Reading 8 GLE’s/EALR’s Reading Standards in evidence during Literature Circle discussions Vocabulary strategies (1.2) Apply dictionary and reference skills (1.2.1) Use word origins, root words, prefixes, suffixes, vocabulary strategies, and graphic features of the text to gain meaning of unknown words (1.2.2) Self-correct, re-read, read on, or slow down to gain meaning of unknown words (1.2.2) Reading comprehension (2.1) Main idea (literal and inferred), theme, supporting details (2.1.3) Prior knowledge (2.1.4) Predict and infer (2.1.5) Monitor for meaning, use questioning strategies, use mental imagery, use graphic organizers and other pre-/during/post-reading tools (2.1.6) Summarize grade level informational and literary text (2.1.7) Use text components to comprehend text (2.2) Analyze time and sequence—foreshadowing, flashbacks, dream sequences, parallel episodes, traditional/cultural-based organizational patterns, steps in process (2.2.1) Understand and analyze story elements—major and minor characters, plot, conflict, resolution, setting, point of view, theme, mood, subplots, recurring themes between texts (2.2.3) Recognize and use text organizational structures—simple listing, sequential order, description, comparison/contrast, chronological order, cause and effect, order of importance, process/procedural, concept/definition, problem/solution, episodic, generalization/principle (2.2.4) Analyze, interpret, synthesize information and ideas within a text and among texts (2.3) Compare and contrast information, characters, and events; explain cause and effect relationships (2.3.1) Identify specific literary devices (simile, personification, humor, metaphor, idiom, imagery, exaggeration, dialogue, irony, sarcasm, analogy); judge the effectiveness of literary devices; explain how they are used (2.3.3) Think critically and analyze an author’s language, style, purpose, perspective (2.4) Draw conclusions and find supporting details; respond to texts; express insights about texts (2.4.1) Identify and discuss the purpose and style of different authors; explain the author’s use of language structure and language registry (2.4.2) Analyze text in order to generalize, express insight, or respond by connecting to other texts/situations (2.4.5) Compare and contrast similar concepts/themes within multiple texts (2.4.6) Read for literary experience in a variety of genres (3.4) Respond to a variety of genres; analyze structural elements/characteristics of a variety of poetic forms (3.4.2) Develop interests and share reading experiences (4.2) Recommend books and discuss books with others (4.2.1)