Wright State University-Miami Valley College of Nursing & Health Spring 2014 COURSE NUMBER & TITLE: NUR 7003-92 Health Policy, Politics & Issues PLACEMENT IN CURRICULUM: Graduate Standing PREREQUISITES: None CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Critical analysis of public policies and issues affecting nursing and health care delivery. Encompasses economic, political, social, technological, ethical and legal influences on consumers and health care providers from a global perspective. CREDIT HOURS: 2 graduate credits COURSE LOCATION & CLASS TIMES: ONLINE FACULTY: Detrice Green Barry, PhD, MSN, RN Office: 148 University Hall Phone Office: 937-775-2693 Cell: 513-256-3074 E-mail detrice.barry@wright.edu Office Hours: Tuesdays 4:30 pm-5:30 pm Wednesdays 3:00 pm-4:30 pm SECRETARY: Sue Bevan, CONH Graduate Program Administrative Support Coordinator 937/775-3577 sueanne.artz@wright.edu COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Analyze concepts and theories related to health policy issues. Evaluate public policies and their effect on health care delivery. Analyze ethical, legal, economic, technologic and global implications. Analyze health policy research. Differentiate options for health care reform. Demonstrate use of a political strategy to influence health care. Analyze strategies for empowering aggregate and communities to influence health policy. Objectives Approved August 13, 2010, Wright State University-Miami Valley TEXTBOOKS: Nickitas, D.M., Middaugh, D.J., & Aries, N. (2011). Policy and Politics for Nurses and Other Health Professionals: Advocacy in Action. Jones and Bartlett American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: APA. Articles in PILOT, electronic course reserve, or by web link. See weekly course outline. Recommended Websites: Available in PILOT EVALUATION: Written assignments: Use 6th edition APA Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. All written assignments must be submitted via assigned Pilot drop boxes. Plagiarism detection will be used for all written assignments. GRADE: By College policy, final grades are not rounded off (up). The final grade submitted to the Registrar’s Office is a letter grade based on the following college grading scale: A = 90 - 100% B = 80 - 89.99% C = 70 - 79.99% D = 60 - 69.99% F = < 60% EVALUATION VALUE Introductions Who are your Government Officials? Policy Making Assignment Affordable Care Act Summary CMS Web based training module Case Study Analysis 1 Analysis of a Legislative Bill Paper Pass/Fail 5% 5% 5% 5% 10% 35% Case Study Analysis 2 Case Study Analysis 3 IOM Discussion Board Analysis of Legislative Bill Peer Responses 10% 10% 10% 5% METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: Power point, audio mini-lectures, discussion board, individual and collaborative learning, audio-visual, written assignments and assigned readings. The syllabus, lecture notes, supplemental readings, grading rubrics and other information will be available on Pilot. COMMUNICATION WITH FACULTY: Please send all correspondence using email in Pilot. I will try to reply as soon as possible Monday through Friday. Correspondence sent after 5pm Friday may not be reviewed or responded to until the following Monday (excluding Holidays and Breaks). Students are strongly advised to log into Pilot routinely for additional information and course updates. ACADEMIC HONESTY: Honesty is a necessary quality for nurses. All students are expected to adhere to the WSU and the CONH expected code of conduct for academic integrity. Plagiarism, academic dishonesty, and disruption will not be tolerated and can result in immediate dismissal from the class and failure in the course. If a student is caught submitting someone else’s work as their own for a class assignment, he or she will receive zero (0) points for that assignment. Submitted assignments must be the student’s original work. Plagiarism detection will be used in Pilot. Assignments may be submitted up to three times (prior to the final due date). If plagiarism is detected in the final submission, a failing grade will be assigned for the course and the student will be referred for University discipline as described in the Code of Student Conduct http://wright.edu/students/judicial/integrity.html. Assignments are expected on due dates unless prior arrangements are made with faculty. Late assignments will lose 5% for each day late. Any assignment more than 3 days late without permission from faculty will receive a “0” grade. SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY: The College of Nursing and Health adopted a new Social Media Policy March 2011 which can be found in your Student Handbook. It is your responsibility to read it, understand and abide by it. MISSED ASSIGNMENT POLICY All assignments