Fadhil Sumaiya Fadhil Professor Dziadek English 1301

Fadhil 1
Sumaiya Fadhil
Professor Dziadek
English 1301-287
October 30, 2015
Detailed Outline 3: Same Sex Marriage
Generation from generation same sex marriage is getting more and more serious towards
the aspect of viewers. This issue has been a problem, which has talked about for a very long
time. Will same sex marriage ever be truly accepted in our society, Homosexual couples should
be allowed the right to marry because they are people too and deserve the same rights as
heterosexual couples.
People view same sex marriage different some are for it then or not. It all depends based
on the person they can no be for it because of a person regions belief or family. Other changes
their mind due to when they come across someone who is dealing with this issue and inspires
them. When reading the Pew Research Center, they showed the attitude towards same sex
marriage. Younger set a higher level that is for same sex marriage and also older individuals are
expressing a uplift to gay marriage. In the graph from Pew Research Center it shows that “a solid
majority have supported same-sex marriage since 2001. And among Catholics and white
mainline Protestants, roughly six-in-ten now express support for same-sex marriage” (1).
Same-sex marriage has existed throughout all of history, in some cultures, these
marriages were culturally acceptable but most were not due to religion. The Supreme Court
decides to legal throughout the states. My reasoning in choosing this issue because it is a major
topic the creating problem in our society and is something that hasn’t been clearly settled down
yet due to same sex marriage history. Overall based on my research toward same sex marriage,
Fadhil 2
this issue will always get bigger and bigger by each day. This topic will never really be expected
in our community due to something will always be new and a person will talk towards gay
Donnelly, Kevin "Abbott Made the Right Call on Same-sex Marriage." ABC News. N.p.,
11 Aug. 2015. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
One perspective, which I gathered, was when reading Donnelly thoughts toward same
sex marriage it created a strong ethical appeal because of the use of word choices he
displayed. In his writing he did not make gay marriage seem boring, he not only had his
own opinion towards the whole matter but he also stated some quotes, which other people
had views too the issue, such as the Australian Catholic Bishop, biological and
physiology. This article was very convincing it was worth reading to understand where he
stand in relation to same sex marriage, which made me continue reading. The main point
of this article was to not tell people what they should believe weather it is same sex
marriage or not. This article states fact over gay marriage and back enough information
about the topic. He stated that same sex marriage is possible to argue from different
outlook on the subject of same sex. Donnelly perspective toward same sex is that he is for
it but also understand why other may not accepts it. Donnelly mainly focuses on people’s
examination to the issue, in the article he had multiple of individuals views and aspects to
gay marriage and then back it up with facts. Locating the source was through the Internet.
This article is a credible source because first the writer was viewed based on the former
Prime Minister of Australia about same sex marriage and second it’s from abc.net and
third of all everything he layout, he always backed himself up with proof.