The Reformation


March 31, 2014

 What is the Reformation?

 How is the Reformation connected to the Renaissance?

 Why is the Reformation important to modern society?

 Follow instructions and create an 8 page foldable. Number pages according to Mr. Buzzard’s directions

 Front Cover-Name, period number, date, and design

Page 2- Leave Blank

Page 3- Vocabulary for sections 3 & 4

 Section 3 pg. 633, section 4 pg. 642

Page 4- Notes “Reasons for Church Reform”

Page 5- Martin Luther

Page 6-8- will be assigned later

 The Catholic Church had many problems by the 1300s

 Too much power had led to corruption within the church

Taxed people heavily

Many bishops behaved like kings-building palaces, spending money on fine art, making sure relatives had fine good jobs, etc.

Many priests could barely read, didn’t know the scriptures, and couldn’t give a good sermon

The church’s focus on money led to the perception that the church was greedy

 In particular, the selling of indulgences (pardons or reductions of punishment for sin) to finance specific church projects angered many people

Christian Humanism-the idea that human beings could use their reason to become better Christians and thus improve the Church

Desiderius Erasmus- Christian humanist, scholar, and clergyman.

One of his main goals was to translate the Bible into vernacular so that everyone could read and understand the Bible for themselves

John Wycliffe-English priest in the 1370s who opposed Church policies and preached that people needed to only recognize Jesus as the power above them, not the pope

Martin Luther-the lightning rod whose ideas started the Reformation; more on him later

William Tyndale-Englishman who strove to translate the Bible into

English; he also wrote in defense of Luther and the Reformation and would eventually be executed.

Martin Luther (1483-1546)

 Born in Eisleben, Germany to a family of miners

 Father beat him as a child

 Went to school to become a lawyer. On a visit home for a friend’s funeral, he was caught in a thunderstorm. Terrified, he pledges to become a monk.

 Questioned the Church’s teaching about how salvation was gained

 Eventually earned his doctorate in theology and became a teacher and preacher in in Wittenberg

 The selling of indulgences infuriated Luther and was the basis of his famous 95


Luther Recap

 Believed the selling of indulgences was wrong-that doing so was selling individuals a false sense of hope/security

 Believed the worship/devotion to relics was wrong

 Believed that while the pope could interpret scripture, he was not above scripture

 Wrote in German-views were spread rapidly by the printing press

 Refused to recant-or give up-his beliefs

 Excommunicated by the pope; new church was founded based upon three key ideas of Luther

 Faith in Jesus, not good works, brings salvation

Bible is final source of truth about God-not a church or its ministers

Church is made up of all its believers, not just the clergy

Reformation Spreads

 Ideas of the Reformation spread throughout the rest of Germany and eventually Europe.

 Read pages 639-641

 On page 6 of your foldable:

 Give at least 3 reasons the ideas of the Reformation spread throughout


 Give at least 3 ways the ideas of the Reformation spread throughout Europe

 Most of the Germanic kingdoms followed the lead of Luther and converted to


 Allowed their rulers to impose and keep their own taxes instead of paying taxes to the Catholic Church

 Peace of Augsburg ended the fighting and allowed each ruler of the Germanic kingdoms (provinces) to decide whether they would convert to Lutheranism or remain Catholic

 As Protestant ideas swept across Europe, the Catholic Church had two responses:

 Wage War on Protestantism to defeat it

 Reform itself and convince people to come back to Catholicism

 France

 John Calvin (predestination)-originally from France

Most of France remained Catholic-only 7% became Protestant, but about 50% of the

French nobility converted to Protestantism, including the Bourbon family. French

Protestants were known as Huguenots

Bourbon family ruled a kingdom in southern France (Navarre) and were also in line for the throne of France

French nobility wanted the king to remain weak; the Huguenots so they could practice their religion freely

French king (Henry II) wanted to build a strong central government

When Henry and his son died within a year of each other, the throne passed to

Henry’s brother Charles, a 10 year old boy

Charles mother (Catherine de Medici) ruled for him; she saw the Huguenots as a threat and refused to compromise with them

 Catherine de Medici’s failure to compromise led to a civil war between the

Huguenots and the Catholics which lasted more than 30 years (1562-1593)

 1589 Henry of Navarre-head of the Bourbon family- became King Henry IV of


 Catholics refused to accept Protestant king

 1593 Henry converted to Catholicism in order to rule all of France

 1598 Henry issued the Edict of Nantes which said that Catholicism was the official religion of France but gave Huguenots the right to worship freely

 Protestant nobles in Bohemia (Czech Republic) rebelled against Catholic king

 Protestant kings in Germany (mostly Holy Roman Empire) aided the rebels and as a result the war spread throughout the empire

 War lasted from 1618-1648

 Became war of kingdoms. France, Sweden, Denmark, England, and the Netherlands sent troops to help the Protestants, while Spain and the Holy Roman Empire backed the Catholics

 War weakened Spain and made France one of Europe’s most powerful nations

 War also had a devastating effect on the population-some towns completely wiped out

 Catholic Church’s other response was to reform itself. This was started under the direction of Pope Paul III

 Called the Council of Trent

 Worked to make Catholic beliefs/doctrines clear and universal

Set up strict rules of behavior for bishops and priests

Set up seminaries to educate and train priests

Pope Paul III recognized a new order of priests-the Society of

Jesus or Jesuits

 Founded by Ignatius of Loyola, a former soldier

Were the pope’s agents (army) in Europe

Taught, preached, and fought (literally) heresy

English Reformation Questions

 Why did King Henry VIII of England decide to start his own Protestant church?

 How many wives did King Henry VIII have?

 Why is Mary I known as “Bloody Mary?”

 Why did the Pope want to see Elizabeth I killed?

 Why did King Phillip II of Spain see England as rightfully his?

 What did Kings James I and Charles I believe that made them unpopular with the people of England?

 Who was Oliver Cromwell?

 How and why did William and Mary become the King and Queen of England?

 You have the opportunity to create a cheat sheet for the unit quiz tomorrow.

Here are some guidelines:

 The quiz will cover both the Renaissance and the Reformation

You should know all vocabulary words/definitions


 Where and why it began, the major advancements in: art, learning, technology, literature, etc, the major people (da Vinci, etc.) Northern

Renaissance accomplishments, etc- anything that you think might be on the test


 Reasons for Church Reform, Martin Luther-his disagreements, 95

Theses, etc.,-John Calvin, William Tyndale, all other major players not mentioned Counter Reformation-major responses, wars of religion, etc.