should be submitted on time into the appropriate drop box. No assignments will be accepted via email to the instructor unless a late paper approval has been negotiated with the faculty member. Late assignments will not be accepted unless negotiated with the faculty member 24 hours in advance of the due date. Students negotiating late assignments should provide rationale for the late assignment and expect to lose 5% if submitted 1-3 calendar days late and 10% if submitted 4-7 calendar days late, unless the assignments have been returned to the class earlier. Assignments will NOT be accepted once the graded assignments are returned to the class. No assignments will be accepted after the last day of class. Further, only one late assignment per semester is acceptable. IF, there is a reason that is acceptable to the faculty for violating the one assignment rule, be prepared to consider a discussion about ability to complete course in the given time period and if an “Incomplete Grade” contact should be established. Incomplete Grade contracts cannot be negotiated until after the drop date has passed and after three course assignments have been submitted, accepted and returned with a passing grade. COMPUTER and TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (CATS): For problems with Pilot, questions about computer compatibility and other technological issues and concerns, contact the CATS help desk at 025 Library Annex. (937) 775-4827 or 1-888-775-4827; helpdesk@wright.edu. IMPORTANT SEMESTER DATES First day of class -Monday January 13, 2014 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday- Monday January 21, 2014 University Closed Spring Break-Monday March 3-Friday March 7 Check the University Academic Calendar for other important dates such as withdrawal/drop dates http://www.wright.edu/academics/academic-calendar#tab=spring-semester COURSE ASSIGNMENTS: I.Introductions (Pass/Fail) Introduce yourself to peers in the course room in Pilot under communication-discussions-“Introductions” Respond to at least two of your peers. II.Who are your Government Officials? (5%) Review the Resources in Pilot. In one to two paragraphs, describe the process for obtaining information on your Government Officials. List each the officials (Mayor, Governor, State (House and Senate) 113th Congress (Representative and Senator). III. Participation in Health Policy Making 5% For this assignment you must complete Option A or Option B. Option A: 1. Attend a policy meeting or forum and write a one page summary describing the experience. The meeting/forum may be a health department board or committee meeting, a city council meeting, a legislative committee meeting, etc. Please send the meeting you are planning to attend to your faculty for approval prior to attending. As part of this assignment you are to write a one page summary of your experience. This summary will include: 1. The name of the meeting or forum 2. Date and time of the meeting 3. Agenda items 4. Number of individuals present for the meeting 5. Name and position of individual chairing the meeting/forum 6. Number of community members/stakeholders (other than committee/forum) members present. 7. What agenda items were discussed that relate to policy making? 8. What was the final outcome of this discussion? 9. What was your general impression of the meeting/forum? Option B: 1. Review three (3) sets of minutes from a health forum or health policy meeting; an example might be 3 sets of minutes from a local County Health Board. From the review of the 3 sets of minutes, submit a 35 page summary that provides the following: 1. Name of the forum or meeting 2. Dates of the forums or meetings 3. Agenda items for each meeting 4. Choose one agenda item and provide the following information: a. What interest group(s) or individual(s) were responsible for placing this item on the agenda? b. Was the agenda item technically feasible? c. Were there opposing opinion regarding the agenda item? What were the opposing opinions? d. What were the costs associated with this agenda item? e. Was there final agreement among the members regarding the disposition of the agenda item? f. Based on your review, what are your general impressions of the policy making process? How do you think an APN might have been able to influence the outcome (if at all) of this process? IV. Written analysis of a policy issue currently or recently addressed in a state legislature or in Congress addressing a health care concern. 35% 1. Identify a health care issue affecting advanced practice nurses for which legislation has currently or recently been proposed or passed in a state legislature or in congress. 