August 2005
John Vollbrecht
TCG Confidential
Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
Slide #1
TNC - Background
• Subgroup of TCG - Trusted Computing Group
• Support authorizing of “platform integrity”
• Concept is to allow checking of “state” of
client prior to allowing access to the network
– If client needs remediation it is quarantined
– After remediation the client may be checked again
and allowed admission to the network
TCG Confidential
Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
Slide #2
Reason for Presentation
• TNC is considering implementation of a new
EAP method
– Method will typically be an “inner” method carried
by an “outer” method
– The Method may run with other methods, for
examples methods doing user authentication
and/or platform authentication
• This presentation outlines the problem we are
attempting to solve and why we are
considering this approach
• We are looking for feed back on this approach
from the EAP group and possible to develop a
formal liason between TNC and the EAP group
TCG Confidential
Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
Slide #3
TNC as an element of
• TNC provides client integrity checking and
• Other checks may be done at same control
time, typically during access control dialog
– User authentication
– Platform authentication
– Other
• All checks are made before allowing access
• Most straightforward way seems to be to allow
multiple checks to be done within a
outer/trusted EAP method
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Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
Slide #4
TNC Architecture
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Slide #5
TNC Architecture - with PTS
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Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
Slide #6
TNC Status
• Three TNC Specs have been released
– Architecture
• More are in development
TNC-EAP method
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Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
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TNC Architecture status Diagram
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Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
Slide #8
• Transport between TNCC and TNCS is focus
of this presentation
• IF-T is the transport between NAR and NAA
• Use cases and Architecture spec for this is
being developed by a subgroup within TNC
• Draft currently being discussed in the TNC
• Group direction is to use Inner TNC-EAP
method within a “trusted” EAP method to
carry traffic between TNCC and TNCS
• TNC Group would like feedback from IETFEAP wg about appropriateness of this
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Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
Slide #9
Expanded NAR/NAA
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Slide #10
Elements of NAR
• NAR consists of multiple elements
– Access Control module(s)
– Trusted EAP module(s)
• Access Control Use Cases being developed
– 802.1X, 802.16, IKEv2, TLS/VPN setup, and
• Trusted EAP Use Cases being developed for
– TTLS, PEAP, FAST, and for non-EAP TLS tunnel
TCG Confidential
Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
Slide #11
TNC as EAP Method
• Communication between TNCC and TNCS is
defined as a dialog with one or more requestresponse exchanges, and
• EAP method provides a mechanism for
defining a sequence of exchanges resulting in
an indication of success or failure from each
side and possibly (need input from IETF) the
generation of keying material on each side
• A EAP-TNC method can be an inner method
on any trusted EAP method that can carry
inner methods
TCG Confidential
Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
Slide #12
Reasons for choosing an EAP
• Alternative to EAP method might be to send TLV or AVPs
– TNC requires a multi exchange dialog which is suitable to
EAP method
– Other services may require just sending a set of parameters
which can be done with TLV or AVP
• Other reasons for using EAP method
– Methods have well defined interfaces - states, result
signaling, keying information
– EAP-TNC Method can be carried in any “outer” EAP method
– Methods can be defined independently of the protected
methods carrying them
– Methods may be tested independently of the mechanism
carrying them
TCG Confidential
Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
Slide #13
Reasons for EAP Method
1.TNC defines a handshake as a dialog which includes one or more request/response
with the TNCS making a recommendation at the end of the dialog.
2.EAP methods interface with a defined state machine that specifies how to control
EAP conversations and interface with EAP methods. This is important because
TNC is a conversation, not set of attributes.
3.EAP methods can be carried in any currently known “protected” method; The
protected methods include a state machine that can run “inner” EAP methods.
4.Protected methods also carry other message types such as TLVs or AVPs. These
tend to be are slightly different in each “protected” method. EAP methods are
identical in all protected methods.
5. If carried as TLVs or AVPs then one must include control mechanisms to let the
lower layer know the result of a conversation and when it is done. This is done as
part of EAP method..
6.EAP methods can be written independently of the “protected” methods carrying
them. They can be installed in the same way as other EAP methods.
7. An EAP method can be stand-alone for inhouse as well as interoperability testing.
This permits testing between TNCC and TNCS as well as between IMCs and IMVs
independently of any protected method.
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Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
Slide #14
Outer/Inner Method General
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Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
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Issues with Outer method
• No standard “outer” method currently exists
– Will one or more be standardized in the future
– Will it be possible to add “inner” capabilities to
existing or planned methods?
• To do a “standard” implementation one has to
have standard at all levels. This sees to mean
that a standard for outer methods must be
available or the TNC must create a
standalone TNC EAP method. TNC prefers
the former.
TCG Confidential
Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
Slide #16
Issues with Outer Method -2
• Keying requirements of Inner methods and method of
validating them by outer method is not defined
– Can this be included in Key framework as an extension?
• Sequencing inner EAP methods and sending
intermediate results from inner method to outer
methods is not standardized
– This is probably part of defining standard outer method
• Would like feedback from IETF about plans for this TCG is interested in formal liason with EAP working
group. Is this appropriate
TCG Confidential
Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
Slide #17
EAP-TNC Method
• Work is underway in defining an EAP-TNC
– Method defines messages, states, keying material
– Plan to create RFC and request review from EAP
• EAP-TNC method can work over any “outer”
• Outer method definitions seem to be
responsibility of IETF
– TNC will provide use cases if useful
– Is this correct interpretation
TCG Confidential
Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
Slide #18
Other TNC Issues
• Not for discussion today but issues at
some point
– Interface with PEP
– TNC re-handshake
– Interface with PTS - Platform Trust
TCG Confidential
Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
Slide #19
• John Vollbrecht
• Meetinghouse Data Communications
• For info on TCG access to released specs
TCG Confidential
Copyright© 2005 Trusted Computing Group - Other names and brands are properties of their respective owners.
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