Abuse in the name of honour & culture is a safeguarding issue


Mandy Sanghera

Honour violence is a form of violence against women committed with the motive of protecting or regaining the honour of the perpetrator, family, or community


While victims of honour violence are often female, males may also be targeted by this kind of oppression and violence for a number of reasons:

Actual or perceived homosexuality

Dating outside of the cultural community

Resisting an arranged marriage


Victims of honour violence are targeted because their actual or perceived behaviour is deemed by their family or community to be shameful or to violate cultural or religious norms.

Honour violence can take many forms, including verbal/emotional abuse, threats, stalking, harassment, false imprisonment, physical violence, sexual abuse, and homicide.


A forced marriage occurs when an individual is forced, coerced, threatened, or tricked to marry without her informed consent.

A marriage conducted without the valid consent of one or both parties and where duress is a factor.

The DIFFERENCE between ‘arranged’ and


An ‘arranged marriage’ is one where parents or other relatives would have chosen the person they are to be with, but both individuals involved have the final say and CAN SAY NO to the suitors they are presented with.

Forced marriage is an abuse of human rights .


Physical abuse.

Sexual abuse.

Emotional / Psychological abuse.

Financial / material abuse.



Neglect and acts of omission.



Forced marriage

There is no ‘typical’ picture of a person forced to marry

82% female/18% male (reported to FMU)

Majority reported to date in UK involve South

Asian families

There have been cases involving East Asian,

Middle Eastern, European, African and Gypsy and Traveller communities.

People with learning and/or physical disabilities or mental health difficulties

Some take place in the UK in registry offices or places of worship, some involve no overseas element, others involve a person coming from overseas

Others take place abroad

Reports of engagements and marriages taking place over the telephone

2012: FMU gave advice or support to almost 1500 cases related to possible forced marriage.

Oldest victim was 71; youngest was 2.

13% of calls involved victims below 15 yrs.

22% involved victims aged 16-17

49% involved victims aged 18-25

8% involved victims aged 26-30

82% involved female victims and 18% involved male victims.

114 instances involving those with disabilities and cases are almost equal

48% Male and 52% female

22 instances involved victims who identified as LGBT




No trusted person to talk to

Might not speak English

Might have communication impairment

Might not understand what is happening

May not know who to contact

Same as previous plus:

Obtaining a carer for the person with learning disability

Obtaining physical assistance for ageing parents

Believing marriage will cure disability

Belief that marriage is a rite of passage for all young people

Obtain financial security for the person with learning disability

Mistrust of the ‘system’

Fear young siblings will be seen as ‘undesirable’

Obtaining financial reward (eg Reading case)

Marriage seen as ‘right’ and/or ‘only’ option

Additional cultural factors which could motivate a vulnerable adult


Honour violence

Jinn/ Juju – Witchcraft

•Truancy or extended absence

•Withdrawn from school

•Surveillance by siblings

•Prevented from going to higher education

•Not allowed to work

•Confiscation of wages/income

•Accompanied to/from work



•Siblings forced to marry

•Death of a parent

•Family disputes

•Running away from home

•“House arrest”




•Self harm or attempted suicide

•Eating disorders



•Accompanied to doctor’s



•Victim reported missing by family

•Reports of DV

•Threats to kill

•Victim reported for offences


Person with learning disability talking about marriage, jewellery, wedding clothes

Family member raising concerns that a relative may be/has been forced into marriage or informing a professional that their relative is to be married

Family member asking front line professional to sign a passport application form or visa immigration form

Being taken away from the school or day centre/out of the country without explanation.

Change in emotional/behavioural presentation, e.g. becoming anxious, depressed, frightened and emotionally withdrawn or exhibiting joy/excitement.

May only have one chance to speak to the person threatened with forced marriage/already married - may only have one chance to protect or even prevent death.

