Unit Plan (2 weeks)

Unit Plan (2 weeks)
Exercise science
Vincenzo Pantano
Lesson Topic: Anatomy and Physiology/Physical Activity Grade level: 12
Length of lesson: 2 weeks
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Content Standard(s):
– use correct anatomical terminology when describing human performance
– describe the various parts of the skeletal and muscular systems, and the ways in which they relate to human
performance (e.g., according to their location, structure, function, and characteristics)
– describe muscle contraction, demonstrating their understanding of sliding filament theory, the use of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) and calcium, excitation/coupling contraction theory, and concentric, eccentric, and static
– demonstrate an understanding of the energy systems (e.g.,ATP/PC, anaerobic and aerobic systems) and their
contribution to muscular contraction and activity (e.g., as in long-distance running as compared to sprinting)
– demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the cardiovascular system and the production of energy
(e.g., the transporting of nutrients and oxygen to the working muscles)
Understanding (s)/goals
Essential Question(s):
Students will understand:
How to use proper terminology in
explaining human movement
Understand how ATP, calcium is used
to produce muscular contraction and
Characteristics of Muscle fibres and
Why is it important to use proper
terminology when explaining the
movement of the human body
How does the cardiovascular system
aid your muscles in sustaining
movement during physical activity
How is it that participation in some
sports/activity require the use of all
energy systems, while other
how energy is created to sustain
physical activity, along with what the
role energy systems play during a
sport/ activity and
Understand the affects of the
cardiovascular system from sustained
physical activity
the difference between all or none
principle and activation threshold.
Understand how heart rate and Body
mass index is affected by physical
different types of joints, bones and
Understand the structure of bones and
origin and insertion of muscles
sports/activity require one or two
energy systems to perform
How can gearing your training to the
demands required for a specific
sport/activity improves performance,
considering the response use of
energy systems and muscle fibres to
physical activity.
Why is calcium important to your
What does a person’s resting HR and
recovery HR indicate in regards to the
health of the individual
Do certain muscle fibre types multiple
as a result of training
Why is lactic acid produced
Why don’t you rely on the aerobic
system or anaerobic system for
activities lasting less than 8 seconds
Student objectives (outcomes):
Students will be able to:
Explain human movement using correct terminology
Describe how muscles contract to produce movement
Distinguish fast twitch fibres from slow twitch fibres
Use their knowledge of energy systems and apply it to what is physiologically required
for an athlete to perform optimally in a given sport.
Be able to identify muscles origin and insertion
Explain the affects of HR and BMI due to sustained physical exertion
Explain the differences between smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle
Explain the all or none principle and activation threshold
Differentiate between agonist and antagonist muscles.
Explain the sliding filament theory
Identify muscles and bones
Differentiate between the different types of bones
Explain the cardiovascular changes that occur from exercise
Understand HR and BMI
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):
Other Evidence:
Students will complete a project in which
they are to choose a sport/activity and
explain the various movements and
physiological demands placed on an
individual performing that particular
sport/activity. Students must include
information on major muscles used, types
of muscle fibres required for the
sport/activity, what energy systems are
used to produce energy and how the
cardiovascular system is vital to
maintaining movement throughout the
activity. Also suggest possible training
methods which could be used to benefit
an individual in performing optimally in
that sport
Students will be asked to go in front of the
class and produce various movements
which corresponds to the correct
terminology given by the teacher or
Each individual will create a Venn diagram
showing the similarities and differences
between muscle fibres
Quiz will be give based on the first 5
Exit slips will be given to students:
Explain the sliding filament theory
Why is the cardiovascular system
important for performing physical
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
1) (Hook) Introduction to Exercise Science
2) Anatomic position, directional terms, planes of body, joint movements
3) Skeletal system- Various bones and their characteristics
4) Joints of the human body/brief intro to muscles
5) Muscular system- Skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle,agonist, antagonist muscles,
origin and insertion
6) Jeopardy game/quiz
7) Muscular Contraction- Sliding filament theory, ATP, Calcium, structure of muscle
8) Muscle fiber types- Fast twitch and Slow twitch, activation threshold, all or none
9) Energy Systems- ATP/PC, Anaerobic
10) Energy systems- Aerobic
11) Affects of cardiovascular system in sports/activity /lab on HR and BMI ( concerns for
sedentary individuals and obesity.
12) Test
Class 1 ( HOOK)- This class will be dedicated to getting the students interested in my
exercise science unit by exposing them to many famous athletes, past and present, who
have established themselves as dominant sports figures. Students will observe several
video clips of athletes including: Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, Marion Jones,, Barry
Bonds and others. As students watch the various video clips, they will be asked to
analyze each sport and make assumptions on the type of training needed to perform at
a high level. I want them to pay specific attention to the athletes’ body size, dominant
muscle groups used during each particular sport, pace of play and the possible stress
placed on the body due to the physical demands of the sport. After the video, students
will gather into groups and be asked to discuss hot button issues in sports such as, the
use of performance enhancement drugs, betting on sports, physical and psychological
stress and anorexia. Students will have to connect their prior knowledge and what they
seen in the media to help them with discussions. The class will be divided into groups
and given a sheet of paper to post in the classroom, in which they will write important
points surrounding there question assigned and their stance on it. A whole class debate
will hopefully develop. At the end of the class, students will write 3 things they learned
today in class and for homework write a 100 word paper on what they expect to learn
from this unit.
Issues in sport
Should athletes be allowed to use performance enhancing drugs?
Are athletes born or made?
Should hitting in hockey and football be allowed considering the percentage of these
athletes who suffer from memory loss after they retire?
Do you think Caster Semenya should be allowed to participate against females, even
though she has male and female sex organs?
Exit slip
1) What are 3 things you learned today in class?
Class 2 This class will begin with students handing in their homework, which I
will look at and grade based on completion. I will be interested in seeing if
students provide good insights into what will actually be covering for the rest of
the unit. To get the students ready for critical thinking for the rest of the class,
they will be asked to draw what they think is an illustration of a person in a basic
anatomical position. Students will be asked to pay particular attention to the
position of the feet and hands for their drawings. The next 20 minutes of class
will consist of me showing the class a person in a basic anatomical position and
the students learning about the anatomical position of the body, directional terms,
planes of the body and joint movements. This will be accomplished by various
modes like, writing notes, using smart board to show visuals and using a manikin
to familiarize students with major concepts. This will be preceded by students
getting into pairs and reviewing a handout I made on the following information
already given to them for this particular lesson. Students will use this handout to
test each other on the anatomical position of the body, directional terms and
planes of the body and joint movements. Students will then be assessed
individually by going up in front of the class with their partner and each being
asked 5 questions to demonstrate their mastery of concepts. For the last activity
of the day, students will complete an exit slip with the following question, “Why is
it important to learn key terms and concepts when speaking of the human body.
Anatomical Planes of the Body
Second, you will consider the planes of the body. Understanding these will
facilitate learning terms related to position of structures relative to each
other and movement of various parts of the body.
