Review Sheet One: Exploration up to Reconstruction Exploration

Review Sheet One: Exploration up to Reconstruction
Exploration and Colonization
1. Why did Europeans settle in the English colonies?
2. Why did people come to New England? (Include 2 groups)
3. What is a Covenant Community? What created a Covenant Community in Plymouth?
4. Give examples of groups who settled in the Middle Colonies.
5. Why did people settle in Virginia/the Southern Colonies?
6. When, why, and by whom was Jamestown settled?
7. What were the consequences of the interactions of European, African, and American cultures?
8. When and why did slavery start in Jamestown?
9. What as the middle passage? Describe it.
10. How did the New England Colonies make money?
11. How did the Middle Colonies make money?
12. How did Virginia and the Southern colonies make money? Give examples.
13. Define Cash Crop. Name 3 cash crops. Which was mostly grown in Virginia?
14. How did the Puritans treat people who disagreed with them?
15. Describe the social structure in the South. (Who had the power?)
16. Which region (New England, Middle, Southern) had the closest ties to England?
17. Define indentured servants.
18. Define subsistence farming. Where in Virginia were there subsistence farmers?
Causes of the American Revolution/American Revolution
19. Define the Great Awakening. How did this impact the American Revolution?
20. Define Enlightenment. How did this impact the American Revolution?
21. Who was fighting in the French and Indian War?
22. What were the effects of the French and Indian War?
23. Define Proclamation of 1763. Why did it make the colonists angry?
24. Who were John Locke and Thomas Paine? What were their arguments?
25. Who wrote Common Sense? What was the main argument of the book?
26. How did the ideas of John Locke and Thomas Paine influence Jefferson’s writings in the Declaration of
27. Explain how Thomas Jefferson justified America declaring its independence from England.
28. Define: Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Tea Act, Townshend Acts, Intolerable Acts
29. Describe the Boston Tea party. What was the effect of the tea party in the colonies?
30. Why was the First Continental Congress important?
31. Describe the Boston Massacre.
32. Define minutemen.
33. Define Loyalists, Patriots, Neutral
34. What happened at Lexington & Concord?
35. Explain how George Washington’s leadership helped America win the war.
36. Describe the Battle of Yorktown. Why is significant?
Creating America’s Government
37. How did America’s pre-Revolutionary relationship with Britain influence the structure of the first national
38. What weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation led to the effort to draft a new constitution?
39. How did the delegates to the Constitutional Convention balance competing interests between large and small
40. What compromises were reached at the Constitutional Convention? (Include Great Compromise & 3/5ths
41. Explain separation of powers. Why did the delegates design a government with 3 branches?
42. Who was the “Father of the Constitution”? Why?
43. How was the Bill of Rights influenced by the Virginia Declaration of Rights and the Virginia Statute for
Religious Freedom? Who wrote the Declaration of Rights? Who Wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious
44. What were the major arguments for and against the Constitution by the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?
45. Who were the leading Federalists and Anti-Federalists in Virginia?
46. What did the Anti-Federalists want added to the constitution? Why?
47. How did Chief Justice John Marshall, a Virginian, contribute to the growth of the United States Supreme
Court’s power?
48. Define Judicial Review. What case gave the Supreme Court Judicial Review?
49. What were the effects of McCulloch v. Maryland and Gibbons v. Ogden?
50. Why did competing political parties develop during the 1790s?
51. What did the Democratic-Republicans support? Who was their leader?
52. Why is the Election of 1800 important? Who won?
53. Define Monroe Doctrine.
Westward Expansion/Antebellum America/Causes of the Civil War
54. What factors influenced American westward movement?
55. What were the impacts of the War of 1812?
56. Define Manifest Destiny.
57. What did Eli Whitney invent? How did this impact America?
58. How did Texas get its independence?
59. What land did America get from the Mexican War?
60. Define “Trail of Tears.” Why did this happen?
61. Why was Andrew Jackson the common man’s president?
62. How did voting rights change under Andrew Jackson?
63. Define Spoils System.
64. What issues divided America before the Civil War?
65. Describe the nullification crisis. Who supported high tariffs? Why? Who supported low tariffs? Why?
66. List the provisions of the Compromise of 1820.
67. List the provisions of the Compromise of 1850. How did it impact the Compromise of 1820?
68. List the provisions of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
69. Define popular sovereignty.
70. Define Bleeding Kansas. Why did this happen?
71. How did Nat Turner and Gabriel Prosser’s revolts affect the South? What laws were passed?
72. Who is William Lloyd Garrison? What newspaper did he write? Why is he important?
73. What was Dred Scott’s argument? What was the result of his case?
74. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin? Why is the book important?
75. Who was elected president in 1860? How did this impact America?
Civil War
76. Describe what happened at Fort Sumter. Why was it significant?
77. What battle allowed Lincoln to write the Emancipation Proclamation?
78. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do? What was its effect on European countries?
79. What was the main turning point of Civil War?
80. What speech was written after the turning point? What was Lincoln’s message in this speech?
81. Where did the war end?
82. Who was president of the Confederacy?
83. Who were the generals of the North and South?
84. Who was Frederick Douglas? Why is he significant?
85. How did the ideas expressed in the Emancipation Proclamation and the Gettysburg Address support the North’s
war aims?
86. What was Lincoln’s vision of the American nation in the Gettysburg Address?
87. How did the Civil War affect African Americans and the common soldier?
88. What was the war’s impact on the home front?
89. How did Lincoln view the south? What was he prepared to do to keep the country together?