Objectives for Chapter 4

Objectives for Chapter 4
• 1. Explain the process of diffusion
• 2. Describe how osmosis occurs
• 3. Compare passive transport with active
• 4. Explain how large particles get into and out of
Chapter 4:Vocabulary
passive transport
active transport
Go to Chapter 4 in your online textbook and define these words
Vocabulary Defined
• osmosis- the diffusion of water through a semipermeable membrane
• diffusion- the movement of particles from regions of high
concentration to low concentration (no energy required)
• semipermeable- only certain substances can pass through
Examples Osmosis/Diffusion
More Examples…
Examples of Osmosis
•Red blood cells
•Plant cells
Moving Small Particles
• passive transport-movement of particles across a cell
membrane without the use of energy (move from high
concentration to low concentration)
• active transport-movement of particles to requires
energy from low concentration to high concentration
• diffusion
Examples Passive/Active Transport
Moving Large Particles
• endocytosis-active transport process by which a cell surrounds a large
particle such as a protein and encloses the particle in a vesicle to
bring the particle “into” the cell
• exocytosis- active transport process that the cell uses to enclose
waste materials that are inside the cell to release them out of the cell
Examples of Endo and Exo Cytosis
• Fill in the worksheet
Watch Brainpop for the following:
(aacp; 123)
1. diffusion
2. passive and active transport
I will quiz you on these tomorrow!
• Describe photosynthesis and cellular respiration
• Compare cellular respiration with fermentation
• photosynthesis
• cellular respiration
• fermentation
• pigments
Photosynthesis and Respiration
Cellular respiration
C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
• Chemical process that takes place in cells
• Takes place in the mitochondria
• Most of the energy released is used to maintain body temperature
• The breakdown of food to obtain energy without the use of oxygen
• Examples: leg cramps (burning sensation)
• One type: when muscles produce lactic acid when oxygen is unavailable
• Bacteria, fungi, and yeast are other examples