(or coronal) separates the body into
Anterior and Posterior plane(or
midsagittal) separates body into Right
and Left parts separates the body into
Superior and Inferior parts any plane
parallel to the median plane
After taking a look at the Anatomical Planes, you can then view some of the
terms related to the planes. These are listed in the following tables. You will
notice that most of these are in pairs of opposites.
Terms of relation or position
superior (closer to the
posterior (dorsal)
closer to the
posterior surface of
the body
inferior (closer to the
anterior (ventral)
closer to the
anterior surface of
the body
lateral (lying
medial (lying closer
further away from
to the midline)
the midline)
distal further away
proximal closer to the
from the origin of
origin of a structure
a structure
reference point -- horizontal
reference point -- frontal or
coronal plane
reference point -- sagittal
reference point -- the origin of
a structure
reference point -- surface of
body or organ
reference point -- along the
midsagittal or median plane
between two other structures
refers to a hollow structure
(external being outside and
internal being inside)
face or palm up when lying
on back, face or palm down
when lying on anterior
surface of body
toward the head, toward the
tail (feet)
Terms of movement
increasing angle with frontal plane
decreasing angle with frontal plane
moving away from or toward the sagittal
moving forward or backward along a surface
raising or lowering a structure
movement around an axis of a bone
placing palm backward or forward (in
anatomical position)
combined movements of flexion,
extension, abduction, adduction
medial and lateral rotation
circumscribe a cone
bringing tips of fingers and thumb together
as in picking something up
Class 3 Class three will begin with students identifying directional terms, planes
of the body and body movements around joints from pictures posted around the
classroom. They will be asked what the term means and how they can apply this
term to describe an action or movement related to any sport or type of leisure
activity. They will also be asked to postulate on some possible injuries associated
with learned terminology, which will be taught later in the unit. The focus of the
remainder of the class will be on bones of the human body, one of the three
distinct yet interdependent components of the musculoskeletal system; the other
being joints and muscles. During this class students will learn about numerous
bones in the human body, bone shape, bone classification, bone composition
and the effects of fitness on bone and the human skeleton. Considering the many
bones in the human body, students will only be learning about major bones used
for movement and which are more susceptible to stress or fractures. Along with a
brief power point lecture, students will create venn diagrams and graphic
organizers to connect prior knowledge with new knowledge learned during this
class to make connections visually with the types of bones and their makeup.
Students will also be asked to compare bones of women and men, as well as,
bones of sedentary individuals compared to non sedentary individuals, which will
be done using the internet or textbook provided and the information will be
displayed using a venn diagram or simply in paragraph form, depending on the
option the student chooses. The end of the class will consist of students
completing an exit slip in which students will be given a series of questions in
which they can apply the use of directional terms and planes of body to explain
movements of bones around joints. Students will also be asked what benefits
physical activity has on bone health and think of possible determents sports may
have on bones due to the physical strain placed on the body due to the
competition and nature of the sport.
Opening activity
Lecture notes
Bones are rigid organs that form part of the endoskeleton of vertebrates. They function to move,
support, and protect the various organs of the body, produce red and white blood cells and store
minerals. Bone tissue is a type of dense connective tissue. Because bones come in a variety of
shapes and have a complex internal and external structure they are lightweight, yet strong and
hard, in addition to fulfilling their many other functions. One of the types of tissue that makes up
bone is the mineralized osseous tissue, also called bone tissue, that gives it rigidity and a
honeycomb-like three-dimensional internal structure. Other types of tissue found in bones
include marrow, endosteum and periosteum, nerves, blood vessels and cartilage. There are 206
bones in the adult human body[1] and 270 in an infant.[2]
Bones have eleven main functions:
Protection — Bones can serve to protect internal organs, such as the skull protecting the brain
or the ribs protecting the heart and lungs.
Shape — Bones provide a frame to keep the body supported.
Movement — Bones, skeletal muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints function together to
generate and transfer forces so that individual body parts or the whole body can be
manipulated in three-dimensional space. The interaction between bone and muscle is studied in
Sound transduction — Bones are important in the mechanical aspect of overshadowed hearing.
There are five types of bones in the human body: long, short, flat, irregular and sesamoid.
Long bones are characterized by a shaft, the diaphysis, that is much greater in length than
width. They are comprised mostly of compact bone and lesser amounts of marrow, which is
located within the medullary cavity, and spongy bone. Most bones of the limbs, including those
of the fingers and toes, are long bones. The exceptions are those of the wrist, ankle and
Short bones are roughly cube-shaped, and have only a thin layer of compact bone surrounding a
spongy interior. The bones of the wrist and ankle are short bones, as are the sesamoid bones.
Flat bones are thin and generally curved, with two parallel layers of compact bones sandwiching
a layer of spongy bone. Most of the bones of the skull are flat bones, as is the sternum.
Irregular bones do not fit into the above categories. They consist of thin layers of compact bone
surrounding a spongy interior. As implied by the name, their shapes are irregular and
complicated. The bones of the spine and hips are irregular bones.
Sesamoid bones are bones embedded in tendons. Since they act to hold the tendon further
away from the joint, the angle of the tendon is increased and thus the leverage of the muscle is
increased. Examples of sesamoid bones are the patella and the pisiform.
Class 4 This class will begin with a question posted on the board, “How can
exercise and physical exertion be beneficial to a person’s health, specifically
bones .” The beginning of class will consist of a review of bones, by using a
manikin located in the front of the class. Each student will pair up with a partner
and be asked to identify a bone indicated by a number labelled on the manikin
and write it down on the piece of paper with the corresponding number. This will
be followed by the students giving their answers to another person in the class
and as a class it will be marked and recorded. The next part of class with focus
on students familiarizing students with joints and there importance to movement.
They will compare and contrast between joints and decipher between types of
joints that exhibit the most or least mobility. Students will be asked to name
bones which connect to the respective joint and to think of some possible injuries
to joints as a result of continuous repetition of certain movements as a result of
the specific requirements of participation in a particular sport. At the end of class
students will be introduced to muscles, and will continue learning about muscles
in greater detail in lesson 5. The last activity of class will consist of students
completing an exit slip, in which students will be asked to identify 5 joints on the
manikin, along with the respective bones connected to the joints.
Types of joints found in the human body: junction of two bones that permits movement.
Ribs and vertebrae = semi-mobile joints: ribs: bones of the thoracic cage. Vertebra: each of the bones
of the spinal column. Semi-mobile joints: very restricted flexibility.
Vertebrae = cartilaginous joints: vertebra: each of the bones of the spinal column. Cartilaginous joints:
flexibility due to cartilage, an elastic tissue.
Skull = immovable joints: skull: bony case of the brain. Fixed joints: joints that do not allow flexibility.
Elbow = hinged joint: elbow: joint connecting the forearm to the upper arm. Hinged joint: flexible in only
one direction.
Hip = ball and socket joint: hip: part on the side of the body, between the waist and the top of the thigh.
Ball and socket joint: flexibility due to a domed bone that turns in a cavity of the same shape.
