Literature Circle GLE Guide

Reading 8 GLE’s/EALR’s
Reading Standards in evidence during Literature Circle discussions
Vocabulary strategies (1.2)
 Apply dictionary and reference skills (1.2.1)
 Use word origins, root words, prefixes, suffixes, vocabulary strategies, and
graphic features of the text to gain meaning of unknown words (1.2.2)
 Self-correct, re-read, read on, or slow down to gain meaning of unknown words
Reading comprehension (2.1)
 Main idea (literal and inferred), theme, supporting details (2.1.3)
 Prior knowledge (2.1.4)
 Predict and infer (2.1.5)
 Monitor for meaning, use questioning strategies, use mental imagery, use graphic
organizers and other pre-/during/post-reading tools (2.1.6)
 Summarize grade level informational and literary text (2.1.7)
Use text components to comprehend text (2.2)
 Analyze time and sequence—foreshadowing, flashbacks, dream sequences,
parallel episodes, traditional/cultural-based organizational patterns, steps in
process (2.2.1)
 Understand and analyze story elements—major and minor characters, plot,
conflict, resolution, setting, point of view, theme, mood, subplots, recurring
themes between texts (2.2.3)
 Recognize and use text organizational structures—simple listing, sequential order,
description, comparison/contrast, chronological order, cause and effect, order of
importance, process/procedural, concept/definition, problem/solution, episodic,
generalization/principle (2.2.4)
Analyze, interpret, synthesize information and ideas within a text and among texts (2.3)
 Compare and contrast information, characters, and events; explain cause and
effect relationships (2.3.1)
 Identify specific literary devices (simile, personification, humor, metaphor, idiom,
imagery, exaggeration, dialogue, irony, sarcasm, analogy); judge the effectiveness
of literary devices; explain how they are used (2.3.3)
Think critically and analyze an author’s language, style, purpose, perspective (2.4)
 Draw conclusions and find supporting details; respond to texts; express insights
about texts (2.4.1)
 Identify and discuss the purpose and style of different authors; explain the
author’s use of language structure and language registry (2.4.2)
Analyze text in order to generalize, express insight, or respond by connecting to
other texts/situations (2.4.5)
Compare and contrast similar concepts/themes within multiple texts (2.4.6)
Read for literary experience in a variety of genres (3.4)
 Respond to a variety of genres; analyze structural elements/characteristics of a
variety of poetic forms (3.4.2)
Develop interests and share reading experiences (4.2)
 Recommend books and discuss books with others (4.2.1)