Vietnam War 1954-1975 Smart Start: Part One 1. What do we already know about Vietnam? 2. What more do we want to know? WHY? 3.Why would Vietnam be classified as one of the turning points in American History? North Vietnam South Vietnam Hanoi Gulf of Tonkin Laos Cambodia Thailand China Burma South China Sea Let’s talk history Reading on Background of Vietnam Practice Close Reading Highlight information that you feel is important In the margins, briefly explain why you highlighted the information Be ready to discuss Presenter on French Control French Control control Indochina – Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia from 1893-1941 (Age of Imperialism) Japan takes over Indochina during WWII Japan leaves Indochina in 1945 French want control again: WHY? French The French are back After WWII France assumes they will get their colonies back 1946 France sends troops into Vietnam and gain control of southern half 1950 US enters Vietnam struggle and sends aid to France-WHY? Presenter on Ho Chi Minh Ho Chi Minh 1930 became leader of the Indochinese Communist Party During WWII was in Russia and China 1945 Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam and independent state Asked Truman to honor Atlantic Charter Read Aloud: Call for the Revolutionary League for the Independence of Vietnam (1941) Declaration of Independence for Vietnam 1945 Examine the handout…provide 4 arguments that Ho Chi Minh provides in allowing Vietnam to have their independence. Explain how this movement for independence was or was not different than that of the US in 1776. Vietminh Group that wants Vietnam’s independence Formed in the North under Ho Chi Minh Presenter on Geneva Accords Geneva Accords – July 1954 France, Great Britain, Soviet Union, United States, China, Cambodia, Laos and the Vietminh Met in Geneva Switzerland Divide Vietnam at 17th Parallel North Vietnam – Ho Chi Minh – Hanoi South Vietnam – Ngo Dinh Diem – Saigon Elections to reunite in 1956 May Domino Theory US fears if one country falls to communism after WWII it will be a domino effect One country, then the next and so on 1954 Pres. Eisenhower explains this theory on tv (Sends 800 “advisors”) 1954 French begin to pull out of Vietnam after a defeat by the Vietminh Presenter on Diem Handout…further information Compare and Contrast Diem to Ho Chi Minh What are differences you see within their quest for a united Vietnam? Diem and Ho Chi Minh Create a Venn Diagram comparing Diem and Ho Chi Minh. Draw in your notebook. No Elections Everyone realizes the communists will win the elections Therefore the elections aren’t held and the country remains divided Question: Can the US Continue to support S. Vietnam? Eisenhower to Kennedy Create Chart in Notes Concepts to listen and look for in the speech Tone (Hopeful, Optimistic, fearful, warning, etc.?) Message of speech: (Evidence of specific concepts, topics, etc.) Ideology on America’s place in the world Similarities Differences President Eisenhower’s President Kennedy’s Farewell speech Inaugural Speech Transition of Power 1960 Eisenhower’s farewell address President Kennedy Inaugural Speech : “The Torch Is Passed” President Kennedy Video Examine timeline, what other events are occurring during his presidency that would at first overshadow Vietnam, but then bring it to the forefront of his administration? Presenter on Buddhist Monks Buddhist protests Diem is Catholic and limits rights of Buddhists Most of the South believes in Buddhism Buddhist monks burn themselves in protest 1963 in the streets of Saigon Diem has hundreds arrested and Buddhist temples destroyed President Kennedy and Vietnam (Historical Argument) Clip: Analyzing Kennedy’s Stance on Vietnam Clip Part Two Kennedy’s Stance on Vietnam Press Conference Statement McNamara interview on Kennedy’s stance What is the tone of Kennedy’s voice as questioned about Vietnam? Viet Cong Communist fighters aligned with Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh fighting in South Vietnam. Why was this an advantage for Ho Chi Minh? Viet Cong were members of the NLF….National Liberation Front. US can no longer support Diem Kennedy sends in military “advisors” to South Vietnam First 800 “advisors” Then 16,000 “advisors”(Early 1960’s) November 1, 1963 US supports a coup Overthrow Diem Diem is executed against Pres Kennedy’s