Seminar in Finance BBA 8th (Morning) Sir. Nazik Hussain Solved by: Owais Shafique CASE 2 CAPITAL STRUCTURE EQUITY DEBT (@10%) TOTAL CAPITALIZATION Debt to equity ratio is 50:50 CEMENT 120,000 120,000 240,000 SUGAR 80,000 80,000 160,000 CHEMICAL 30,000 30,000 60,000 RUNNING FINANCE 20,000 10,000 40,000 ROI = EBIT / Total Capitalization (30,000/240,000) (15,000/160,000) (15,000/60,000) 12.5% 9.375% 25% 1ST decision of mr. Z is wrong. He just concentrated on the figures and paid off the loan of cement sector which was giving us an ROI of 12.5% which is 2.5% higher then the cost of capital 10%. He should have paid the loan of sugar sector because it is giving us an return on investment of 9.375% which is less then the 10% cost of capital. thus we are paying more to bank then we are earning. The 2nd decision of mr. Z was also wrong because by cutting down or removing 50% running finance of sugar sector he is going to reduce the production of sugar sector by 50%. How? Running finance is the lifeblood of any sector it is the finance needed to produce goods. In other words it is our variable cost. By reducing our running finance by 50% in sugar sector we reduce the amount of money or finance needed to produce the total number of units produced. With the remaining running finance we can only produce 50% of the previous production thus our sales plummeted by 50% because our production decresed by 50%. Thus we can not sell more then we produce. The fixed cost remained the same and thus per unet cost of production rose resulting in a loss. The 3rd decision of mr z was wrongly timed and poor. As market was losing confidence in the company thus mr z should not have converted some of the variable cost of chemical sector to fixed cost because it is only beneficial if sales are expected to increase in the future. As sales feel the old system would have sustained the shock because most of the cost was variable which means that the cost would occur only if production is done. But in new system the cost became fixed and irrelevant of the production level the company had to bear the fixed cost. Thus a decrease in sales of 40% resulted in a huge loss in the chemical sector. 1 The data provided by mr j is not correct. Cement: After rechecking his calculations we find that when we close territory z and invest the amount saved from that sector to sector y of cement company then we get these results. Sales Variable Cost Contribution Margin Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin Non- Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin div C Division C 2820 units 28200 (9400) 18800 (600) 18200 (4000) 14200 CM Ratio = CM/Sales X 100 Territory X 600 units 6000 (2000) 4000 (500) 3500 Territory Y (300+1920)=2220 units 22200 (7400) 14800 (100) 14700 66% 66% When we dissolve territory z then we save 1000 running expense or variable cost and 5400 traceable fixed cost. Thus we save a total of Rs. 6400. Now we have to invest this money in territory Y. We were already producing 300 units in territory Y so our sale price per unit was 3000/300= Rs. 10 and variable cost per unit was 1000/300 = Rs. 3.33333 so we divide the amount we saved from territory z on our per unit variable cost. Thus we get 6400/3.3333 = 1920 units. Thus we can produce 1920 more units in territory Y now. Fixed cost will not change because it is fixed. It does not matter if we invest in Territory Y or X because both have same CM Ratio. Thus they will yield the same return. Cement 6820 units Sales Variable Cost Contribution Margin Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin Non- Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin div C 68200 (14500) 52800 (14600) 38200 (5000) 33200 Division A 3000 units 30000 (2000) 28000 (4000) 24000 Division B 1000 units 10000 (4000) 6000 (6000) 0 Division C 2820 units 28200 (9400) 18800 (4600) 14200 2 Sugar: After rechecking his calculations we find that when we close territory z and invest the amount saved from that sector to sector y of sugar company then we get these results. Sales Variable Cost Contribution Margin Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin Non- Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin div C Division C 12325 units 123250 (48200) 75050 (800) 74250 (1000) 73250 CM Ratio = CM/Sales X 100 Territory X 400 units 4000 (500) 3500 (500) 3000 Territory Y (50+11875)=11925 units 119250 (47700) 71550 (300) 171250 87.5% 40% When we dissolve territory z then we save 300 running expense or variable cost and 47200 traceable fixed cost. Thus we save a total of Rs. 47500. Now we have to invest this money in territory Y. We were already producing 50 units in territory Y so our sale price per unit was 500/50= Rs. 10 and variable cost per unit was 200/50 = Rs. 4 so we divide the amount we saved from territory z on our per unit variable cost. Thus we get 47500/4 = 11925 units. Thus we can produce 11925 more units in territory Y now. Fixed cost will not change because it is fixed. sugar 16825 units Sales Variable Cost Contribution Margin Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin Non- Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin div C 168250 (52200) 116050 (27800) 88250 (8000) 80250 Division A 3500 units 35000 (2000) 33000 (20000) 13000 Division B 1000 units 10000 (2000) 8000 (6000) 2000 Division C 12325 units 123250 (48200) 75050 (1800) 73250 The calculations on this page are not required in the case. These are just for the purpose of understanding. The calculations on the next page are required. 