Week of 01/25/2016 - Highline Public Schools

NOTAM 012516
Raisbeck Aviation High School
January 25, 2016
Assembly Schedule - Six Period Day, Department Meetings, 3:45 PM
Spirit Week Dress - Class Colors Monday
Spirit Week Assembly, 1:05 PM
Current Events 3:30-4:30 PM, room 2310
Film Club 3:30–5:00 PM, room 3530
VEX Robotics Team (Freshman Team), 3:35-6:00 PM, room 1610
Afternoon Assembly
8:00 - 8:50
9:00 - 9:45
9:50 - 10:35
10:40 - 11:25
11:30 - 12:15
12:15 - 12:45
12:50 - 1:00
1:05 - 1:50
1:55 - 2:40
2:45 - 3:30
Period 0
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 5
Period 6
Six Period Day, VIPs on campus— King County Executive, Dow Constantine,
and Dr. Raisbeck
Spirit Week Dress: Timber Tuesday
Speech and Debate Team, 3:30–5:30 PM, room 3560
FRC Robotics Team, 6:00-8:30 PM, room 1610
Wednesday: A Block - Periods 1, 3, Advisory, 5
Spirit Week Dress: Finals Week Student Wednesday
Speech and Debate Team, 3:30–5:30 PM, room 3560
Math Club 3:40–4:45 PM, room 2350
VEX Robotics Team (Freshman Team), 3:35-6:00 PM, room 1610
B Block - Periods 2, 4, Advisory, 6 – End of Semester
Spirit Week Dress: Tropical Thursday
Air Force Reserves presentation in the College/Career Center, 1:00 PM, to
attend sign up in the white binder
Gay Straight Alliance, GSA, 3:30-4:30 PM, room 1630
Speech and Debate Team, 3:30–5:30 PM, room 3560
Art Show, 3:45-4:45 PM, in the BPC
FRC Robotics Team, 6:00-8:30 PM, room 1610
No School—Semester Break
Speech and Debate Tournament 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM at RAHS
TOLO 8:00 to 11:00 PM at RAHS – parents, please pick your students up
promptly after the dance at 11:00 PM.
At last Wednesday’s mentor breakfast presentation, Matt Sauri, President & CEO, Wimmer
Solutions, delivered a superb message with a great line, “It’s about moving from success to
significance.” My memory of that idea faded since hearing it years ago. However, later in the day, it
blazed back to life through a curiously timed email sent from Representative Tomiko-Santos, Chair
of the House Education Committee.
Representative Santos, and members of various legislative committees, recently visited RAHS on two
occasions. The House Committee members were inspired by the authentic stories told by students and
industry guests. Since then, Representative Santos and her colleagues have moved forward to take
action in Olympia. Our students, staff, and mentors contributed to the policy makers’ thinking. By any
yardstick, that is a high-quality measure of moving from success to significance. After all, true
significance is found in adding value to other people.
Dear Principal Kelly:
I am herewith forwarding for your reference a copy of proposed House Bill 2434, an
Act promoting space exploration, authored by Representative Jeff Morris whom you
met during our site visit to Raisbeck Aviation High School last fall. I am also attaching a
copy of an amendment that I will be offering to expand the bill to encourage the
excellent work you are facilitating at Raisbeck Aviation High School as witnessed by the
House Education Committee and the House Technology and Economic Development
(TED) Committee members. This bill is scheduled for possible executive action in the
House TED Committee (Thursday, January 21st) at 1:30 p.m. Live audio and video feed
of the meeting will be accessible online at www.tvw.org.
You, your students, faculty, and mentors may also wish to follow the progress of the bill
through the Legislative website at
I hope that this message finds you well. Thank you, again, for your hospitality during our
visit to your school.
Sharon Tomiko Santos
Chair, Education Committee
Washington State Legislature
House Bill 2434 increases the opportunities for high-school students to “participate in work-based
learning or research, and who complete internships or on-the-job training related to the
space exploration sector.” There are other effects of the bill linked to high-school students, and I
look forward to monitoring the progress of HB2434 through the 2016 legislative session.
Please join me welcoming a new face to the RAHS staff, Ms. Margo Keithly. Ms. Keithly has
enthusiastically agreed to accept the position as our full-time bookkeeper. She was previously employed
in the banking industry, and gaming sector as a bookkeeper, and is thrilled to be part of the RAHS
community. Her official start day is being negotiated, but I feel fairly confident we will see her onboard
later this week. Remember to stop by and say hello.
Scholars, as we wind up the first semester, I want to thank you for doing your very best to achieve your
dreams. Your professionalism and dedication are bright examples of success moving toward significance.
Thank you for inspiring me! Let’s agree to finish an extraordinary first semester with success and
The Principal’s Round of Applause—acknowledging those who make RAHS a better place.