2. Describe the environment that brought this health care concern to the forefront A. Historical B. Sociocultural C. Ethical D. Legal E. Economic F. Political G. Legislative 3. Identify difficulties encountered and tactics used to propel the legislation forward. a. Include identification and activities of stakeholder group(s) opposed to or supportive of the legislation including/such as bill sponsors, industries manufacturing health care products or technology, consumers of health care, and provider care- both professionals and institutions. b. If the legislation has not been passed discuss pessimistic and optimistic timelines set to achieve the goal. 4. Indicate how the legislation will be or has been evaluated for effect on consumers and providers of care. a. Include both positive and negative effects. 5. Compare the policy goal addressed by the bill with how the same goal is achieved in another country. 6. Write a letter to the appropriate Government Official to suggest options for refining/changing the measures/programs in the legislation to improve policy outcomes. Papers should not exceed 8 pages in length and should be typed in 12 point times new roman font and references in APA style following the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. A minimum of six (6) references including at least two scholarly journal articles must be used. A title page and abstract must be included. Headings must be used in the paper. It is suggested headings relate to the criteria for this assignment. On line discussion of Abstract of analysis paper 5% Each student should post an on-line abstract of their individual analysis paper. A one page abstract should be written according to APA format. The abstract should be distributed to the members of the class under “discussion board”. Each student should respond to two peer analysis paper. The response should be a minimum of 1 paragraph and should include comments and questions. The author of the Analysis Paper must respond to a minimum of two posted comments. V.CMS Web-based Training Module 5% Each student is required to complete the CMS module: World of Medicare. The module is located at http://cms.meridianksi.com. Each student is required to complete the training course, pass the post test, print/scan the certificate, and post a copy of the certificate as proof of completion to the drop box. Proof of Completion = 100% for assignment. Online Discussion Board Expectations: Students are expected to participate in each discussion activity. This means the minimum quantity for full points is that the student provides 1 original post AND 2 substantive responses to peers (total 3 posts to each question assigned). Both quality and quantity of participation will be assessed. Comments must be relevant, thoughtful, and backed up as needed with evidence. Links to related websites and resources are always welcome. Referencing is strongly advised. All postings are to be cited with primary, credible, scientific references. Be sure to answer questions posed to you. Be sure to respond to others who answer your questions if appropriate. Ask questions, suggest alternative viewpoints, identify options, redirect misinformation, and clarify. Do not stop at, “I agree” or give cheerleader feedback. Students are expected to log into the discussion forum and post an answer to the discussion questions by Friday 11:00 p.m. of each week. In addition to answering all of the questions the student must also post a response to 2 other classmates by 11:00 p.m. Sunday. Please do not ask for extensions. Postings enable other students to respond to your answers in the time frame required. Discussion Board Topics Week 1: Introductions Week 6: Affordable Care Act Week 12: “Case Study Analysis 1” Week 13:“Case Study Analysis 2” Week 14: “Case Study Analysis 3” Week 15: IOM Summary Week 15: Legislative Bill Analysis Peer Response NOTE: Grading Rubric for discussion boards will be posted in PILOT NUR 7003- Spring 2014 *Topical Outline Week & Date Week One Jan. 13 Dr. Barry Topic Introduction to Health Policy and Politics in Nursing Reading Nickitas, Middaugh, & Aries: Chapters1& 2 Class Activities Assignment Due Dates Introduction /Discussion Board- Pass/Fail Sunday January 19 by 11:00 pm Review Syllabus Lecture Week Two Jan. 20 Health Policy Formulation: Agenda Setting Nickitas, Middaugh, & Aries: Chapters 1 & 2 Lecture Who are your Government Officials? Dr. Barry Due Sunday Jan 26 in drop box by 11:00 pm Policy Making Process at Various Levels of Government Week Three Jan. 27 Understanding the Legislative Process Dr. Deb Arms Week Four Policy Formulation Feb 3 Implementation and Evaluation Dr. Barry Library of Congress http://beta.congress.gov /legislative-process/ Review the videos Lecture Nickitas, Middaugh, & Aries: Chapters 6 Lecture Policy Making Assignment Due Sunday February 2 by 11:00 pm CMS : World of Medicare Web Based Training Module Due: February 9 by 11:00 pm http://cms.meridianksi.com Policy Making Environments Week Five Feb. 10 Dr. Barry Ethical Frameworks in Policy making Rugers, J. P.