
World War II
Bell Ringer
Please take a Bell Ringer paper from
the file cabinet.
What type of impact does war have on
World War II in 7 minutes
While you watch this video I want you
to write down people or events that
you are familiar with.
The Fall of
On June 22, France signed an armistice with
Germany, agreeing to German occupation of
northern France and the coast.
The French military was demobilized, and the French
government, now located at Vichy, in the south (and
headed by Marshall Henri Philippe Pétain), would
collaborate with the German authorities in occupied
Refusing to recognize defeat, General Charles de
Gaulle escaped to London and organized the Free
French forces.
Britain now stood alone against Germany.
The Battle of
Hitler expected Britain to make peace, however,
Britain, led by a new Prime Minister, Winston
Churchill, refused to surrender.
Hitler proceeded with invasion plans. The Luftwaffe
began massive attacks on Britain to destroy its air
Britain held firm during the Blitz despite devastating
destruction to English cities.
The British resistance convinced Hitler to postpone
the invasion but he continued the bombing attacks.
A Grand Alliance
The Big Three
Great Britain
(Winston Churchill)
 The U.S. (FDR)
 The Soviet Union
(Joseph Stalin)
Strategies for War
Defeat Germany first
Axis Powers
 Italy
 Japan
Gloomy Prospects for the
Allied Powers
By the end of 1942, the Allies faced defeat.
 The chain of spectacular victories disguised fatal
weaknesses within the Axis alliance:
• Japan and Germany fought separate wars,
each on two fronts. They never coordinated
 The early defeats also obscured the Allies’
• The manpower of the Soviet Union and the
productive capacity of the United States.
Invasion of the Soviet Union
It was then that Hitler made his pivotal mistake. He
invaded the Soviet Union.
The obliteration of Bolshevism was a key element of
Hitler’s ideology; however, it was a gigantic military
On June 22, 1941, Hitler launched Operation
Barbarossa, consisting of an attack army of 4 million
men spread out along a 2,000-mile front in three
massive offensives.
The German army quickly advanced, but at a terrifying
cost. For the next three years, 90 percent of German
deaths would happen on the eastern front.
Operation Barbarossa
With your partner you will read the
 Complete the questions, fill in the
blank and vocab questions.
War in the Pacific
The Japanese have declared war on the United States.
The bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7,
 Battle Results
• A large majority of the U.S Pacific Fleet are
destroyed or damaged
 War Results
• Major Japanese victory
• U.S Declaration of War on Japan
• Germany and Italy Declare War on U.S (Tripartite
• U.S Declares War on Germany and Italy
The Pacific Theater
Within 6 months of Pearl Harbor, Japan had a new
Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere
• Japanese racial purity and supremacy
• Treated Chinese and Koreans with brutality.
• “Rape of Nanjing”- Japanese slaughtered at least
100,000 civilians and raped thousands of women in the
Chinese capital between Dec. 1937 and Feb. 1938.
“victory disease”-Japan thought they were invincible
After Pearl Harbor, American military leaders
focused on halting the Japanese advance and
mobilizing the whole nation for war.
Pearl Harbor- USS Arizona
The Pacific Theater:
Early Battles
American Forces halted the Japanese advances in two
decisive naval battles.
Coral Sea (May 1942)
• U.S. stopped a fleet convoying Japanese troops to New
• Japanese designs on Australia ended
Midway (June 1942)
 While watching write down:
• What was the Japanese strategy?
• What was the American strategy?
• What was the result of the battle?
• What was the Japanese strategy?
They are preparing a sneak attack. They want to take out the
American aircraft carriers because that is all that is left of the
fleet. Wanting to capture Midway to induce fear that it is close
to the American shore line.
• What was the American strategy?
They know the Japanese code and figure out the secret
mission. They want to ambush the Japanese with aircraft and
inflict as much damage as possible. Want to prove they can
• What was the result of the battle?
