1 May 2014 Mr. John G. Stumpf Chairman, President, CEO Wells Fargo & Company 420 Montgomery St. San Francisco, CA 94163 Subject: Feasibility Study Dear Mr. Stumpf, I am pleased to report that I have accomplished my goal in completing the study on the feasibility of having a free checking account with Wells Fargo. I would like to thank you for presenting me with the opportunity to conduct the research necessary to form a conclusion on the topic. It may not be the typical subject to conduct research on but it was an area of great interest to me. I began the project by conducting my research on the UAA library database. I discovered several articles regarding previous products that was offered back in 2010. Wells Fargo previously offered free checking accounts to consumers. In addition, I also found old brochures stating the products and services offered by the bank. The brochure presented excellent information regarding fewer stipulations for checking accounts that helped customers avoid monthly service fees. I also conducted primary research by submitting questionnaires to 20 students of University of Alaska Anchorage. Respondents to the survey indicated a surprising amount of frustration with the current monthly fee the bank charges to have a checking account, and have a strong desire to eliminate this cost. The majority of the participants of the survey would rather bank with credit unions, the main reason is because of the fees that are assessed in their checking accounts. I found the research interesting and informative, and I am confident that enough information was reviewed to be able to arrive at a good conclusion. Thank you for granting me permission to pursue this feasibility study. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at ngfernandez@uaa.alaska.edu or by telephone at 907- 947-6928 Sincerely, Nina Fernandez Running head: FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT Offering a Free Checking Account at Wells Fargo Bank A Feasibility Report English 212: Technical Writing Instructor: Professor Krista Soria May 1, 2014 1 FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT 2 Abstract In February 2014, a study was conducted in order to learn whether it would be feasible to have a free checking account with Wells Fargo. This paper presents the findings of that research, including a survey from classmates of Technical Writing 212 of Professor Krista Soria, and an analysis of available secondary research. Through this process, it was discovered that it may be feasible for Wells Fargo to offer free checking account because there is ample interest in the product. Wells Fargo provided a free checking account back in 2010, and had a variety of products that had fewer stipulations needed to have a checking account without getting a monthly fee. Although it may be feasible, it is recommended that additional research be performed in order to validate the preliminary findings. FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT 3 Table of Contents Abstract ............................................................................................................................................2 Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................3 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................4 Methods............................................................................................................................................5 Results ..............................................................................................................................................8 Figure 1 ......................................................................................................................................10 Figure 2 ......................................................................................................................................11 Figure 3 ......................................................................................................................................12 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................13 Recommendation ...........................................................................................................................14 References ......................................................................................................................................15 FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT 4 Introduction On February 20, 2014, I submitted my proposal to proceed with my research regarding my feasibility project. I then started to conduct more secondary research by searching articles and newspaper in the UAA Consortium Library’s online databases and physically going to Wells Fargo Bank and procure brochures that will help me with my research. This topic is important because it will support Wells Fargo’s visions and values of desiring to satisfy “all customers’ financial needs and help them succeed financially” (Wells Fargo & Company, 2012). The solution I offer is creating a product that is both attractive and convenient and that would be a free checking account. Another option would be putting back the service that requires a monthly recurring transfer from checking to savings that will automatically waive monthly fees in both accounts. I think it will be doable because it has been offered before, also another alternative is to lower the direct deposit amount requirement. This too has been offered in the past and can be put back into action. A free checking account will bring new customers and therefore we can offer more products and services to maximize the financial opportunities for both the customer and the bank (Spitier, 2005). Many people with bank accounts do not want to get charged a monthly fee (Newman, 2012). More people are closing their accounts and moving it to credit unions, which do not have any stipulations or requirements to open an account or have to add more products and services with them to have a free account (Digitale, 2011). People who have friends, family members, or others that are familiar with Wells Fargo seem to have the impression that Wells Fargo is infamous for fees and charges. Many people cannot maintain a minimum balance, have direct deposit, or swipe their debit cards at least 10 times or more every month, or have online statements to get discounted fees (Yerak, 2010). FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT 5 Overall I believe the availability of a free checking account to customers is a lucrative