INJURIES TO JOINTS AND MUSCLES Injuries to joints and muscles often occur together, and sometimes it is
difficult to tell whether the primary injury is to a joint or to the muscles, tendons, blood vessels, or nerves
near the joint. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish joint or muscle injuries from fractures. In case of doubt,
ALWAYS treat any injury to a bone, joint, or muscle as though it were a fracture. In general, joint and
muscle injuries may be classified under four headings: (1) dislocations, (2) sprains, (3) strains, and (4)
contusions (bruises). Dislocations When a bone is forcibly displaced from its joint, the injury is known as a
DISLOCATION. In some cases, the bone slips back quickly into its normal position, but in other cases it
becomes locked in the new position and remains dislocated until it is put back into place. Dislocations are
usually caused by falls or blows but occasionally by violent muscular exertion. The most frequently dislocated
joints are those of the shoulder, hip, fingers, and jaw. A dislocation is likely to bruise or tear the muscles,
ligaments, blood vessels, tendons, and nerves near a joint. Rapid swelling and discolora- tion, loss of ability
to use the joint, severe pain and muscle spasms, possible numbness and loss of pulse below the joint, and
shock are characteristic symptoms of dislocations. The fact that the injured part is usually stiff and immobile,
with marked deformation at the joint, will help you distinguish a dislocation from a fracture. In a fracture, there is
deformity BETWEEN joints rather than AT joints, and there is generally a wobbly motion of the broken
bone at the point of fracture. As a general rule, you should NOT attempt to reduce a dislocation —that is,
put a dislocated bone back into place—unless you know that a medical officer cannot be reached within 8
hours. Unskilled attempts at reduction may cause great damage to nerves and blood vessels or actually 4-60
Class 5 This class will begin with a daily question, “How are bones able to
produce movement?”. Following the completion of the daily question, students
will be asked to get into groups of three and be assigned a number from 1-3.
Using the “think, pair, share” activity, each person will reassemble in a group with
matches their number and will be responsible for finding information on the
internet about either 3 different types of muscle, origin-insertion, tendons and
agonist and antagonist pairs of muscles. After 15 minutes, students will
reassemble into their original groups and share information on each of the topics
covered in class. After the activity, the class as a whole will go over the material
learned and for the rest of the class children will learn about the names of
muscles through exposure to visually appealing pictures, a manikin, along with
written text in textbooks or on the internet explaining the role of major muscles.
The end of the day activity will consist of each student creating 5 questions on
material covered the last 5 lessons which will be used for playing a modified
version of jeopardy the next day in class and also may appear on the quiz
following the jeopardy game, along with questions created by the teacher.
Students can use their textbooks, notes or the internet to formulate questions.
Cardiac muscle tissue forms the bulk of the wall of the heart. Like skeletal muscle tissue, it is
striated (the muscle fibers contain alternating light and dark bands (striations) that are
perpendicular to the long axes of the fibers). Unlike skeletal muscle tissue, its contraction is
usually not under conscious control (involuntary).
Smooth muscle tissue is located in the walls of hollow internal structures such as blood vessels,
the stomach, intestines, and urinary bladder. Smooth muscle fibers are usually involuntary (not
under conscious control), and they are nonstriated (smooth). Smooth muscle tissue, like skeletal
and cardiac muscle tissue, can undergo hypertrophy. In addition, certain smooth muscle fibres,
such as those in the uterus, retain their capacity for division and can grow by hyperplasia.
Skeletal muscle tissue is named for its location - attached to bones. It is striated; that is, the fibers
(cells) contain alternating light and dark bands (striations) that are perpendicular to the long axes
of the fibers. Skeletal muscle tissue can be made to contract or relax by conscious control
The anatomical origin is a concept used when describing muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves,
and blood and lymph vessels. While it often has a slightly different meaning depending on which
kind of origin is referred to,[1] it is generally used to explain the relative location of the
anatomical structure in question. It is not to be understood in a temporal/ontogenetical sense.
Muscle Insertion
Definition: The insertion of the muscle is the end of the muscle attaching to the freely moving bone
of its joint. To understand muscles and joint movements you should know 4 things:
Movement happens at joints, with one bone of the joint moving freely while the other remains
relatively stationary.
Muscles are power engines for movement; they attach to bone on either end, crossing the joint as
they do.
The part of the muscle located between 2 ends is known as the belly of the muscle.
All of this is significant because the size, direction and shape of the muscle and muscle attachments
are part of what determines the range of motion of the joint, and therefore flexibility
Definition: The antagonist muscle opposes the agonist during an exercise. For
example, during the lifting phase of a biceps curl, the triceps muscles lengthen as
the biceps contract. During the lowering phase, the opposite occurs and the biceps
lengthen and become the antagonist.
Agonist (muscle)
Agonist is a classification used to describe a muscle that causes specific movement or possibly
several movements to occur through the process of its own contraction. This is typically a term
designated for skeletal muscles. Agonists are also referred to, interchangeably, as "prime
movers" since they are the muscles being considered that are primarily responsible for generating
a specific movement.
For an agonist to be effective as a mover in the skeletal system it must actually cross one or more
structure(s) that can move. This is typically where the muscle crosses a joint by way of a
connecting tendon. As the myofibrils of a muscle are excited into action and then contract, they
will create tension and pull through the tendon and pulling the lever arm of bone on the opposite
side of the joint closer to the muscles origin.
Class 6
This class is crucial as it will be a review of the first half of the unit followed by a
quiz which will consist of 10% of your overall grade. Groups of your choice will be
split into three and the winning group will get a free pizza for lunch! The jeopardy
game will be based on the 5 previous lessons on anatomic position, directional
terms, planes of body, joint movements, skeletal system, joints of the human
body and muscular system.
Class 7
This lesson will begin with a popcorn review on types of muscles,
properties of muscle and on the origin and insertion of muscles. Although this
review mainly involves recall of information, it is essential students know these
major muscles and the origin and insertion as it will be valuable to students who
go to university and pursue a career in physiotherapy, occupational therapy ect.
The next part of the lesson will involve students involved in a read aloud in which
students each read a paragraph from the chapter on the structure of muscles and
the sliding filament theory, ATP and calcium. From the book, “ Foundations of
Exercise Science”. This will be followed by a directed notetaking activity whereby
students will summarize their own notes and formulate questions which may be
on a test. After the activity, the class as a whole will discuss the most important
points of the chapter and I or students will answer any questions or
misconceptions other students in the class may have. I will also provide a brief
overview of the chapter for students to use as a guide to incorporate into their
notes if they missed any important information. The closing activity will involve
students completing an exit slip in which they have the following questions to
answer, “ Can you think of any other possibilities of how muscles contract,
keeping in mind that the sliding filament theory, is just a theory”, and “ what
would human if all the calcium and your body was depleted.
Structure of muscle and how it contracts to produce movement
Muscle tissue can be one of several types in the body: smooth, cardiac, or skeletal. For our purposes we are
concerned with skeletal muscle, which makes up the bulk of the body's muscle and is the tissue we use for physical
The muscle that you can see is composed of subunits called fascicles. Fascicles are bundles of individual muscle
fibers. Each fiber is one elongated cell that may extend for the length of the muscle. Each muscle fiber cell has
several nucleii (unlike most cells, which have only one), and is segmented into distinct sectional bands. Within each
muscle cell are numerous myofibrils, which also extend for the length of the muscle cell. Sarcomeres are the basic
contractile subunit of myofibrils.
