PFMP Philippines – Australia Public Financial Management Program TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE ENGAGEMENT OF A CONSULTANT IT ADVISOR AT THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 1. BASIC INFORMATION Activity Title IT Advisor for DepEd (local position) Implementing Agency Department of Education (DepEd) Partner Agencies Department of Budget and Management (DBM), Commission on Audit (COA), Department of Finance (DOF), Bureau of Treasury (BTr). Duration Two years full-time 2. BACKGROUND The Government of the Philippines (GOP) launched a comprehensive PFM reform program in February 2011, as provided for in the Philippine Public Financial Management Reform Roadmap. This strategic plan for a whole-of-government approach to PFM reforms, aims to clarify, simplify, improve and harmonize the financial management processes and information systems within the civil service. Where necessary this includes reengineering business processes, integrating relevant systems in the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), Commission on Audit (COA), Department of Finance (DOF) and Bureau of Treasury (BTr), as well as implementing agencies, and reassigning functions between the oversight agencies. The desired results are improvements in fiscal discipline, fund allocation efficiency, and operational efficiency for the effective delivery of public services. The Public Financial Management Program (PFMP) is a joint initiative of the Governments of Australia and the Philippines. The Program commenced in October 2011 and directly assists the Government to implement its PFM Reform Roadmap. Through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Australian Government has committed up to A$30 million over five years, 2011–2016. The DFAT – Australian Aid directly manages the PFMP. A Program Steering Committee (PSC) provides strategic oversight to program planning and implementation and decides funding priorities year to year. It comprises senior officials from the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), Department of Finance (DOF), Bureau of the Treasury (BTr), Commission on Audit (COA) and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Australian Aid, and aligns closely with the work of the 1|P a g e government’s inter-agency PFM Committee. The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) plays an advisory role to the Program. The ambitious reforms envisaged under the Roadmap will involve significant changes throughout the Administration in the pursuit of improved accountability, transparency and use of public funds. These changes, in line with the PFM Reform Roadmap and the eGovernment Master Plan, will involve modernization of management information systems, such as the proposed Government Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS), and also lead to major organizational, people and process change. The implementation of the GIFMIS is the pivotal component of the PFM Reforms, and procurement, based on commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS) is now at an advanced stage. The contractor is expected to be mobilized early in the 3rd Quarter of 2014. Regarding the current specific issues concerning the financial management systems in DepEd, these are largely based on manual and small fragmented systems. The GIFMIS, when completely implemented, will fully automate and integrate financial management processes. The introduction of GIFMIS will represent the largest systems implementation undertaken in the Government of Philippines. It will also represent the largest staff capacity building challenge undertaken, certainly for the Finance and Management Services in each agency. Implementation of GIFMIS will be undertaken in a phased manner, initially in the Central Oversight Agencies, of DBM, COA, DOF and BTr, and one National Government (line) Agency, the Department of Education (DepEd). The pilot implementation in DepEd will comprise the relevant offices involved in the budget cycle and financial management, in Central Office (CO) and one Region, National Capital Region (NCR), including its respective DOs, incorporating schools’ transactions. It is envisaged that initial go-live will take place during late 2015, and implementation in the two pilot sites, CO and NCR, will be completed by mid-2016 (the end of this specific assignment). Thereafter, it is envisaged that the GIFMIS will be rolled out to the remaining Regions and DOs. DepEd has been selected due to its strategic importance for national development as well as its size of operation. DepEd accounts for approximately 25% of all Departmental allocations in the budget and has a workforce of more than 600,000 teaching and nonteaching staff. The need for improved financial management of resources is unequivocal. Work done to date in this area includes: (i) Phase I – Documentation of financial management processes and functionalities, which remains a relevant reference source for the implementation of GIFMIS. (ii) Phase II – Prepare DepEd for GIFMIS through support to implementation of ongoing PFM reforms, including implementation of the Unified Account Code Structure (UACS), the Treasury Single Account (TSA) and review the ICT logistical requirements for GIFMIS, with an inventory of ICT assets for all the key implementing offices. Building on the FMIS Conceptual Design and Functional Review documents, a more detailed review was undertaken, mapping DepEd functional and non-functional requirements, against the GIFMIS Conceptual Design and Functional Requirement Specifications. Additionally, in recognition of the change implications emanating from the GIFMIS implementation in DepEd, a Change Management Plan was produced. The third phase of technical assistance will provide support