(2008). Ethics in American health 1: ethical approaches to health policy American Journal of Public Health 2008. 98(10):1751-6. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2007.121343 Lecture http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov /pmc/articles/PMC2636451/ pdf/1756.pdf Rutgers, J. P.(2008)Ethics in American Health 2: An Ethical Framework for Health System Reform. American Journal of Public Health. 98(10): 1756–1763. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2007.12 1350 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov /pmc/articles/PMC2636453/ pdf/1751.pdf Week Six Feb. 17 Dr. Barry US Health Care Delivery System The Affordable Care Act Nickitas,Middaugh, & Aries: Lecture Chapters 6-9 Affordable Care Act Discussion Summary Discuss how the Affordable Care Act has impacted your work environment. (Organization, reimbursement, practice, patients). The Affordable Care Act http://www.hhs.gov/healthca re/rights/law/index.html Posts due Friday February 21 at 11:00 pm Responses due February 23 by 11:00 pm The AANP http://www.aanp.org/legislat ion-regulation/federallegislation/affordable-careact-aca Affordable Care Act: Understanding Health Care Policy View You Tube Videos http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=WHwoVvxsAZ0&list =PLqFbKPCi6CpWq4jSXljjw_HO HhFp75Vl Week Seven Feb. 24 Dr. Barry Week Eight March 3-7 Week Nine March 10 Dr. Barry Health Disparities and Social Justice CDC Health Disparities and Inequalities Report Lecture http://www.cdc.gov/minority health/CHDIReport.html SPRING BREAK UNIVERSITY CLOSED Community Advocacy and Political Activism NO CLASS CDC Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Program Lecture http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/ stateandcommunity/bp_user _guide/pdfs/user_guide.pdf Week Ten March 17 Dr. Barry Economics and Finances of Health Care Nickitas, Middaugh, & Aries: Chapters 10 Lecture IOM Summary: Core Measurement Needs for Better Care, Better Health, and Lower Costs: Counting What Counts http://www.iom.edu/Reports /2013/Core-MeasurementNeeds-for-Better-CareBetter-Health-and-LowerCosts.aspx Week Eleven March 24 Dr. Barry Health Policy & Health Care Systems in Other Countries *Subject to change CDC Global Health Strategy 2012-2015 http://www.cdc.gov/globalhe alth/strategy/pdf/cdcglobalhealthstrategy.pdf Lecture Week Twelve March 31 Dan Kirkpatrick, MSN, RN APN Regulation and Legislation Nursing Organizations and Professional Policy Agendas American Association of Nurse Practitioners http://www.aanp.org/ Click on Legislation/Regulation Tab Review and Read Each Section Guest Lecturer: Dan Kirkparick, MSN, RN President Ohio Nurses Association Discussion Board Case Study 1 Discussion: External Stakeholder Power: Successful Efforts to Pass Advanced Practice Legislation Nickitas, Middaugh, & Aries Page 342 Answer discussion questions at the end of the case study. Posts Due Friday April 4 and Responses to two peers Due Sunday April 6 by 11:00 pm Week Thirteen Technology and Health Policy April 7 Nickitas, Middaugh, & Aries: Chapter 12 Discussion Board WSU Library Course Reserve http://wright.docutek.com/er es/courseindex.aspx?error= &page=search Password: policy (all lowercase) Dr. Barry Lecture Case Study 2: Internal Expertise Power: The Politics of Moving to an Electronic Medical Record Nickitas, Middaugh, & Aries Page 344 Answer questions at the end of the case study Posts due Friday April 11 by 11:00 pm Responses to two peers due Sunday April 13 by 11:00 pm Analysis of a Legislative Bill Paper Due April 13 Drop box by 11:00 pm Week Fourteen Workplace Policies and Politics Nickitas, Middaugh, & Aries: Chapter 3,4 &5 Post Abstract to Discussion Board Due April 13 by 11:00 pm Lecture Discussion Board April 14 Case Study 3: Workplace Violence Nickitas, Middaugh, & Aries Page 348 Dr. Barry Answer questions at the end of the case study Posts due Friday April 17 by 11:00 pm Responses to two peers due Sunday April 19 by 11:00 pm Week Fifteen Health Services Research April 21 Health Care Quality Nickitas, Middaugh, & Aries: Chapter 14 Lecture IOM Discussion Board Dr. Barry Regulatory Process and Quality Control The Institute of Medicine www.iom.edu Read Executive Summary: 2010 IOM Report: The Future of Nursing Agency for Health Care Research and Quality www.ahrq.gov Posts due by Friday April 25 by 11:00 pm Responses to two peers due by Sunday April 27 by 11:00 pm Week Sixteen April 28 FINAL EXAM WEEK Legislative Bill Peer Responses Peer evaluation of Legislative Bill Analysis Abstract Responses due Sunday April 27 by 11:00 pm NO FINAL EXAMINATION Complete faculty and course evaluation