TPJ 3C1 Nervous & Digestive System Test Review

Name: ________________________________________
Nervous System
1. What are the two parts of the central nervous system?
2. Which nerves make up the peripheral nervous system?
3. What is the difference between the somatic nervous system and the autonomic
nervous system?
4. List the three types of neurons. Give the function of each type.
5. List the four parts of the human brain. What does the cerebellum do?
6. List the three parts of the brainstem. What is the function of each part?
7. List the four lobes of the cerebrum. What does each lobe control?
8. What is spina bifida? What are some of the effects of this congenital disease?
9. List each different type of paralysis and explain the difference between them.
Label the neuron and the parts of the brain.
Digestive System
1. What is the function of the digestive system?
2. What are the names of the 4 layers that make up the wall of the GI tract? Give the
function of each layer.
3. Name the organs of the GI tract. Name three accessory organs of the digestive system.
4. What is digestion? Where does digestion begin?
5. What is the epiglottis? What does it do?
6. What is peristalsis?
7. Where is the stomach located? List the four parts of the stomach.
8. List the three sections of the small intestine.
9. What are villi? Why are they important to digestion?
10. List the parts of the large intestine.
11. Fill in the following table:
Enzyme or Chemical
Gastric juice
Pancreatic juice
Intestinal juice
Where is it produced?
Label a diagram of the digestive system.
What does it digest?