to DepEd in implementing GIFMIS, and managing change, in the pilot DepEd sites, and includes the creating of 2|P a g e readiness throughout the department for the pilot implementation and for the ultimate rollout. An important feature of this phase is the need to focus on the successful and sustained adoption of GIFMIS by staff throughout DepEd. Phase II has seen some good participation and desire for improvements within the Department, as evidenced by the support from counterparts, and uptake of the UACS training rollout, with Central Office, and all ROs and DOs participating in these event. Under the direction of the Team Leader, the national IT Consultant will play a key role in working with the leadership and management in DepEd, as well to help successfully plan, prepare, transition and implement the changes whilst reducing associated risk. Whilst the main focus will be on DepEd, consideration will be given to support other agencies such as DBM, COA and DOF/BTr, subject to availability. 3. KEY RESULTS/OBJECTIVES The overarching objective of this activity is to assist the GIFMIS Implementation Team to work with DepEd to improve its budget management and monitoring, and the accuracy and timeliness of financial reporting linked to the performance management and physical accomplishments of government as a whole. The successful implementation and full adoption of the GIFMIS in DepEd is fundamental to effective public financial management in the Department. Substantial breakthrough improvements in financial management practice are almost impossible using largely manual and fragmented systems, and information delivery is very unreliable. Ongoing PFM reforms will provide incremental improvements and create readiness for GIFMIS. The full benefits of these reforms will only be realized when GIFMIS is fully implemented in the Department. 4. SCOPE OF WORK The Consultant will work under the direction of the GIFMIS Implementation Advisor, and provide ICT technical assistance to the Consulting Team, to support DepEd in the GIFMIS implementation. Specifically: The Consultant will assist DepEd in coordinating the technical aspects with other ongoing initiatives under the DepEd Unified Information System. Assist the Consulting Team on ICT technical aspects, including extraction and uploading (including system validation and protection against data corruption) of data from existing system during analysis, reconciliation and take-on of data; this will include support for analysis tools, such as Audit Command Language (ACL) and/or Crystal, which may be used for extracting and analysing data for take-on. Assist the Consulting Team on collation of required management information and survey data, through electronic means, e.g. end-user surveys, training needs surveys, change management interventions through surveys, staff user data, etc. Work closely with the ICT Unit to develop first tier technical support, help-desk and troubleshooting facilities for GIFMIS, integration with the overall GIFMIS and iGov support models and advise on coordination, institutionalisation and sustainability aspects. Assist and advise counterparts on updated, detailed logistical assessments of ICT equipment, software, networking and connectivity for the immediate implementation 3|P a g e sites, and projecting updated requirements to support full GIFMIS rollout to all sites after the completion of this assignment. This will include an assessment of logistics being covered by the iGov initiative under the central implementation, and logistics which DepEd will need to put in place, e.g. last mile connectivity between DepEd and the iGov VPN, etc. to ensure no gaps. Assist and advise counterparts of developing a costed and budgeted asset replacement plan for ICT logistics, necessary to support GIFMIS implementation organisation wide. Assist and advise on testing and acceptance of technical infrastructure, ensuring appropriate system performance. Assist Technical Services and the Project Team to identify data sources and structure in the various Education Management systems, which will interlink with GIFMIS, e.g. EBEIS for statistical data for budget costing & formulation and performance monitoring & management. Provide technical paper, advice and support to DepEd Accounting Division for development of database system for the interim consolidation of eFRS data, and giving guidance of how to validate the data for take on into GIFMIS, during phased rollout to all DepEd ROs and DOs. 5. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE The Consultant is required to have the following qualifications and experience: A relevant university degree in information systems, public administration or other related field. Relevant experience of ten (10) years or more in implementing and/or managing information systems reforms at a senior level. Previous experience in the development and supervision of FMIS will be a considerable advantage, particularly in the Philippines. Excellent interpersonal skills Strong analytical, oral and written communication skills and commitment to meeting tight deadlines. Fluency in English is required. 6. REPORTING AND TIMING The Consultant will report to the GIFMIS Implementation Advisor/Team Leader The Activity shall commence in July 2014, be conducted at DepEd offices, Pasig City, Philippines, and run for a period of two years. This is a full-time position. 7. RESOURCE CONTRIBUTIONS DepEd will provide office space and access to computer network, internet and telephones; use of conference/training/meeting rooms and related expenses as required; and travel/per diem expenses of counterpart staff in cases of any field activities arising from the Activity. PFMP will provide all other resources as required by the Consultant. 4|P a g e