KidCare Policy - CrossFit Prototype


CrossFit Prototype KidCare Policies

CrossFit Prototype welcomes children ages six months to ten years to our KidCare facility. Older children not requiring KidCare are welcome to sit in the front desk area but are not permitted on the gym floor during class hours or open gym. We are proud to offer babysitting services to all fitness members but, we are NOT an official daycare service. Our mission is to provide a safe environment for your child while you work out.

Class times for which KidCare is offered:

M-W-F: 9am-11am

For the safety of all children, please review and follow the KidCare policies below. These rules will be strictly enforced so each child has a safe and enjoyable experience in our KidCare center.



Children are not permitted in the KidCare area without staff present.


Parents may drop off their child a maximum of ten minutes before class start time and pick up no later than ten minutes after class ending time.


Parents and legal guardians must remain in the gym while their children are in the KidCare area.

Parents may not leave the premises for any reason while their children are in the KidCare facility.


Children between the ages of six months and ten years are accepted into the KidCare facility; however infants must be able to sit up independently without arm's reach supervision.


Changing Diapers: If your child is not toilet trained and requires diapers, CFP Parents cannot change their diapers. If needed, parents of the child are required to change diapers. Please make sure you bring any necessary items needed to change your child's diaper.


Bathroom Visits: If a child is toilet trained and needs to visit the bathroom, a CFP Parent may choose to escort him or her if they are comfortable with it. For instance, a male CFP parent may be uncomfortable with escorting a female child to the bathroom and wiping for them. It is the

Box Parent’s decision to either bring them to the bathroom or ask for a kiosk attendant or the child's parents to do so. A CFP Parent may only escort a child if there is another CFP Parent or

Kiosk person on duty to watch the remaining children. If there is no additional person to help watch the children, the child's parent will be notified to escort their child to the bathroom.

Parents please realize that you may be asked to pause your workout to take your child to the bathroom if necessary. PLEASE try to take your child to the restroom before your workout begins.


No food, drinks, candy, or gum is allowed in the KidCare area. No exceptions.


Bare feet will not be permitted at any time. Shoes must be removed at the door. PLEASE have socks on children.


CrossFit Prototype is not responsible for any lost or damaged items brought from home. Any property your child brings from home should be properly labeled. Coins, balloons, toy guns, and toy swords are not permitted. Any item that may be considered a choking hazard for any child in the KidCare area is not permitted.


The KidCare staff reserves the right to refuse KidCare to anyone at any time if unruly behavior and consistent disobedience creates a difficult situation for the Box Parent and/or other children.


CrossFit Prototype (Cat Blake or Michael Collette)) reserves the right to suspend KidCare privileges from any member who consistently neglects to adhere to the CrossFit Prototype

KidCare Policies.

Sick Children


KidCare staff members are prohibited from administering any medications.


Health regulations prohibit us from allowing children with any of the following symptoms into the KidCare area.

* Flu-like symptoms (nausea, vomiting, headache, fever, diarrhea)

* Red, sore throat

* Rashes of any kind

* Severe nasal discharge or productive cough

3. KidCare staff members reserve the right to refuse service if they deem a child too ill to render services. A child will not be accepted into the KidCare area until they have been symptom free for 24 hours.

4. If your child does not attend school due to an illness, they will not be admitted into the KidCare area. This is to protect the other children.

Appropriate Behaviors


Children are expected to behave appropriately for their age group. Repeated disregard for rules or failure to listen to KidCare staff will result in a short "time out" for children two and older.

Redirection will be used to address behavior problems for children younger than two.


Parents will be called to the KidCare room if their child is behaving inappropriately and cannot be calmed. If this is a repeated occurrence, a course of action will be decided upon by the parent and KidCare staff. CrossFit Prototype reserves the right to suspend KidCare privileges for a specified period of time.


Parents will be called back to the KidCare area if their child continues to cry for a period in excess of fifteen minutes.

Waiver of Liability: The undersigned(s) assume(s) all risk of injury or harm to the child associated with participation in CrossFit Prototype KidCare and agree(s) to release, indemnify, defend and forever discharge CrossFit Prototype and it's staff, employees, and agents of and from all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, actions and causes of action in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to the child, or by the child, howsoever caused, arising or to arise by reason of or during the child's participation in the

KidCare program.

I have read and understand CrossFit Prototype KidCare policies stated on these pages and agree to abide by them. I realize that the CrossFit Prototype has authorization to refuse KidCare if a violation should occur.


Name of Child/Children

________________________________________ _________________________________________

Print Parent (Guardian) Name Parent (Guardian) Signature Date
