Demonstration Speech

Ms. Bermudez
In a nutshell, a good demonstration
speech teaches. It's a variation of the
informative speech with in-built
visual aids. The audience, through
listening, watching or participating,
learns something new.
 As
their guide, you will take
them through a process of
'show and tell' covering each
step from set-up to finish.
 Think of it as a 'how-to'
You need to select a process that you can
demonstrate to the class. For example, “How to
juggle,” or “How to make chicken soup.”
Note that each example involves a process, that
is, a series of actions which can be broken
down into steps chronologically.
Each also involves demonstration—it requires
that the speaker show, not just tell, how to do
What you are interested in:
 Your choice of demonstrative speech topic
needs to be something you are genuinely
interested in and know about.
Without enthusiasm or knowledge it's hard to
inspire others to want to know more about a
subject. And that's your goal! Ideally when you
finish your speech, you'll find yourself on the
receiving end of question after question from
eager listeners wanting to know more.
Who the speech is for???
You need to consider your audience before
making your final choice.
Questions to consider:
What demonstration speech topics would
interest them?
What would teach them something new?
What would be of value and appropriate for
them to know?
The setting of the speech:
 Where is the speech to be given? In a
classroom? In a public hall? In a living room?
In the open air?
The time you've got to give the speech:
 There is no point in choosing something
complex to show and teach if you have very
limited time. What you select needs to fit easily
into the allotted space. (Teacher will provide
specific guidelines.)
Beginnings or starting points
 Rather than picking the first idea that jumps
out, build up a short list.
 Then go through assessing the positive as well
as negative aspects, keeping the audience, your
interest, setting, time and assessment needs in
Food: “How to Make Chocolate Lasagna”
Nature: “How to Prepare a Survival Kit”
Animals/Pets: “How to Set Up a Fish Bowl”
Technology: “How to make and upload a video
to YouTube.”
Crafts: “How to tie-dye a garment”
Sports: “How to wax a surf board”
Games: “How to play checkers”
It's much, much harder to persuade an
unwilling or bored audience that you have
anything interesting to say or show.
Ask yourself: 'Why does my audience want to
listen to my speech on {insert your topic}?'
'What will they gain from it?‘
Put yourself in their shoes. If you were them,
what angle would make your topic appeal?
Brainstorm your ideas!!!!
 Can this topic be broken down
into easily followed sequential
-If the answer is 'YES' you can go
-If the answer is 'NO' you'll need
to think again.
Am I passionate about or genuinely interested in
the topic?
Your enthusiasm (or lack of it) communicates
directly with the audience. It bypasses your words
and shows in your body language.
Are you committed? Are you interested? Do you
really care?
Great demonstration speeches are a combination of
confidence and information. You need both to
In your planning concentrate on the outcome
you want and then focus on the logical steps
needed to achieve it. This will form the body of
your speech.
The easiest way to get this part right is by doing
it yourself.
As you go though the process, (baking a pie,
tying a tie, changing a tire, balancing a check
book), keep your audience in your mind.
Put yourself in their shoes, hear through their ears,
see through their eyes ...
What do they need to know about each step?
What will make it easier for them to understand?
Do they need to see it?
Do they need to do it?
Do you need to include every step or can you safely
either miss some out or clump them together?
Talk the process out loud to yourself making sure your
vocabulary is free of jargon or if you do use specialist
words, you explain them fully.
This is the heart of your speech and you will want to
make sure you have it right by preparing as fully as
The goal is to successfully teach a process or skill.
Success or failure in teaching is always measured
from the pupil or student's perspective.
If your demonstration speech is on 'how to knot a
tie', then the desired result is an audience capable
of knotting their own ties or at least inspired to try.
As with every good speech, your demonstration
needs a 3 part format. Introduction, Body, &
Woven throughout each of these segments
you'll provide visual aids or props, (either the
items themselves or charts, diagrams,
photographs, video etc.), and personal stories
to illustrate.
You may even actively include the audience if
appropriate. For example, if you're tying ties,
then having one for everybody to practice with
as you're going through the steps would be a
good idea.
In your introduction you will tell the audience what it
is they're going to learn, why they'll benefit from
learning it and why you chose the topic.
Attention Getter
Subject Sentence
Overview of Major Points
First Major Point
Second Major Point
Third Major Point
Background Information (optional)
Next you have the body of the speech. This is
the demonstration itself.
First Main Idea
Supporting Ideas
Examples and details
Examples and details
The conclusion will summarize what it is that
has been learned and will reinforce its benefits.
Restatement of Subject
Recapitulation of major points/ideas
First Main Idea
B. Second Main Idea
C. Third Main Idea
III. Graceful ending
When you think you have it flowing smoothly invite a few
trusted people to watch. Ask for feedback so you can fine
tune the balance between 'showing and telling'.
Questions you'll want answered are:
 Are the steps in the process logical?
 Are my instructions or explanations about each step clear?
 Are my visual aids or props relevant and effective?
 Is it interesting, amusing, effective?
 What do I need to do to improve?
 Once you've integrated the feedback and run it through
several more times you're ready to add your introduction
and conclusion.
Every student needs to have a different topic!
Your speech need to be at least 3 minutes in
length…but no more than five minutes.
You will need two outlines.
Topical Outline for yourself
Complete sentence outline to be submitted to the
(Teacher will show an example & it will be posted on
(No outlines, no speech, no speech, no grade)