Actin and myosin are the two principal muscle proteins, and they are found in myofibrils. They are arranged in a
ring-like structure, usually with six (thin) actin strands surrounding a (thicker) myosin fibril. Again, they run parallel
and lengthwise. The myosin fibril has numerous small protrusions called crossbridges. The actin strand is actually
intertwined with an even thinner, ribbon-like protein called tropomyosin, and a smaller molecule, called troponin,
associates with tropomyosin in this structure.
When a nerve impulse signals the muscle to 'do something' the activity causes channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulae
to open their gates and release calcium into the cytoplasm. In skeletal muscle cells the sarcoplasmic reticulae (SR) is
an extensive intracellular network which serves as the storage area for calcium. Usually, the inside of the cell
cytoplasm has a very low calcium concentration. When it rises, some of the calcium diffuses over to the muscle
protein fibers and causes a conformational change.
Ca++ ions will bind to troponin and cause it to rotate slightly. This is enough so that the tropomyosin moves, and
actin now is exposed to the myosin below. The myosin crossbridge then jumps up and binds to the exposed actin.
The myosin crossbridge drags along the actin fiber like a ratchet, completing a "power stroke".
When all the crossbridges in a sarcomere do this at the same time, the sarcomere contracts. After the nerve impulse
ends, the SR has mechanisms to reabsorb the free calcium and put it back into storage. As calcium disassociates
from the troponin, ATP binds to the crossbridge to 'disconnect' the bridge from the actin. The actin fibers change
back to their previous positions and the sarcomere relaxes.
A muscle cell does not necessarily go back to complete relaxation right away. It can remain contracted through a
series of stimulations. This process, called summation, increases the total force of muscular contraction. When the
stimulus is great enough, many sarcomeres in many fibers are "recruited" and the muscle as a whole contracts. This
is why we can lift or push varying amounts of resistance . . . more or less cells are recruited, and to a greater or
lesser extent. Muscle failure occurs at the point where the maximum number of fibers are being stressed to their
If you realize that each crossbridge requires ATP, and each myosin strand has dozens of crossbridges, and each
muscle fiber has hundreds of myosin strands, you can see that muscular exertion requires a lot of energy. Glycolysis
provides some energy (ATP), but the real engine is the Krebs cycle, which requires oxygen. As available oxygen
diminshes during muscular work, incoming pyruvate *ferments* into lactate (aka lactic acid) instead of getting
converted into acetyl coenzyme A. Lactate travels out of the cell and through the blood to the liver, where it may be
reconverted to pyruvate and glucose and return to the cell, in a process called the Cori cycle. Or the blood lactate can
enter a different muscle cell and get reconverted to pyruvate (and eventually acetyl coA) if there is sufficient
oxygen. However, intracellular levels of lactate can rise more quickly than it can be carried off and this results in a
painful local burning sensation that requires a temporary cessation of muscular work. This is the well-known "burn"
of weight training.
Given the huge energy needs of muscle, and its importance to the organism's survival, the body also has a backup
system. ATP in muscle exists in equilibrium with creatine. After ATP gives up a phospate group and becomes ADP,
creatine phosphate will give it a phosphate group and regenerate ATP. This can allow muscular work to continue
even while more ATP is being created in the Krebs cycle.
Creatine is a short-term yet important reserve . If it is available to recharge ATP, the cell will not need to resort to
glycolysis to make more in the immediate term. So what? Well, remember that the muscle is working hard, and the
Krebs cycle is running at full blast. Oxygen is in short supply, so making ATP from glycolysis at this point would be
anaerobic, meaning fermentation and lactate buildup. Creatine cuts the muscle some slack, and it can keep working
longer before exhausting the ATP and hitting "the burn".
Class 8
Standard- incorporates many of the important information within the many
standards, specifically muscle fibres, all or none principle and activation
threshold. I decided to structure the lesson in this way because I feel it makes
sense to incorporate these 3 concepts together as they all are related to each
other in some way
Essential questionsWhy are fast twitch muscle fibres better for activities lasting less than 1 minute
then slow twitch muscle fibres?
Does training increase the number and size of muscle fibres in your body?
What is the significance of the activation threshold?
Deep Understanding
Explain the difference between the all or none principle and activation threshold?
What is a muscle biopsy used for?
Explain the difference between fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibres?
Differentiate between the motor end plate and motor unit?
Explain the difference between how you would train a person competing in the
Olympics competing in the 100 m run compared to the 400 m run, considering
what you know about muscle fibres?
Exploratory Phase
5min- Video on athletes performing in sports ( hook)
5 min- Activity sheet on pg 68 distinguishing between FT and ST muscle fibres
Relative involvement of muscle fibre types in sport events:
Slow twitch
Fast twitch
100 m sprint
800 m sprint
Olympic weightlifting
Field hockey
Discovery Phase
15 min lecture ( on smartboard) – What are muscle fibres, different types of
fibres, activiation threshold, all or none principle, briefly applying concepts to
performance in sports.
15 min- Students make a graphic organizer on FT and ST muscle fibres
5 min- discussion on beneficial training practices for athletes, considering muscle
fibres, all or none principle and activation threshold.
Closure 5 min- Exit slip:
What is the difference between fast and slow twitch muscle fibres?
Are slow twitch muscles activated during a slow paced walk?
Type I Fibres
These fibres, also called slow twitch or slow oxidative fibres, contain large amounts of
myoglobin, many mitochondria and many blood capillaries. Type I fibres are red, split ATP at a
slow rate, have a slow contraction velocity, very resistant to fatigue and have a high capacity to
generate ATP by oxidative metabolic processes. Such fibres are found in large numbers in the
postural muscles of the neck.
Type II A Fibres
These fibres, also called fast twitch or fast oxidative fibres, contain very large amounts of
myoglobin, very many mitochondria and very many blood capillaries. Type II A fibres are red,
have a very high capacity for generating ATP by oxidative metabolic processes, split ATP at a
very rapid rate, have a fast contraction velocity and are resistant to fatigue. Such fibres are
infrequently found in humans.
Type II B Fibres
These fibres, also called fast twitch or fast glycolytic fibres, contain a low content of myoglobin,
relatively few mitochondria, relatively few blood capillaries and large amounts glycogen. Type II
B fibres are white, geared to generate ATP by anaerobic metabolic processes, not able to supply
skeletal muscle fibres continuously with sufficient ATP, fatigue easily, split ATP at a fast rate
and have a fast contraction velocity. Such fibres are found in large numbers in the muscles of the
Characteristics of Muscle Types
Fibre Type
Contraction time
Size of motor neuron
Resistance to fatigue
Activity Used for
Force production
Mitochondrial density
Capillary density
Oxidative capacity
Glycolytic capacity
Major storage fuel
Type I fibres
Type II A fibres
Long term anaerobic
CP, Glycogen
Type II B fibres
Very Fast
Very Large
Short term anaerobic
Very High
CP, Glycogen
Body muscle make up
Fibre type modification
Various types of exercises can bring about changes in the fibres in a skeletal
muscle. Endurance type exercises, such as running or swimming, cause a
gradual transformation of type II B fibres into type II A fibres. The
transformed muscle fibres show a slight increase in diameter, mitochondria,
blood capillaries, and strength. Endurance exercises result in cardiovascular
and respiratory changes that cause skeletal muscles to receive better supplies
of oxygen and carbohydrates but do not contribute to muscle mass. On the
other hand, exercises that require great strength for short periods, such as
weight lifting, produce an increase in the size and strength of type II B fibres.