3 Territory X has a grater CM Ratio then territory Y that means investment in territory X will yield more return. Thus we should have invested in territory x. if we do so this would be the result. Sales Variable Cost Contribution Margin Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin Non- Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin div C Division C 38450 units 384500 (48200) 336300 (800) 335500 (1000) 334500 sugar 42950 units Sales Variable Cost Contribution Margin Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin Non- Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin div C 429500 (52200) 377300 (27800) 349500 (8000) 341500 Territory X (400+38000)= 38400 units 384000 (48000) 336000 (500) 335500 Division A 3500 units 35000 (2000) 33000 (20000) 13000 Division B 1000 units 10000 (2000) 8000 (6000) 2000 Territory Y 50 units 500 (200) 300 (300) 0 Division C 38450 units 384500 (48200) 336300 (1800) 334500 Correcting the Chemical Sector: The data for the chemical sector is not correctly stated thus we calculate the statement again. Chemical 6750 units Sales Variable Cost Contribution Margin Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin Non- Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin div C 67500 (25125) 42375 (43500) (1125) (10875) (12000) Division A 2250 units 22500 (8375) 14125 (8700) 5425 Division B 2250 units 22500 (8375) 14125 (4350) 9775 Division C 2250 units 22500 (8375) 14125 (30450) (16325) Using the statement on top of page 8 and the data in the 1st table at page 1 we find out that variable cost is not properly allocated in the provided segment margin statement thus we created this statement by using the data provided on page 8. Using information from page 1 we get to know that 50% of cgs in the 1st table of page 8 is variable cost. That is Rs. 25125. There is no oter variable cost 4 as it has been mentioned in page 4 that all operating variable expenses have been converted to fixed cost. So our total variable cost = 25125. And as per data on page 8 it is equally divided in the 3 divisions. The remaining CGS, operating expenses and interest expense (because interest expense belongs to the chemical sector) are fixed costs = Rs. 29250 and are allocated as per stated on the same page. 80% traceable and 20% non traceable fixed cost. Sales Variable Cost Contribution Margin Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin Non- Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin div C Division C 2250 units 22500 (8376) 14124 (27405) (13281) (3045) (16326) Territory X 750 units 7500 (2792) 4708 (2741) 1967 Territory Y 750 units 7500 (2792) 4708 (1370) 3338 Territory Z 750 units 7500 (2792) 4708 (23294) (18586) This data has been calculated using the information on page 8. Time to close the territory z. After rechecking his calculations we find that when we close territory z and invest the amount saved from that sector to sector y of chemical company then we get these results. Sales Variable Cost Contribution Margin Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin Non- Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin div C CM Ratio = CM/Sales X 100 Division C 8507 units 85070 (31669) 53401 (4111) 49290 (3045) 46245 Territory X 750 units 7500 (2792) 4708 (2741) 1967 Territory Y (750+7007)=7757 units 77570 (28877) 48693 (1370) 47323 62.77% 62.77% When we dissolve territory z then we save 2792 running expense or variable cost and 23294 traceable fixed cost. Thus we save a total of Rs. 26086. Now we have to invest this money in territory Y. We were already producing 750 units in territory Y so our sale price per unit was 7500/750= Rs. 10 and variable cost per unit was 2792/750 = Rs. 3.723 so we divide the amount we saved from territory z on our per unit variable cost. Thus we get 26086/3.723 = 7007 units. Thus we can produce 7007 more units in territory Y now with the existing 750 units. Fixed cost will not change because it is fixed. It does not matter if we invest in Territory Y or X because both have same CM Ratio. Thus they will yield the same return. 5 Division A 2250 units 22500 (8375) 14125 (8700) 5425 Division B 2250 units 22500 (8375) 14125 (4350) 9775 Fine Grup Cement sugar Chemical 13007 units 6820 units 42950 units 13007 units Sales Variable Cost Contribution Margin Traceable Fixed Cost Net Profit/ Segment Margin 627770 (115119) 511751 (86481) 425270 68200 (14500) 52800 (19600) 33200 429500 (52200) 377300 (35800) 341500 130070 (48419) 81651 (31081) 50570 Investment ROI 340000 125% 120000 27.7% 155000 220% 65000 77.8% Chemical 13007 units Sales Variable Cost Contribution Margin Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin Non- Traceable Fixed Cost Segment Margin div C 130070 (48419) 81651 (20206) 61445 (10875) 50570 Division C 8507 units 85070 (31669) 53401 (7156) 46245 The final situation becomes ROI in sugar and chemical sector is this because investment was shifted from sugar to chemical sector. ROI = Net Profit or Segment Margin/total investment or segment investment 6 Recommendations: Decision to drop territory z or not will be based on either the problem in territory z is due to managerial problems or market problems. We can control managerial problems thus we will not shut down territory z. but incase the problem is market problem then we cannot control it. So we will close territory z. The working capital saved from territory z will now be invested in any territory in cement or chemical industry as both their territories are having same segment margin percentage. While investment in sugar company will be made in territory x because it has a very high segment margin percentage. 1st we will check that management accountant was involved in the negligence of duties or not. If he was involved then a charge sheet will be issued to him and he can be fired. We would also need to see if he is a permanent employ or a contractual employ. Contractual employs can be fired after 1 month notice. While permanent employs cannot be fired without a charge sheet. If we are expecting our sales to fall in the future then we will be more likely to convert our fixed cost into variable cost. But in the current situation we expect sales to increase thus we do not need to convert our fixed costs to variable cost. Define the criteria of performance measurement. (Segment margin % is the best base) We will calculate the ROI and segment margin as a percentage of investment to decide which segment is profitable and then we can invest in that by taking finance from the other company temporarily. This is the complete solution of the case. Thank You for visiting 7