Bibliographic Control and Discovery Subcommittee March 12, 2014 Minutes-Final Blackboard recording: View the Blackboard Collaborate recording Attendees FIU: Elaine Dong FSU: Annie Glerum (chair) UCF: Kimberly Montgomery UNF: Tammy Weatherholt, Susan Massey USF: Brian Falato Today’s minutes taker: Elaine Dong (FIU) Next meeting: April 9, 2014; minutes: Kim Montgomery (UCF) Next CAM meeting: April 10, 2014 Next TSSC meeting: April 14, 2014 1. Approval of minutes a. January minutes were approved; b. February minutes were approved after a couple of minor changes. Brian asked if anyone received the minutes he sent to the BCD listserv last Friday, nobody did. It appears that message delivery from the BCD Listserv has been delayed recently. 2. Announcements a. Update from FLVC Director of Library Services. 1) ILS Consolidation/Next-Gen Integrated Library System ( 2) Discovery Tool Implementation ( 3) Help Desk/Support Consolidation ( 4) Bibliographic Database Quality For the Update from FLVC Director of Library Services, Annie highlighted the above four sections that might involve the BCD Subcommittee. Susan asked if other libraries had looked at the new Statewide Union Catalog and Discovery Tool. When searching for UNF records in “Articles and more” or in “Books and Articles”, she got some articles that she couldn’t get access to. Since UNF uses LinkSource instead of SFX, the link resolver doesn’t work in the Discovery Tool. She wondered if others encountered any problems. Brian gave an example of a problem when searching “Books and more”: a USF record was merged with a record of Center for Research Libraries (CRL). On USF interface, the merged record only displays the holding of CRL but not of USF. Somehow the merge or union display erased or hid some information for holding. Brian noted that college records were added to the Union Catalog, and pointed out that article wouldn’t appear in search result if using search choice “Books and more.” Annie encouraged everyone to report related problems to FLVC. 3. TSSC meeting update (March 10) a. Memo to User Interfaces Standing Committee on RDA Display Recommendations Main agenda item of TSSC meeting: representing TSSC at FLVC Library Services Regional Conferences. Update on Memo: Memo has not been sent yet. It is in process: someone was assigned to do it. 4. Assignments from CAM Annie will contact FLVC to have reps (Melissa Stinson, Daniel, or Mary Ann) come to our next meeting for unanswered questions, unfinished business, and updates. a. Removing OCLC numbers from non-OCLC records Discussion today for report to CAM in April: Guidelines: Move OCLC number from the 035 Move to 599 and retain (OCoLC) prefix or use another field? Action item: Ask FLVC which field should be reserved for this purpose. Perhaps use 599 with designated indicator not used for any other purpose. Needs to be protected on overlay; Indexed in OCLX (OCLC number anywhere). Kim volunteered to communicate with FLVC. How to identify records with the reclamation glitch: Kim: TKR in holding could be used to identify these records. How to identify vendor records that need OCLC number moved: Susan: individual libraries need to identify what vendor records were loaded with 035 OCLC#, do spot checking, and provide load parameters to FLVC. FLVC runs reports to show all the holdings of these records, and then flip 035 OCLC# to 599 fields, or reload these vendor records. BCDS could come up with cleanup steps. Ask FLVC to perform the cleanup. b. Determining proprietary records with 520/505/970 fields 2 Action item: Ask FLVC about establishing an appropriate field to identify proprietary fields that are protected from overlay (Kim) Kim sent email to FLVC, waiting for response. c. Fixing incorrectly coded 856 fields (Annie) 1) FIU 856 41 indicator cleanup report (Elaine) CAM has approved the implementation of “856 41 should not trigger the display of an e-icon,” a recommendation from The Report on Mango e-resources icon display and MARC 856 indicators submitted by the BCD subcommittee. FLVC asked SULs to clean up their bibs with 856 41 fields first before the implementation. The other recommendations from The Report, e.g., displaying e-icon for integrating resources, haven’t been implemented. Annie mentioned that a lot of these issues were forwarded to the User Interface Standing Committee, and the Committee has been very busy. 2) Any other methods? 3) Action item: Create a procedural document to share with the other SULs. Elaine will expand FIU's procedure d. Non SUL links (i.e. require login credentials outside of the SULs) in the catalog 1) Action item: Known issues include Stanford, OhioLink, Carleton University urls. Ask SULs via CAM and TSSC for other known issues. (On Annie's To Do) 2) Action item: Identify specific url parameters (such as root address and any unique notes) for known issues then send to Melissa Stinson at FLVC ( List of known issues Search Aleph to identify common strings. Send these parameters to Melissa Stinson at FLVC ( Advise print catalogers to delete; add this to GENLOAD profiles (e.g., WCP records) 3) Action item: Add more information to the guidelines about known issues and how to report to FLVC. Emphasize this during the educational webinar on the guidelines Examples: 85641ǂz Available to Stanford-affiliated users. ǂu ǂy ebrary ǂx Provider: ebrary ǂx subscribed ǂx eLoaderURL ǂx eb4 ǂx ebebr10620405 YBPSR: 3 Suggestions: Brian: Melissa probably has more examples since she has been working with non SUL link issues Elaine: maybe FLVC could help us generate a report to gather all the 856 fields on print records, sort and analyze these 856 fields, and identify and remove non SUL links Susan: use WUR search in Aleph for some groups of phrases, such as “available to” Annie: develop XSLT program to analyze table of Aleph numbers and 856 fields based on base url and unique string contained in the field such as "harvard" 5. Shared Bib Cataloging Guidelines a. 3.4.8 Local Series [waiting for FLVC to confirm indexing and display is in production] (Kim) b. Proprietary Fields in Enhanced Records (Kim) 1) Waiting on FLVC for feedback on whether it is feasible 2) BCDS discussion and approval after response 3) Potential issue: Will colleges have access to these fields (520/970)? 970 fields that are shared do not have $5; ones just for an individual library do have $5 4) Related issue to address for the Guidelines (under duplication of information section): What to do with records that have both 505 and 970 without a $5? The same issue applies to 520 field Note: 970 is protected but 505 is not. Possibility that this could be addressed in Mango display? c. "Each institution must report to a centralized location [TBD] data on products for which batch loading is used ..." [waiting for the centralized location to be set up] d. Appendix IV: Continuing Resources Decision Chart [under development] (Annie) e. New: LCA10 editing guidelines [BCDS will discuss and add to guidelines] Action item: Susan will write this section f. New: Add recommendation to move OCLC numbers on vendor records to a specific field, such as 599. The meeting was adjourned at 3:58 pm. 4