The increase in size is due to increased synthesis of thin and thick myofilaments. The overall
result is that the person develops large muscles.
You can develop your fast-twitch muscle fibre by conducting plyometric or complex training
(combination of plyometrics and weights) to build the fast muscle (IIa) and performing sprinting
types of training to build the super-fast (IIb) to the point where you can release exercise-induced
growth hormone.
The body itself produces the best form of growth hormone. If you want to accelerate muscle
building then use large muscle group targeted weight training in combination with anaerobic
sprinting-types of exercise to increase your body's natural muscle building steroids.
A motor unit is a single α-motor neuron and all of the corresponding muscle fibers it innervates;
all of these fibres will be of the same type (either fast twitch or slow twitch). When a motor unit
is activated, all of its fibers contract. Groups of motor units often work together to coordinate the
contractions of a single muscle; all of the motor units that subserve a single muscle are
considered a motor unit pool. Larger motor units have stronger twitch tensions.[1]
The number of muscle fibers within each unit can vary: thigh muscles can have a thousand fibers
in each unit, eye muscles might have ten. In general, the number of muscle fibers innervated by a
motor unit is a function of a muscle's need for refined motion. The smaller the motor unit, the
more precise the action of the muscle. Muscles requiring more refined motion are innervated by
motor units that synapse with fewer muscle fibers.
Nerve cell axons are very thin, about 1 micrometer. However, they are extraordinarily long. For
many motor neurons the axon is over a meter long, extending from the spinal column to a muscle
cell. They stretch the spinal column to increase height.
In medical electrodiagnostic testing for a patient with weakness, careful analysis of the "motor
unit action potential" (MUAP) size, shape, and recruitment pattern can help in distinguishing a
myopathy from a neuropathy.
The all-or-none law is the principle that the strength by which a nerve or muscle fiber responds
to a stimulus is not dependent on the strength of the stimulus. If the stimulus is any strength
above threshold, the nerve or muscle fiber will give a complete response or otherwise no
response at all.
It was first established by the American physiologist Henry Pickering Bowditch in 1871 for the
contraction of heart muscle. According to him, describing the relation of response to stimulus,
“An induction shock produces a contraction or fails to do so according to its strength; if it does so at all, it
produces the greatest contraction that can be produced by any strength of stimulus in the condition of the
muscle at the time.”
The individual fibers of both skeletal muscle and nerve respond to stimulation according to the
all-or-none principle. [1]
Class 9 and 10
This class will begin with a popcorn review on slow twitch and fast twitch muscle
fibres. Following the popcorn review, Students will be showed a PowerPoint
presentation on Energy systems (high energy phosphate, aerobic and anaerobic
system), as well as, ATP and role of the cardiovascular system in sports/activity.
The PowerPoint presentation will likely span over two class periods and there will
be many opportunities for class discussion and the many questions I am sure
students will have. These classes will be the most important for the unit as there
is a lot of material to cover on energy systems and is important to understanding
how athletes should train and the process whereby energy (ATP) is created to
perform activity.
Powerpoint notes
There are three sources of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the body's main energy source on the
cellular level.
ATP-PC System (Phosphogen System) - This system is used only for very short durations of up to
10 seconds. The ATP-CP system neither uses oxygen nor produces lactic acid if oxyge] is
unavailable and is thus said to be alactic anaerobic. This is the primary system behind very short,
powerful movements like a golf swing or a 100 m sprint.
Anaerobic System (Lactic Acid System) - Predominates in supplying energy for exercises lasting
less than 2 minutes. Also known as the Glycolytic System. An example of an activity of the
intensity and duration that this system works under would be a 400 m sprint.
Aerobic System - This is the long duration energy system. By 5 minutes of exercise the O2
system is clearly the dominant system. In a 1 km run, this system is already providing
approximately half the energy; in a marathon run it provides 98% or more.[1]
The creatine phosphate or ATP-PC system is unrivalled in our bodies for instant production of
energy; it works by reforming ATP by breaking down a chemical compound called creatine
phosphate which creates and provides sufficient energy for some ADP to reform into ATP. This
is the first energy pathway that is used by our bodies to resynthesise ATP (Adenosine Tri
Phosphate) without the use of oxygen. As it does not use oxygen it is therefore an anaerobic
energy system, although this system does not produce lactic acid (lactate 2C3H6O3). Instead of
oxygen it uses another chemical known as CreatinePhosphate found in the muscle cells. This is
not used for muscle contraction, but is mainly used for resynthesising ATP and to maintain a
constant supply of energy. These reactions occur very rapidly and only last up to ten seconds,
which means it is used in activities of high intensity (this only lasts for a short period of time).
Anaerobic System
The lactic acid or anaerobic glycolysis system converts glycogen to glucose. Then, with
enzymes, glucose is broken down anaerobically to produce lactic acid; this process creates
enough energy to reform ATP molecules, but due to the detrimental effects of lactic acid build
up, this system cannot be relied on for extended periods.
Aerobic System
Aerobic - In the presence of, requiring, or utilizing oxygen. The purpose of this system of
producing energy is to produce 38 molecules of ATP from each molecule of glucose that is used.
ATP is broken down in the body to give ADP and an inorganic phosphate plus energy. This
energy system is used throughout the body, for producing energy for all metabolic processes, in
exercise it is used for sub-maximal exercise such as long distance running. This system is used to
regenerate the ATP that is used for energy in the body.
This energy system is otherwise known as 'aerobic respiration' and can be split into 3 separate
The Krebs Cycle
Oxidative Phosphorylation
Glycolysis - The first stage is known as glycolysis, which produces 2 ATP molecules, a reduced
molecule of NAD (NADH), and 2 pyruvate molecules which move on to the next stage - the
Krebs cycle. Glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm of normal body cells, or the sarcoplasm of
muscle cells.
The Krebs Cycle - This is the second stage, and the products of this stage of the aerobic system
are a net production of 1 ATP, 1 carbon dioxide Molecule, three reduced NAD molecules, 1
reduced FAD molecule (The molecules of NAD and FAD mentioned here are electron carriers,
and if they are said to be reduced, this means that they have had a H+ ion added to them). The
things produced here are for each turn of the Krebs Cycle. The Krebs cycle turns twice for each
molecule of glucose that passes through the aerobic system - as 2 pyruvate molecules enter the
Krebs Cycle. In order for the Pyruvate molecules to enter the Krebs cycle they must be converted
to Acetyl Coenzyme A. During this link reaction, for each molecule of pyruvate that gets
converted to Acetyl Coenzyme A, an NAD is also reduced. This stage of the aerobic system
takes place in the matrix of the cells' mitochondria.
