Summary: Vascular Plants Questions 1. Describe how all the cells in a vascular plant get sugar. a. Sugar produced in leaf cells enters the phloem tubes in the leaves. Sugar and water (sap) flows through the leaf vein, stem, and root phloem to all the cells that need the sugar. 2. Describe how all the cells in a vascular plant get water and minerals. a. Water and minerals enter the xylem tubes in the root of a vascular plant. Water then flows up through the stem and vein xylem to the cells in the leaves. The extra water evaporates into the air. 3. Why do its leaves turn pink when a celery stalk is placed in red water? a. Red dye is carried with the water flowing in the xylem to the leaves. The red dye enters the veins and spaces between cells in leaves, turning them pink. 4. In what way are blood and sap the same? a. Blood and sap are both liquids that carry sugar to cells. 5th Grade Living Systems Investigation 2