Unit One Review

Biology 11: Unit One Test Review
Pages: 6-20 & 47-57 in Nelson Biology 11
Multiple Choice, Fill-in-the-Blank, Short Answer & Diagrams.
Cell Theory: (Timeline Assignment)
Know the scientists and their contribution to the cell theory
3 Major Parts of the Cell Theory
Mircoscope: (Assignment)
Know the structure and function of each part of the microscope.
Know how to prepare a wet mount slide.
Know and understand Total Magnification.
Overview of Cell Structure and Cellular Functions: (Quiz, PowerPoint, Worksheet and
Know the parts of the cell and be able to describe and label them.
Be able to compare and contrast the animal and plant cell.
Know the difference between flagella and cilia and provide examples.
Have an understanding of turgor pressure.
The Living Cell Membrane (Quiz, PowerPoint, Worksheet & Review Sheet)
The Fluid Mosaic Model
Jobs of the Cell Membrane and What it is made up of
Draw and label a phospholipid and phospholipid bilayer membrane.
What are the 5 proteins that make up the phospholipid membrane, describe them.
What are hydrophobic/hydrophilic heads
Cell Membrane Transport (PowerPoint, Worksheet & Review Sheet)
Passive Transport
o 3 Types- Diffusion, Facilitated Diffusion, Osmosis (hypotonic, hypertonic and
Active Transport
o Endocytosis (Pinocytosis and Phagocytosis) and Exocytosis