Final Exam Review 2015-16

HS 20 - Weir
Health Science 20 FINAL EXAM REVIEW
Materials to bring: pen, pencil, and eraser
To study for your Health Science 20 final, you might want to create study notes based on the following outline.
We have covered a lot of information in this course.
It is strongly suggested that you spread your studying out over a period of days –this will produce better results
than last minute cramming!
Please ask for help if you are having problems, but I will not give you answers just because you are too lazy to look
them up – YOU are responsible for material you have missed. ALL content is in your notes somewhere!
1) What is the Canadian Medical Association?
2) Know multi-payer vs. single-payer system. What type of health care system does Canada have?
3) What are the different approaches to health care? Know examples of these approaches. Know
what types of medical professionals would administer these approaches.
4) What services are covered with Canada’s Medicare? What services are not covered?
5) What premiere was responsible for starting medicare? What province did it start in?
6) What are the 5 major responsibilities listed in the CMA code of ethics (only need to know the 5
major headings)
Terminology: autonomy, body autonomy, Surrogate Decision Maker, Advance Health Care
Directive, malpractice
1) Macronutrient vs. Micronutrient
2) Know the types of carbohydrates simple, complex, indigestible as well as
monosaccharide, disaccharide and polysaccharide.
3) Know the sub-units that make up carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids.
4) What is the main purpose of a carbohydrate, a lipid and a protein in the body?
Examples of food that are high in these macronutrients.
5) Compare saturated vs. unsaturated fats and know an example.
6) Risks of being underweight? Overweight? What is BMI?
7) What are the 2 classes of micronutrients?
8) Examples of macro-minerals and trace minerals and where can we get them?
9) What is caused by an iron deficiency? Calcium deficiency?
Terminology: Body Mass Index, macronutrient, micronutrient, cholesterol, inorganic, organic,
peptide bond, polypeptide, essential amino acids
HS 20 - Weir
***Know the main function of each body system***
1) Circulatory System:
Know the flow of blood through the heart
Know the 3 types of vessels and their characteristics
2) Blood:
 Know the difference between the 4 blood types: A, B, AB, O
 Antigens & Antibodies
 Define agglutination
 What is the Rhesus Factor?
3) Lymphatic System:
 What is the function of lymph nodes? Where are they often found in the body?
 What is a lymphocyte?
 What are swollen lymph nodes often caused by?
4) Immune System:
What is a macrophage, dendritic Cell, T-cell and B-cell?
What are the 4 kinds of pathogens found in the body?
Why is it that we can’t get the chicken pox more than once? (Hint: Memory B and T cells)
5) Respiratory System:
 Know the flow of air through the respiratory system
 Description of common lung diseases
6) Digestive System:
Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption & Egestion
Know the parts that make up the digestive system (path of food)
What is the function of the small intestine? What does the liver produce?
7) Excretory System:
 What are the 3 functions of the kidneys?
 Be familiar with the 3 steps involved in the formation of urine (filtration,
reabsorption, secretion) and where they occur in the nephron.
 Choose one illness of the excretory system – be able to describe it and explain the
causes of it.
8) Nervous System:
Sensory nerve vs. motor nerve
Somatic vs. autonomic
Know basic parts that make up the nervous system
Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System
HS 20 - Weir
9) Endocrine System:
 Know basic glands associated with the Endocrine system
 What is considered the “master gland” of the Endocrine system?
 Hyperthyroidism vs. Hypothyroidism
10) Muscular System:
What are the 3 types of muscle? Where are they located in the body?
11) Skeletal System:
 Know the 3 types of joints
 Tendons vs. ligaments
 Be familiar will illnesses of the skeletal system
12) Integumentary System:
What are the 3 layers of skin?
Be familiar with illnesses of the integumentary system
13) Reproductive System:
What is endometrium, vas deferens, fallopian tube, scrotum?
What are the male and female gonads and what does each produce?
DIAGRAMS: You will be given choice as to which diagrams you chose to complete; therefore will not be
given word banks.
Possible Diagrams:
Digestive System
Heart Diagram
Neuron (Nervous System)
Skeletal System
Know the components of a physical exam.
Know the normal values for things like heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure.
Know the names of basic diagnostic tools & what they are used for?
Know the types of laboratory testing and their purpose. Ex. biopsy, microscopy, blood
testing, culture, swab, etc.
5) Know the 4 types of treatment: symptomatic, active, conservative &
6) Know the following for medical imaging tools:
a. Names; what do letters stand for?
b. What are the benefits?
c. What are the risks/cons?
d. When/what is this method most often used for?
HS 20 - Weir
7) What are the 4 types of surgery?
8) Know Western treatment options for cancer. What would be the 1st step? What if it
9) Treatment options for infertility, kidney disease/failure
10) What factors contribute to misdiagnosis?
11) Why is misdiagnosis a concern for the patient? How does it affect the patient?
12) Based on patient scenarios and symptoms be able to provide an appropriate diagnosis
and treatment plan.
Terminology - malpractice, Pathologist, Oncologist, radiologist, palliative, systemic,
physiological, anatomical
 Multiple Choice (approx. 70 - 80)
 Diagrams – Given choice
 Short Answer (combination of list, describe, explain, fill in
the blank, complete the table)