Carol Christian, Trish Hunt, Lee Bui, Jennifer Mackley, Anab Abdullah, and Joan Horner—
for providing the staff with a delicious lunch.
Nuka Nurzhanov, Michael Gudor, Ms. Weeks, Ms. Wilson, Ms. Wombold, and Ms. Jones
Gunn—for meeting to discuss next year’s master schedule.
Ailis Wadill, Amelia McCahill, Isha Singh, Josh Buenbrazo, Najib Osman, Nicole Diaz, and
Sameer Romani—for presenting to Representative Santos and members of the legislative delegations.
Caitlin O’Keefe, Planetary Resources; Commissioner Bill Bryant, and Steve Rybolt, Port of
Seattle; Mike Bryan, Boeing; Megan Ouellette, Captain John Sluys, and Captain William
Korin, Alaska Airlines, and Representative Tina Orwall— for presenting to Representative
Santos and members of the legislative delegations.
I am honored to serve as your Principal—Bruce Kelly.
Art Show
The 1st semester art class is having their annual art show in the BPC after school this Thursday, January
28 from 3:45 to 4:45. Come by and see what amazing artwork the students have completed over the
course of the first semester and even acquire a couple for your personal collection. If you have any
questions, please feel free to email garrett.shiroma@highlineschools.org.
Speech and Debate Tournament
We are excited to announce our first ever Debate Tournament held at our school and we are looking
for volunteers! It is happening this Saturday, January 30 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. If you are interested
in helping out and getting some community service, please contact garrett.shiroma@higlineschools.org.
TOLO is Saturday January 30th at 8:00pm in the BPC! It is a glow dance, so come dressed in white or
Ticket prices:
$18 for couples without ASB
$15 for couples with ASB
$10 for singles without ASB
$8 for singles with ASB
The Spirit Days Are:
-Class Colors Monday
-Timber Tuesday: Dress like a lumberjack.
-Finals Week Student Wednesday: Your day to be lazy. Wear sweats and bring blankets!
-Tropical Thursday: Wear hula skirts, flower shirts, etc.
PSEC Engineer’s Fair 2016
As sponsored by the Puget Sound Engineering Council, the 2016 Engineering Fair will take place on
Saturday, February 6th from 10 AM to 4 PM at the Museum of Flight. The Puget Sound Engineering
Council (PSEC) Engineering Fair is held in conjunction with local chapters of engineering societies,
colleges, and businesses. The Fair generally has about 25 display booths staffed by practicing engineers
and technical people representing many types of engineering disciplines. It provides a fun, visible way for
K-12 students to see and hear about the various types of engineering disciplines, encouraging them to
think about engineering as a career.
The event is open to the public, with the target audience being K-12 students and their
parents. Museum admission is not required to enter the Fair, which is held in the Side Gallery at the
Museum of Flight. However, admission is required for entry into the rest of the museum. For more
information, visit http://pnwaiaa.org/event/psec-engineers-fair-2016/
The Engineering Fair is an annual event held in conjunction with National Engineers Week. The Fair also
features a hands-on design competition on site: The Popsicle Stick Bridge Load Competition sponsored
by the American Society of Civil Engineers. For more information and pictures from past Fairs, visit the
PSEC Engineering Fair web page.
Parents, students must not stay at school after 6 PM unless they are directly supervised and
participating in a school event/club or extracurricular activity. This is to ensure student safety and adult
supervision while on the school campus.
If you are unable to pick your child up before 6 PM on a regular school day, please arrange a carpool
(connect with the PTSA) or make other arrangements for transportation. For liability reasons, your
child must be supervised or find a way home by 6PM. Thank you!
Dear Senior Parents,
We are looking for 7-8 energetic parent chaperones to join the Senior Class for an overnight retreat at
Camp Waskowitz May 20-22, 2016. The bus will depart from RAHS on Friday after school and will
return to RAHS on Sunday morning. More details will be coming soon, but if you are interested in
joining this group, the chaperones would be asked to stay the entire weekend and help ensure the
students are safe and accounted for, as well as participate in various outdoor activities. Transportation,
food and cabins will be provided for the chaperones. Highline School District requires a background
check and fingerprinting, which can be conducted through the district office. Please email Sarah
(Fitzpatrick) Erdmann at: Sarah.Erdmann@highlineschools.org if you are interested and we will make
sure you get the proper paperwork.
Mr. Aviation
Come one, come all! Step into the paradise we call Mr. Aviation. If you want to be the next Mr.
Aviation, come sign up at Mrs. Fitz's room.
Youth and Government
Come join RAHS's only politics and government club! Youth and Government meets every other
Monday after school in Ms. Olsen's room (1630), 3:30 – 5:00 PM. Contact Karl Nielsen
(karlnielsen@comcast.net) if you have any questions. Next Meeting: Monday, January 25, 2016.
Current Events
Come join Current Events! If you are interested in science topics of the near past and present, come to
our new club. We talk about current events and their implications for the future. We meet Mondays
from 3:30 to 4:30 in room 2310. Also, there is a possibility of guest speakers in the future. Contact Troy
Leighton at leighton.troy@gmail.com for questions.
Phoenix Flyer
Do you have problems that you simply can't solve? Are you too embarrassed to ask your friends?
Submit your questions to the Phoenix Flyer's advice column, Ground Control, at
"tinyurl.com/RAHSGroundControl" or at "ahsphoenixflyer@gmail.com"
3, 2, 1... Blastoff!
The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) club of RAHS is competing in the Team
America Rocketry Challenge (TARC)! They need your help to launch some rockets.
Claim naming rights to a rocket. Receive exclusive access to their footage from the competition. Add
your logo to the outside of a rocket payload.
Check out their crowdsourcing campaign right here:
Special Education Teacher, Ms. Soong-Yaplee will be at RAHS Monday through Thursday, 12:30 PM
to 2:30 PM and Friday 12:30 Pm until 2:00 PM. Her telephone number is: 206-631-7260.
Our Success Dean, Mr. Nick Anderson provides services for students. He will be tutoring
freshmen on Tuesday afternoons from 3:30 – 5:30 PM and sophomores, juniors and seniors on
Wednesdays from 3:30 – 5:30 PM. The sessions will be held in Mr. Hoehne’s classroom, 3510.
Safety Issues
Lately, more parents are doing unsafe U-turns in front of the bus zone area. Please do not make Uturns here, but turn around at the west end of the building. Our student drivers with learner permits
need a positive example, and safe passage as they drive in front of the school. Thank you for your
assistance with our effort to keep everyone safe.
Students, for your safety, please adhere to cross walk signal on East Marginal Way South. If
the flashing amber crosswalk light is blinking, do not start into the crosswalk. The school busses
cannot take a free right turn while students are in the crosswalk. If a bus is not waiting to make a right
turn, you likely walked up behind a vehicle waiting and entered the driver’s blind spot. Thank you
parents and students for helping us with these two safety concerns.
Watch this section of your weekly NOTAM correspondence for the latest in offerings from the
RAISBECK AVIATION HIGH SCHOOL CAREER CENTER. For more information or questions – stop
in the Career Center, email @ steven.davolt@highlineschools.org or call 206-631-7210.
ALASKA AIRLINES IMAGINE TOMORROW – will be held at Washington State University May
20-22 in Pullman. Register now at www.imagine@wsu.edu . Registration closes April 15, 2016.
CONGRATULATIONS – Compliments to Rotary Students of the Month RAHS seniors Joseph Merlino
and Sophia Gut. Selected by faculty and staff ---students are recognized with a luncheon hosted by
Southcenter Rotary.
THANK YOU -- To all who participated in the January MENTOR BREAKFAST ---great job. Thanks
especially to Keir Hichens, Pat Gorman and Matt Sauri ---excellent presentations and ones that we
won’t soon forget. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, March 16 ---our fourth MENTOR
BREAKFAST for 2015-16. Many thanks.
BLUE ORIGIN SUMMER INTERNSHIP – Blue Origin is a world-recognized company that is
developing technologies to enable human access to space at lower costs with increased reliability. The
selected intern will study and participate in engineering design projects related to the development and
construction of manned launch vehicles. Internship assignments are hands-on, rigorous and require
creativity and mechanical design, aerodynamics, rock propulsion, flight controls, electronics, flight
software, human safety and systems engineering. Must be incoming senior or junior at RAHS in 2015-16
and have a stated intention of a university degree in science/engineering and a demonstrated passion for
space and new technologies. Apply online at https://www.blueorigin.com/careers#section3. Complete
the “Internship Engineering” application with specific information regarding your hands-on engineering
experience. Indicate that you are a “High School Applicant” in the comments section at the end of the
application. Applications are due by January 31.
GIRLS ROCK MATH INTERNSHIPS-- GRM is an all-girls, arts and games based math camp with
the mission of providing thought-provoking, creative experiences in mathematics. RAHS students are
invited to apply for the 2-week summer internship to guide and counsel girls in the first to sixth grades
from July through August. This is excellent training and will generate references and a letter of
recognition and will enhance resumes and college applications. For further information --- check on-line
at: http://www.girlsrockmathematics.com/#!counselors/c1ou5. Pick up the internship agreement form in
the CAREER CENTER then complete it and return to Mr. Davolt by Friday, February 5, 2016. More
information at: www.girlsrockmathematics.com.
