grammatical land literary features at word and sentence level. Multi Modal Unit AF5: Explain and comment on writers’ use of language, including grammatical land literary features at word and sentence level. ‘An Inspector Calls’ Task: Highlight your response and label/annotate where you think you have demonstrated the following Unit 1, Section B – 40% Exam Analysing the meaning and impact of spoken language variation, exploring significant details in my own and others’ language. 8q/En2 Helen Moriarty 19th April 2013 1 hour 8r/En1 Helen Moriarty 17thh April 2013 1 hour 9qr/En2 Helen Moriarty 17thh April 2013 2 hours 9s/En2 Helen Moriarty 11r/En3 Helen Moriarty 18th April 2013 18thh April 2013 Multi Modal Talk and Literacy: Read the article. Summarise it in your own words and provide supporting textual evidence. Using the template to write a text and reply to someone using all the techniques you have learnt this week. Annotate with all the features used. ‘An Inspector Calls’ Provide perceptive, precise analysis of key quotes from the stage directions. 1-2 hours Extension: Provide alternative interpretations of the quotes. ‘An Inspector Calls’ Provide perceptive, precise analysis of key quotes from the stage directions. 1 hour Extension: Provide alternative interpretations of the quotes. Task: Read through the following article and answer the question below taken from the Unit 1 Exam Paper: Johnny Could Heads of Faculty and Department please ensure that this information is submitted by the end of business each Friday. ‘An Inspector Calls’ English Home Learning Monitor Depp’s surprise visit to school. (Information extraction). Feminine Gospels: Complete a full AO2 analysis of two stanzas of ‘The Laughter of Stafford Girls’ High’. Demonstrate critical understanding and analysis of form, structure and language. Band 4 Criteria. Annotate your work with Band 4 criteria and provide yourself with a target using the mark scheme’s language. Exam preparation 12E En1 Helen Moriarty 15th April 2013 1 hour 7Qeng2 William Eakin 19/4/13 30 mins Using your slang words from you last homework task, script a conversation between your parents and yourself, using slang language. Make it fun! Write as if they don’t understand what you are saying and that you have to translate everything for them. If you are unsure of how to write a script, ask me, or look it up on the internet. Find a conversation between two characters from Romeo and Juliet and script a conversation between them (you can find Romeo and Juliet on the internet. Search for No fear, Skhakespeare’. It will have a translation into ‘normal’ English already). Try and translate into the slang we use today. Spoken Language Unit. 7R eng2 William Eakin 18/4/13 30 mins Using your slang words from you last homework task, script a conversation between your parents and yourself, using slang language. Make it fun! Write as if they don’t understand what you are saying and that you have to translate everything for them. If you are unsure of how to write a script, ask me, or look it up on the internet. Find a conversation between two characters from Romeo and Juliet and script a conversation between them (you can find Romeo and Juliet on the internet. Search for No fear, Skhakespeare’. It will have a translation into ‘normal’ English already). Try and translate into the slang we use today. Spoken Language Unit. 7KAD William Eakin 19/4/13 30 mins Using your slang words from you last Find a conversation between two Spoken Language Could Heads of Faculty and Department please ensure that this information is submitted by the end of business each Friday. English Home Learning Monitor 9Reng3 William Eakin 19/4/13 30 mins homework task, script a conversation between your parents and yourself, using slang language. Make it fun! Write as if they don’t understand what you are saying and that you have to translate everything for them. If you are unsure of how to write a script, ask me, or look it up on the internet. characters from Romeo and Juliet and script a conversation between them (you can find Romeo and Juliet on the internet. Search for No fear, Skhakespeare’. It will have a translation into ‘normal’ English already). Try and translate into the slang we use today. Unit. Do BOTH tasks! 1) Write down three difficult decisions you have had to make. Then, for each, write down three reasons why they were so difficult. E.G. Decision = I moved to London Reasons = Girlfriend, Job and Lifestyle Other arguments = just another girl, you can get a job in Australia, you can have a great lifestyle in Australia 1 (Extension: Write down three things that Exam Preparation people spoke to you about to try and convince you of the other choice you could have made.) 2 Think of 5 counter arguments to your points 2) Create a table with reasons 10 reason why we should use greener forms of energy and 10 reasons why we shouldn’t 10Reng2 William Eakin 19/4/13 90 mins Using the template provided, write 3 of the ‘body’ paragraphs for your essay. Each should address a single character, how they are powerless and how they desire power. Attempt to write your introduction and conclusion without a template. Of Mice and Men – English Class Name of teacher Date set Duration Home Learning activity set Stretch and challenge SOW reference: what area of the scheme Could Heads of Faculty and Department please ensure