Statewide Storage Task Force (SSTF) Minutes Monday, October 13, 2014 10:00am-11:00am (Scribe: Tabatha Pursley, UF) 1. Roll Call, gathered from Elluminate participant list Attending: Ben Walker (UF – Moderator), Judy Russell (UF), Cynthia Jordan (UNF), Hang Soohoo (UF), Tabatha Pursley (UF), Daniel Cromwell (FLVC), Valerie Boulos (FIU), Zach English (FAU), Pricilla Henry (FAMU), Dan Schoonover (FSU), Frank Allen (UCF), Amanda Ziegler (UWF), Pat Profeta (FCS). Not Attending: Michael Arthur (UCF), John Martin (Health, UF), Cheryl McCoy (USF), Mary Page (UCF), Lisa Tatum (FLVC), Becky Donlan (FGCU), Faye Jones (FSU-Law), Cheryl Gowing (UM), Maris Hayashi (FAU), Wendy Ellis (FLVC), Lisa Fish (Miami), Jonathan Miller (Rollins/ICUF). 2. Review and approve September 8, 2014 minutes Minutes are now being posted to the FLARE webpage Minutes approved 3. Call for additional topics None 4. UF/FLARE updates (Ben/Judy) a. ILL/OCLC update i. We are set up with ILL via Worldshare and will be ‘going upper case/getting it turned on soon. Looks straightforward. We could pay for an Illiad subscription, but OCLC recommended that we try Worldshare first and see what kind of volume we have. We will keep you posted. ii. Is anyone using Worldshare instead of Illiad? - FCS uses Worldshare – not too bad so far iii. Will it also be available via Illiad? - Yes, both are just interfaces going through OCLC. Should be the same for the end user. iv. Working out policies – document delivery when possible; in-library use for journals, but not monographs. b. BOG i. ii. iii. Full meeting at UWF a few weeks ago. Bob Dugan (UWF) attended and said that Joe Glover (UF provost) gave a very good presentation on FLARE; very eloquent about the need and value. BOG facilities planning meeting last week presented LBR request for FLARE. On a slide clearly marked as BOG; clearly being presented as an SUS Lib BOG initiative. No questions were asked whereas some difficult questions were asked of each of the other institutions about one or more of their projects. Both our provost and our chief operating officer who presented for us, and they agree that this is a good sign. BOG is very supportive of the project. a. We can send you slides from the presentation. b. We’ll see what happens in the next legislative session. Question from Frank Allen, UCF: “From a user standpoint, how will the permanent facility differ from Interim – i.e., implications of continuing delays? How long can Interim sustain itself?” a. From a user perspective, things will not look any different. There will be some delays with items stored at ALF while construction takes place on the new facility, but there should not be any delays with items at ILF during this time. Once the new facility is complete, there may be delays on ILF items while they are being transferred to the new facility. b. How long Interim can sustain itself depends on funding and space. There is the LBR for funding for this year and if that gets approved then it will sustain Interim until we get the new facility [in past years UF and a few partner contributions have been paying the bill]. We have a five year lease which we are three years into and it allows for two additional years for a total of seven years. As for space, we are currently in the process of getting bids to add high density shelving to the small building adjacent to ILF (ILF 2) to increase capacity. We already have about 1.9 million items between the two buildings. Capacity could become an issue at some point and at that point we should have significant participation from other institutions so if we needed to rent another building we would, but obviously we hope to get the funding for the new building before that happens. This was part of the pitch to the BOG. 5. Next-Gen ILS comments a. Recording of Eluminate session: b. Survey: i. Includes opportunity to respond to the requirements of Next-Gen ILS. They want one representative from each institution to respond. ii. As a task force or committee, we can send our own comments. iii. iv. Ben will send out the FLVC Next-Gen ILS Requirements document that has been going around. Please take a look and provide any feedback that you have. 6. Updates and announcements a. FLARE progress report i. Stats can be found on the FLARE website! ii. Marston Science Library (MSL) collection is about 55% processed – ready for request iii. The untrayed Miami collection is almost complete and ready for request – all is viewable in catalog, and a good amount is already requestable. iv. Once MSL is complete, we will begin processing UCF. UCF items are viewable in the catalog, they will not be requestable until completely processed. v. The Shared Collection Cataloging Unit continues to process Government Documents. b. Partner activities: i. Any to report? - FSU would like to begin planning for a FLARE transfer. When would be a good time? Summer of 2015 would be a good timeframe. UM also mentioned another transfer for that time. - UWF has a small batch (maybe 100 items) of Last Copies to send, mostly periodicals but a few monographs also. - Politically, having some small transfers from more institutions so that we can show increased participation would be very helpful before the session in March. Also, weeding on what is in FLARE is valuable. Any weeding projects that you can attribute to FLARE is equally compelling to the BOG. - Conversations are taking place regarding a legal journals collection in FLARE. - More signed MOU’s would also be very beneficial – to report to the BOG an indication of support and participation. Will recirculate the MOU. 7. Other business and topics i. We should revisit the discussion of a FLARE policy for digitizing materials a. Digitizing items before or after they circulate. b. Haiti Trust and brittle titles. 8. Next meeting November 10, 2014