wishes Death of a President and its impact on the nation Exit Slip: prep for the assessment tomorrow Summarize your learning of Vietnam and US involvement thus far. (Time period= 1954-1960) as well to include other descriptions of events/concepts of the time period 1950s and early 1960s that would contribute to defining the era. Reflection In your own words and opinion, explain the impact of Kennedy’s death on both the “baby boom” generation and our current generation. Be sure to identify the change in sentiments and understanding of how we view our presidents Reading from textbook Conflict Deepens and fighting the war Frustration grows Class Discussion Presenter on Pres. Johnson Video on Pres. Johnson Reaction so far…Is it fair to placed the entire blame on Vietnam on Johnson? If you were Johnson, what would you have done? Be sure to explain your response to both questions. Presenter on Gulf of Tonkin Gulf of Tonkin Johnson fears losing Vietnam South Vietnam is even more unstable after Diems assassination August 4, 1964 Pres announces North Vietnamese torpedo boats attached a US destroyer – NV say US ship was conducting a naval raid US allege a second incident Gulf of Tonkin Resolution August 7, 1964 Pres Johnson gets the support of Congress Without having a formal declaration of war Congress gives Pres Johnson broad military powers in Vietnam Operation Rolling Thunder – bombing raids of NV begin Presenter on Robert McNamara Presenter on Gen. Westmoreland General William Westmoreland US commander in South Vietnam Continued to request more troops Work with ARVIN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) South Vietnamese soldiers War of attrition – gradual wearing down of the enemy by continuous harassment Johnson’s “Peace without Conquest” Speech Questions 1. 2. 3. What is the tone of the speech? Why did Pres. Johnson give this speech? (Provide specific evidence from the speech) Going back to our chart in the beginning, why must we go to war? Presenter on Weapons and Tactics North Vietnamese Tactics Hit and run Ambush Booby traps Land mines Elaborate tunnel system connecting villages US tactics War of attrition Napalm – gasoline based bomb set fire to jungle Agent Orange – leaf killing toxic chemical Search and Destroy Presenter on Agent Orange and Napalm Presenter on Landscape Video clip from Forest Gump List what Forrest Gump encountered when they arrived in Vietnam Living Room War Footage of combat appeared on the nightly news What people saw was not what they were hearing from the government Youth begin to protest March on Washington April 1965 20,000 protestors 1966 Pres Johnson changed college deferments – had to be in good academic standing Small number of Vietnam vets protested the war as well Presenter on Draft and Youth Protests Presenter on Draft and Deferments Draft 18-26 – medical, join National Guard, college, marriage 80 % of US soldiers were from lower economic levels African Americans accounted for 20% of deaths in Vietnam but only made up 10 % of US population Deferments Women Still non combat 7500 army and navy nurses Red Cross USO – United States Organization – hospitality and entertainment of troops Protests College campuses Sit-ins Marches Doves = people that think the US should withdraw Hawks = use all US military power to defeat North Vietnam How does music play a role in shaping public opinion on a controversial issue such as war? Presenter on the Music Credence Clear Revival “Fortunate Son” Country Joe McDonald “We all gonna die” Protests Songs For What its Worth Edward Stanton “War” Bryds: Turn, Turn, Turn. Gotta Get out of this place 8th of November (Big and Rich) What is the tone of the song? What is the message? Reaction? Present Songs….. Lenny Kravitz “Back in Vietnam” Green Day “American Idiot” John Williams “War makes War” Dixie Chicks “Not Ready to Make Nice” Written Reflection What is your opinion on the influence of music in the ability to persuade an individual’s opinion on a concept such as war? Provide two pieces of evidence to support your opinion. Presenter on the Tet Offensive Tet Offensive January 30, 1968 Vietnamese New Year Festival known as the Tet Part of celebration are funeral processions with firecrackers, flutes Viet Cong hid weapons in coffins 100 South Vietnam cities were surprise attached and 12 US air bases Went on for over one month VC = 32,000 ARVIN and US = 3000 Nation turns on Johnson After Tet Offensive Johnson’s popularity plummeted Pres Johnson chooses not to run for reelection March 1968 1968: The year that changed everything Violence in the US April 4, 1968 MLK, Jr assassinated 100 cities across the US erupted in violence June 4, 1968 Robert Kennedy assassinate College campuses continued to have protests US Democratic Primary in Chicago Delegates and protesters in Chicago Mayor Daily worried about violence Mobilized 12000 police and 5000 National Guard Protestors put in a park – chaos erupted Police beat protesters with nightsticks and sprayed them with Mace The whole world watched on TV Reflect: What do we know so far about Vietnam? Create a mind map to display and categorize information you have learned about Vietnam so far. Presenter on Nixon Republican Nixon Wins During election campaign promised to end the war in Vietnam By summer 1969, announced the 1st US troops would withdraw from Vietnam Vietnamization – plan to gradually withdraw US troops and the South Vietnamese take on the combat role Ads for Nixon’s election Clip Video Clip of Nixon President Nixon addresses the nation Clip Presenter on Secret War and Hmong Secret War Nixon ordered massive bombing raids against supply lines and bases on North Vietnam Bombed neighboring countries of Laos and Cambodia that had Viet Cong in the area Presenter on Hmong If not presenter: Read Article on the Hmong in the Secret War Reflection Hmong In mountains of Laos Some side with Viet Cong Some side with US CIA US allies help rescue downed pilots, plant mines on Ho Chi Minh Trail, set up US air base in Northern Laos, and were pilots themselves Presenter on Mai Lai Massacre Mai Lai Massacre March of 1969 Massacre in the paper in November 1969 Mai Lai small village in North Vietnam No signs of Viet Cong US military rounded up villagers and shot them – 100 innocent women and children We were following orders 25 officers charged with massacre and cover-up Invasion of Cambodia April 30, 1970 Nixon reports US troops had invaded Cambodia to clear out supplies for Viet Cong College students erupted in protest 1.5 million on 1,200 campuses Presenter on Kent State and Youth Protests Kent State In Ohio May 4, 1970 National Guard fired on a crowd of student protestors throwing rocks at them 9 wounded 4 killed Presenter on Pentagon Papers Pentagon Papers Nixon had not told Congress about Cambodia invasion Nixon lost support December 31, 1970 Congress repealed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution June 1971 – former defense employee 7000 pages – plans that US govt never planned to end the war Nixon’s re-election 1972 – unknown at the time US and Vietnam had been meeting Talks ended in December 1972 Nixon ordered Christmas bombings 100,000 bombs 11 days 2 cities – Hanoi and Haiphong Watergate “Peace with Honor” Be ready to discuss your perspective of the speech War is over January 27, 1973 US signed and agreement ending war Nixon promised the use full force if peace agreement was not kept March 29, 1973 last US combat troops left for US Nixon leaves office August 8, 1974 Nixon goes on tv and says he will resign Nixon admitted no guilt Gerald Ford becomes the 38th Pres of the USA Fall of Saigon Within two months the 1973 cease fire between N and S was broken March 1975 NV launched full scale invasion of SV America provided money but would not send troops April 30, 1975 NV capture Saigon and SV surrenders Presenter on Paris Peace Accords Presenter on Legacy of the War Impact of War US 58000 killed 365000 wounded SV 1.5 million killed War in Cambodia Hmong that helped US no longer safe in Laos flee to Thailand 3.3 million soldiers PTSD 1975 First Hmong refugees arrive in US 1982 Vietnam Wall intro.htm / nw=70&hl=en&start=2&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgeneral%2Bwestmoreland%26hl%3Den %26lr%3D wiki/Vietnam_War s/KSU.gif&imgrefurl= 75&w=717&sz=386&tbnid=rv93pYaHiisJ:&tbnh=91&tbnw=137&hl=en&start=4&prev=/im ages%3Fq%3Dkent%2Bstate%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D H389%2520Scandals/Scandals%2520Photos/Nixon%2520Resigns.jpg&imgrefurl=http://c bnid=TWu_r9wCjUUJ:&tbnh=84&tbnw=103&hl=en&start=6&prev=/images%3Fq%3DNIx on%2Bresigns%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D