that this information is submitted by the end of business each Friday. English Home Learning Monitor that the H/L is related to 9Q4 Gemma Powell 17/04/13 1 hr Design your own set for the play An Inspector Calls using the sheet you have been given. Consider the connotations of the colours and lighting you use in order to create a scene that is happy but also shows some tension. Play SOW 10R1 Gemma Powell 19/03/13 1 hr You will have discussed in class the idea that the use of the colour red has many connotations. (It symbolises lots of things). Can you find an example of a colour being used within the novel? Find a quote and analyse how this may be used in relation to the theme of power. Find an example of how colour is used to convey meaning in a different piece of prose, poetry or drama. English: Unit 3a Understanding Creative Texts (Literary heritage component) AO2 You will have discussed in class the idea that the use of the colour red has many connotations. (It symbolises lots of things). Can you find an example of a colour being used within the novel? Find a quote and analyse how this may be used in relation to the theme of power. Find an example of how colour is used to convey meaning in a different piece of prose, poetry or drama. 10Q5 Gemma Powell 19/03/13 1 hr English Language GCSE English Language Unit 3 Part a Understanding written texts (extended reading) Could Heads of Faculty and Department please ensure that this information is submitted by the end of business each Friday. English: Unit 3a Understanding Creative Texts (Literary heritage component) AO2 English Language English Home Learning Monitor GCSE English Language Unit 3 Part a Understanding written texts (extended reading) 11Q1 Gemma Powell 18/04/13 35mins Complete Section B Longer question Response. Complete the task alongside Band 5 Criteria. Year 13 Gemma Powell 18/04/13 1 hr min Study the 17th Century: the Metaphysical poets. Aim to read the following poems and complete an AO1-4 analysis of: A Valediction: Forbidden Mourning by Donne, To my dear and loving husband by Bradstreet and The Exequy by King. Band 4 (A Grade) Criteria: AO1 - Articulate creative, informed and relevant responses to literary texts, using appropriate terminology and concepts, and coherent, accurate written expression. 7.5% AO2 - Demonstrate detailed critical understanding in analyzing the ways in which structure, form, and language shape meanings in literary texts. 7.5% AO3 - Explore connections and comparisons between different literary texts, informed by interpretations of other readers. 7.5% AO4 - Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received. 7.5% 11r/en2 Barbara Curtin 18th April 2013 1 hour Task 1: Foundation Read through Source 1 and complete question 1 (a) and 1 (b) from Section A of the Unit 1 exam. Highlight section B of your response and label/annotate where you think you have demonstrated the following Band Could Heads of Faculty and Department please ensure that this information is submitted by the end of business each Friday. English Language GCSE Unit 1 Exam Unit 1 Exam Preparation for Eng Lit Spec A Unit 1, Section B – 40% Exam English Home Learning Monitor 3 Criteria: - clear evidence that the text is understood engages with the text and makes inferences offers relevant and appropriate quotations makes developed reference to interesting/unusual aspects of the visit 10r/en3 Barbara Curtin 16th April 2013 1 hour To revise all revision notes from the 6 weeks of learning on ‘Of Mice and Men’ in preparation for the controlled assessment planning lesson. You should ensure that you highlight key quotations you will use in your essay and decide on at least 3 focus characters for your controlled assessment focus on POWER. We will be preparing a planning grid and mind-map in the lesson on the 22nd April. Highlight sections of your above response and then label/annotate where you think you have demonstrated the following Band 3 Criteria: clear evidence that the text is understood engages with the text and makes inferences offers relevant and appropriate quotations makes developed reference to the rescue Of Mice and Men – English Language Unit 3, Section A 9s/En1 Barbara Curtin 18th April 2013 1-2 hours Write a paragraph explaining how your findings will affect the content of the play 8r/ En2 Barbara Curtin 17th April 2013 1 hours Reading unit – (GCSE Unit 3A) An Inspector Calls Mulit Modal Unit 7r/En1 Barbara Curtin 16th April 1 hour Research Task: Independent learning Students have a selection of topics to research. Information is synthesised by creating a mind-map of each topic. Using the template to write a text and reply to someone using all the techniques you have learnt this week. Annotate with all the features used. Write a transcript of a conversation with a parent or friend using your mini-dictionary of dialect and idiolect. Select at least two features and write two EPEEs. Explain the effect of this feature on your use of language. Translate your transcript into formal language. Investigate how the language differs. Could Heads of Faculty and Department please ensure that this information is submitted by the end of business each Friday. Spoken Language 22rd April 2013 English Home Learning Monitor Could Heads of Faculty and Department please ensure that this information is submitted by the end of business each Friday.