Free Write / Association

Health Day A / B
 What did you write down?
 Where there any ideas / thoughts repeated?
 What do you think was the most important?
 “you are what you eat”
 What do you think this means?
 Definition – the science of how your body uses food
 What is a calorie?
 Energy – The ability to do work
 The amount of energy in foods is measured in calories
 Definition – The energy needed to raise the
temperature of 1 kilogram of water through 1 °C, equal
to one thousand small calories and often used to
measure the energy value of foods.
 Automobiles burn gasoline to get the energy they need
to move. Your body burns (metabolizes) food to
produce energy in the form of heat. This heat warms
your body and (as energy) powers every move you
 Resting Energy Expenditure (basal metabolism) - The
energy your resting body needs to maintain life
 This accounts for 60 to 70 percent of all th energy you
need each day
 Definition – Chemical substances your body uses to
build, maintain, and repair tissues
 Additionally they empower cells to send messages
back and forth to conduct essential chemical reactions
including breathing, movement, and all five senses
Nutrient Types
 Macro – Protein, fat, carbohydrates, and water
 Micro – Vitamins and minerals
 Which do you think you need more of?
 Daily recommended amount for macro is slightly
above 2 ounces for men and slightly less then 2 ounces
for women
 Daily recommended amount for micro is much smaller
and is typically measured in milia and micrograms
Essential Nutrients
 A nutrient that cannot be manufactured by the body
 A lack of an essential nutrient can be connected with
certain health issues
 Essential Nutrients can be grouped into the following
 Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Fatty Acids
Where Does Your Weight Come
 About 60 percent of your weight is water
 About 20 percent of your weight is fat
 About 20 percent of your weight is combination of
mostly protein, plus carbohydrates, minerals, and
 Example 140lb man – 84 lbs of water, 28 lbs of body
fat, 28 lbs of a combination of protein, (25lbs) (7lbs
minerals)(1.4 lbs of carbohydrates) (trace of vitamins)
Nutritional Status
 Phrase to describe the state of your health
 Malnourished – a diet that dies not provide enough
 A diet with a deficiency of a particular nutrient
 A metabolic disorder or medical condition that
prevents the body from absorbing needed nutrients
Ways To Check Nutritional Status
 Review medical history
 Physical examination
 Blood / Urine tests
Digestive System
 Collection of organs specifically designed to turn
complex substances (food) into basic components
(nutrients) during the two part process known as
Two Part Process
 Mechanical Digestion – Takes place in you mouth and
stomach. Your stomach performs a churning action
(peristalsis) to break down the food.
 Chemical Digestion – Occurs at every point of the
digestive track where enzymes and other substances
such as hydrochloric acid (stomach glands) and bile
(liver), dissolve food, releasing the nutrients from the
What Makes You Hungry?
 What are signs or causes for you to want to ingest
What Makes You Hungry?
 Body signals
 Brain
 Sight
 Scent
 Rejection Reaction – The body is trying to defend itself
from ingesting the food
 Allows you to ingest food without choking
 Breaks down barriers on certain foods (fruits,
vegetables, and grains) so that the nutrients can be
absorbed by the body
 Saliva is produced which moistens the food allowing it
to easily travel into the esophagus
 Saliva also contains the amylases, an enzyme that
starts the digestion of carbohydrates (startches)
 Stomach churns to break food down into small pieces
 Produces stomach juices – potent blend of enzymes,
hydrochloric acid, and mucus
 Digestion of proteins and fats begin in the stomach
converting them into their basic components of amino
acids and fatty acids
 Eventually your stomach breaks down the food into a
thick soupy substance called chyme
Small Intestine
 How long do you think you SI is?
 Pancreatic and intestinal enzymes break down protein
into amino acids
 Bile (made in the liver stored in the gallbladder)
enables fats to mix with water
 Alkaline pancreatic juices make the chyme less acidic
which allows amylases to continue to break down
carbohydrates into simple sugars
Small Intestine
 Lined with villi and on the villi there are microvilli
which absorb a particular nutrient
Nutrients are not absorbed in order but according to
how fast the body can break them down
Carbohydrates – broken down into sugars
Protein – broken down into amino acids
Fats – broken down into fatty acids
How do you feel after you eat a meal high in fat vs a
meal high in protein and carbohydrates
Nutrients Absorbed
 Amino acids, sugars, vitamin C / B, iron, calcium, and
magnesium are carried through the bloodstream to
your live
 Fatty acids, cholesterol, and vitamins A / D / E / K go
onto the lymphatic system and then into the blood
Large Intestine
 Top of your large intestine is your colon
 Colon – primary job is to absorb water from left over
mixture and compact the remaining substance into