Oxidative Phosphorylation - This is the last stage of the aerobic system and produces the
largest yield of ATP out of all the stages - a total of 34 ATP molecules. It is called 'Oxidative
Phosphorylation' because oxygen is the final acceptor of the electrons and hydrogen ions that
leave this stage of aerobic respiration (hence oxidative) and ADP gets phosphorylated (an extra
phosphate gets added) to form ATP (hence phosphorylation).
This stage of the aerobic system occurs on the cristae (infoldings on the membrane of the
mitochondria). The NADH+ from glycolysis and the Krebs cycle, and the FADH+ from the
Krebs cycle pass down electron carriers which are at decreasing energy levels, in which energy is
released to reform ATP. Each NADH+ that passes down this electron transport chain provides
enough energy for 3 molecules of ATP and each molecule, and each molecule of FADH+
provides enough energy for 2 molecules of ATP. If you do your math this means that 10 total
NADH+ molecules allow the rejuvenation of 30 ATP, and 2 FADH+ molecules allow for 4 ATP
molecules to be rejuvenated (The total being 34 from oxidative phosphorylation, plus the 4 from
the previous 2 stages meaning a total of 38 ATP being produced during the aerobic system). The
NADH+ and FADH+ get oxidized to allow the NAD and FAD to return to be used in the aerobic
system again, and electrons and hydrogen ions are accepted by oxygen to produce water, a
harmless by-product. Dr. Tom Dihm confirms this to be accurate
Class 11
In this class, students will be introduced to calculating Heart rate (HR) and
Body Mass Index (BMI) as part of the lab component of this unit. The
remainder of the class will focus on the changes of the cardiovascular
system as it relates to physical activity.
Science Lab
Essential Question (has more than one answer to it/ big idea that has more than one
Why is it important students are aware of their HR and BMI along with other Health
What are the limitations of using the palpation technique to find your HR and the BMI to
assessing whether you are obese, underweight or of normal weight?
Deep Understanding
Explain why an athlete may have a HR which is considered low , but they are
considered healthy human beings.
Reflect of the usefulness of using the palpation HR technique and the BMI as oppose to
other techniques for classroom purposes.
Exploratory activity:
2 min- What may be possible indicators of good health.
Discovery Work15 min-
3 min - Go over lab handout
1 min- Go over safety rules
5 min- Perform lab
6 min- complete assigned questions
Closure Activity:
3 min- go over questions and relate lab to social issue (obesity as an epidemic)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 min- Remainder of the class will consist of a brief powerpoint presentation and
discussion on affects of the cardiovascular system from physical activity. This
wiil lead into the beginning of the next unit on the cardiovascular system,
For the first part of this Lab, you will be calculating your resting heart
rate, as well as, your recovery heart rate (1 minute after completion
of a stair climbing activity).
Procedures for calculating Resting Heart Rate and Recovery
Heart Rate
- For this lab, you will be calculating your heart rate by
using a palpation technique (radial artery -located on
the anterolateral aspect of the wrist directly in line with
the base of the thumb). A picture is provided above to
help you visualize how you will be finding your pulse.
Using a stop watch, classroom clock or wrist watch,
count the number of beats you feel as you
simultaneously look at the time (stop counting after 10
seconds). Record your HR in beats per minute (BPM)
by multiplying the number of beats by 6. Same
procedures will be followed for your recovery heart rate
(wait 1 minute after completion of the stair climbing
activity before you begin calculating your heart rate.
1) Calculate Resting Heart Rate (10 s count, multiply beats by 6).
2) Run up and down the stairs (minimum 3 times without stopping).
3) Calculate Recovery Heart Rate (wait 1 min after exercise before
calculating HR.
4) Record resting and recovery HR below.
Resting Heart Rate _______
Recovery Heart Rate ______
HR Questions
1) Identify 3 other ways to calculate HR
2) Why should you wait at least one minute before
calculating Recovery Heart Rate.
3) What concerns or suggestions would you make for a
participant whose HR was too low (< 60 BPM) or too
high (>100BPM)?
4) What conclusions can be made about a person whose
recovery heart rate is more closer to his/her resting
heart rate compared to other individuals?
Part 2: Body Mass Index( BMI)
Find out your body Mass index using the
formula below:
-Weight (kg)/ Height (m2)
Ex. Mr. Pantano
-180 pounds= 82 kg
-70 inches tall = 177.8 cm= 1.78 m
-1.78 squared= 3.16m2
-82 kg/3.16m2= 26kg/m2
1) Why is it beneficial for people to know there
2) What limitations does the BMI have and what
other devices can be used in addition to the BMI
to help determine the condition of your health?
Helpful information to complete the Lab!
Heart rate abnormalities
Tachycardia is a resting heart rate more than 100 beats per minute. This number can
vary as smaller people and children have faster heart rates than average adults
Bradycardia is defined as a heart rate less than 60 beats per minute although it is
seldom symptomatic until below 50 bpm when a human is at total rest. Trained athletes
tend to have slow resting heart rates, and resting bradycardia in athletes should not be
considered abnormal if the individual has no symptoms associated with it. Again, this
number can vary as children and small adults tend to have faster heart rates than
average adults.
Arrhythmias are abnormalities of the heart rate and rhythm (sometimes felt as
palpitations). They can be divided into two broad categories: fast and slow heart rates.
Some cause few or minimal symptoms. Others produce more serious symptoms of
lightheadedness, dizziness and fainting.
Resting heart rate
< 60 bpm- bradycardia ( slow rate)
60 to 100 bpm= normal rate
>100bpm- tachcardia ( fast rate)
Other ways to calculate HR include using Brachial artery, carotid artery, temporal artery,
HR monitors and electrocardiogram recordings.
BMI is used to classify individuals as obese, overweight or
underweight; to identify individuals at risk for obesity related
BMI is a significant predictor of cardiovascular disease and
type 2 diabetes!
limitations are:
It may overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have a
muscular build.
It may underestimate body fat in older persons and others who
have lost muscle mass.
Not take into account composition of body weight, age, body build
or ethnicity.
BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
Benefits of Exercise
Through the Cardiovascular System
Correct and regular exercises result in number of benefits, not only to the body but also to the mind. The key to a
good exercise regimen is cardiovascular health.
Some of the most beneficial motives to exercise include the following:
It improves your mental outlook and your mood due to the release of chemicals called endorphins in the body.
It improves general health, wards off diseases, and slows down the aging process.
It helps you acheive a better body compisition by lowering bldy fat and gaining muscle.
It improves the state of mind, promotes better mental health, and improves sleep.
It helps in achieving better bone density.
It enhances self confidence and improves the appearance of the person.
You will often read the term cardiovascular health or cardiovascular endurance when researching exercise programs.
All these terms relate to the cardiovascular system of the human body. Cardio fitness is key to weight lose and
fitness. The main role of the cardiovascular system in the body is to transport oxygen to all tissues in the body and to
remove from these same tissues, metabolic waste products. The more fit the person, the better the supply of oxygen
to the muscles (cardiovascular system) and the more exercise enduring capacity.
This project will consist of two parts: Sport analysis and athlete analysis.
