Graffiti Art

Graffiti Art
The Writing on
the Wall
Origins of Graffiti Art
Graffiti is not a new concept… It has been found in tombs of the
Egyptians and the ruins of Pompeii.
Brassai, Graffiti
The Ancient meaning of
 Graffiti comes from the Italian word grafficar
 It means drawings, markings, patterns, scribbles,
or messages that are painted, written, or carved
on a wall or surface.
 It also signifies "to scratch" in reference to
different wall writings ranging from "cave
paintings", bathroom scribbles, or any message
that is scratched on walls.
The Modern meaning of
 Graffiti has now come to
be known as any
unsolicited marking on a
private or public property
that is usually considered
to be vandalism.
Various Forms
 The simplest form consists of individual markings
such as slogans, slurs, or political statements.
 Such as writing on bathroom walls
 Usually handwriting
 Another simple form is tagging which is a fancy,
scribble-like writing of one's name or nick-name.
 Like saying “I was here”
 Marks territory
Modern Graffiti
 Originated in the 1960s in New York City and is
consequently know as “The New York Style”
 It began with teens using permanent markers to
write their name on subway cars
The Importance of Spraypaint
 It allowed for the tag to
develop in size and color.
 It separated the taggers
from the artists
 color, form, and style
could be emphasized
creatively with this new
tool to produce a tag as a
part of an overall artistic
Subway Art
 In the 1970s, taggers
began marking on subway
 This allowed them to get
more exposure and style
wars began to develop
 More styles began to
develop and became
more complicated
Taggers vs. Artist
Taggers scribble
Artists create art
The Spread of Graffiti
 The high visibility of the train and the potential
audience encouraged more artists to
participate in this new form of art.
 Despite New York City's vigorous anti-graffiti
efforts the style flourished and soon influenced
artists in cities all over the world.
 The biggest promotional vehicle for graffiti art
worldwide has been the Hip-Hop phenomenon
which is the culture associated with rap music.
The Complexity of Graffiti Art
It is not a spontaneous activity like tagging in the form of fancy
scribble. The completion of a piece or a production involves a great
deal of imagination, planning, and effort.
How its Made
 The graffitist first does a sketch.
 Then he or she plans out characters and selects
 Next, the artist selects his or her "canvas" or
 Then they create a preliminary outline followed
by a filling in of colors and ornamentation.
 Finally the graffitist does a final outline.
But is graffiti an
art form or
 Its illegal; vandalism
 Artists have no formal training
 It’s a non-standard presentation
Why its art
 Complicated and takes planning and skill
 Can be analyzed according to the elements of lines,
color, and structures that are present in the work in
order to produce a narrative about it.
 Graffitists intend their work to be apprehended as art
that can communicate feelings and ideas to the
 It also beautifies the community by appearing on
areas that normally would be eyesores, such as a wall
in a vacant lot or an abandoned building.
Location and Presentation
 The biggest obstacles of the acceptance of
graffiti as an art form
 It is often disregarded because it is not framed
and hanging on a wall, rather on a subway. It
then becomes unsolicited art and therefore
 The fact that it is vandalism only justifies its
 However the fact that graffiti is only temporary
makes it a unique and attractive art form.
Introduction to the Art World
 Soon graffiti art was thrown
into the at world.
 Graffiti artists were soon
asked to create work to be
displayed in galleries.
 Either on canvas or directly
on the wall
 Its introduction allowed for
two things to occur
 Collectors, dealers, curators,
artists, and the like helped
graffitists evolve in style,
presumably by sharing their
artistic knowledge with the
 The exposure helped to
expand graffiti to all parts of
the world.
Commission Work
 LA and Chicago have
recognized the talent of
graffitists by providing a means
for them to do legal graffiti art
which has helped to foster the
art form and lessened the
amount of graffiti art that
appears in the city as
 Organizations of graffiti artists
such as the Phun Factory or the
United Graffiti Artists in New
York solicit places to do legal
graffiti such as abandoned
buildings, businesses, or
community walls in parks.
 Graffiti artists are now
commissioned to do work.
When is it art?
 When it complies with the following criteria
Graffiti art is separated from everyday graffiti
markings by the artist's intention to produce a
work of art.
Graffiti art has an established history of
development in style and technique.
Graffiti art even has been recognized by the art
The public response to graffiti art indicates that it
is art.