AP Human Geography Summer Assignment 2014-15 You MUST complete all assignments. Most are due the 3rd class meeting in August NOTEBOOK due 1st Class Meeting –see Assignment #2. Assignment 1 Read The Hot Zone by Richard Preston. (I promise you will like this one!). Be prepared to discuss and write about the book in relation to diffusion, environmental issues and globalization during the first class meeting. We will discuss in class how specific Human Geography terms relate to the book. Assessment of this reading assignment will take place at the end of August in the form of a writing assessment. (You can probably find used copies of this book at Humpus Bumpus in Cumming and online at www.amazon.com). Assignment 2 Set up your AP Human Geography Interactive Notebook following the guidelines below. Your notebook is due the first class meeting in August. Your AP Human Geography Notebook MUST be ready to use on the first day of school. I will be checking your notebook on the first day of school to ensure that it is ready to use. Please be sure your notebook meets the following requirements: Must be a NEW, 5 subject spiral notebook. A Mead 5 Star is the best – it will last all year long, not fall apart and have plenty of room for first semester's work. You will need one for first and second semester. These notebooks are on sale before school starts, so you MIGHT want to get two now. Create an appropriate cover page on the first page. It must include: o AP Human Geography 2014-15 written as a LARGE title. o Your name Assignment 3 Having a working knowledge of specific countries will help your understanding of this course. Your final required assignment is to create a country profile notebook for one country of your choosing. You will follow the attached guidelines. Your Country Profile Notebook will be due the 3rd class meeting in August. If you have any questions you may contact me via email at jegarner@forsyth.k12.ga.us. I will be checking email periodically throughout the summer. Do not leave a phone message on my school phone. I cannot access this number during the summer months. Summer Assignment – Due 3rd class meeting of the school year Country Profile Notebook Using the chart below, select a country from your assigned region and create a profile notebook. You will become an expert on this country and be sharing your expertise with the class. Acquire a 3 prong folder in the color of your choice. On the front cover, creatively display the following information: Your name Country Name Region of the World your country is located in (Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Oceania) Page 1 -- Using the CIA World Factbook's Country Profile for your country, complete the attached Demographic Profile. (website -- https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world- factbook/) Page 2 – Physical and Political map of the region your country is in (refer to the list above). You many use any blank world map downloaded from the Internet. On this map label and color in your country. In a different color, label and color the countries that border your country. Label any important physical features in your country – mountains, rivers, lakes, plateaus, etc. Page 3 – Pictures of monuments or buildings in your country. Identify the following for each picture o City it is located in o Purpose of the building (political, cultural, religious, etc) o Write a caption for each picture – name of building, activities that take place there, etc. The final items in your country profile will be 3 news articles and summaries pertaining to your country. These articles should demonstrate the IMPORTANCE OF GEOGRAPHY to your country's development. Possible topics to focus on are: agriculture, natural resources, economics, disputes with other countries, culture, migration, refugees, natural disasters, population, etc. Articles must be at least ONE FULL PRINTED page in length. To find articles – Go to Google News and do a search for your country. Find an interesting article. o Read it and write a 50 – 100 word summary of the article detailing the content and explaining how it illustrates the importance of geography. SUMMARIES MUST BE TYPED. In your folder, each typed summary should follow its printed article. The final page of your profile will be a works cited page which includes proper citation information (publication, date, pages, etc.) MLA format is preferred. Use a website such as Easy Bib to help you. Select your Assigned Country based on the first letter of your LAST name A–C Central America D–F South America G-I Europe J–L Africa M–O Middle East P–R Central and South Asia S–V Eastern and Southeastern Asia W-Z Australia and Oceania For example, if you last name begins with the letter G, you may choose any country located in Europe. Demographic Profile for ________________________ Total Population Age Structure 0 – 14 – 15 – 24 – 25 – 54 – GDP— Unemployment Rate- GDP per capita - Largest Export Partner- GDP per sector Agriculture – # of telephones Industry – # of cell phones Services – 55 – 64 – # of Internet users Over 64 – Median Age -Sex Ratio – Health Indicators Electricity Consumption Physician Density – Petroleum Products Consumption HIV – living with – Life Expectancy(at birth) – Obesity rate – Natural Gas Consumption % Urban – Dominant Ethnic Group Exports in Dollars – Export commodities – Import Commodities – Dominant Language Imports in Dollars -- Dominant Religion