This project will assess your understanding of the material covered throughout
this unit and ability to apply what you have learned to the realm of sports. Major
topics useful in completing this project include: muscle contraction, muscle fibre
types, energy systems and cardiovascular health.
Part A: Sport Analysis
1) Choose a sport and draw an illustration to depict a snapshot of athletes
involved during competition/or create a collage for this sport using a series of
pictures from magazines or the internet.
2) Explain each energy system (high energy phosphate system, aerobic system
and anaerobic system) with the aid of pictures or diagrams and explain in
detail how each system is crucial to your chosen sport and state whether this
sport may or may not require the use of all energy systems ( ex. 100 m run
only consists of the use of one energy system- High energy phosphate
3) Explain the process of oxygen in the air traveling through your respiratory
system enabling your body to function and draw a sketch labelling each
component along which air travels through the respiratory system.
4) Comment on the physical or psychological stress an athlete might face with
the pressures of performing day in and day out.
Part B: Athlete Analysis
1) Chose and athlete involved in the sport you chose in part B and provide a
brief biography of the athlete.
2) Identify the major bones, joints and muscles used be this athlete and explain
why these components of the musculoskeletal system are important to this
athletes success.
3) Using a graphic organizer or venn diagram, show your understanding of the
similarities and differences of the types of muscle fibres and explain what
types of fibers are beneficial to performing in this athletes particular sport. *
athlete may rely on 1 or all types of fibres in his/her sport.
4) Using your knowledge of muscle fibers and energy systems, explain to me
what sport you feel your athlete would be best suited for if he/she decided to
play another sport and has aspirations of being a professional athlete or going
to the Olympics someday.
Instruction and
completion/20 points
Organization and
creativity/20 points
Content and
integration/50 points
punctuation and
spelling/ 10 points
weren’t followed
correctly and
not all
questions were
No title page,
answers aren’t
numbered or
presented in the
order questions
were displayed.
No signs of
creativity used
for creating
Major points are
not well
articulated and
not thought out
Project contains
many grammar
punctuation and
spelling errors
Word Wall
Transverse ( horizontal ) plane
weren’t followed
or not all
questions were
Instructions were
followed and
questions were
No title page or
answers aren’t
numbered or
presented in the
order questions
were displayed.
Few signs of
creativity used for
creating visuals.
Title page is
present and
answers are
numbered in
correct order as
questions were
Major points are
not well
articulated or not
thought out
Project contains
few grammar
punctuation and
spelling errors.
Major points are
well articulated
and thought out
Project contains
no grammar,
punctuation and
spelling errors.
Frontal ( coronal) plane
Medial ( midsagittal) plan
Fast Twitch Fibres ( FT)
Slow Twitch Fibres ( ST)
All of none principle
Cardiac muscle
Smooth muscle
Skeletal muscle
Muscle fibres
Motor unit
Sliding Filament theory
Cross bridge formation
High energy phosphate system
Aerobic system
Anaerobic system
Krebs Cycle
VO2 max
Lactic acid system
Jeopardy Questions
Which of the following movement occurs when the thumb comes into contact with one of the other
Possible answers:
Sticking your chin out is an example of
Possible answers:
internal rotation
When you stand on the inner edge of your foot, your foot is
Possible answers:
plantar flexed
Flexion occurs around the horizontal axis and through the
Possible answers:
frontal plane
transverse plane
longitudinal axis
sagittal plane
The sagittal plane is
Possible answers:
vertical and extends from one side of the body to the other side
vertical and extends from the front of the body to the back
is horizontal and divides the body into upper and lower segments
none of the above
The transverse plane is
Possible answers:
vertical and extends from one side of the body to the other side
vertical and extends from the front of the body to the back
is horizontal and divides the body into upper and lower segments
none of the above
Which of the following movements must you make with your forearm when putting a screw into the floor
using your right hand?
Possible answers:
internal rotatation
Which of the following bones is not found in your foot?
Possible answers:
pisiform bone
cuboid bone
talus bone
navicular bone
Which of the following recommendations would not help to prevent osteoporosis?
Possible answers:
Weight-bearing exercise
a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D
aqua fitness for older adults
bone density testing and medication when appropriate
A compound fracture occurs when
Possible answers:
there is no separation of the bone into parts
the bone breaks into separate pieces
the broken ends of the bone have been shattered into many pieces
a break or fracture is detected
Which of the following does not takes place during the ossification of bone?
Possible answers:
compact bone begins as cartilage
osteoblasts discharge osteoid to form hardened material
osteoclasts remove old bone by releasing acids and enzymes
minerals are deposited to form the material known as bone
Which of the following muscles inserts on the head of the fibula?
Possible answers:
biceps femoris
rectus femoris
vastus medialis
Which of the following is not included in the composition of a long bone?
Possible answers:
cancellous bone
compact bone
sesamoid bone
Which of the following bones allows people to shake their head in a “no” motion?
Possible answers:
The skeleton performs all the following functions except
Possible answers:
supporting the body
working in conjunction with the muscles to cause movement
acting as a reservoir that the body can call upon to regulate the level of water
protecting vital organs
Which of the following muscles is not part of the hamstring group?
Possible answers:
rectus femoris
bicep femoris
The primary function of the pectoralis major is to
Possible answers:
allow internal rotation, adduction, and flexion of the arm
adductor, extensor, and internal rotation of the arm
rotates the humorous medially, and stabilizes the shoulder
all of the above
Which one of the following is not a rotator cuff muscle?
Possible answers:
Which of the following is not a characteristic of cardiac muscle?
Possible answers:
it is found in only one place in the body
it is voluntary muscle because it is controlled consciously
it is involuntary muscles because it is not controlled consciously
it consists of striated muscle fibre
Tendons are tough bands of connective tissue that join
Possible answers:
muscles with bones
bones with bones
muscles with muscles
none of the above
Which of the following ligaments stops anterior movement of the tibia with respect to the femur?
Possible answers:
medial collateral ligament
posterior cruciate ligament
posterior meniscofemeral ligament
anterior cruciate ligament
Which of the following is a risk factor for developing shin splints?
Possible answers:
training on uneven surfaces
training in new shoes
training constantly for long durations
all of the above
Which of the following best describes tendinitis?
Possible answers:
straining the adjoining ligament
dislocation of the inserting bone
irritation due to prolonged or abnormal use
all of the above
What type of synovial joint is the elbow?
Possible answers:
ball-and-socket joint
hinge joint
saddle joint
gliding joint
The joints in the foot between the tarsal and in the hand, among the carpals, are examples of which type
of joints
Possible answers:
pivot joints
hinge joints
gliding joints
ellipsoid joints
Fibrous joints are located in the
Possible answers:
spinal column
rib cage
Each question is worth 1 mark for a total of 30 marks
Circle the correct answer
Which of the following movement occurs when the thumb comes into contact with one of the other
Possible answers:
When you point your foot towards your head, your ankle is
Possible answers:
plantar flexed
Sticking your chin out is an example of
Possible answers:
internal rotation
Pushing your shoulders back to squeeze your shoulder blades is an example of
Possible answers:
When you stand on the inner edge of your foot, your foot is
Possible answers:
plantar flexed
Movement towards the median plane is known as
Possible answers:
The sternum is
Possible answers:
anterior to the heart
posterior to the heart
medial to the heart
lateral to the heart
Which of the following terms means towards the point of attachment of the limb to the body?