business decision for Wells Fargo. It will retain and gain clients and satisfy all parties involved. In the following discussion I describe completed research, proposed research, criteria to evaluate my research and make a recommendation, my qualifications and credentials, and a schedule for completing my project. FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT 6 Methods I began by searching in Academic Search Premier, a database which was not very helpful for me. I searched the terms “Wells Fargo checking account” and found one result that was not very useful. I changed my research term to “Wells Fargo fee” and found 26 result and briefly examined the sources and concluded that none of these are helpful. So I decided to change my term to “cost of checking account for bank” and found 18 results, I briefly analyze it and found 1 source that supported my research. I also tried “free checking for customers” for research term and refined it to items with full text online and got 97,889 results. I found couple articles that supported my research. Therefore, I decided to go back to UAA Consortium Library and using Quick Search I search the terms “wells fargo checking account fee” and found 6,648 results, I refined my search to items with full text online and for content type I chose a Newspaper Article and a Journal Article that condensed my research to 3,526 result. I immediately analyzed the first 20 results and found it very useful for my research project. After analyzing the results from the criteria as located above, I started reviewing the brochures that I got from the bank. The results I found perfectly fit my topic. Finally, I evaluated my resources and found that I had a very difficult time finding information on what I was proposing. My main secondary resource was the brochures from Wells Fargo bank. I was able to compare and analyze details I need for my feasibility paper. It was also helpful to know the changes in fees and requirements to avoid fees from 2011 to current. The use of UAA Consortium Library’s online databases was also helpful. I found more evidence that supports questions about Wells Fargo offering a free checking account. With this FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT 7 online data base it is quite frustrating to search topics for information, because I had to do a trial and error for terms to get what I’m looking for. As a primary resource I conducted a survey for my classmates to be administered confidentially using UAA Qualtrics Survey. I read many irate comments on fees. I felt their anger and frustration in their words when it comes to the fees that they are charged. It is very helpful when it comes down to statistics on which banks people prefer, and coincidentally have very little fees or none at all. Despite all the time I have to put in for my research project. The examples provided by the professor have been very helpful, and when I get disheartened or lost I can look on the UAA blackboard to reenergize me and encourage me to proceed. FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT 8 Results After narrowing down my research criteria, I have located nine article and three brochures which will help me with my feasibility project. In one of the articles, Wells Fargo has been phasing out its free checking over the past three years. In July 2010, the bank will no longer offer this type of checking to new customers (Malone, 2012). In the same article the former free checking account also known as Essential Checking migrates customers to $7-per-month checking account (Malone, 2012). Customers can avoid the fee by maintaining a $1500 minimum daily balance or having more than $500 direct deposit each month. The changes also took effect for its former Wachovia customers in New York, Connecticut, Georgia, Delaware and Pennsylvania. It will be rolled out in other states in August (Newman, 2012). Such information will assist me with my feasibility research. I also located an important percentage of accounts that offer free checking accounts. 34% Major banks, 70% Community banks, and 78% Credit Unions (Gandel, 2011). This information will support why more people are closing their accounts and moving it to credit unions, which do not have any stipulations or requirements to open an account or have to add more products and services with them to have a free account. From the same article written by Gandel it also stated an amount per year an individual checking account costs banks. Major Banks ranges from $250.00 to $450.00 and Community banks $175.00 to $200.00 (Gandel, 2011). Therefore, I will examine other ways to lower the costs for banks and consumers. I found a particular brochure that will assist me the most for this project: Consumer account fee and information schedule: What you need to know about your account. I have the 2011 version when I first open my Checking account and the latest version 2013 that I took last month for my feasibility project. This brochures give me a detailed information regarding Wells FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT 9 Fargo Bank checking account with a myriad of products or stipulations anywhere in United States. I expect to dig deep into this particular brochure to discover if there may be additional information found within its content. I also developed a survey using UAA Qualtrics Survey. There were various results from classmates. Ninety one percent of the participants do have checking accounts either with a bank or a credit union (Qualtrics, 2014). Many were not happy with the fees that banks charge, on the other hand those had no fees attached to their accounts were quite happy with the financial institution they are patrons of. FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT 10 For the past two months, I have been doing research regarding the feasibility of Wells Fargo Banks offering a free checking account. I administered a survey using UAA Qualtrics, the surveys is distributed to UAA Technical Writing 212 students of Professor Soria. There are total of 33 students who participated in the survey. Figure.1 illustrates the number of survey participants who answered the question “Do you have checking account? If yes, where?” A total of 23 survey participants responded to this question (Qualtrics, 2014). Two participants’ responded “No,” and 21 participants responded “Yes.” Six of who responded “Yes” banks with Wells Fargo, twelve bank with credit unions, and three of these participants decided to not respond. The most significant number of participants who ban with a credit union is equivalent to half of the number that banks with Wells Fargo. These results show how many participants prefer to have credit unions versus Wells Fargo. It means that most participants preferred to have banking relationship with Credit Unions. Figure 1. Where do you bank? Wells Fargo Credit Unions 6 Yes 12 No Response 3 2 No 0 5 10 15 20 25 Figure 1. Number of participants who own a checking account. The most significant number of participants who bank with credit unions is equivalent to half of the number that banks with Wells Fargo. FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT 11 Figure two illustrates the percentage of participants who answered the survey question “If an option is given to you, what would you like to change about your bank?” There are a total of 20 participants who answered this question (Qualtrics, 2014). 