Lecture #7 Angiosperms: Form & Function Plant cells • very similar to animal cells • however, they are different in a couple of ways • 1. structural cell wall – principle component is cellulose • 2. central vacuole – storage of water, salts and wastes • 3. plastids – unique organelles with a variety of functions – chloroplast – photosynthesis – amyloplast - storage chloroplast The Cell Wall • all cells of the plant have cell walls (except the sperm) • contains large amounts of cellulose • all cells have a thin primary cell wall – made of cellulose – also contains the polysaccharide called pectin that allows for plant growth • some plant cells can have a secondary cell wall in between the primary wall and the plasma membrane – made with lignin – for strength middle lamina – “cement”-like layer of pectin found between two plant cells • cells walls present a problem if plant cells want to communicate with each other • evolved connections between cells = plasmodesmata • several plasmodesmata cluster together to form a pit field Plant Cells parenchyma • three types of plant cells: • classified based on the nature of their cell walls • 1. parenchyma – only have thin primary walls • 2. collenchyma – primary cell walls thin in some areas, thick in others • 3. sclerenchyma – primary and secondary walls collenchyma – cells are dead when mature sclerenchyma Plant Tissues • these three types of cells make up plant tissues • 3 types of plant tissues found throughout the plant • 1. dermal – outer covering • 2. vascular & xylem and phloem • 3. ground – “filler” tissue • plant’s outer protective covering • usually a single layer of parenchyma cells joined together very tightly – epidermis • usually covered with a waxy cuticle to minimize water loss and protect against pathogens • BUT cuticle can inhibit the entry of CO2 needed for photosynthesis = PROBLEM! • epidermis contains pairs of guard cells that surround pores in the epidermis • guard cells + stomatal pore = stoma (plural = stomata) • guard cells control the size of the pore – control CO2 entry Dermal Tissue Vascular tissues • vascular tissue: xylem & phloem – xylem: for the conduction of water & minerals • sclerenchyma cells (dead): tracheids & vessel elements • water and minerals enter the xylem in the roots and are conducted upward to the leaves and stems – phloem: for the conduction of sugars • living parenchyma cells: sieve tube members • phloem picks up sugar from where it is abundant in the plant and transports it to where it is needed SUGAR-CONDUCTING CELLS OF THE PHLOEM Sieve-tube members: longitudinal view (LM) Sieve-tube member Sieve plate Vascular Bundles • xylem and phloem occur together in roots and stems as vascular bundles • the arrangement of the vascular bundles helps define a monocot stem from a eudicot stem • also arranged differently according to whether they are in a root or a stem Ground Tissue • tissues that are neither dermal or vascular – includes cells specialized for storage, photosynthesis, and support – made up of all three types of plant cells: – found in the cortex and pith of stem, the cortex of the root, the mesophyll of leaves and the endosperm of seeds 3 Plant organs • plants have organs each comprised of specific tissues – organ = made up of multiple tissues • 3 organs – form a root system and a shoot system – 1. stems – for transport & support of leaves – 2. leaves – for photosynthesis – 3. roots – for absorption Reproductive shoot (flower) Terminal bud Node Internode Terminal bud Vegetable shoot Leaf Shoot system Blade Petiole Axillary bud Stem Taproot Lateral roots Root system Stem • 1. organ that raises or separates leaves, exposing them to sunlight • 2. also raises reproductive structures – facilitating the dispersal of pollen and fruit • stem – is the main axis • shoot – stem plus any leaves, flowers or buds off of the main axis • stems or shoots consist of: – a. an alternating system of nodes – where leaves are attached – b. internodes – between the nodes 3 yr old stem Apical or Terminal bud Bud scale Axillary buds Leaf scar This year’s growth (one year old) Stem Node Internode Last year’s growth (two years old) Growth of two years ago (three years old) Terminal bud Leaf scar One-year-old Shoot formed from axillary bud near shoot apex Scars left by terminal bud scales of previous winters • a stem has two kinds of buds: apical/terminal and axillary • the apical is at the top of the stem or shoot and is responsible for growth of the stem in length – can give rise to a flower when the plant wants to reproduce • the axillary buds are the other buds – can give rise to new shoots or leaves or flowers along the stem or shoot • most stem growth is concentrated in the apical bud – removal of the apical bud can stimulate growth of axillary buds and new shoots • axillary and apical buds contain an undifferentiated tissue called meristem Stems Stems: Internal Anatomy • epidermis – layer of parenchyma cells covered with a cuticle • cortex – interior to the epidermis – simple in most stems – composed of photosynthetic parenchyma and sometimes collenchyma • pith – most interior portion of the stem – region of parenchyma found in dicots – similar to the parenchyma of the cortex • vascular bundles: xylem and phloem cells running up and down the stem parallel to each other – unique arrangement depending on whether the plant is a dicot or a monocot – monocots – bundles are distributed as a complex network throughout the inner part of the stem • frequently described as “scattered” in arrangement – eudicots and gymnosperms – vascular bundles are arranged in the periphery • surrounding the pith • “monkey face monocot” • cap of sclerenchyma on top of phloem • below this is a region of large xylem cells • smaller tracheids and vessel elements below this is primary xylem • chin of sclerenchyma Monocot Stem Vascular Bundles Phloem Xylem Air space Eudicot Stem Vascular Bundles • • • • • • “Russian priest” cap of sclerenchyma region of phloem below this is a region of “stem cells” = vascular cambium below this is a region of xylem “chin” of sclerenchyma Sclerenchyma Phloem Vascular cambium Xylem Sclerenchyma Evolutionary Adaptations of Stems • Rhizomes – a horizontal shoot that grows just below the surface • Bulbs – are vertical underground shoots – consist mainly of enlarged, fleshy leaves that store food • Stolons – horizontal shoots that grow along the surface – often called “runners” – asexual reproduction – plantlets can form along the runner where it encounters a suitable habitat • Tubers – enlarged ends of rhizomes or stolons – specialized for storing food – “eyes” – are clusters of axillary buds that mark the nodes rhizome Leaves • the main photosynthetic organ • consist of: – 1. a flattened blade – 2. stalk called the petiole - joins the leaf to the stem at the node Blade Vein • contains vascular tissue in the form of veins – monocots – parallel veins – dicots – branched network Petiole Axillary bud Leaves Simple leaf Petiole • blade morphology: – simple – single undivided blade – compound – blade consists of multiple leaflets – double compound – each leaflet divides into smaller leaflets • like compound leaves – this morphology may resist tearing by strong winds Axillary bud Leaflet Compound leaf Petiole Axillary bud Doubly compound leaf Leaflet Petiole Axillary bud Phyllotaxy • the arrangement of leaves on the stem = phyllotaxy – so that two leaves don’t lie over each other and shade one another – 1. opposite - two leaves on opposite sides of the stem at the node – 2. whorled – three or more leaves per node – 3. alternate – leaves alternate up the stem; one leaf per node – 4. spiral – the nodes themselves “spiral” up the plant; the leaves can be opposite, alternate or whorled at the nodes Leaf Tissues -leaves are comprised of three tissue types 1. epidermis 2. mesophyll 3. vascular tissue - veins Key Guard cells to labels Dermal Ground Vascular Cuticle Sclerenchyma fibers Stomatal pore Epidermal cells 50 µm Surface view of a spiderwort (Tradescantia) leaf (LM) Stoma Upper epidermis Palisade mesophyll Bundlesheath cell Spongy mesophyll Lower epidermis Guard cells Cuticle Xylem Phloem Cutaway drawing of leaf tissues Vein Guard cells Vein Air spaces Guard cells 100 µm Transverse section of a lilac (Syringa) leaf (LM) Leaf Tissues – 1. epidermis: very similar to stems • cuticle: minimizes water loss • single layer of epidermal cells (parenchyma): covered by the cuticle • guard cells & stomata: upper and lower epidermis have stomata • upper surface has fewer stomata if any at all • trichomes – provide shade to the upper surface (deflects sunlight) and slow water loss through the stomata on the lower surface • also make it difficult to eat the leaf by insects Leaf Tissues – 2. mesophyll: two layers of ground tissue located between the epidermal layers • upper layer contains long, columnar parenchyma cells = palisade parenchyma or palisade mesophyll – main photosynthetic tissue of the plant- usually one layer thick • layer below is made of spongy parenchyma or spongy mesophyll – loosely packed cells with many intercellular air spaces to permit diffusion of CO2 toward the palisade cells – for photosynthesis vascular bundles • 3. vascular tissues or veins – embedded in the mesophyll – in dicots – branched venation – in monocots – parallel venation DICOT LEAF MONOCOT LEAF • dicot leaf – large midrib (or midvein) and several smaller lateral veins with narrower branches called minor veins – primary xylem on the upper side and primary phloem on the lower side collenchyma DICOT LEAF • Monocot leaf – parallel running veins with a distinct pattern of phloem and xylem • 3 large xylem vessel elements • “monkey face” again bundle sheath Evolutionary Adaptations of Leaves Tendrils. • tendrils –modified leaves or lateral branches capable of wrapping around small objects – e.g. pea plants, ivy • spines – non-photosynthetic – e.g. cacti • needles – capable of photosynthesis • storage leaves – adapted to storing water • bracts – often mistaken for petals; modified leaves that surround a group of flowers – e.g. pointsettia Spines. Storage leaves. Bracts. NEXT CLASS ROOTS and SECONDARY GROWTH IN DICOTS Roots • organ that bears no leaves or node • have multiple functions: – 1. anchors the vascular plant in the soil – done by the lateral roots – 2. absorbs minerals and water – mostly done at the tip of the root by root hairs • root hair = thin tubular extension of a root epidermal cell – 3. stores carbohydrates • numerous types of roots • but two types of root systems: fibrous and taproot • found in dicots and gymnosperms • develops from the embryonic root (known as the radicle) • taproot gives rise to multiple lateral roots Taproot systems – lateral roots can also produce smaller, lateral roots – lateral roots can become swollen like the main taproot • e.g. sweet potatoes and cassava • generally penetrate deeply • are well adapted to deep soils where groundwater is not close to the surface carrot turnip cassava • most monocots – e.g. grasses • mat of generally thin roots that spread out below the soil surface • most of the roots are similarly sized • the embryonic root (radicle) dies early so it can’t form a taproot – forms a fibrous system instead • system of small roots and smaller lateral roots • does not penetrate the soil deeply • excellent at holding topsoil in place Fibrous Root Systems Root Structure • fairly simple – no leaves, leaf axils, axillary buds etc… • root tip: – tip of the root is where growth in length occurs – tip of the root contains a meristem (stem cells) for growth • root cap: – the meristem is protected by a root cap as the root pushes through soil – root cap cells secrete a mucilage or slime to help the root push through the soil Meristem Root cap • Growth occurs just behind the root tip, in three zones of cells: – Zone of cell division • unspecialized cells undergoing mitosis to increase the length of the root – Zone of elongation – located just behind the root apical meristem Root growth Cortex Epidermis Root hair • cells begin to specialize in this region and form the tissues of the root • area of water absorption – Zone of maturation – also called the root hair zone • many of the epidermal cells extend out to form root hairs • impermeable to water • vascular bundles for water and mineral transport form in this zone Vascular bundles Zone of maturation Zone of elongation Root meristem Root cap Zone of cell division Roots: Internal Anatomy • from outermost to innermost: – 1. epidermis – 2. cortex – ground tissue – 3. endodermis – single layer of cells that encircles the vascular cylinder – 4. vascular cylinder/bundle – contains xylem and phloem endodermis Monocot Roots: Vascular Bundle -Monocot roots: vascular cylinder/bundle is a ring of alternative xylem and phloem cells surrounding a core of parenchyma (similar to the pith of a stem) Endodermis Xylem Phloem Core of parenchyma cells Epidermis Cortex Vascular cylinder Dicot Roots: Vascular Bundle -Eudicots and gymnosperms: -vascular bundle is called a stele -surrounded endodermis -unique “X” shaped xylem cells 100 µm Phloem Xylem Epidermis Cortex Vascular cylinder Endodermis Epidermis Cortex Vascular cylinder Endodermis Core of parenchyma cells 100 µm 100 µm Transverse section of a typical root. In the roots of typical gymnosperms and eudicots, as well as some monocots, the stele is a vascular cylinder consisting of a lobed core of xylem with phloem between the lobes. Transverse section of a monocot root with parenchyma in the center. The stele of many monocot roots is a vascular cylinder with a core of parenchyma surrounded by a ring of alternating xylem and phloem. Key Dermal Ground Vascular Roots • numerous types of roots – adventitious – form from unusual locations – e.g. leaves or stems – aerial – growth above ground • e.g. orchids – aerating – grow up above the ground or water – haustorial - seen in parasitic plants; substrate is the body of another plant • roots known as haustoria Aerating “Strangling” aerial roots. Roots • numerous types of roots – prop – exposed adventitious roots produced near the base of the stem – storage – for storage of food and water – includes taproots – structural – large roots with secondary thickening, gives support to large woody plants and trees Prop roots. Storage roots. Types of Plants • two designations: herbaceous (herb – nonwoody) and woody plants • herbaceous plants – annuals that live one year • woody plants – perennials that grow many years – form wood – wood: forms through the continued growth of the plant in the second year and beyond Secondary growth – wood contains secondary xylem Vascular Cambium • secondary growth happens because of the vascular cambium • in herbaceous plants – there is no vascular cambium (because it disappears) • BUT in woody plants – the VC continues to divide in the second year and beyond • each year it forms new xylem and phloem – secondary X & P Secondary Xylem and Phloem • comes from the vascular cambium • form every year the plant grows • secondary phloem – thin layer of phloem that is found between the rings of the tree (i.e. the wood) and the bark of the tree • secondary xylem – known as the wood of the tree – forms rings with each year of growth Secondary growth: Wood • secondary xylem that forms each year of tree growth • made up of tracheids and vessel elements just like the xylem made in the first year (primary xylem) • forms annual rings – vascular cambium goes “quiet” (quiescent) during times of stress (extreme hot and cold) and stops forming new cells • when conditions improve the VC resumes its growth and starts to form new secondary X and P – forms new rings of secondary xylem or wood – first wood that forms – early wood or spring wood (larger xylem cells) – later in the season – late wood or summer wood • late wood + early wood = annual ring Secondary growth: Wood • most commercial dicot woods are strong and tough (hardwoods) • wood from conifers have a softer consistency – softwoods • oldest regions of the wood found at the center = heartwood (darker) – as the tree grows older the components of the xylem in the inner rings stop conducting water – gradually converted to inactive wood and then heartwood (dead?) • youngest region of the tree is found at the periphery= sapwood – most actively conducting wood heartwood sapwood BTW- what the heck is bark??? – non-technical term – all tissues outside of the vascular cambium – includes the: • secondary phloem • outer layers of the bark called cork