Colonial South Carolina

Colonial South Carolina
South Carolina in
Colonial Times
Before there was a South Carolina, there was
a Carolina.
Carolina was made up of present day North
Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
Let’s take a look at map of colonial Carolina.
The colony of South
Carolina had a
diverse population
from the earliest
colonial times. Each
group made a
contribution to the
culture and character
of South Carolina.
English Colonists
 The English were the first to establish a
permanent settlement.
 The king of England gave the land to eight
Lords Proprietors in payment of a debt. This
land became known as a colony.
 Proprietors are people who own something.
Lord Anthony Ashley
Cooper was one of
the eight Lords
Proprietors. The
Ashley and the
Cooper are two
rivers near
Charleston named
for him.
The Lords Proprietors
commissioned the writing of the
Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina
which established representative
government and religious freedom.
The Lords Proprietors attracted new settlers to
the colony by offering them free land.
Many of the Englishmen who settled in the
Carolina colony came from Barbados. In
Barbados, these men established plantations,
or large farms.
Slave labor was used to keep the plantation
running. Crops, like rice and indigo, that were
grown and sold, made the plantation owners
and the colony wealthy.
South Carolina became one of the richest of
the 13 colonies.
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