Nervous I Study Guide 1. List the general functions of the nervous

Nervous I Study Guide
1. List the general functions of the nervous system
2. Explain the structural and functional classifications of the nervous system (look at figure 7.2)
**Structural is the CNS vs. PNS; all the other divisions are considered functional.
3. Define central nervous system and peripheral nervous system and list the major parts of each.
4. Describe the functions of each of the following neuroglial cells – astrocytes, oligodendrocytes,
microglia, ependymal cells, Schwann cells, and satellite cells. Which are found in the peripheral
nervous system and which are found in the central nervous system?
5. Describe the structure and function of these parts on a neuron: axon, dendrite, axon hillock,
axon terminal, neurotransmitters, synaptic cleft, myelin sheath, Schwann cells, nodes of Ranvier.
6. Define irritability and conductivity
6. Explain the physiology of a nerve impulse (p. 237-239) – including the where ions are in a
resting membrane, how an action potential is initiated, how movement of ions allows for the
propagation of a nerve impulse, and how signals are transmitted at a synapse.
7. Define reflex.
8. What is the difference between a somatic and autonomic reflex?
9. Know the parts of a reflex arc and the correct sequence (i.e. receptor, afferent neuron,
integration center, efferent neuron, effector).
10. Describe the structure of a nerve
- What are the three connective tissues surrounding a nerve?
- What are the three types of nerves?
11. List differences between the somatic and autonomic nervous system
12. Describe functional differences between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous
13. Know the cranial, thoracic, lumbar and sacral nerves (be able to arrange from superior to