Possible answers:
Which of the following correctly describes the anatomical position?
Possible answers:
upright standing position, face and feet pointing forward, forearms fully supinated
upright standing position, face and feet pointing forward, forearms fully pronated
upright standing position, face and feet pointing backward, forearms fully pronated
upright standing position, face and feet pointing backward, forearms fully supinated
Which of the following movements must you make with your forearm when putting a screw into the floor
using your right hand?
Possible answers:
internal rotatation
Which branch of science deals with the structural organization of living things; that is, with how they are
built and of what they consist?
Possible answers:
exercise physiology
Which of the following is not a distal carpal bone?
Possible answers:
lunate bone
hamate bone
capitate bone
trapezoid bone
Which of the following statements is not true?
Possible answers:
resistance training stunts growth in youths
stress fractures are common sports injuries
physical activity is believed to stimulate bone formation
bone contains about 99 percent of the body’s calcium
The humerus is proximal to the
Possible answers:
Which of the following muscles does not originate at the clavicle?
Possible answers:
pectoralis major
Excluding the sacrum and coccyx, the backbone consists of which of the following three regions and
number of bones?
Possible answers:
cervical (7), thoracic (12), lumbar (5)
thoracic (7), lumbar (5), cervical (12)
lumbar (12) thoracic (8), cervical (7)
cervical (5), lumbar (7), thoracic (8)
Each pelvic bone is composed of which of the following bones?
Possible answers:
ischium, ilium, sacrum
ilium, pubis
ischium, ilium, pubis
sacrum, pubis, ilium
The axial skeleton
Possible answers:
comprises the vertebral column, much of the skull, and the rib cage
consists of 206 bones, including the movable and supporting structures
features the sternum as its central aspect
can only be seen from the anterior view
Which of the following muscles originates form the first five lumbar vertebrae?
Possible answers:
gluteus medius
gluteus minimus
psoas major
Which of the following muscles are located in the anterior part of the lower leg?
Possible answers:
flexor digitorium longus
none of the above
A single nervous impulse and the resulting contraction is called a
Possible answers:
neuromuscular junction
muscle twitch
myelin sheath
The shortening of muscles fibres is an example of which type of muscle contraction?
The deltoid is the agonist (prime mover) in shoulder abduction. Which of the following muscles are the
antagonist pair?
Possible answers:
triceps brachii
latissimus dorsi
extensor carpi radialis
Which of the following types of muscle squeeze limbs in towards the median line of the body?
Possible answers:
abductor muscles
extensor muscles
adductor muscles
flexor muscles
Which of the following muscles inserts at the coronoid process of the ulna?
Possible answers:
biceps brachii
triceps brachi
Muscle tissue can be classified into one of three main groups. Which of the following is not one of the
Possible answers:
skeletal muscle
cardiac muscle
smooth muscle
striated muscle
A shoulder separation is a tearing of a ligament that holds which of these two bones together?
Possible answers:
acromion and coracoid process
clavicle and coracoid process
acromion and clavicle
humerus and clavicle
If a person sustains a blow to the lateral side of the knee, damage will result to the
Possible answers:
medial side of the knee
lateral side of the knee
posterior side of the knee
anterior side of the knee
The tissue that attaches one or more bones together is called
Possible answers:
a tendon
a ligament
Which of the following joints allows movement in two planes (e.g., flexion-extension and abductionadduction) but does not allow for rotation?
Possible answers:
gliding joints
pivot joints
ellipsoid joints
none of the above
Small, flattened fluid sacs found at the friction points between tendons, ligaments, and bones are known
Possible answers:
synovial membrane
fibrous capsules
joint capsules
This test will be completed individually. You have a total of 50
minutes to complete the test. Make sure you read each question
carefully. There are 15 multiple choice questions (circle the best
answer) and 5 short answer questions. Good luck.
The process whereby lactic acid is converted to pyruvate for future conversion to glucose and
glycogen is known as
Possible answers:
the Cori cycle
the Krebs cycle
beta oxidization
blood lactate threshold
Trained athletes may not reach their blood lactate threshold until what percentage of their VO2max?
Possible answers:
40-50 percent
50-70 percent
70-80 percent
80-100 percent
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a slow-twitch muscle fibre?
Possible answers:
low levels of myosin ATPase
high levels of glycolytic enzymes
red or dark in colour
none of the above
Which of the following is not a characteristic of blood lactate threshold?
Possible answers:
lactate levels in the blood increase abruptly beyond resting values
it is also known as the anaerobic threshold
untrained individuals may typically reach their lactate threshold at a smaller
percentage of their VO2max
muscles are not working well if the threshold is reached at high-intensity exercise.
Identify the correct order of the three separate sub-pathways of cellular respiration.
Possible answers:
Krebs cycle – electron transport chain – glycolysis
electron transport chain – glycolysis – Krebs cycle
glycolysis – electron transport chain – Krebs cycle
glycolysis – Krebs cycle – electron transport chain
Which type of muscle fibre is used for quick contraction and does not require oxygen?
Possible answers:
Type I
Type IIA
Type IIB
Both b and c
Which of the following is a by-product produced during the final stage of aerobic respiration?
Possible answers:
carbon dioxide
both a and b
none of the above
Molecular activity in the mitochondria of the cells is referred to as
Possible answers:
cellular respiration
bioenergetic conversion
beta oxidization
The glycolysis energy system will allow an athlete to engage in a high level of performance for
Possible answers:
10-15 seconds
30-45 seconds
1-3 minutes
45+ minutes
Which energy system provides the highest rate of ATP synthesis?
Possible answers:
anaerobic alactic
anaerobic lactic
all systems are equal
In which of the following metabolic pathways are ATP energy reserves restored?
Possible answers:
the ATP-PC pathway
the glycolysis pathway
cellular respiration
all of the above
Which medical procedure could identify the percentage of muscle fibre type found in either tonic or phasic
Possible answers:
muscle imaging
The aerobic system process takes place in
Possible answers:
the liver
the kidney
the mitochondria
Which of the following systems is used for powerful but relatively short-lived physical action?
Possible answers:
anaerobic system
aerobic system
ATP-PC system
none of the above
Which protein is the oxygen storage unit that delivers oxygen to working muscles?
Possible answers:
amino acid
Glycogen is mainly stored within which of the following sturctures
Possible answers:
cardiac muscle
none of the above
Label bones on diagram
Label 15 muscles on graph
1) List the six major types of synovial joints. Which synovial joints allow the greatest amount of
movement? The least?
2) Explain the sliding filament theory?
3) Explain and the difference between the all or none principle and activation threshold.
4) What are the three types of muscle fibres? Explain the differences between each fibre type
using examples during sport or leisure activity.
5) Name the three energy systems. Explain one of the energy systems in full detail and apply it to
an athlete involved in a particular sport (how ATP is created, why this system is beneficial for the
athlete in that particular sport ect).