Our Political Beginnings Guided Reading Activity - fchs

KHS HONOR CODE PLEDGE: __________________________________________ DATE: ______________
Read pages 30 – 34 and answer all of the questions below regarding the passage.
1. What influence did the Romans have on English government? Historically, what other nations and
forms of government had been influential to the Romans? List as many examples as you can think of.
(p. 30)________________________________________________________________________________
2. Define the term limited government (p. 31) - _____________________________________________
3. Define the term representative government (p. 31) - _______________________________________
4. List three (3) ways that the Magna Carta protected the rights of Englishmen. (p. 31)
5. List four (4) ways that the English Petition of Right limited the power of the King of England. (p. 31)
6. List at least six (6) of the rights of Englishmen which were guaranteed under the English Bill of Rights.
(p. 31 – 32, chart inset on page 32).
7. How does your textbook describe the thirteen colonies which were established by England in North
America when it comes to government? Which was the first colony established and when? What was
the last English colony in North America to be established and when? (p. 32)
8. Royal Colonies, Proprietary Colonies, and Charter Colonies.
8A. Royal Colonies were subject to the direct control of the ____________________________. (p. 33)
8B. The three proprietary colonies were established by a proprietor, or a person to whom the King had
made a grant of _____________________. (p. 34) (I.E. William Penn of Pennsylvania, or Lord Baltimore)
8C. Charter colonies were mostly ________________________________________. (p. 34)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MATCHING SECTION. Significant documents in American History.
A. The Constitution
B. The Declaration of Independence
C. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
D. The Virginia House of Burgesses
E. The Virginia Company’s Charter of 1606
F. The Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom
G. The Articles of Confederation
H. The Albany Plan of Union
I. The Virginia Declaration of Rights
J. The Mayflower Compact
_____1. This was the first written constitution in the Americas, written by the Pilgrims in 1619.
_____2. This was Thomas Hooker’s Constitution for a New England state favoring religious toleration.
_____3. This charter was granted for the settlers of Jamestown a year before the colony was founded.
_____4. Ben Franklin proposed the government for Colonial America; it was rejected in 1754.
_____5. Thomas Jefferson wrote this American creed in order to separate from England in 1776.
_____6. George Mason wrote the document in 1776, which would later shape the Bill of Rights.
_____7. Thomas Jefferson wrote this Virginia statue, which forbid collecting taxes for the Church.
_____8. This was the first representative government in American History, in Jamestown, 1619.
_____9. This was the United States first government, established in 1781 officially.
_____10. James Madison was the “Father” of this document, the supreme law of the land after 1788.