25% of said participants would like to have a local branch of their financial institution, 40% of said participants would like to change the fees of their financial institution, and 35% of said participant would like to change none or had no answer. The significance of these percentages regards changing the fees in financial institutions and it is what a majority of the participants are concerned about in their banking. The correlation of this result in my criteria question is that most of the survey participants do not want to get fees to do banking business. This means that participants do not want to do financial transactions to institutions that charges monthly fee. Non/Other 35% Fees 40% Fees Local Branch Non/Other Local Branch 25% Figure 2. Percentage of the participants concerns about their financial institution. The significance of these percentage regarding changing fees in financial institutions is what participants concern in their banking. FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT 12 The last figure represents the number of survey participants who answered the question “What do you know about Wells Fargo’s monthly fee? There are a total of 24 survey participants who answered this question. The first column show that there are nine participants that know Wells Fargo has a high monthly fee. The second column show that there are 14 participants that do not know anything about Wells Fargo fees because they don’t bank with them or they refuse to bank with Wells Fargo due to high fees. The third column show that there is one participant who comments about Wells Fargo having a low rate. The significance of this result demonstrates that Wells Fargo has a high monthly fee and the participants refuse to bank with them because of this fee. It is important to discover these results because that’s what my project is all about. This means that Wells Fargo is known for high monthly fee. FIGURE 3. NUMBER OF RESPONDENTS Rates 4% High Monthly Fee 38% Know Nothing 58% Figure 3. Number of respondents who knows about Wells Fargo’s monthly fees. The significance of this result demonstrates that Wells Fargo has high monthly fees and participants refuse to bank with them because of this fee. Overall I believe the availability of a free checking account to customers is a lucrative business decision for Wells Fargo. It will retain and gain clients and satisfy all parties involved. FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT 13 Conclusion After reviewing and analyzing the data gathered, the following conclusion have been drawn: The data from the questionnaires indicate that students of University of Alaska Anchorage refuses to bank with Wells Fargo because of the cost of having a checking account. Students are more likely interested to bank with Wells Fargo if a complimentary checking is offered. Research exist and proves that Wells Fargo used to offer free checking account and have a variety of accounts that has lower stipulation needed to not get a fee charged. Participants have disclosed the reason behind having a credit union. FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT 14 Recommendation I recommend that future students of Technical Writing 212 to proceed with its feasibility study of having a free checking account with Wells Fargo. Research shows that there is more chance of Wells Fargo to offer free checking or lower the stipulations to have a checking account. Students are positive toward the possibility, especially if they are asked to bank at no cost. It will be more beneficial for existing and new customer for Wells Fargo to offer free checking account. FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT 15 References Digitale, R. (2011). Anger at big banks sends customers to credit unions. McClatchy Tribune Business News. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy.consortiumlibrary.org/docview/902125139?accountid= 14473 Gandel, S. (2011). Free for a Fee. Time, 178(20), 18. Hemlock, D. (2012). Wells fargo trims free checking, adds $7 monthly fee. McClatchy - Tribune Business News. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy.consortiumlibrary.org/docview/1013973036?accountid=14 473 Newman, R. (2012). Wells fargo tacks on checking fee. Herald News. Stango, V., & Zinman, J. (2009). What do consumers really pay on their checking and credit card accounts? Explicit, implicit, and avoidable costs. The American Economic Review, 424429. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.. (2011). Consumer account fee and information schedule: What you need to know about your account. [Brochure]. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.. (2013). Consumer account fee and information schedule: What you need to know about your account. [Brochure]. Wells Fargo & Company. (2012). The vision & values of wells fargo. [Brochure]. Spaid, T., & Branton, M. (2013). The Profitability of the Average Checking Account. BankDirector. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from http://www.bankdirector.com/board -issues/retail/the-profitability-of-the-average-checking-account/ Spitier, R., & Foote, R. (2005). Stop Free Checking's Free Fall. U.S. Banker, 115(12), 60. FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT 16 Yerak, B. (2010). Fee-free checking holding on. McClatchy - Tribune Business News. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy.consortiumlibrary.org/docview/758045716?accountid=144 73 Zelie, K. (2005). Today's wells fargo. Boulder County Business Report, 24(11), 2-S1, S4. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy.consortiumlibrary.org/docview/221277943?accountid=144 73