America did lose planes and a ship, but America was able to
destroy multiple Japanese ships, many planes and killed
thousands of Japanese soldiers. It proved that America could
win the war in the Pacific. Japan didn’t have the resources to
replenish their fleets.
Importance of Midway
Japanese Admiral Yamamoto hoped to capture Midway Island
as a base to attack Pearl Harbor again.
U.S. Admiral Chester Nimitz caught the Japanese by surprise
and sank 3 of the 4 aircraft carriers, 332 planes, and 3500 men.
The Japanese defeat at Midway was the turning point in the
 Japanese advances stopped.
 U.S. assumes initiative.
 Japanese have shortage of able pilots.
Censorship and Propaganda
 News of the defeat was kept from the Japanese public.
HOMEWORK: American
Perspective of Pearl Harbor
Read the information on the paper
and formulate a response to the
question about the new American
Bell Ringer
Why was Operation Barbarossa a
turning point in WWII?
Mobilization In the U.S.
The war effort required all of America’s huge
productive capacity and full employment of the
Government expenditures soared.
U.S. budget increases
1940 $9 million
 1944 $100 million
 Expenditures in WWII greater than all previous
government budgets combined (150 years)
Restoration of U.S.
World War II ended the Great Depression.
 Factories run at full capacity
Ford Motor Company – one bomber plane
per hour
People save money (rationing)
 Army bases in South provide economic
boom (most bases in South b/c of climate)
 The national debt grew to $260 billion (6
times its size on Dec. 7, 1941)
The Home Front
Individually read pg. 249-250.
 Answer the three questions in
complete sentences.
Then with a partner complete the
charts on pg. 251.
Positive or Negative?
What negative outcomes came from
Can we see any connections to the
world today?
What positive outcomes came from
Can we see any connections to the
world today?
The Manpower Effort
While you watch this archive footage
from 1943 you will take notes into the
four columns.
What jobs are women doing?
 What jobs are men doing?
 What are the problems with the
manpower effort?
 What are the benefits of the
manpower effort?
The Turn of the
Tide in Europe
Defeat of the Axis Powers
• The turning point of the war came in
• Allied victory in North Africa was
followed by an invasion of Italy,
which stopped the Axis powers’
string of victories.
• The decisive theater of war,
however, was the eastern front.
Turning Points of the War:
The Battle of Stalingrad
The Battle of Stalingrad was the turning point of
the war. The German Army (Wehrmacht) had
already lost 2 million men on the eastern front.
In 1942-43, a German army of over 300,000 was
defeated and captured at the Battle of Stalingrad.
The Germans then lost the battle of Kursk and
began a long retreat.
The Red Army crossed into Poland in January
Turning Points of the War:
Western Front
Operation Torch (1943)
Allied victory in North Africa and invasion of Italy.
D-Day: Operation Overlord
The Allied needed to establish a second front.
General Dwight Eisenhower launched an invasion of
Normandy on June 6, 1944.
An invasion fleet of some 4,000 ships and 150,000
men (57,000 U.S.)
Invasion successful. 5,000 killed and wounded Allied
It allowed them to gain a foothold on the continent
from which they could push Germany back.
Race to
D-Day was the turning point of the western
front. Stalingrad was the turning point of the
eastern front.
 The British, U.S., and Free French armies
began to press into western Germany as the
Soviets invaded eastern Germany.
 Both sides raced to Berlin.
Victory in
Mussolini was captured and
killed by Italian partisans and
Hitler committed suicide in April
1945, as the Russian troops
took Berlin.
Germany surrendered
unconditionally on May 7,
1945 (V-E Day).
Fighting in the Pacific would
continue until August.
Robert Walker and Ernie
Pyle Interview
Individually read the soldier Robert Walker’s
interview about his experience of D-Day.
 With a partner answer the corresponding
 Individually read the Ernie Pyle writing.
 With a partner to complete the corresponding
 What you do not complete will be homework.