CAMP INVENTION LEADERSHIP INTERNSHIP---The Camp Invention Leadership intern
position is ideal for in-coming juniors, sophomores and seniors who are looking to build leadership skills
and work with youth in a dynamic, invention-based setting. Interns serve as role models and mentors
for youth entering grades 7, 8, and 9 while working with program participants in the Camp Invention
program (students entering 1-6th grades). Submit a letter of interest, resume and transcript to Mr.
Davolt in the CAREER CENTER or online @ steven.davolt@highlineschools.org.
SPACE ENTREPRENEURS INTERNSHIP --- Interested in the business and the entrepreneurship
side of space? You’ll gain exposure to local business and professional executives while assisting in event
planning and social media marketing. Working with leading Pacific Northwest companies such as Space
Angels, Blue Origin and Planetary Resources ---you will play a key role in partnerships and the emerging
commercial space industry. Part-time position (approximately 10 hours per week). Submit your letter
of interest, resume and transcript to steven.davolt@highlineschools.org or drop off materials in the
CAREER CENTER by Friday, February 12. Please note references on submitted materials.
Seniors: Fill out your FAFSA by February 1! Remember, you can go back and make corrections once
2015 taxes are done.
All juniors will be taking the SAT here at RAHS on March 2. Stay tuned for more information!
Connected and Empowered Group: Do you struggle with anxiety, depression, relationships and/or
stress? This group will help. See Ms. Carper for more information.
Second semester schedules are available to view in Illuminate. Please check them. If you would like to
request changes, please fill out the forms in the College/Career Center. Teacher approval is required
for year-long class changes. Remember to change classes by February 12 to avoid impacting your
Ms. Carper will proctor BYU Health tests on the last Wednesday of every month in the College/Career
Center. Please order your test from BYU two weeks in advance. If you are having trouble ordering
your test, make sure Raisbeck Aviation High School is the school on your account as your educational
institution. If you are still having trouble, call 1-800-914-8931
Information about the Air Force Reserves: There will be a presentation in the College/Career
Center on Thursday, January 28 at 1:00 PM. Sign up in the white binder to attend.
Prevention and Intervention Team
Our Prevention and Intervention Team is here to help you with any problems you may be having at
school or outside of school. The team meets monthly to provide supports to students who are in
need. Students of concern are identified by other staff members or by other students. If you have a
concern about yourself or a friend, please let a member of the Prevention and Intervention Team know
or talk to your advisor. Staff members on the team include: Ms. Carper, Ms. Juarez. Mr. Kumakura, Ms.
Jones-Gunn, Mr. Storer, and Ms. Dyer.
Are you interested in helping prevent suicide while earning community service hours? See Ms.
Carper for more information.
Crisis Text Line: In crisis? Text "START" to 741-741 for free, confidential 24/7 support. For more
information, visit www.crisistextline.org
The Yale Young Global Scholars Program is accepting applications for summer 2016. For
more information and an application, visit: http://globalscholars.yale.edu/
Seniors: if you have been accepted to college, let Ms. Carper know so we can add it to the map!
If your child is going to attend college, then you need to understand the FAFSA. Kerry Wallingford, of
Wallingford Financial & College Planning will be here, in the PLC, on January 28th to help families
understand the FAFSA and how to complete it. This is a great workshop for all families as you will learn
information that could help lower your Expected Financial Contribution. The earlier you start the more
impact this information will have. The workshop starts at 5:30 and will last no more than one hour.
To all of those who have supported our school with their time and/or money, click HERE to view a
personal Thank You video from the students and staff of RAHS.
The new RAHS PTSA site has launched!
Check it out!
The old site will remain up through summer 2016. Visitors to the old site will be automatically
redirected to the new site starting in the spring.
Any ideas, suggestions or photos for the new site may be sent to communications@rahsptsa.org.
Paying Student Fees and Meals Online –Go to our RAHS website. Under the Announcements Tab,
Click on Pay Online Now! To make an online payment for school fees, click on the Touchbase
electronic payment system.
To pay for school meals, log-in to the MealTime electronic payment system.
To pay for student meals in person, please bring your check/cash or send it with your child. It should be
given to Carla Nakashima, RAHS Kitchen Lead, between 8:30 AM and 8:50 AM. You will find Ms.
Nakashima in the kitchen area. Ms. Nakashima will need your child’s student ID number.
RAHS Attendance line: 206-631-7212 - Please report any absence or late arrival daily. Include
reason, parent name and phone number. District policy changed this year and with proper information
absences can be excused by your detailed call. Robo calls will occur for unspecified and unexcused
Quote of the Week—
“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.”
--Vince Lombardi