ADSS have agreed that local authorities will do well being checks and mental capacity assessments

“One chance rule” take it seriously, make it your problem

Ensure Confidentiality – including electronic data systems

Follow multi-agency Safeguarding Board Procedures

Establish contact arrangements

Always think – is this child at risk? If so, ACT

Concern around cultural sensitivity

 Lack of understanding and awareness of issue and risk

Underground issue - reluctance of victims to come forward

 Confidentiality & resourcefulness of perpetrators

Complexity - requires a multi-agency response

 International dimension - unsure how to react

The Children’s Act 1989 - required to fix problems through family, leads to mediation

 Risks to victims does not end.

Forced Marriage offence

Maximum penalty on conviction on indictment will imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years and/or a fine.

Maximum penalty on summary conviction will be imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months imprisonment and/or a fine. Future for Victims....

FMPO breach

Maximum penalty on conviction on indictment will imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years and/or a fine.

Maximum penalty on summary conviction will be imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months imprisonment and/or a fine.

Although forcing someone into a marriage and/or luring someone overseas for the purpose of marriage will become a criminal offence – the civil

route and the use of FMPOs will still be available and can be used as an alternative to entering the

Criminal Justice System.

It may be the case that perpetrators will automatically be prosecuted if it is overwhelmingly in the public interest to do so, however, victims should be able to choose how they want to be assisted.

All procedures which involve the partial or total removal of the external genitalia or injury to the female genital organs whether for cultural or any other non-therapeutic reasons

The World Health Organisation

Type 1 - removal of the clitoral hood with or without the removal of the clitoris

Type 2 - removal of the clitoris and partial or total removal of the vaginal lips

Type 3 - removal of the clitoris, vaginal lips and the stitching of the vagina, leaving a 1-2cm opening

Type 4 - piercing the clitoris, cauterisation, cutting the vagina, inserting corrosive substances

2 million girls around the world every year are mutilated

Mainly African and Middle Eastern countries and alarmingly now in the immigrant population of Europe, America and Australia

It is estimated that as many as 6500 girls are at risk of FGM within the UK every year

Any girl is at risk – usually between 4-14

28 practising countries in particular

Somalia – 98%

Sierra Leone – 90%

Ethiopia - 90%

Sudan – 91%

In Middle East – Egypt – 97%

Religion is NOT a basis for FGM

Cultural identity – A tribal initiation into adulthood

Gender Identity – Moving from girl to woman – enhancing femininity

Sexual control – believed to reduce the woman’s desire for sex and therefore the possibility of sex outside marriage

Hygiene/cleanliness – unmutilated women are regarded as unclean and not allowed to handle food or water


Severe pain & shock

Urine retention

Infection including tetanus & HIV

Injury to adjacent tissue

Fracture or dislocation to limbs as a result of restraint


Difficulty with passing urine & chronic urinary tract infections which can lead to renal problems or renal failure

Difficulties with menstruation

Acute & chronic pelvic infections which can lead to infertility

Sexual dysfunction/Psychological/Flashbacks

Complications during pregnancy

Chronic scar formations

“ Female Genital Mutilation is a fundamental human rights issue with adverse health and social implications… (it) violates the rights of girls and women to bodily integrity and results in perpetuating gender inequality”

UK All Parliamentary Group on Population Development and

Reproductive Health (2000 )

Summer is for Fun……Not for Pain

The school summer holidays are a time when it is known that girls are taken out of the country to undergo FGM

Report any concerns. Child protection is everyone’s responsibility

FGM is a serious crime and can be fatal

The family come from a community that is known to practise FGM

Parents state they will take the child out of the country for a prolonged period

A child may talk about a long holiday to a country where the practice is prevalent

A child may confide that she is to have a

“special procedure” or celebration

A child may spend long periods of time away from the classroom during the day with bladder or menstrual problems

Prolonged absences from School plus a noticeable behaviour change

The child requiring to be excused from physical exercise without the support of their GP

Any further questions?

Call us: National Helpline 020 7008 0151 ...out of hours

Global Response Centre will assist on same number.

Follow us @fmunit

Email mandysanghera@homail.com