Bell Ringer
Describe the issues that America had
when attempting to complete
Operation Overlord (D-Day).
The Beginning of the End in
the Pacific
Yamamoto is assassinated by the U.S. (April 1943)
Loss of Saipan (August 1944)
“the naval and military heart and brain of Japanese
defense strategy”
Political crisis in Japan
• The government could no longer hide the fact that
they were losing the war.
Intensive air raids over Japan
Iwo Jima (February, 1945)
• American marines invaded this island, which was
needed to provide fighter escort for bombings over
A Grinding War in the Pacific
In 1945, the U.S. began targeting people in order
to coerce Japan to surrender
Battle for Leyte Gulf
66 major Japanese cities bombed
500,000 civilians killed
Total blockade of Japan
Japanese navy virtually destroyed
Kamikaze (divine wind) flights begin
Okinawa (April, 1945)
All 110,000 Japanese defenders killed
U.S. invaded this island, which would provide a
staging area for the invasion of the Japanese islands.
FDR had funded the top-secret Manhattan
Project to develop an atomic bomb
 Dr. Robert Oppenheimer successfully tested in
the summer of 1945.
 FDR had died on April 12, 1945, and the
decision was left to Harry Truman.
Turning Points
of the War: The Pacific
August 6, 1945 – Enola Gay drops bomb
on Hiroshima
August 9, 1945 – Nagasaki
140,000 dead; tens of thousands injured;
radiation sickness; 80% of buildings
70,000 dead; 60,000 injured
Emperor Hirohito surrenders on Aug.
14, 1945. (V-J Day)
Formal surrender signed on September 2
onboard the battleship Missouri in Tokyo
Write What You Are
Thinking-Quick Write
Based off the video do you feel like
the Atomic Bomb was a good strategy
for the United States? Was this a fair
way to fight? Why or Why Not?
The Atomic Bomb
Read the facts and the first person
experiences of Japanese people
during the atom bombings.
Complete the activities on a piece of
notebook paper.
Be ready to discuss out loud.
My army friend took up the seven
skeletons one at a time…his five
children, his wife, his mother…and
each time stared at the sky. “We
soldiers were the ones who were
supposed to die.”
Postwar Efforts
at Revenge
The Nuremberg Trials of 1945-46
After, WWII the Allied powers decided to place on trial
the highest-ranking Nazi officers for “crimes against
Allied forces had attempted to do this after WWI, but
had released them on the grounds that they “were just
following orders”
Hitler, Goebbels, and Himmler were dead; but, 22 Nazi
leaders (including Goring) were tried at an international
military tribunal at Nuremburg, Germany. 12 were
sentenced to death. Similar trials occurred in the east
and throughout the world.
• The Tokyo Trial (1946-48)
Postwar Efforts at Peace
The United Nations – There was some hope
when, in 1945, the United Nations was created;
an organization to promote international stability
A General Assembly where representatives from
all countries could debate international issues.
The Security Council had 5 permanent members
– U.S., Soviet Union, Britain, France, and China
could veto any question of substance. There were
also 6 elected members.
Unlike WWI, there was no Peace of Paris to
reshape Europe.
Instead, the Yalta agreement of February 1945,
signed by Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, turned
the prevailing military balance of power into a
political settlement.
Potsdam Conference, in suburban Berlin (July
1945)—Truman, Stalin, Churchill – Finalized plans
on Germany. Germany would be demilitarized and
would remain divided.
Consequences of World War II
 Soviet Union with agenda
 Unlike the isolation after WWI, the U.S.
was engaged in world affairs
 The rise of the US to superpower
 Japan was temporarily placed under
U.S. military rule.
Nuremberg Trials
You will be assigned a group.
 You group will get a folder that has a
reading in it.
 The reading is about a Nazi leader
that was up for trial.
 You will have to decide the charge,
the sentence and tell me why you
decided those.
Complete “The War in the Pacific”
reading and questions.
There will be a quiz tomorrow over the
past three days information.