- Toolbox Pro

The Immune System and Disease
Vocabulary: page 666-673
Infectious disease: _________________________________________________________________________
Pathogen: ________________________________________________________________________________
Endemic disease___________________________________________________________________________
Antibiotic ________________________________________________________________________________
Vocabulary: page 674-681
B cell_____________________________________________________________________________________
Helper T cell______________________________________________________________________________
Memory cell_______________________________________________________________________________
Vocabulary: page 682-685
Degenerative disease _______________________________________________________________________
Metabolic disease __________________________________________________________________________
Anaphylactic shock _______________________________________________________________________
The Immune System and Disease
1. Identify the causes of disease.
2. Explain how infectious diseases are transmitted
3. Describe how antibiotics fight infection
4. Identify the body’s non-specific defenses against invading pathogens
5. Describe immunity
6. State what happens when the immune system over-reacts
7. Explain what an autoimmune disease is.
8. Describe how HIV affects the immune system
9. Identify the basic mechanisms of cancer.
10. Describe how cancer is treated.
Class Notes
Objective 1:
1. Disease is any change other than injury that disrupts the normal _________________________ of the body.
a. Some diseases are__________________________________, such as _______________________.
b. Some are caused by materials in the environment such as___________________________.
c. Some are produced by agents such as ____________________________, __________________
and ______________________________.
2. Disease causing agents such as bacteria are called_____________________________.
a. Diseases caused by pathogens are generally called __________________________ because the agents
that cause them usually enter, or infect the body of the person who gets sick.
b. Pathogens are commonly known as_________________________.
Objective 3:
1. How do pathogens cause disease?
a. They can _______________________ down tissue of infected organisms
b. They can release __________________________ that are poisonous to the body.
Activity: Use Table 23.1 (page 668) and list one disease and how it is spread:
1. Viruses _______________________________ ____________________________________
2. Bacteria______________________________ ____________________________________
3. Fungus ________________________________ ___________________________________
4. Protozoan _______________________________ __________________________________
2. Diseases can be spread by:
a. _______________________________,___________________________,_________________________
b. _________________________________ food and water.
c. For a pathogen to spread it must have both a ________________________ and a way to spread. A
disease reservoir is a source of the pathogen in the environment. Reservoirs might be ________________,
___________________________ or inanimate objects such as _________________________.
d. Animals that carry disease causing organisms from person to person are called ___________________.
Ex. ___________________- ________________________
e.______________________ transmitted diseases (STDs)
Ex. _____________________________-____________________________________
Objective 3:
1. Some infectious diseases can be cured by using_______________________________ which kill the bacteria
without harming cells.
Ex. ______________________________
a. note: Antibiotics have no effect on __________________________
Objective 4:
1. Nonspecific defenses for the protection of the body include:
a._________________________ few pathogens can penetrate due to acidic environment produced
sweat glands.
b._________________________ in nose stops some bacteria and viruses.
2. The second lines of defense include:
a. _________________________response caused by damaged tissue. Blood vessels near the wound
expand and ___________________ blood cells leak from the vessels to enter the infected tissue and
destroy the bacteria.
b. An increase in white blood cells trigger the immune system to release chemicals that cause an
increase in _____________ temperature leading to a _______________________.
Objective 5:
1. If a pathogen is able to get past the body’s nonspecific defenses, the immune system reacts with a series
of specific defenses that attack the disease causing agent. These defenses are called the ________________
a. The substance that triggers this response is known as an _________________________.
b. Antigens can be ______________________, ________________________ or ______________
on the surface of the bacteria or virus.
c. Antibodies match the shape of the antigen. Antibodies are _______________ that either
_________________________ or _____________________to it for destruction by white blood cells.
d. Most antibodies and white blood cells that attack an invader break down, however some
specialized cells will ___________________. If a reinvasion occurs later in time, these antibodies
divide and multiply quickly to attack the invader. This leads to _______________________
immunity to that disease.
e. Weakened or dead pathogens when introduced into a body will cause the same type of
________________________ immunity because it causes antibodies to be formed.
We call these ________________________________.
Objective 6:
1. An overreaction of the immune system is known as an __________________________________.
a. Allergens such as _____________________,____________________ and ___________________
cause the immune system to respond and release a chemical called ________________________
which cause runny nose and eyes, sneezing and swelling.
b. People take __________________________________ to reduce the effects.
Objective 7:
1. Sometimes the immune system makes a mistake and ___________________________ the body’s own
cells and produces an ______________________________________ disease.
Ex. ____________________________________ and __________________________________________
Objective 8:
1. AIDS is a disease that weakens the _________________________________ system, making the body
more susceptible to diseases including pneumonia and skin cancers.
a. Transmission is primarily through _______________ contact and sharing _________________
drug needles.
Objective 9:
1. Cancer is uncontrolled ______________ division which leads to the formation of __________________.
2. If the cancer cells invade and destroy surrounding cells they are said to be _______________________.
3. The spread of cancerous tumors beyond their original site is called _____________________________.
4. Causes of cancer include: __________________________
c. ______________________________
Objective 10:
1. Cancer can be treated by: